427 research outputs found

    Brain activation during dichoptic presentation of optic flow stimuli

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    The processing of optic flow fields in motion-sensitive areas in human visual cortex was studied with BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Subjects binocularly viewed optic flow fields in plane (monoptic) or in stereo depth (dichoptic) with various degrees of disparity and increasing radial speed. By varying the directional properties of the stimuli (expansion, spiral motion, random), we explored whether the BOLD effect reflected neuronal responses to these different forms of optic flow. The results suggest that BOLD contrast as assessed by fMRI methods reflects the neural processing of optic flow information in motion-sensitive cortical areas. Furthermore, small but replicable disparity-selective responses were found in parts of Brodmann's area 19

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for binocular interactions in human visual cortex

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    Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we explored the binocular interactions occurring when subjects viewed dichoptically presented checkerboard stimuli. A flickering radial checkerboard was presented to each eye of the subject, while T2*-weighted images were acquired over the visual cortex with gradient-echo, echoplanar sequences. We compared responses in striate and extrastriate visual cortex under four conditions: both eyes were stimulated at the same time (binocular condition), each eye was stimulated in alternation (monocular condition) or first the one eye then the other eye was stimulated (left eye first - right eye trailing, or vice versa). The results indicate that only the striate area, in and near the calcarine fissure, shows significant differences for these stimulation conditions. These differences are not evident in more remote extrastriate or associational visual areas, although the BOLD response in the stimulation-rest comparison was robust. These results suggest that the effect could be related to inhibitory interactions across ocular dominance columns in striate visual cortex

    Cell-Associated HIV-1 RNA in Blood as Indicator of Virus Load in Lymph Nodes

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    We have developed sensitive assays for viremia and cell-associated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA and DNA to assess the predictive value of virological parameters determined in blood for virus load in lymph nodes (LNs). Eighteen patients were included; 13 received stavudine/didanosine/hydroxyurea and 5 stavudine/didanosine, and all had viremia 3 months. At the time of LN biopsy (median, 10 months), the median viremia was 2.09 log copies/mL (range, <0.70-3.34). Cell-associated HIV-1 RNA and DNA were detectable in blood and LNs of all patients. The median cell-associated RNA and DNA were 2.16 log copies/106 cells and 2.60 log copies/106 cells in blood versus 4.31 log RNA copies/106 cells and 3.26 log DNA copies/106 cells in LNs. Regression analysis shows that, in treated patients with sustained low viremia, cell-associated RNA and DNA in blood are better predictors of virus load in LNs than viremi

    Effects of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on fMRI BOLD responses

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    Using an uncertainty paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we studied the effect of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on the activity of specific areas of human extrastriate visual cortex. The stimuli were single ovals that differed from an implicit standard oval in either colour or width. The subjects’ task was to classify the current stimulus as one of two possible alternatives per stimulus dimension. Three different experimental conditions were conducted: “colour-certainty”, “shape-certainty” and “uncertainty”. In all experimental conditions, the stimulus differed in only one stimulus dimension per trial. In the two certainty conditions, the subjects knew in advance which dimension this would be. During the uncertainty condition they had no such previous knowledge and had to monitor both dimensions simultaneously. Statistical analysis of the fMRI data (with SPM2) revealed a modest effect of the attended stimulus dimension on the neural activity in colour sensitive area V4 (more activity during attention to colour) and in shape sensitive area LOC (more activity during attention to shape). Furthermore, cortical areas known to be related to attention and working memory processes (e.g., lateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex) exhibit higher activity during the condition of divided attention (“uncertainty”) than during that of selective attention (“certainty”)

    Elastic behaviour of the carotid artery in intact spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Intact spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were studied to assess the effect of prolonged antihypertensive treatment on the elastic behaviour of the external carotid artery. Thirty-week-old SHR received the ACE inhibitor captopril, the ateriolar dilator hydralazine or their vehicle for 6 weeks. These rats were compared to normotensive, vehicle treated WKY rats. The internal diameter of the carotid artery was measured continuously in halothane-anaesthetized rats using an echo-tracking device, and intra-arterial pressure was also monitored continuously, on the controlateral side. Captopril- and hydralazinetreated SHR as well as normotensive controls had similar blood pressure values. No significant shift in the distensibility-pressure curves was observed among vehicle-treated SHR and WKY rats or the SHR which had received captopril or hydralazine. Histological examination of the carotid artery fixed ex vivo with paraformaldehyde showed a significant increase in cross-sectional area in vehicle-treated SHR as compared to their normotensive counterparts. These results therefore suggest that the elastic behaviour of elastic arteries is not necessarily altered by the structural changes developing in response to hypertensio

    Dissociation of neural correlates of verbal and non-verbal visual working memory with different delays

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    Background: Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), posterior parietal cortex, and regions in the occipital cortex have been identified as neural sites for visual working memory (WM). The exact involvement of the DLPFC in verbal and non-verbal working memory processes, and how these processes depend on the time-span for retention, remains disputed

    From molecular hypotheses to valid species: description of three endemic species of Baetis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from the Canary Islands

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    Baetis (Rhodobaetis) canariensis s.l. was considered to be the most common species of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) in running waters of the Canary Islands. Recent studies using mitochondrial genetic markers suggested that what was considered a single species was in fact composed of four closely related, but distinct species. Here we present the results of comprehensive morphological analysis of specimens from Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma, and La Gomera that confirms the validity of the four species based on small but consistent differences in some characters. Three of these are new species and are described herein at the larval stage. Each of the four species appears to be restricted to a single island. The loss of freshwater habitats on the islands has led to a drastically diminished distribution and these species are largely restricted to protected areas in national parks. All four species must be considered endangered and are very sensitive sentinels of the state of conservation of running waters

    Biogeography and divergence times of genus Macroptilium (Leguminosae)

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    The biogeographic history pattern for Macroptilium, a legume genus closely related to Phaseolus, is proposed. By using ITS sequences, molecular analysis revealed that the genus has its origin on South America, with an estimate age of 2.9 to 4 My