213 research outputs found

    „Rocznik Andragogiczny” 2013, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2013, ss. 564

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    Ligation of water to magnesium chelates of biological importance

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    Water binding to several Mg^{2+} chelates, ethylenediamine, ethylenediamine-N,N’-diacetate, porphyrin, chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll a, to form five- and six-coordinate complexes is studied by means of density functional theory. The results obtained for magnesium chelates are compared with the properties of the respective aqua complexes and the influence of the permittivity of environment on the ligand binding energies is discussed. Although the most common coordination number of Mg^{2+} is six, in the tetrapyrrolic chelates it is reduced to five because the accommodation of the sixth water ligand results in no gain in energy. This is in line with the experimental observations made for coordination of chlorophylls in vivo. The binding between Mg^{2+} and water is mostly of electrostatic nature, which is supported by the finding that its energy is correlated both with the electron density of the chelator and with electrostatic potential determined at the ligand binding site

    Rozkład N2ON_2O przy użyciu nowoczesnych mikro-mezoporowatych materiałów o właściwościach zeolitów

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    In the presented studies two modern approaches of synthesis of hierarchical micro-mesoporous materials with zeolitic properties are shown. In the first synthesis the protozeolitic particles were aggregated (under specified conditions) with simultaneous creation of mesopores between the zeolite seeds. In the second synthesis the zeolite nanoseeds were impregnated on the surface of mesoporous, amorphous SBA-15 material. Both used synthesis routs resulted in formation of combined micro-mesoporous materials with zeolitic properties, what was proven by nitrogen sorption, XRD, TGA and IRDRIFT measurements. The combination of zeolitic properties with mesopores (preferable diffusion rate) increased the accessibility of ion-exchange positions allowing the introduction of iron species nearly exclusively in the form of isolated cations. The prepared micro-mesoporous materials were tested as catalysts in low-temperature N_{2}O decomposition in the presence of oxygen

    The issue of active and passive smoking in a selected group of pregnant women

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    Nicotinism is one of the most common addictions found among pregnant women, with a substantial impact on the development of the foetus and the child's upbringing. The addiction increases the risk of foetal disorders and death and many diseases in the infancy and childhood period. In order to analyse the issue of active and passive smoking in a selected group of pregnant women, a survey was carried out. The surveyed group consisted of 265 pregnant women staying at pregnancy pathology wards and primary healthcare centres in the Lubelskie Province. Surveys were carried out from October to December 2017. The diagnostic survey method with a proprietary community interview questionnaire were used. The survey demonstrated that around a half of pregnant women (51%) were active smokers. 80% of non-smoking respondents were exposed to passive smoking. A correlation was found between smoking during pregnancy, education and place of residence. The highest percentage of smoking women was found in the age group below 20 (75%) and pregnant women living in rural areas (61%). Among the smoking women, those with higher education were the least numerous. The obtained results point to the necessity of conducting studies on the issue of smoking among pregnant women and to the need of performing preventive measures to mitigate these problems

    Sideropenic anaemia occurring in a patient with severe post-traumatic haemorrhage treatment

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 20-letniego chorego, który będąc w pełni zdrowia, w następstwie rany zadanej nożem w okolicę nadobojczykową prawą doznał uszkodzenia prawego pnia żylnego ramienno-głowowego. W momencie przybycia zespołu reanimacyjnego chory był we wstrząsie krwotocznym z powodu masywnego krwotoku w hipotensji z szerokimi źrenicami niereagującymi na światło. Podczas transportu do Szpitalnego Oddziału Ratunkowego w Siedlcach rozpoczęto reanimację chorego, wspomagając oddech i podając kroplówkę. W szpitalu w czasie natychmiastowej operacji wykonano sternotomię i naprawiono uszkodzony prawy pień żylny ramienno-głowowy. Stan chorego wymagał doraźnego przetoczenia około 18 j. koncentratu krwinek czerwonych oraz 10 j. FFP, 4000 ml krystaloidów i 1500 ml koloidów. Po operacji u chorego wystąpiła biegunka (kilkanaście wypróżnień śluzowo-krwistych na dobę), jednocześnie nastąpił spadek liczby erytrocytów i obniżyło się stężenie hemoglobiny i żelaza w surowicy. Rozpoznano niedokrwistość wynikającą z zaburzeń wchłaniania żelaza wskutek uszkodzenia kosmków jelitowych. Niezbędne było kilkumiesięczne podawanie żelaza drogą pozajelitową. Wraz z ustąpieniem biegunki stan chorego stopniowo poprawiał się i obecnie przy suplementacji doustnej morfologia i stężenie żelaza utrzymują się na prawidłowym poziomie bez niedokrwistości.The authors report the case of a previously healthy 20-year-old male with right vein angle injury after a stabbing in the right supraclavicular region. The patient was in critical condition at the site of the incident with hypovolemic shock due to massive haemorrhage and wide nonreactive pupils. He was immediately operated on after arrival to the hospital, median sternotomy extending to the right supraclavicular area was performed and the right venous brachiocephalic trunk was repaired, 8000 ml of blood and 10 units of FFP were transfused, and 4000 ml of crystalloids and 1500 ml of colloids were infused. After the operation, the patient had continuous diarrhoea (a dozen haematic and mucous stools daily), and sideropenic anaemia evolved due to iron malabsorption caused by intestinal mucosal ischaemia. Treatment required a few months parenteral iron supplementation. After diarrhoea regression and the patient's recovery, enteral iron supplementation was maintained, keeping the iron serum level within reference range

    Catalytic performance of bimetallic systems (Cu-Fe, Cu-Mn, Fe-Mn) based on spherical MCM-41 modified by template ion-exchange in NH3SCRNH_{3}-SCR process

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    Mesoporous silica of MCM-41 type with spherical morphology was modified with copper, iron, or manganese as well as pairs of these metals by template ion-exchange (TIE) method. The obtained samples were characterized with respect to their structure (XRD), morphology (SEM-EDS), textural parameters (low-temperature N2 sorption), surface acidity (NH3-TPD), transition metal loadings (ICP-OES), their deposited forms (UV-vis DRS) and reducibility (H2-TPR). The catalytic performance of monometallic and bimetallic samples in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia (NH3-SCR) was tested. The best catalytic results presented a bimetallic copper-manganese sample, which was significantly more active than the mechanical mixture of monometallic copper and manganese catalysts. The synergistic cooperation of manganese and copper species is possibly related to charge relocation between them, resulting in activation of the catalyst in oxidation of NO to NO2, which is necessary for the fast NH3-SCR reaction

    Spherical Al-MCM-41 doped with copper by modified TIE method as effective catalyst for low-temperature NH3_{3}-SCR

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    Aluminum containing silica spherical MCM-41 was synthesized and modified with copper by the template ion-exchange method (TIE) and its modified version, including treatment of the samples with ammonia solution directly after template ion-exchange (TIE-NH3). The obtained samples were characterized with respect to their chemical composition (ICP-OES), structure (XRD), texture (low temperature N2 sorption), morphology (SEM-EDS), form and aggregation of deposited copper species (UV-vis DRS), reducibility of copper species (H2-TPR), and surface acidity (NH3-TPD). The deposition of copper by the TIE-NH3 method resulted in much better dispersion of this metal on the MCM-41 surface comparing to copper introduced by TIE method. It was shown that such highly dispersed copper species, mainly monomeric Cu2+ cations, deposited on aluminum containing silica spheres of MCM-41, are significantly more catalytically effective in the NH3-SCR process than analogous catalysts containing aggregated copper oxide species. The catalysts obtained by the TIE-NH3 method effectively operated in much broader temperature and were less active in the side process of direct ammonia oxidation by oxygen


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    Arm wrestling has become a popular sport practiced by both professionals and amateurs. Its popularity comes from the fact that the rules are simple; it is spectacular and does not require use of complicated equipment. In the years 2001 to 2013 ten cases of humeral bone fractures resulting from arm wrestling were admitted to the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the dr Jurasz University Hospital in Bydgoszcz. The assessment of the limb condition included the examination of the fractured extremity and an interview. All the patients underwent surgical treatment, using the method of open reduction and internal fixation. The aim of this work was to perform a biomechanical analysis of forces which act during arm wrestling, as well as explain the mechanism of occurrence of humeral bone fractures of similar topology as observed on X-rays.Siłowanie się na rękę jest popularnym sportem uprawianym na całym świecie zarówno przez amatorów jak i przez profesjonalistów. O popularności dyscypliny decyduje: prostota zasad, minimalne wymagania sprzętowe oraz widowiskowość. W latach 2001-2013 w Katedrze i Klinice Ortopedii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego CM UMK w Bydgoszczy leczono 10-ciu chorych z powodu złamania kości ramiennej, które nastąpiło podczas siłowania się na rękę. Ocena stanu kończyny przed leczeniem operacyjnym obejmowała badanie podmiotowe i przedmiotowe. Wszyscy chorzy leczeni byli operacyjnie, metodą otwartej repozycji i stabilnym zespoleniem złamania. Celem pracy było wyjaśnienie mechanizmu powstawania złamań kości ramiennej podczas siłowania się na rękę o powtarzającej się topografii


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    Arm wrestling has become a popular sport practiced by both professionals and amateurs. Its popularity comes from the fact that the rules are simple; it is spectacular and does not require use of complicated equipment. In the years 2001 to 2013 ten cases of humeral bone fractures resulting from arm wrestling were admitted to the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the dr Jurasz University Hospital in Bydgoszcz. The assessment of the limb condition included the examination of the fractured extremity and an interview. All the patients underwent surgical treatment, using the method of open reduction and internal fixation. The aim of this work was to perform a biomechanical analysis of forces which act during arm wrestling, as well as explain the mechanism of occurrence of humeral bone fractures of similar topology as observed on X-rays.Siłowanie się na rękę jest popularnym sportem uprawianym na całym świecie zarówno przez amatorów jak i przez profesjonalistów. O popularności dyscypliny decyduje: prostota zasad, minimalne wymagania sprzętowe oraz widowiskowość. W latach 2001-2013 w Katedrze i Klinice Ortopedii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego CM UMK w Bydgoszczy leczono 10-ciu chorych z powodu złamania kości ramiennej, które nastąpiło podczas siłowania się na rękę. Ocena stanu kończyny przed leczeniem operacyjnym obejmowała badanie podmiotowe i przedmiotowe. Wszyscy chorzy leczeni byli operacyjnie, metodą otwartej repozycji i stabilnym zespoleniem złamania. Celem pracy było wyjaśnienie mechanizmu powstawania złamań kości ramiennej podczas siłowania się na rękę o powtarzającej się topografii