24 research outputs found

    The Spatial-Kinematic Structure of the Region of Massive Star Formation S255N on Various Scales

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    The results of a detailed analysis of SMA, VLA, and IRAM observations of the region of massive star formation S255N in CO(2---1), \nh, \nhh, \co and some other lines is presented. Combining interferometer and single-dish data has enabled a more detailed investigation of the gas kinematics in the moleclar core on various spatial scales. There are no signs of rotation or isotropic compression on the scale of the region as whole. The largest fragments of gas (\approx0.3 pc) are located near the boundary of the regions of ionized hydrogen S255 and S257. Some smaller-scale fragments are associated with protostellar clumps. The kinetic temperatures of these fragments lie in the range 10---80 K. A circumstellar torus with inner radius Rin_{in} \approx 8000 AU and outer radius Rout_{out} 12 000 AU has been detected around the clump SMA1. The rotation profile indicates the existence of a central object with mass \approx 8.5/ sin 2 (i) M_\odot . SMA1 is resolved into two clumps, SMA1---NE and SMA1---SE, whose temperatures are \approx150 K and \approx25 K, respectively. To all appearances, the torus is involved in the accretion of surrounding gas onto the two protostellar clumps

    Effect of Cr spacer on structural and magnetic properties of Fe/Gd multilayers

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    In this work we analyse the role of a thin Cr spacer between Fe and Gd layers on structure and magnetic properties of a [Fe(35A)/Cr(tCr)/Gd(50A)/Cr(tCr)]x12 superlattice. Samples without the Cr spacer (tCr=0) and with a thin tCr=4A are investigated using X-ray diffraction, polarized neutron and resonance X-ray magnetic reflectometry, SQUID magnetometery, magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagnetic resonance techniques. Magnetic properties are studied experimentally in a wide temperature range 4-300K and analysed theoretically using numerical simulation on the basis of the mean-field model. We show that a reasonable agreement with the experimental data can be obtained considering temperature dependence of the effective field parameter in gadolinium layers. The analysis of the experimental data shows that besides a strong reduction of the antiferromagnetic coupling between Fe and Gd, the introduction of Cr spacers into Fe/Gd superlattice leads to modification of both structural and magnetic characteristics of the ferromagnetic layers

    Magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance in a Fe/Gd multilayer: Experiment and modelling

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    Static and dynamic magnetic properties of a [Fe(35 Å<rf)/Gd(50 Å)]12 superlattice are investigated experimentally in the temperature range 5-295 K using SQUID magnetometery and the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique at frequencies 7-38 GHz. The obtained magnetization curves and FMR spectra are analysed theoretically using numerical simulation on the basis of the effective field model. At every given temperature, both static and resonance experimental data can be approximated well within the proposed model. However, a considerable temperature dependence of the effective field parameter in gadolinium layers has to be taken into account to achieve reasonable agreement with the experimental data in the entire temperature range studied. To describe the peculiarities of experimental FMR spectra, a non-local diffusion-type absorption term in Landau-Lifshitz equations is considered in addition to the Gilbert damping term. Possible reasons for the observed effects are discussed. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Ant-aphid relations in Costa Rica, Central America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    We present the first catalogue of ant-aphid associations (Hymenoptera: Formicidae / Hemiptera: Aphididae) of Costa Rica. 29 species of ants and 18 species of aphids establish 48 relationships. Those interactions seem not to be rare in Costa Rica

    Remote control of the work of volunteers of the faculty of medicine and prevention of the Federal State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation in the fight against COVID-19 in the Sverdlovsk region

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    The paper presents an analysis of the work of students-volunteers of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention in organizations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Sverdlovsk region for the period from March 28, 2020 to March 20, 2021В работе представлен анализ работы студентов-волонтеров медико-профилактического факультета в организациях Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека в Свердловской области за период с 28 марта 2020 года по 20 марта 2021 года

    Combination approach to diagnosis and treatment of an elderly patient with chronic Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm and concomitant surgical pathology. Clinical observation

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    Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (CMPN), Ph-negative, are of clonal nature, develop on the level of hematopoietic stem cell and are characterized by proliferation of one or more hematopoietic pathways. Currently, the group of Ph-negative CMPN includes essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, myeloproliferative neoplasm unclassifiable.Identification of mutations in the Jak2 (V617F), CALR, and MPL genes extended understanding of biological features of Ph-negative CMPN and improved differential diagnosis of myeloid neoplasms. Nonetheless, clinical practice still encounters difficulties in clear separation between such disorders as primary myelofibrosis, early-stage and transformation of essential thrombocythemia into myelofibrosis with high thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis is one of the main risk factors for thromboembolic complications, especially in elderly people.A clinical case of an elderly patient with fracture of the left femur developed in the context of Ph-negative CMPN (myelofibrosis) with high level of thrombocytosis is presented which in combination with enforced long-term immobilization and presence of additional risk created danger of thrombosis and hemorrhage during surgery and in the postoperative period

    Studying the time of the reaction in mice to thermal irritation against pharmacologically active composition

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    The article presents the results of an experiment in which studied the effect of the pharmaceutical active composition (EL-4-58d), containing 10% sulfur, kremniytsinkborsoderzhaschy glitserogidrogel 2Si (C3H7O3) 4 * Zn (C3H6O3) * 2HB (C3H6O3) 2 * 15C3H8O3 * 116H2O - else up to 100%, of the reaction time of mice with thermal irritation, as well as a possible local irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes of Chinchilla rabbits.В статье представлены результаты эксперимента, в ходе которого исследовалось влияние фармакологически активной композиции (EL4-58d), содержащей серу 10%, кремнийцинкборсодержащий глицерогидрогель 2Si(C3H7O3)4*Zn(C3H6O3)*2HB(C3H6O3)2*15C3H8O3*116H2O – остальное до 100%, на время реакции мышей при термическом раздражение, а также возможное местнораздражающее действие на кожные покровы и слизистую глаз кроликов породы «Шиншилла»

    Peculiarities of epidemiological process incidence of measles in MO Ekaterinburg and the general incidence of measles in Russia

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    The article considers the chronology of measles outbreaks in the city of Yekaterinburg against the background of indicators in the Russian Federation over the past 19 years, in order to draw attention to the importance of timely prevention of the disease.В статье рассмотрена хронология вспышек заболеваемости корью в МО город Екатеринбург на фоне показателей в РФ за последние 19 лет, с целью привлечения внимания к важности своевременной профилактики заболевания

    Epidemiological and clinical features of lymphoproliferative diseases in the head and neck region

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    Background. Lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of the lymphoid and hematopoietic system tumors. Neoplastic process often develops in head and neck area, including the integumentary tissues, orbit, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, salivary glands, thyroid gland, as well as neck lymph nodes. The difficulties of head and neck lymphomas diagnosis are significant, since very often there is a combined non-tumor pathology. The high heterogeneity of lymphomas in the head and neck area requires structuring knowledge about their epidemiology and clinical manifestations.Objective: to study the epidemiological and clinical features of the head and neck lymphoproliferative diseases, which will lead to an improvement in diagnostic quality of this nosology's.Materials and methods. The frequency of head and neck lymphoproliferative diseases detection was estimated based on the study of epicrisis and clinical data of 174 patients hospitalized at the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology in the period from 2000 to 2020.Results. Taking into account the modern clinical and morphological classification of lymphomas of the World Health Organization (2017), information about the features of localization, characteristic signs of extranodal foci and lymph nodes is presented. Detection frequency of various subtypes non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphomas were determined on a sufficient cohort of patients.Conclusion. Based on the analysis of clinical and morphological features of head and neck lymphomas, epidemiological and clinical features are described in detail, and differences in the symptoms and clinical manifestations of non-Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's lymphomas with a predominant head and neck involvement are revealed


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    Objective: to study the prognostic significance of the expression of cancer-testis (CT) genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and their influence on overall survival and relapse rate. To determine their effect on suсh clinical parameters as levels of lactate dehydrogenase, leucocytes, hemoglobin, calcium, albumen, creatinine, beta-2-microglobulin.Materials and methods. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed on complementary DNA obtained from bone marrow of 77 patients with MM. The statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 10.0 software package. To estimate prognostic values of the CT gene expression data were analyzed by the Kaplan – Meier method.Results. The study was conducted to determine the level of expression of CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in a group of patients with MM. The group included primary and receiving cancer treatment in MM patients. According to the log-rank criterion expression of any of the CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 exerts a significant influence on overall survival and progression-free survival/relapse. It was also determined that providing expression of some CT genes, the levels of creatinine, calcium, beta-2-microglobulin were much higher to compare with patients without expression.Цель исследования – изучить прогностическое значение экспрессии раково-тестикулярных генов (РТГ) PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 у больных множественной миеломой (ММ) и их влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и скорость возникновения рецидивов, определить их влияние на такие клинические показатели, как уровни лактатдегидрогеназы, лейкоцитов, гемоглобина, кальция, альбумина, креатинина и бета-2-микроглобулина.Материалы и методы. Количественную полимеразную цепную реакцию в реальном времени проводили на комплементарной ДНК, полученной из образцов костного мозга 77 больных с установленным диагнозом ММ. Статистический анализ выполняли с помощью программного пакета Statistica 10.0. Для построения кривых общей выживаемости использовали метод Каплана–Майера.Результаты. Проведено исследование для определения уровня экспрессии РТГ PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 в группе больных ММ. В группу вошли как первичные пациенты, так и получающие лекарственную противоопухолевую терапию при ММ. Согласно log-rank-тесту существенное влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и выживаемости без прогрессирования/рецидива заболевания оказывает экспрессия любого из РТГ NY-ESO1, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX11, PASD1. Также определено, что при экспрессии некоторых РТГ уровни креатинина, кальция и бета-2-микроглобулина были на порядок выше, чем у больных без экспрессии