272 research outputs found

    Microevolutionary distribution of isogenicity in a self-fertilizing fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) in the Florida Keys.

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    The mangrove rivulus Kryptolebias marmoratus and a closely related species are the world's only vertebrates that routinely self-fertilize. Such uniqueness presents a model for understanding why this reproductive mode, common in plants and invertebrates, is so rare in vertebrates. A survey of 32 highly polymorphic loci in >200 specimens of mangrove rivulus from multiple locales in the Florida Keys, USA, revealed extensive population-genetic structure on microspatial and micro-temporal scales. Observed heterozygosities were severely constrained, as expected for a hermaphroditic species with a mixed-mating system and low rates of outcrossing. Despite the pronounced population structure and the implied restrictions on effective gene flow, isogenicity (genetic identity across individuals) within and among local inbred populations was surprisingly low even after factoring out probable de novo mutations. Results indicate that neither frequent bottlenecks nor directional genetic adaptation to local environmental conditions were the primary driving forces impacting multilocus population-genetic architecture in this self-fertilizing vertebrate species. On the other hand, a high diversity of isogenic lineages within relatively small and isolated local populations is consistent with the action of diversifying selection driven by the extreme spatio-temporal environmental variability that is characteristic of mangrove habitats

    Dung Beetles Eat Acorns to Increase Their Ovarian Development and Thermal Tolerance

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    Animals eat different foods in proportions that yield a more favorable balance of nutrients. Despite known examples of these behaviors across different taxa, their ecological and physiological benefits remain unclear. We identified a surprising dietary shift that confers ecophysiological advantages in a dung beetle species. Thorectes lusitanicus, a Mediterranean ecosystem species adapted to eat semi-dry and dry dung (dung-fiber consumers) is also actively attracted to oak acorns, consuming and burying them. Acorn consumption appears to confer potential advantages over beetles that do not eat acorns: acorn-fed beetles showed important improvements in the fat body mass, hemolymph composition, and ovary development. During the reproductive period (October-December) beetles incorporating acorns into their diets should have greatly improved resistance to low-temperature conditions and improved ovarian development. In addition to enhancing the understanding of the relevance of dietary plasticity to the evolutionary biology of dung beetles, these results open the way to a more general understanding of the ecophysiological implications of differential dietary selection on the ecology and biogeography of these insects

    Choice consequences: salinity preferences and hatchling survival in the mangrove rivulus (Kryptolebias marmoratus).

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    In heterogeneous environments, mobile species should occupy habitats in which their fitness is maximized. Mangrove rivulus fish inhabit mangrove ecosystems where salinities range from 0 to 65 ppt, but are most often collected from areas with salinities of ∼25 ppt. We examined the salinity preference of mangrove rivulus in a lateral salinity gradient, in the absence of predators and competitors. Fish could swim freely for 8 h throughout the gradient with chambers containing salinities ranging from 5 to 45 ppt (or 25 ppt throughout in the control). We defined preference as the salinity in which the fish spent most of their time, and also measured preference strength, latency to begin exploring the arena, and number of transitions between chambers. To determine whether these traits were repeatable, each fish experienced three trials. Mangrove rivulus spent a greater proportion of time in salinities lower (5-15 ppt) than they occupy in the wild. Significant among-individual variation in the (multivariate) behavioral phenotype emerged when animals experienced the gradient, indicating strong potential for selection to drive behavioral evolution in areas with diverse salinity microhabitats. We also showed that mangrove rivulus had a significantly greater probability of laying eggs in low salinities compared with control or high salinities. Eggs laid in lower salinities also had higher hatching success compared with those laid in higher salinities. Thus, although mangrove rivulus can tolerate a wide range of salinities, they prefer low salinities. These results raise questions about factors that prevent mangrove rivulus from occupying lower salinities in the wild, whether higher salinities impose energetic costs, and whether fitness changes as a function of salinity

    Genetic Subdivision and Variation in Selfing Rates Among Central American Populations of the Mangrove Rivulus, Kryptolebias marmoratus.

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    We used 32 polymorphic microsatellite loci to investigate how a mixed-mating system affects population genetic structure in Central American populations (N = 243 individuals) of the killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus (mangrove rivulus), 1 of 2 of the world's only known self-fertilizing vertebrates. Results were also compared with previous microsatellite surveys of Floridian populations of this species. For several populations in Belize and Honduras, population structure and genetic differentiation were pronounced and higher than in Florida, even though the opposite trend was expected because populations in the latter region were presumably smaller and highly selfing. The deduced frequency of selfing (s) ranged from s = 0.39-0.99 across geographic locales in Central America. This heterogeneity in selfing rates was in stark contrast to Florida, where s > 0.9. The frequency of outcrossing in a population (t = 1 - s) was tenuously correlated with local frequencies of males, suggesting that males are one of many factors influencing outcrossing. Observed distributions of individual heterozygosity showed good agreement with expected distributions under an equilibrium mixed-mating model, indicating that rates of selfing remained relatively constant over many generations. Overall, our results demonstrate the profound consequences of a mixed-mating system for the genetic architecture of a hermaphroditic vertebrate

    Out to sea: ocean currents and patterns of asymmetric gene flow in an intertidal fish species

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    Passive dispersal via wind or ocean currents can drive asymmetric gene flow, which influences patterns of genetic variation and the capacity of populations to evolve in response to environmental change. The mangrove rivulus fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus), hereafter “rivulus,” is an intertidal fish species restricted to the highly fragmented New World mangrove forests of Central America, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and Florida. Mangrove patches are biological islands with dramatic differences in both abiotic and biotic conditions compared to adjacent habitat. Over 1,000 individual rivulus across 17 populations throughout its range were genotyped at 32 highly polymorphic microsatellites. Range-wide population genetic structure was evaluated with five complementary approaches that found eight distinct population clusters. However, an analysis of molecular variance indicated significant population genetic structure among regions, populations within regions, sampling locations within populations, and individuals within sampling locations, indicating that rivulus has both broad- and fine-scale genetic differentiation. Integrating range-wide genetic data with biophysical modeling based on 10 years of ocean current data showed that ocean currents and the distance between populations over water drive gene flow patterns on broad scales. Directional migration estimates suggested some significant asymmetries in gene flow that also were mediated by ocean currents and distance. Specifically, populations in the center of the range (Florida Keys) were identified as sinks that received migrants (and alleles) from other populations but failed to export individuals. These populations thus harbor genetic variation, perhaps even from extirpated populations across the range, but ocean currents and complex arrangements of landmasses might prevent the distribution of that genetic variation elsewhere. Hence, the inherent asymmetry of ocean currents shown to impact both genetic differentiation and directional migration rates may be responsible for the complex distribution of genetic variation across the range and observed patterns of metapopulation structure

    How integrated are behavioral and endocrine stress response traits?:A repeated measures approach to testing the stress-coping style model

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    It is widely expected that physiological and behavioral stress responses will be integrated within divergent stress-coping styles (SCS) and that these may represent opposite ends of a continuously varying reactive-proactive axis. If such a model is valid, then stress response traits should be repeatable and physiological and behavioral responses should also change in an integrated manner along a major axis of among-individual variation. While there is some evidence of association between endocrine and behavioral stress response traits, few studies incorporate repeated observations of both. To test this model, we use a multivariate, repeated measures approach in a captive-bred population of Xiphophorus birchmanni. We quantify among-individual variation in behavioral stress response to an open field trial (OFT) with simulated predator attack (SPA) and measure waterborne steroid hormone levels (cortisol, 11-ketotestosterone) before and after exposure. Under the mild stress stimulus (OFT), (multivariate) behavioral variation among individuals was consistent with a strong axis of personality (shy-bold) or coping style (reactive-proactive) variation. However, behavioral responses to a moderate stressor (SPA) were less repeatable, and robust statistical support for repeatable endocrine state over the full sampling period was limited to 11-ketotestosterone. Although post hoc analysis suggested cortisol expression was repeatable over short time periods, qualitative relationships between behavior and glucocorticoid levels were counter to our a priori expectations. Thus, while our results clearly show among-individual differences in behavioral and endocrine traits associated with stress response, the correlation structure between these is not consistent with a simple proactive-reactive axis of integrated stress-coping style. Additionally, the low repeatability of cortisol suggests caution is warranted if single observations (or indeed repeat measures over short sampling periods) of glucocorticoid traits are used in ecological or evolutionary studies focussed at the individual level.EPSRC; BBSRC; NERC; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/L022656/1, BB/G022976/2, BB/M025799/1]; Natural Environment Research Council [NE/I020245/1]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio