1,451 research outputs found

    Presynchronizing PGF2α and GnRH injections before timed artificial insemination CO-Synch + CIDR program

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    Fixed-time artificial insemination is an effective management tool that reduces the labor associated with more conventional artificial insemination programs requiring detection of estrus. The 7-day CO-Synch + controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert protocol has been shown to effectively initiate estrus and ovulation in cycling and non-cycling suckled beef cows, producing pregnancy rates at or greater than 50% in beef cows. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) injection that begins the CO-Synch + CIDR program initiates ovulation in a large proportion of cows, particularly anestrous cows. The CIDR, which releases progesterone intravaginally, prevents short estrous cycles that usually follow the first postpartum ovulation in beef cows. Our hypothesis was that inducing estrus with a prostaglandin injection followed 3 days later with a GnRH injection, 7 days before applying the 7-day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol, might increase the percentage of cycling cows that would exhibit synchronous follicular waves after the onset of the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol. We also hypothesized that the additional GnRH injection would increase the percentage of anestrous cows that would ovulate, thereby increasing pregnancy outcomes

    Comprehensive molecular pharmacology screening reveals potential new receptor interactions for clinically relevant opioids

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    Most clinically used opioids are thought to induce analgesia through activation of the mu opioid receptor (MOR). However, disparities have been observed between the efficacy of opioids in activating the MOR in vitro and in inducing analgesia in vivo. In addition, some clinically used opioids do not produce cross-tolerance with each other, and desensitization produced in vitro does not match tolerance produced in vivo. These disparities suggest that some opioids could be acting through other targets in vivo, but this has not been comprehensively tested. We thus screened 9 clinically relevant opioids (buprenorphine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine, 0-desmethyl-tramadol, oxycodone, oxymorphone, tapentadol, tramadol) against 9 pain-related receptor targets (MOR, delta opioid receptor [DOR], kappa opioid receptor [KOR], nociceptin receptor [NOP], cannabinoid receptor type 1 [CB1], sigma-1 receptor [al R], and the monoamine transporters [NET/SERT/DAT]) expressed in cells using radioligand binding and functional activity assays. We found several novel interactions, including monoamine transporter activation by buprenorphine and al R binding by hydrocodone and tapentadol. Tail flick anti-nociception experiments with CD-1 mice demonstrated that the monoamine transporter inhibitor duloxetine selectively promoted buprenorphine anti-nociception while producing no effects by itself or in combination with the most MOR-selective drug oxymorphone, providing evidence that these novel interactions could be relevant in vivo. Our findings provide a comprehensive picture of the receptor interaction profiles of clinically relevant opioids, which has not previously been performed. Our findings also suggest novel receptor interactions for future investigation that could explain some of the disparities observed between opioid performance in vitro and in vivo.Depomed, Inc.; University of ArizonaOpen access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    The interaction of oxygen with small gold clusters

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    Presented in this work are the results of a quantum chemical study of oxygen adsorption on small Aun and Au−n (n=2,3) clusters. Density functional theory(DFT), second order perturbation theory (MP2), and singles and doubles coupled clustertheory with perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] methods have been used to determine the geometry and the binding energy of oxygen to Aun. The multireference character of the wave functions has been studied using the complete active space self-consistent field method. There is considerable disagreement between the oxygen binding energies provided by CCSD(T) calculations and those obtained with DFT. The disagreement is often qualitative, with DFT predicting strong bonds where CCSD(T) predicts no bonds or structures that are bonded but have energies that exceed those of the separated components. The CCSD(T) results are consistent with experimental measurements, while DFT calculations show, at best, a qualitative agreement. Finally, the lack of a regular pattern in the size and the sign of the errors [as compared to CCSD(T)] is a disappointing feature of the DFT results for the present system: it is not possible to give a simple rule for correcting the DFT predictions (e.g., a useful rule would be that DFT predicts stronger binding of O2 by about 0.3 eV). It is likely that the errors in DFT appear not because of gold, but because oxygen binding to a metal cluster is a particularly difficult problem.This work was supported by AFOSR through a DURINT grant

    The Gendered Construction of Interpersonal Power in Political Office

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    This study examines the use of interpersonal power by women in elected political positions.  Power relationships, access to power, and the way in which power is perceived and wielded, are heavily influenced by the individual’s gender schema. Gender schema, by nature of its social construction and reliance on individual cognition, is influenced by the power relationships that the individual engages in. At the hub of the schema’s attempt to evaluate and organize information are interaction and the reinforcing power that is achieved through social acceptance of the individual. The basis of interaction, then, becomes the gender appropriate use of power. The analyses of data test a single hypothesis: H1:  Female and male political leaders will differ in their uses of interpersonal power. Strong support is seen in the findings for the gendered construction of interpersonal power in political office. The differences between males and females identified in the findings indicate that females receive different information than males about the acceptability of their roles and that females both process information differently from males and employ different sources and levels of interpersonal power to achieve their goals. Males are more likely to rely on both coercion and expert power, while females are more likely to rely on connection power, the power of important relationships. This reliance on social network suggests a direct linkage between gender and the formation of interpersonal power

    Computerized Tailored Interventions to Enhance Prevention and Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Among People Who Inject Drugs: Protocol for a Randomized Pilot Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a growing problem among people who inject drugs. Strategies to reduce disease transmission (eg, syringe exchange programs) and facilitate HCV screening and linkage are available but are under-utilized in many communities affected by injection drug use. Novel approaches to increasing the use of these strategies are needed. OBJECTIVE: The goals of this project are to (1) develop and pilot test a computerized tailored intervention for increasing HCV screening and decreasing risky drug use behavior among people who inject drugs and (2) determine the feasibility of disseminating such an intervention using peer-based referrals in the setting of a community-based syringe exchange program. METHODS: This 2-arm, randomized pilot study is being conducted in a large-volume, multisite syringe exchange program in southern Wisconsin. A social network-based strategy was used to recruit a total of 235 adults who reported past-month injection of opioids, cocaine, or methamphetamine. Network recruiters were identified among clients requesting services from the syringe exchange program and were enlisted to refer eligible peers to the study. All participants completed a computer-adapted questionnaire eliciting information about risk behaviors and their knowledge, attitudes, and prior experiences related to HCV screening. Subjects were then randomly assigned to receive usual care, consisting of standard counseling by syringe exchange staff, or the Hep-Net intervention, which provides algorithm-based, real-time tailored feedback and recommendations for behavior change in the style of motivational interviewing. Changes in drug use behaviors and attitudes will be assessed during a second session between 90 and 180 days after the baseline visit. Frequency of repeat HCV testing and HCV incidence will be assessed through a database search 1 year after study completion. RESULTS: Recruitment for this study was completed in April 2015. Follow-up of enrolled participants is expected to continue until March 2016. Network recruiters were enrolled who referred a total of 195 eligible peers (overall N=235). At baseline, the median age was 34 years; 41.3% (97/235) were non-white; and 86.4% (203/235) reported predominantly injecting heroin. Most participants (161/234, 68.8%) reported sharing injection equipment in the past and of these, 30.4% (49/161) had never been tested for HCV. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide preliminary evidence to determine whether incorporating computerized behavioral interventions into existing prevention services at syringe exchange programs can lead to adoption of healthier behaviors. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02474043; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02474043 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6dbjUQG7J)

    Coordinated regulation of transcription by CcpA and the \u3ci\u3eStaphylococcus aureus\u3c/i\u3e twocomponent system HptRS

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    The success of Staphylococcus aureus as a pathogen is due in part to its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions using signal transduction pathways, such as metaboliteresponsive regulators and two-component systems. S. aureus has a two-component system encoded by the gene pair sav0224 (hptS) and sav0223 (hptR) that regulate the hexose phosphate transport (uhpT) system in response to extracellular glucose-6-phosphate. Glycolytic intermediates such as glucose-6-phosphate are important carbon sources that also modulate the activity of the global metabolite-responsive transcriptional regulator CcpA. Because uhpT has a putative CcpA binding site in its promoter and it is regulated by HptR, it was hypothesized the regulons of CcpA and HptR might intersect. To determine if the regulatory domains of CcpA and HptRS overlap, ccpA was deleted in strains SA564 and SA564- ΔhptRS and growth, metabolic, proteomic, and transcriptional differences were assessed. As expected, CcpA represses hptS and hptR in a glucose dependent manner; however, upon CcpA derepression, the HptRS system functions as a transcriptional activator of metabolic genes within the CcpA regulon. Importantly, inactivation of ccpA and hptRS altered sensitivity to fosfomycin and ampicillin in the absence of exogenous glucose-6-phosphate, indicating that both CcpA and HptRS modulate antibiotic susceptibility

    A picogram and nanometer scale photonic crystal opto-mechanical cavity

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    We describe the design, fabrication, and measurement of a cavity opto-mechanical system consisting of two nanobeams of silicon nitride in the near-field of each other, forming a so-called "zipper" cavity. A photonic crystal patterning is applied to the nanobeams to localize optical and mechanical energy to the same cubic-micron-scale volume. The picrogram-scale mass of the structure, along with the strong per-photon optical gradient force, results in a giant optical spring effect. In addition, a novel damping regime is explored in which the small heat capacity of the zipper cavity results in blue-detuned opto-mechanical damping.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Prospectus, April 20, 2005

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