2,302 research outputs found

    Improved fuel-cell-type hydrogen sensor

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    Modified hydrogen sensor replaces oxygen cathode with a cathode consisting of a sealed paste of gold hydroxide and a pure gold current collector. The net reaction which occurs during cell operation is the reduction of the gold hydroxide to gold and water, with a half-cell potential of 1.4 volts

    Two-Player Reachability-Price Games on Single-Clock Timed Automata

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    We study two player reachability-price games on single-clock timed automata. The problem is as follows: given a state of the automaton, determine whether the first player can guarantee reaching one of the designated goal locations. If a goal location can be reached then we also want to compute the optimum price of doing so. Our contribution is twofold. First, we develop a theory of cost functions, which provide a comprehensive methodology for the analysis of this problem. This theory allows us to establish our second contribution, an EXPTIME algorithm for computing the optimum reachability price, which improves the existing 3EXPTIME upper bound.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2011, arXiv:1107.074

    MN Draconis - peculiar, active dwarf nova in the period gap

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    Context: We present results of an extensive world-wide observing campaign of MN Draconis. Aims: MN Draconis is a poorly known active dwarf nova in the period gap and is one of the only two known cases of period gap SU UMa objects showing the negative superhumps. Photometric behaviour of MN Draconis poses a challenge for existing models of the superhump and superoutburst mechanisms. Therefore, thorough investigation of peculiar systems, such as MN Draconis, is crucial for our understanding of evolution of the close binary stars. Methods: To measure fundamental parameters of the system, we collected photometric data in October 2009, June-September 2013 and June-December 2015. Analysis of the light curves, OCO-C diagrams and power spectra was carried out. Results: During our three observational seasons we detected four superoutburts and several normal outbursts. Based on the two consecutive superoutbursts detected in 2015, the supercycle length was derived P_sc = 74 +/- 0.5 days and it has been increasing with a rate of P_dot = 3.3 x 10^(-3) during last twelve years. Based on the positive and negative superhumps we calculated the period excess epsilon = 5.6% +/- 0.1%, the period deficit epsilon_ = 2.5% +/- 0.6%, and in result, the orbital period P_orb = 0.0994(1) days (143.126 +/- 0.144 min). We updated the basic light curve parameters of MN Draconis. Conclusions: MN Draconis is the first discovered SU UMa system in the period gap with increasing supercycle length.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Thermal resistance of PCD materials with borides bonding phase

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    In these studies, one group of PCD materials was prepared using diamond powder and 10 wt % of TiB₂ and the second batch of the PCD material was prepared using a mixture of diamond powder with 5 wt % of TiB₂ and 2 wt % of Co. The materials have been sintered using a Bridgman-type high-pressure apparatus at 8.0±0.2 GPa, at a temperature of 2000±50 °C. Thermogravimetric (TG) measurements and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) have been carried out for diamond micropowders, TiB₂ bonding phase, and sintered composites. The coefficients of friction for diamond composites in a sliding contact with an Al₂O₃ ceramic ball have been determined from the room temperature up to 800 °C. Material phase compositions were analyzed for initial samples and after wear tests, at the temperature of 800 °C. Raman spectra of diamond composites with borides bonding phases, observed for the first-order zone centre modes of diamond and graphite during the heating up to 800 °C in air have been presented. Thermal properties have been compared with the commercial diamond-cobalt PCD. It has been found that diamond with TiB₂ and Co is the most resistant to the hardness changes at elevated temperatures and this material maintains the high hardness value up to 800 °C but it has a high coefficient of friction.Досліджено полікристалічні алмазні композити – одну групу матеріалів було приготовано з використанням алмазного порошку і 10 % (за масою) TiB₂, а другу – з алмазного порошку, 5 % (за масою) TiB₂ і 2 % (за масою) Co. Матеріали було спечено в апараті високого тиску типу Бріджмена при тиску 8,0±0,2 ГПа і температурі 2000±50 °С. Термогравіметричні вимірювання та диференційний термічний аналіз було проведено для алмазних мікропорошків, зв’язуючої фази TiB₂ і спечених композітов. Визначено коефіцієнти тертя для алмазних композитів при ковзному контакті з кулькою з кераміки Al₂O₃ при температурі від кімнатної до 800 °С. Фазові склади матеріалів проаналізовано для вихідних зразків і після їх випробування на знос при температурі 800 °С. Представлено спектри комбінаційного розсіювання алмазних композитів зі зв’язуючими фазами боридів, що спостерігаються в центрі зони першого порядку алмазу і графіту в процесі нагрівання до 800 °С на повітрі. Порівнювали термічні властивості отриманих полікристалічних алмазних композитів і промислового композита алмаз–кобальт. Було виявлено, що алмаз з TiB₂ і Co є найбільш стійким до змін твердості при підвищених температурах і зберігає високу твердість до 800 °С, але має високий коефіцієнт тертя.Исследованы поликристаллические алмазных композиты – одна группа материалов была приготовлена с использованием алмазного порошка и 10 % (по массе) TiB₂, а вторая – из алмазного порошка, 5 % (по массе) TiB₂ и 2 % (по массе) Co. Материалы были спечены в аппарате высокого давления типа Бриджмена при давлении 8,0±0,2 ГПа и температуре 2000±50 °С. Термогравиметрические измерения и дифференциальный термический анализ были проведены для алмазных микропорошков, связующей фазы TiB₂ и спеченных композитов. Определены коэффициенты трения для алмазных композитов при скользящем контакте с шариком из керамики Al₂O₃ при температуре от комнатной до 800 °С. Фазовые составы материалов проанализированы для исходных образцов и после их испытания на износ при температуре 800 °С. Представлены спектры комбинационного рассеяния алмазных композитов со связующими фазами боридов, наблюдаемые в центре зоны первого порядка алмаза и графита в процессе нагрева до 800 °С на воздухе. Сравнивали термические свойства полученных поликристаллических алмазных композитов и промышленного поликристаллического композита алмаз–кобальт. Было обнаружено, что алмаз с TiB₂ и Co является наиболее устойчивым к изменениям твердости при повышенных температурах и сохраняет высокую твердость до 800 °С, но имеет высокий коэффициент трения

    Curious Variables Experiment (CURVE). CCD photometry of active dwarf nova DI UMa

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    We report an analysis of photometric behaviour of DI UMa, an extremely active dwarf nova. The observational campaign (completed in 2007) covers five superoutbursts and four normal outbursts. We examined principal parameters of the system to understand peculiarities of DI UMa, and other active cataclysmic variables. Based on precise photometric measurements, temporal light curve behaviour, O-C analysis, and power spectrum analysis, we investigated physical parameters of the system. We found that the period of the supercycle now equals 31.45 +/-0.3 days. Observations during superoutbursts infer that the period of superhumps equals P_sh = 0.055318(11) days (79.66 +/- 0.02 min). During quiescence, the light curve reveals a modulation of period P_orb = 0.054579(6) days (78.59 +/- 0.01 min), which we interpret as the orbital period of the binary system. The values obtained allowed us to determine a fractional period excess of 1.35% +/- 0.02%, which is surprisingly small compared to the usual value for dwarf novae (2%-5%). A detailed O-C analysis was performed for two superoutbursts with the most comprehensive coverage. In both cases, we detected an increase in the superhump period with a mean rate of dot_P/P_sh = 4.4(1.0)*10^{-5}. Based on these measurements, we confirm that DI UMa is probably a period bouncer, an old system that reached its period minimum a long time ago, has a secondary that became a degenerate brown dwarf, the entire system evolving now toward longer periods. DI UMa is an extremely interesting object because we know only one more active ER UMa star with similar characteristics (IX Dra).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Impact of European Integration on the Functioning of the Insurance Market in Poland

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    The transformation process, that has begun 20 years ago, generated significant changes in the structure and organization of Polish economy. It stimulated development of particular market's segments, especially of the insurance sector. Poland's accession to the European Union required conformity to Its regulations, fulfillment of several conditions connected with the membership in the European Community. The purpose of this article is to present the main consequences of Poland's integration with EU in the field of insurance market. Joining the common market was an important challenge for this sector in our country.Rok 1990 stanowił początek procesu transformacji systemu społeczno - gospodarczego i ustrojowego. Ostatnie 20 lat to okres intensywnych przemian o charakterze strukturalnym i organizacyjnym, w wyniku których ukształtowały się warunki rozwoju poszczególnych segmentów systemu finansowego państwa, zwłaszcza sektora ubezpieczeń. Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej wymagało wprowadzenia szeregu zmian, dostosowujących polski porządek prawny do uregulowań wspólnotowych regulujących funkcjonowanie rynku ubezpieczeń. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie szans i zagrożeń, jakie wynikają dla tego segmentu gospodarki z przystąpienia Polski do UE. Niewątpliwie proces integracji stanowił poważne wyzwanie dla polskiego rynku ubezpieczeń