1,277 research outputs found

    The effect of charge separation on the phase behavior of dipolar colloidal rods

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Colloids with anisotropic shape and charge distribution can assemble into a variety of structures that could find use as novel materials for optical, photonic, electronic and structural applications. Because experimental characterization of the many possible types of multi-shape and multipolar colloidal particles that could form useful structures is difficult, the search for novel colloidal materials can be enhanced by simulations of colloidal particle assembly. We have simulated a system of dipolar colloidal rods at fixed aspect ratio using discontinuous molecular dynamics (DMD) to investigate how the charge separation of an embedded dipole affects the types of assemblies that occur. Each dipolar rod is modeled as several overlapping spheres fixed in an elongated shape to represent excluded volume and two smaller, embedded spheres to represent the charges that make up the extended dipole. Large charge separations predominately form structures where the rods link head-to-tail while small charge separations predominately form structures where the rods stack side-by-side. Rods with small charge separations tend to form dense aggregates while rods with large charge separations tend to form coarse gel-like structures. Structural phase boundaries between fluid, string-fluid, and "gel'' (networked) phases are mapped out and characterized as to whether they have global head-to-tail or global side-by-side order. A structural coarsening transition is observed for particles with large charge separations in which the head-tail networks thicken as temperature is lowered due to an increased tendency to form side-by-side structures. Triangularly connected networks form at small charge separations; these may be useful for encapsulating smaller particles.DFG, GRK 1524, Self-Assembled Soft-Matter Nanostructures at Interface

    Virtual reality rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial

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    Purpose: This study compared the effects of inpatient-based rehabilitation program of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) using non-immersive virtual reality (VR) training with a traditional pulmonary rehabilitation program. The aims of this study were to determine 1) whether rehabilitation featuring both VR as well as exercise training provides benefits over exercise training (ET) alone and 2) whether rehabilitation featuring VR training instead of exercise training provides equivalent benefits. Patients and Methods: The study recruited 106 patients with COPD to a 2-week high-intensity, five times a week intervention. Randomized into three groups, 34 patients participated in a traditional pulmonary rehabilitation program including endurance exercise training (ET), 38 patients participated in traditional pulmonary rehabilitation, including both endurance exercise training and virtual reality training (ET+VR) and 34 patients participated in pulmonary rehabilitation program including virtual reality training but no endurance exercise training (VR). The traditional pulmonary rehabilitation program consisted of fitness exercises, resistance respiratory muscle and relaxation training. Xbox 360Âź and KinectÂź Adventures software were used for the VR training of lower and upper body strength, endurance, trunk control and dynamic balance. Comparison of the changes in the Senior Fitness Test was the primary outcome. Analysis was performed using linear mixed-effects models. Results: The comparison between ET and ET+VR groups showed that ET+VR group was superior to ET group in Arm Curl (p<0.003), Chair stand (p<0.008), Back scratch (p<0.002), Chair sit and reach (p<0.001), Up and go (p<0.000), 6-min walk test (p<0.011). Whereas, the comparison between ET and VR groups showed that VR group was superior to ET group in Arm Curl (p<0.000), Chair stand (p<0.001), 6-min walk test (p<0.031). Conclusion: Results suggest that pulmonary rehabilitation program supplemented with VR training is beneficial intervention to improve physical fitness in patients with COPD

    Products’ composition of food waste low-temperature slow pyrolysis

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    Food waste generation is one of the most crucial problems of our constantly developing world. There are several common methods of its treatment, however each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Pyrolysis attracting attention in this field since a long time, because it allows to utilize this valuable resource with energy and material recovery. Moreover, the environmental impact of the process is relatively low. In this paper, products of low temperature household waste pyrolysis underwent a detailed chemical analysis. Liquid and solid residues was examined. Composition and concentration of particular compounds and elements indicates presence of long chain alkane, alkene and carboxylic acid molecules together with small amounts of aromatics within the bio-oil samples. The presence of heavy metals in residues was detected, too. Since the products are usually described as non-toxic, the idea of waste’ low-temperature thermal treating in household was analyzed. In general, examined residues from the process are safe for the environment, thus pyrolysis can be considered as a legitimate mechanism to treat kitchen waste combined with energy recovery for homes

    Relativistic corrections of order m\alpha^6 to the two-center problem

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    Effective potentials of the relativistic m\alpha^6 order correction for the ground state of the Coulomb two-center problem are calculated. They can be used to evaluate the relativistic contribution of that order to the energies of hydrogen molecular ions or metastable states of the antiprotonic helium atom, where precision spectroscopic data are available. In our studies we use the variational expansion based on randomly chosen exponents that permits to achieve high numerical accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 3 tables 2 figures; submitted to the Journal of Physics

    Phase III study of nilotinib versus best supportive care with or without a TKI in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors resistant to or intolerant of imatinib and sunitinib

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    Background This phase III open-label trial investigated the efficacy of nilotinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors following prior imatinib and sunitinib failure. Patients and methods Patients were randomized 2:1 to nilotinib 400 mg b.i.d. or best supportive care (BSC; BSC without tyrosine kinase inhibitor, BSC+imatinib, or BSC+sunitinib). Primary efficacy end point was progression-free survival (PFS) based on blinded central radiology review (CRR). Patients progressing on BSC could cross over to nilotinib. Results Two hundred and forty-eight patients enrolled. Median PFS was similar between arms (nilotinib 109 days, BSC 111 days; P=0.56). Local investigator-based intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis showed a significantly longer median PFS with nilotinib (119 versus 70 days; P=0.0007). A trend in longer median overall survival (OS) was noted with nilotinib (332 versus 280 days; P=0.29). Post hoc subset analyses in patients with progression and only one prior regimen each of imatinib and sunitinib revealed a significant difference in median OS of >4 months in favor of nilotinib (405 versus 280 days; P=0.02). Nilotinib was well tolerated. Conclusion In the ITT analysis, no significant difference in PFS was observed between treatment arms based on CRR. In the post hoc subset analyses, nilotinib provided significantly longer median O
