14,682 research outputs found

    In a field of party walls: Drawing Shanghai's Lilong

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    Reconciliation through Description: Using Metadata to Realize the Vision of the National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

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    PostprintThis articlewill discuss the history and context surrounding the document collection and statement gathering mandates of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the challenges the newly established National Research Centre for Truth and Reconciliation will face in applying the Commission’s metadata set in the realization of its vision. By working respectfully with Indigenous people through the implementation of Indigenous knowledge best practices and the application of contrasting traditional/nontraditional, archival/user-generated, and institutional/Indigenous descriptive elements, the Centre will attempt to create a “living archive” and facilitate Indigenous participation, collaboration, and ultimately, the process of reconciliation.https://www-tandfonline-com.uwinnipeg.idm.oclc.org/doi/full/10.1080/01639374.2015.100871

    Communication framework to support more effective onsite construction monitoring

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    The UK construction industry has recently witnessed an increasing demand for cost-reduction strategies due to the strict government regulations on BIM implementation. This adoption will certainly lead to a continuous work improvement, better project delivery and communication. Although the UK government has set a target of 15–20% saving on the costs of capital projects by the full implementation of BIM level 2 in 2016, this figure is unlikely to be met since the majority of construction companies are still spending approximately £20 billion per year on rebuilding and repairing the construction defects caused by miscommunication. This research addresses the problem of communication using traditional methods (i.e. communication through paper-based documents and drawings) and its impact during the construction phase in relation to clash detection. Next, we will present a communication framework using advanced visualisation technique such as augmen ted reality (AR) combined with a BIM model with an easy access to the IFC f ile on site for a compliance checking between the BIM model and the actual co nstruction site. Subsequently, site inspection can be performed more efficiently, and with more reliability. Furthermore, early warning on future occu rring clashes can be given. To reach our objectives, the research has been designed using real case scenario, following two phases of implementation. The first phase include the communication study and consists of determining users requiring a ssistance with regard to site monitoring and inspection, whereas the second, built on the results of the first phase to specify and implement the mobile AR syste

    Mechanistic studies of anti-hyperpigmentary compounds: elucidating their inhibitory and regulatory actions.

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    Searching for depigmenting agents from natural sources has become a new direction in the cosmetic industry as natural products are generally perceived as relatively safer. In our previous study, selected Chinese medicines traditionally used to treat hyperpigmentation were tested for anti-hyperpigmentary effects using a melan-a cell culture model. Among the tested chemical compounds, 4-ethylresorcinol, 4-ethylphenol and 1-tetradecanol were found to possess hypopigmentary effects. Western blot analysis, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) assay, protein kinase A (PKA) activity assay, tyrosinase inhibition assay and lipid peroxidation inhibition assay were performed to reveal the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of the hypopigmentary effects. 4-Ethylresorcinol and 4-ethylphenol attenuated mRNA and protein expression of tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-2, and possessed antioxidative effect by inhibiting lipid peroxidation. 1-Tetradecanol was able to attenuate protein expression of tyrosinase. The hypopigmentary actions of 4-ethylresorcinol, 4-ethylphenol and 1-tetradecanol were associated with regulating downstream proteins along the PKA pathway. 4-Ethylresorcinol was more effective in inhibiting melanin synthesis when compared to 4-ethylphenol and 1-tetradecanol

    Euro Area Enlargement and Euro Adoption Strategies

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    The paper discusses the risks and challenges faced by the new members on the road to the euro and the strategies for and timing of euro adoption. We investigate the real-nominal convergence nexus from the perspective of euro area entry. We argue that the initial level of economic development as measured by per capita income and the speed of real convergence have a bearing on the strategies to follow and on the timing of entry into euro area. This is because the lower is the per capita income, the larger is the price level gap to close and the greater is the danger of credit booms and overheating. We argue that inflation targeting with floating rates is better suited than hard pegs to manage the price level catching-up process. We suggest a modification in the Maastricht inflation criterion which as currently defined has lost its economic logic.euro area enlargement, convergence, exchange rate, inflation, Maastricht

    Scattering Microscopy in Microfluidic Channels using an External Cavity Diode Laser

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    A proof of concept system for the use of an external cavity diode laser in microscopy-based measurements of scattering particles within a microfluidic channel was demonstrated. Both a highly reflective mirror of reflectivity R = 98% and a blazed reflective diffraction grating of average efficiency 60% were used to form two variations of the external cavity. Varying concentrations of an ethylene glycol based titanium oxide nanofluid were pumped with a syringe pump through a 1”l flow cell at a rate of 0.005±0.001ml per minute. Compared to a control of the system without an extended cavity, the system with the mirror demonstrated a higher performing concentration/intensity relationship, verified with a Z-value statistic test to above a 5σ confidence level compared with the control. This allows for higher precision determination of scatterer concentration, along with potentially a higher dynamic range. The blazed diffraction grating was demonstrated to have less of a benefit than the highly reflective mirror, though still demonstrated potential use cases with a higher dynamic range than the control. Exponential fits were found using χ2 linear regression fitting, although due to reduced χ2 ≈ 350, it is assumed there is an underestimation in the error of titanium oxide concentration. These results suggest that an external cavity diode laser may be an improvement compared to a standard diode laser as a way of measuring concentration of light-scattering particles, such as droplets in focused flow droplet microfluidics. Inline low concentration scatterer measuring techniques were described, with attempts being inconclusive due to CCD software limitations

    Ethnographic Narrative Project

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    This ethnography seeks to describe my evolution as a teacher. It begins with my background, past experiences (both in the classroom and outside of it), and initial personal motivation for becoming a teacher. As I began teaching in my classroom this year, I detail my experiences with three Focus Students (all names in this ethnography have been changed to protect their identities) with whom I forged relationships. I include portions of interviews I have conducted with them and their families, as well as demographic analyses of the communities in which they live. I describe my school community, incorporating information gleaned from staff interviews and personal research. I conclude with an audio podcast describing the ways in which I have changed as an educator, and the areas in which I will continue to seek personal development


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    Safry, Studi kelebihan muatan kendaraan ( overload ) terhadap penurunan umur rencana jalan pada ruas jalan Samarinda Balikpapan, di bawah bimbingan Rosa Agustaniah, ST., M.T dan Suratmi, ST., M.T.Di jalan Samarinda Balikpapan banyak ditemuakan kendaraan yang bermuatan lebih, hal itu akan menyebabkan kerusakan dini pada perkerasan jalan dan akan mengurangi umur rencana perkerasan jalan. Berdasarkan hal itu perlu dilakukan studi pengaruh muatan lebih terhadap umur rencana perkerasan jalan pada ruas jalan Samarinda Balikpapan. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar penurunan umur rencana dan sisa umur rencana jalan dilakukan analisa dan perhitungan data timbang muatan sumbu terberat (MTS) di lapangan, mengetahui sumbu dan distribusi beban kendaraan, menganalisa perhitungan lintas ekivalen rencana (LER) muatan normal, lalu lintas harian rata-rata awal umur rencana (LHRo), lalu lintas harian rata-rata ahir umur rencana (LHRn), lintas ekivalen permulaan (LEP)umur rencana, lintas ekivalen akhir umur rencana (LEAn), lintas ekivalen tengah (LET), lintas ekivalen rencana (LER), perhitungan lintas ekivalen rencana (LER) akibat muatan lebih di lapangan, menghitung LHR akhir (LHRn).Dari analisa dan perhitungan penurunan umur rencana perkerasan jalan akibat muatan lebih. tersebut di dapat penurunan umur rencana jalan selama 8,6 tahun dari umur rencana 10 tahun, dengan demikian sisa umur rencana menjadi 1,3 tahun

    The discharging ear: A practical approach

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