35 research outputs found

    Oak and others, new to Poland, hosts of mistletoe Viscum album subsp. album in the city of Toruń and its immediate vicinity

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    The paper presents the distribution of localities of seven tree taxa, identified as new hosts of mistletoe in Poland, in the city of Toruń. Particular attention was paid to the description of a site with mistletoe on an oak identified as Quercus x rosacea. The reason for this is that native oaks are rare hosts of mistletoe in Central and Eastern Europe and this is the first finding of such a host–parasite association in Poland. The occurrence of all eight host species at 14 sites was compared with the distribution and description of localities and morphological characteristics of both host–mistletoe association components presented in the botanical, ecological and forestry literature

    Poa bulbosa fo. vivipara (Poaceae) w okolicy Włocławka

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    In 2006 and 2008 three new anthropogenic localities of Poa bulbosa L. fo. vivipara Koeler were found near Włocławek. This rare (in central and north of Poland) species grew on sunny, dry, sandy and moderately disturbed habitats, among pine woods, near bathing beaches at Wikaryjskie, Czarne and Łuba lakes (ATPOL DC 73, 83).Artykuł dotyczy trzech nowych stanowisk formy żyworodnej wiechliny cebulkowatej Poa bulbosa L. fo. vivipara Koeler odnalezionych w latach 2006 i 2008 w okolicy Włocławka. Osobniki tego rzadkiego (w centralnej i północnej Polsce) gatunku rosły na nasłonecznionych, suchych, piaszczystych i umiarkowanie zaburzanych siedliskach w lasach sosnowych na obrzeżach kąpielisk nad jeziorami: Wikaryjskim, Czarne i Łuba (ATPOL DC 73, 83)

    Occurrence of Viscum album subsp. album L. on Laburnum anagyroides Medik. in Toruń, Poland

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    This short note presents two localities of the common mistletoe growing on the common laburnum found in central Poland in the city of Toruń in 2020. The common laburnum is one of the rare hosts of this recently rapidly spreading semi-parasite. The presented relationship between the two species has so far been reported in only several publications, mostly from the late 19th and early 20th century

    An updated distribution of Solidago ×niederederi (Asteraceae) in Poland

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    In this paper, an updated map of the distribution of Solidago ×niederederi, a natural hybrid between S. canadensis and S. virgaurea, in Poland is presented using the ATPOL cartogram method. A compiled list of 55 localities of the hybrid within 40 cartogram units (10-km squares) is provided and its negative impact on S. virgaurea is highlighted

    New localities and habitat preferences of common milkweed Asclepias syriaca L. in Toruń (Central Poland)

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    The paper presents the location and general description of habitats and plant communities with common milkweed occurring within the city limits of Toruń. The data set comprised new localities of this species as well as those where Asclepias syriaca has been observed for several years but the sites have not been described in the ecological literature. Relevés made at these sites were compared with those described by Puchałka et al. (2013) from three sites of Asclepias syriaca in Toruń. A larger set of new sites included in the analysis allows for a more accurate description of the impact exerted by some ecological factors, e.g. afforestation, on the growth of the studied species. As evidenced by the new sites of Asclepias syriaca found recently in Toruń and the surrounding area, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the population and to undertake the research on the impact of common milkweed on plant communities

    Zastosowanie technologii GIS w energetyce ekologicznej

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    Praca przedstawia główne aspekty badań z zakresu energetyki ekologicznej, w których podstawowym narzędziami i metodami badawczymi była technologia GIS i teledetekcja satelitarna. Te aspekty badań to: 1 – oceny wielkości zasilania energetycznego systemu ekologiczno-społeczno-ekonomicznego energią kulturową oraz ocena całkowitego zużycia energii, również tej wytwarzanej i wykorzystywanej w badanym systemie przez lokalną społeczność ludzką, 2 – relacje pomiędzy wielkością „metabolizmu kulturowego” a strukturą przestrzenną (mozaikowatością) krajobrazu, 3 – ocena wskaźnika zagarnięcia produkcji pierwotnej i wyparcia biomasy roślinnej (Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production, HANPP) w wyniku działalności gospodarczej miejscowej społeczności, 3 – ocena tzw. kapitału biofizycznego i kosztu negentropijnego na podstawie intensywności produkcji pierwotnej brutto, stanu biomasy roślinnej i aktywnego przepływu wody w roślinach, 4 – syntezy energetyczne dokonywane na poziomie krajobrazu bądź jego poszczególnych ekosystemów, które prowadzą do oceny emergetycznego wskaźnika zrównoważonego rozwoju (Emergy Sustainability Index, ESI) oraz wskaźnika rozwoju krajobrazu (Landscape Development Intensity index, LDI). W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz energetycznych przeprowadzonych według powyższych metod dla oceny racjonalności ekologicznej systemów o różnej dominacji człowieka z regionu Bory Tucholskie. Systemami tymi były obszary o wysokim statusie ochrony, jak Park Narodowy „Bory Tucholskie” i Zaborski Park Krajobrazowy, oraz jednostki gospodarcze i administracyjne, takie jak Nadleśnictwo Przymuszewo, obręb leśny Laska, gminy, sołectwa, osady śródleśne, a także pojedyncze uprawy rolne i leśne.The paper presents the main aspects of research in the field of ecological energetics, where GIS technology and satellite remote sensing are basic tools and research methods, i.e. 1 – assessment of the energy supply in the ecological-socio-economic system with the cultural energy and assessment of the total energy consumption, including the energy produced and used in the studied system by the local human community, 2 – relations between the size of “cultural metabolism” and spatial structure (heterogeneity) of the landscape, 3 – assessment of the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production and displacement of plant biomass as a result of local economic activity, 3 – assessment of the so-called biophysical capital and negentropic cost based on Gross Primary Production, Standing Plant Biomass, and Plant Active Water Flow, 4 – energy syntheses are performed at the landscape level or at the level of individual ecosystems, which lead to assessment of the Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI) and the Landscape Development Intensity index (LDI). The paper presents the results of energy analysis conducted according to the above methods in order to assess the ecological rationality of systems with varying dominance of man in the Tuchola Forest. Those systems are represented by areas of high conservation status, such as Tuchola Forest National Park and Zaborski Landscape Park, economic and administrative units, including the Forest Division of Przymuszewo, the forest district of Laska, rural and urban communes, rural administrative units referred to as “sołectwa”, forest villages, and agricultural and forest crops

    Relief and changes in the vegetation cover and the flora of the Zadroże Dune near the city of Toruń: Comparison of the conditions in 1948 and 2009

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    The relief of the Zadroże Dune was described, as well as the comparison was done on its vegetation cover and the flora in its two phases of the development, i.e. before the afforestation of the dune and approximately 60 years after reconstruction of the forest. The first state was described in the paper dated 1949. During that period the dune constituted the first common study area for the research team consisting of ecologists and geographers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Our contemporary scientific studies were carried out in 2009. In the comparative analysis, a particular attention was paid to the distribution, the number and the size of heath patches with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. In the description of the contemporary state of vegetation, the structure and the biomass of tree stands were included. The GIS and GPS technologies were applied in the comparative analysis of the vegetation, in the comparison of the former and contemporary cartographic materials, aerial and satellite images, as well as in the development of a digital elevation model. As a result of comparisons of the vegetation cover, it was found that the surface area of heaths decreased from 59.21 ares in 1948 to 2.96 ares in 2009. As a result of comparisons of the flora, it was found that 7 and 26 species of lichens occurred in 1948 and 2009 respectively, 5 and 42 species of mosses, 0 and 7 species of liverworts, as well as 102 and 204 species of vascular plants. The number of families, within which the species of vascular plants are classified, increased from 31 to 52. The compared floras have only 66 species in common. The percentage contribution of geographical and historical groups has undergone only inconsiderable changes during the 60-year period. Contribution proportions of non-synanthropic spontaneophytes and apophytes has changed slightly. Whereas, the contribution of alien species, mainly kenophytes and ergasiophytes significantly increased. This paper discuss the significance of natural and anthropogenic factors, which brought about this considerable range of transformations in the species composition and in the contribution of alien species

    Zasady stosowania dootrzewnowej chemioterapii w hipertermii (HIPEC) w leczeniu nowotworów złośliwych powierzchni otrzewnej w połączeniu z zabiegami cytoredukcyjnymi: zalecenia krajowe

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    The management of peritoneal surface malignancy is a significant clinical problem. The hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) combined with cytoreductive surgery seems to be the most promising method, leading to better local control or improved overall survival in selected patients with a peritoneal neoplasm. In this paper the authors present a consensus for the optimal indications and technical guidelines for performing HIPEC in Poland.Leczenie nowotworów powierzchni otrzewnej stanowi istotny problem w onkologii. Wykazano, że skojarzenie maksymalnej cytoredukcji chirurgicznej z dootrzewnową chemioterapią w hipertermii (HIPEC; hyperthermic intraoperative peritoneal chemotherapy) może prowadzić do długotrwałej kontroli choroby lub wydłużenia przeżyć u odpowiednio wybranych chorych. Celem niniejszego opracowania są zalecenia dla optymalnego zakresu wskazań i sposobu prowadzenia HIPEC w Polsc

    Polish clinical practice guidelines on Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) with Cytoreductice Surgery (CRS) in peritoneal malignancy treatment

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    Leczenie nowotworów powierzchni otrzewnej stanowi istotny problem w onkologii. Wykazano, że skojarzenie maksymalnej cytoredukcji chirurgicznej z dootrzewnową chemioterapią w hipertermii (HIPEC; hyperthermic intraoperative peritoneal chemotherapy) może prowadzić do długotrwałej kontroli choroby lub wydłużenia przeżyć u odpowiednio wybranych chorych. Celem niniejszego opracowania są zalecenia dla optymalnego zakresu wskazań i sposobu prowadzenia HIPEC w Polsce.The management of peritoneal surface malignancy is a signifi cant clinical problem. The hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) combined with cytoreductive surgery seems to be the most promising method, leading to better local control or improved overall survival in selected patients with a peritoneal neoplasm. In this paper the authors present a consensus for the optimal indications and technical guidelines for performing HIPEC in Poland