1,612 research outputs found

    Use of ordination and classification procedures to evaluate phytoplankton communities during Superflux II

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    Cluster analysis and an ordination procedure were performed on two data matrices to investigate real and environmental spatial relationships. Multiple regression analysis was used to relate the measured environmental variables to the phytoplankton community changes. Qualitative type phytoplankton data proved to be less structured in both of these spaces, relative to the biomass data. The salinity gradients of the northern transects covaried significantly with the phytoplankton association changes. In the southern transects the light variable was most important in explaining the variance in the ordination axes. These data suggest the close relationships between phytoplankton community changes and the physical hydrology of the area

    Superflux chlorophyll-a analysis: An assessment of variability in results introduced prior to fluorometric analysis

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    Several experiments were undertaken to identify variability in results that came from procedural differences in the processing of chlorophyll samples prior to fluorometric analysis. T-tests on group means indicated that significant differences (alpha = 0.05) in phaeopigment a concentrations did result in samples not initially screened, but not in the chlorophyll a concentrations. Highly significant differences (alpha = 0.001) in group means were found in samples which were held in acetone after filtering as compared to unfiltered seawater samples held for the same period. No difference in results was found between the 24-hour extraction and samples which were processed immediately

    Enhancing Mosquito-Borne Disease Surveillance in Florida

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    The University of Florida, IFAS, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory developed online graphic visuals to assist Florida mosquito control districts and health departments in maximizing the potential of their individual surveillance programs for mosquito-borne diseases through a better understanding and interpretation of surveillance data. Using data generated by the Florida Department of Health, we developed Geographic Information System (GIS) based maps with animation (video) to bring surveillance results to life. Our GIS video is the first of its kind in mosquito-borne disease surveillance and will aid in refining the science of preventing mosquito-borne diseases outbreaks

    Maternal and Neonatal Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Targets Pro-Inflammatory Genes in Neonatal Arteries

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    Maternal mainstream tobacco smoking is known to have adverse outcomes on fetal respiratory function; however, no data is currently available on the effects of passive exposure to tobacco smoking and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on fetal systemic arterial structure and function. Eight pregnant rhesus macaque monkeys were studied at the California Regional Primate Research Center breeding colony. The estimated gestational age for each dam was established by sonography performed before gestational day 40. Two inhalation chambers were used, each with an air capacity of 3.5 m3, and each housed two dams. Aged and diluted sidestream smoke was used as a surrogate for ETS. Exposure to ETS (1 mg/m3) occurred for 6 h/day, 5 days/week, beginning on gestational day 100. All dams were allowed to give birth spontaneously and then ETS exposure continued 70–80 days postnatally with the chamber containing both the mother and infant. Carotid arteries from four control (C) and four ETS-treated newborns were analyzed for mRNA by gene macroarray and for protein by Western blotting. A total of 588 cardiovascular genes were studied. Four genes were upregulated by ETS compared to C, and nine genes were downregulated (≥2-fold change). Three genes were selected for further study. Following ETS exposure, neonatal carotid arteries of non-human primates manifested evidence of inflammation with increased gene and protein expression of LFA-1 and RANTES, proteins that are recognized to be important in vascular adhesion and inflammation, and downregulation of expression for the receptor for VEGF, which has a key role in angiogenesis. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to ETS increases expression of pro-inflammatory genes and may be responsible for early arterial vascular remodeling that is predisposing to a subsequent vascular disease

    Desalination by Membrane Distillation using Electrospun Polyamide Fiber Membranes with Surface Fluorination by Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Fibrous membranes of poly(trimethyl hexamethylene terephthalamide) (PA6(3)T) were fabricated by electrospinning and rendered hydrophobic by applying a conformal coating of poly(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyl acrylate) (PPFDA) using initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD). A set of iCVD-treated electrospun PA6(3)T fiber membranes with fiber diameters ranging from 0.25 to 1.8 μm were tested for desalination using the air gap membrane distillation configuration. Permeate fluxes of 2–11 kg/m²/h were observed for temperature differentials of 20–45 °C between the feed stream and condenser plate, with rejections in excess of 99.98%. The liquid entry pressure was observed to increase dramatically, from 15 to 373 kPa with reduction in fiber diameter. Contrary to expectation, for a given feed temperature the permeate flux was observed to increase for membranes of decreasing fiber diameter. The results for permeate flux and salt rejection show that it is possible to construct membranes for membrane distillation even from intrinsically hydrophilic materials after surface modification by iCVD and that the fiber diameter is shown to play an important role on the membrane distillation performance in terms of permeate flux, salt rejection, and liquid entry pressure

    A 23 GHz Survey of GRB Error Boxes

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    The Haystack 37-meter telescope was used in a pilot project in May 1995 to observe GRB error boxes at 23~GHz. Seven BATSE error boxes and two IPN arcs were scanned by driving the beam of the telescope rapidly across their area. For the BATSE error boxes, the radio observations took place two to eighteen days after the BATSE detection, and several boxes were observed more than once. Total power data were recorded continuously as the telescope was driven at a rate of 0.2~degrees/second, yielding Nyquist sampling of the beam with an integration time of 50~milliseconds, corresponding to a theoretical rms sensitivity of 0.5~Jy. Under conditions of good weather, this sensitivity was achieved. In a preliminary analysis of the data we detect only two sources, 3C273 and 0552+398, both catalogued sources that are known to be variable at 23~GHz. Neither had a flux density that was unusally high or low at the time of our observations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 postscript figure. To appear in Proceedings of the Third Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts (eds. C. Kouveliotou, M. S. Briggs, and G. J. Fishman

    Clergy work-related satisfactions in parochial ministry: the influence of personality and churchmanship

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    The aim of this study was to test several hypotheses that clergy work-related satisfaction could be better explained by a multidimensional rather than a unidimensional model. A sample of 1071 male stipendiary parochial clergy in the Church of England completed the Clergy Role Inventory, together with the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Factor analysis of the Clergy Role Inventory identified five separate clergy roles: Religious Instruction, Administration, Statutory Duties (conducting marriages and funerals), Pastoral Care, and Role Extension (including extra-parochial activities). Respondents also provided an indication of their predispositions on the catholic-evangelical and liberal-conservative dimensions. The significant associations of the satisfactions derived from each of the roles with the demographic, personality, and churchmanship variables were numerous, varied, and, with few exceptions, small in magnitude. Separate hierarchical regressions for each of the five roles indicated that the proportion of total variance explained by churchmanship was, in general, at least as great as that explained by personality, and was greater for three roles: Religious Instruction, Statutory Duties, and Role Extension. It was concluded that clergy satisfactions derived from different roles are not uniform and that churchmanship is at least as important as personality in accounting for clergy work satisfaction

    Work-related psychological health and psychological type among lead elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches in the United Kingdom

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    Building on a series of recent studies concerned with assessing work-related psychological health and psychological type among various groups of church leaders, this study reports new data provided by 134 Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches in the United Kingdom who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS) together with the two scales of the Francis Burnout Inventory (FBI) concerned with emotional exhaustion and satisfaction in ministry. Compared with other groups of church leaders, Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches reported lower levels of emotional exhaustion and higher levels of satisfaction in ministry. Compared with other groups of church leaders, there was a higher proportion of extraverts among Lead Elders within the Newfrontiers network of churches. There was only a weak association between psychological type and burnout

    Quiescent Thermal Emission from the Neutron Star in Aql X-1

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    We report on the quiescent spectrum measured with Chandra/ACIS-S of the transient, type-I X-ray bursting neutron star Aql X-1, immediately following an accretion outburst. The neutron star radius, assuming a pure hydrogen atmosphere and hard power-law spectrum, is RR_\infty=13.4{+5}{-4} (d/5 \kpc) km. Based on the historical outburst record of RXTE/ASM, the quiescent luminosity is consistent with that predicted by Brown, Bildsten and Rutledge from deep crustal heating, lending support to this theory for providing a minimum quiescent luminosity of transient neutron stars. While not required by the data, the hard power-law component can account for 18+/-8% of the 0.5-10 keV thermal flux. Short-timescale intensity variability during this observation is less than 15% rms (3 sigma; 0.0001-1 Hz, 0.2-8 keV). Comparison between the Chandra spectrum and three X-ray spectral observations made between Oct 1992 and Oct 1996 find all spectra consistent with a pure H atmosphere, but with temperatures ranging from 145--168 eV, spanning a factor of 1.87+/-0.21 in observed flux. The source of variability in the quiescent luminosity on long timescales (greater than years) remains a puzzle. If from accretion, then it remains to be explained why the quiescent accretion rate provides a luminosity so nearly equal to that from deep crustal heating.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; ApJ, accepte