21 research outputs found

    Alternative Fuels Utilization in Car Industry

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    Import 23/07/2015RYŠAVÝ, J. Využití alternativních paliv v automobilovém průmyslu, Ostrava: katedra energetiky, Fakulta strojní, VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2015. Bakalářská práce, vedoucí Ing. Radim Janalík, CSc. Bakalářská práce obsahuje komplexní informace o nejrozšířenějších alternativních palivech používaných ve světě. Je zde zahrnut proces těžby či výroby alternativních paliv, jejich dopad na životní prostředí, historie využívání, možnosti transportu od zdroje, až do automobilu a aktuální situace rozšíření čerpacích, plnicích či dobíjecích stanic v České republice a světě. Dále jsou zde shrnuty celkové vlastnosti, a také výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých alternativních paliv.RYŠAVÝ, J. Alternative Fuels Utilization in Car Industry, Ostrava: Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2015. Bachelor essay, head Ing. Radim Janalík, CSc. Bechelor essay contains comprehensive information of the most widely used alternative fuels in the world. There is incorporated process of extraction or production alternative fuels, their impact on the environment, usage history, possibilities of transport from the source to the automobile and extension of the current situation of pumping, filling and recharging stations in the Czech Republic and in the world. There are also summarizes of the overall properties, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative fuel.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    Design of Low-Emission Burner for Wood Pellets Combustion

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    Import 23/08/2017RYŠAVÝ, J. Návrh nízkoemisního hořáku spalující dřevní pelety, Ostrava: katedra energetiky, Fakulta strojní, VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2017. Bakalářská práce, vedoucí Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D. Diplomová práce obsahuje komplexní informace o dřevních peletách jako palivu. Dále zahrnuje popis základních typů spalovacích zařízení malých výkonů, včetně podrobného popisu všech částí kotle s automatickým podáváním paliva. Součástí práce je přehled platné legislativy pro spalovací zařízení malých výkonů v České republice a v Evropě, především v Německu a Rakousku. Cílem práce je návrh nového hořáku na bílé dřevní pelety, který bude vyroben a podroben zkouškám, které umožní porovnání s platnou legislativou. Přínos shledávám v popisu konstrukce částí hořáku s důrazem na důležité prvky a následně v implementaci těchto poznatků do úplně nového typu hořáku. Autor se podílí na kompletním tvarovém návrhu hořáku, dále sám zpracuje technickou dokumentaci, která poslouží k výrobě hořáku. Dále se bude podílet na implementaci hořáku do kotle a na spalovacích zkouškách hořáku, na základě kterých pak provede vyhodnocení.RYŠAVÝ, J. Design of Low-Emission Burner for Wood Pellets Combustion, Ostrava: Department of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2017. Bachelor essay, head Ing. Jiří Horák, Ph.D. Bechelor essay contains comprehensive information about wooden pellets as a fuel. Further includes description of basic types of combustion devices with small performances inclusive detail description of all parts of boiler with automatic feed of fuel. There is a part about currently valid legislation for combustion devices with small performances in Czech republic and in Europe, especially in Germany and Austria. Target of this thesis is design of new burner incinerating white wooden pellets, which will be manufactured and tests which allow compare with currently valid legislation. I find the benefit in describing the design of parts of the burner with an emphasis on important elements and subsequently in the implementation of this knowledge into a completely new type of burner. The author is involved in a complete form-fitting design of the burner, then himself draw up technical documentation which will be used to manufacture burner. Further, he will contribute on the implementation of the burner in the boiler and on the combustion test, which will be base for final evaluate.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn

    The co-combustion of pellets with pistachio shells in residential units additionally equipped by Pt-based catalyst

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    There are several published studies evaluating the possibilities of thermal and non-thermal utilization of pistachio hard shells in many technical sectors; however, there are no relevant data about the possibilities of usage of this homogenous biomass-based by-product as a fuel for automatic household heating appliances for partial or full substitution of standard ENplus A1 pellets, which is the aim of the presented study. The composition and basic properties of both fuels were compared as well as the flue gas composition formed during the 6 different fuel mixture combustion in two real-scale pellet burners. The mass concentration of observed pollutants (CO, total suspended particles, and C3H8) in the flue gas was strongly affected by increasing of pistachio shell mass fraction in the fuel mixture (from 10 to 100%). In comparison to the combustion of ENplus A1 pellets, CO was increased up to 25.9 times, total suspended particles up to 15.3 times, and C3H8 up to 13.7 times. Based on the results of real combustion tests, the equations were listed, describing the increase of the mass concentration of pollutants for the whole spectrum of pellets/pistachio shell ratios applied on the chosen designs of the pellet burners. The Pt-based oxidation honeycomb catalyst, additionally installed at the combustion unit outlets for flue gas purification, showed conversion rates up to 82.2% in the case of CO and up to 33.1% in the case of C3H8. This enables the reaching of the same or lower mass concentrations of mentioned pollutants in the flue gas, formed during the co-combustion of appropriately selected fuel ratios in comparison to ENplus A1 pellet combustion without the catalyst.Web of Scienc

    Influence of fuel mixture and catalyst on the ethanol burner flue gas composition

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    The aim of this study is to determine the influences of chosen primary (mixing of standard recommended fuel with additives) and secondary (oxidation catalyst) measures on the composition of flue gas, produced by combustion of liquid fuels in a standard ethanol burner. The total amount of emitted NO x was decreased by 63%, after replacing the fuel by pure methanol, while the total amount of emitted CO was the lowest during pure ethanol usage. The implementation of chosen catalyst significantly affected the total amount of emitted CO with high conversion rates (82%-90%). The amount of emitted water vapour was increased by 0%-25% (per 1 kWh of released energy) when additives were used. Overall, applying the mentioned measures together proved to be very beneficial from the total amount of emitted CO and NOx point of view.Web of Science887987

    Coagulation contributing to electrostatic precipitation of ultrafine fly ash from small-scale biomass combustions

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    An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is an efficient device for removing fly ash from small-scale solid-fuel com-bustion. Under corona discharge, a gaseous medium becomes ionised, and particles become charged by colliding with ions. An electric field forces the movement of charged particles to remove gases and induces the movement of generated ions, causing secondary electrohydrodynamic flow. Thus, particle charge, the presence of neigh-bouring particles, an ESP electric field, and gas flow turbulence can enhance particle coagulation. Therefore, the ultrafine particle concentration in an ESP is expected to evolve under electrostatic removal and enhanced coagulation. In the present study, the contribution of coagulation is explored and confirmed using experimental measurements performed on an ESP used to control emissions from a 160-kW boiler with biomass combustion. The ESP was operated under several modes to obtain different coagulation conditions. Changes in particle concentrations were measured simultaneously using two techniques. It was found that coagulation could be responsible for up to 5% of the total removal efficiency, depending on the ESP operation parameters. The present study can promote a deeper understanding of the processes involved in electrostatic precipitation, and the ob-tained results can be useful for practical ESP engineering.Web of Science16art. no. 10066

    Heat energy accumulation construction for bioethanol burner

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    Commonly sold bioethanol fireplaces can represent significant heat source, however due to their intermittent operation the heat energy output is strongly uneven. The aim of this study was to determine the possibilities of heat energy accumulation by individually built ethanol fireplace intended for commonly sold ethanol burner installation. For the measurements of heat energy output, long term tests of the individually built ethanol fireplace with 1, 2 and 3 consecutive combustion periods in a unique calorific room were performed. Accumulation ethanol fireplace has proven high ratio between accumulated heat energy after the ethanol burner last burn-out reaching from 21.4 to 48.4% according to the number of consecutive fuel doses. By usage of the described ethanol fireplace the time of heat energy releasing was increased from approximately 1.15, 2.35 and 3.55 h in case of ethanol burner usage in a non-accumulation fireplace for 1, 2 and 3 fuel doses to 6.5, 11 and 15 h in case of accumulation ethanol fireplace usage. This was also strongly connected with average heat output ranging between 2.54 to 2.47 kW in the case of ethanol burner usage in a non-accumulation ethanol fireplace and 0.38 to 0.59 kW in the case of accumulation ethanol fireplace usage.Web of Science911410

    Specifics of electrostatic precipitation of fly ash from small-scale fossil fuel combustion

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    This paper investigates the removal efficiency of a honeycomb electrostatic precipitator (ESP) applied to control particulate matter (PM) emissions from a small-scale boiler with combustion lignite and hard coal. The specifics of the precipitation of emissions from small-scale boilers are discussed, and the design principles for relevant ESPs are presented and used. The ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid occurred, causing the drastic penetration of 19 nm particles through the ESP. Despite this, the overall collection efficiency was sufficient to meet the EU’s Ecodesign Directive requirements. Back corona was not detected. The optimal ESP performance is defined with further parameters: a current density of 0.5 mA/m2 at an electric field strength of about 2.7 × 105 V/m; a minimal specific collecting area of ESP (SCA) of 60 m2/(m3/s); and Nt-product of 4.5 × 1014 s/m3 . Such parameters of ESPs should ensure adequate PM emissions control for any type of boiler with similar emissions characteristics. The composition of collected fly ash particles was analysed, and a method for fly ash utilisation was proposed. This research may be helpful for designing ESPs to control PM emissions for small-scale units with fossil fuel combustion.Web of Science113art. no. 80

    Long-term neutralization of acidic condensate from gas condensing boilers

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    The pH of wastewater needs to remain between 6 and 9 to protect water organisms. Condensates from a gas condensing boiler have a pH value of about 3. An optimal way to neutralize the acid condensate is to use cheap material such as dolomite. An old-style neutralization box (NB) was tested with a standard faction of dolomite. However, it did not sufficiently neutralize the condensate. Therefore, several tests were performed involving changes to the construction of the neutralization box, a finer fraction of dolomite and aerating the condensate in the neutralization box. In summary, a new NB technology with partitions, a finer fraction of dolomite and condensate aeration proved sufficient in the neutralization of the pH of the condensate in the short and long terms. It depends on what material the heat exchanger is made of in the condensing boiler. The aluminum content reduces the effectiveness of dolomite in the long run, so aerating the condensate in the NB is recommended, which leads to its more effective neutralization.Web of Science1422art. no. 1501

    System for mass concentrations reduction of pollutants in local heating case

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    Katalyzátory jako sekundární opatření pro snížení hmotnostních koncentrací znečišťujících látek vzniklých nedokonalým spálením pevného paliva jsou obecně známé, avšak v oblasti spalovacích stacionárních zdrojů určených pro vytápění domácností spalováním biomasy se doposud jedná o velmi málo využívající technologii. Zároveň doposud neexistuje souhrnná publikace zaměřená na tuto problematiku z různých úhlů pohledu důležitých jak pro vědeckou komunitu, tak pro jejich širší aplikaci v praxi. Teoretická část disertační práce je zaměřena na popis katalyzátorů jako takových, shrnutí nejdůležitějších faktorů ovlivňujících katalytickou reakci a způsoby deaktivace katalyzátorů. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na porozumění doposud publikovaných studií zahraničních autorů, dříve se zabývajících touto problematikou, především v souvislosti se spalovacími stacionárními zdroji určenými pro vytápění domácností, čehož bylo dále využito v praktické části disertační práce. Praktická část disertační práce je strukturovaná do jednotlivých kapitol dle zvolených cílů práce. Detailně byl popsán postup výroby vlastního katalyzátoru a tři inovativní katalyzátory navržené a vyrobené ve spolupráci se společností Whitebeam byly otestovány v reálném provozu. Bylo provedeno porovnání různých metodik pro charakterizaci katalyzátorů, přičemž byla navržena vlastní metodika s inovativním přístupem eliminujícím vliv nestabilního provozu reálných spalovacích stacionárních zdrojů. Tato metodika je reprodukovatelná a široce aplikovatelná s hlavním cílem jejich jednoduššího porovnání pro efektivnější využití katalyzátorů v inženýrské praxi. Bylo navrženo, zkonstruováno a otestováno zařízení umožňující tuto metodiku aplikovat. Vybrané katalyzátory byly podrobeny dílčím zkouškám zaměřeným na provoz v prostředí spalin vzniklých spalováním alternativního paliva na bázi biomasy a zkouškám zaměřeným na bezpečný provoz katalyzátorů v prostředí reálných spalin. Práce rovněž popisuje dříve nepopsaný způsob aplikace katalyzátorů jako snižování hmotnostních koncentrací některých znečišťujících látek ve spalinách vznikajících při provozu z tzv. biolihových krbů.Catalytic converters as a secondary measure to reduce the mass concentrations of pollutants produced by imperfect combustion of solid fuel are well known, however in the field of stationary combustion sources for domestic heating by biomass combustion, this is still a very little used technology. Simultaneously, a comprehensive publication focusing on this issue from different perspectives relevant to both the scientific community and their wider application in practice is missing. The theoretical part of the dissertation thesis is focused on the description of catalysts, the summary of the most important factors influencing the catalytic reaction and the methods of catalyst deactivation. Particular emphasis is aimed at the understanding of previously published studies by foreign authors previously dealing with this topic, especially in the context of stationary combustion sources intended for domestic heating, which was further used in the practical part of the dissertation. The practical part of the dissertation thesis is structured into individual chapters according to the chosen objectives of the dissertation. The process of manufacturing of own catalyst was described in detail and three innovative catalysts designed and manufactured in cooperation with Whitebeam were tested in real operation. A comparison of different methodologies for catalyst characterisation was made, and a proprietary methodology was designed with an innovative approach to eliminating the influence of unstable operation of real combustion stationary sources. This methodology is reproducible and widely applicable with the main objective of making them easier to compare for more effective use of catalysts in engineering practice. An innovative device has been designed and tested to enable this methodology to be applied. The selected catalysts were subjected to partial tests focused on operation in the real flue gas environment resulting from the combustion of biomass-based alternative fuel and tests focused on the safety of operation of the catalysts in a real flue gas environment. The work also describes a previously undescribed application of catalysts as a measure for the reduction of mass concentrations of some pollutants in the flue gases produced during the operation of so-called biolethanol fireplaces.9340 - Výzkumné energetické centrumvyhově