132 research outputs found

    Securitization of energy relations by Poland, Latvia, Denmark and Sweden: the building of Nord Stream 2

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    Over the past years, discussion concerning enhancing t he security of supply and avoiding the fragmentation of EU gas market have a dominated place on the agenda of the European Commission, chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker. In this light, the proposal of the new pipeline, Nord Stream 2 has raised a couple of controversial questions. It led to a new tension within an EU-level regarding forming the two blocs, r espectively s upporters and opponents of the gas project. The thesis aims to provide the analysis of the four Member States that have voiced against t he building of the pipeline. The chosen countries consider the Nord Stream 2 project as a political tool which might divide the EU inside and ensure the Russian dominance in the European energy market. In such a situation, the particular Member States stands on blocking it to prevent the inevitable consequences. The research outlines the common stance on the gas offshore by analysing the speech acts of Member States' political leaders. According to the Copenhagen School, the thesis disputes t he degree of s ecuritization which can b e gained in the particular energy issue. Primarily, the study delves into the initial stage of the securitization known as a securitising movement. Hence, the securitising actors, their speech acts and referent objects are the essential elements of analysis. Functional actors such as Russia and Germany a re included in the research as well. Overall, the findings confirm the political significance of the energy relation in the context of t he construction of the pipeline and its effect on the further escalation of securitising movement.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5147568*es

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    Wartości ludowe i sposoby ich odczytania. Tekst gwarowy na warsztacie etnolingwisty

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    The study aims to present certain methodological approaches used in the research of dialect narratives. In the introductory part of the article, the author discusses the links between the related sciences, analysing oral text: traditional dialectology, oral history and ethnolinguistics. The concept of cultureme as the unit describing realia, deeply entrenched in a certain type of culture, composing a certain identity of an ethnic group, is also introduced. The notion of a cultureme is very close to the notions of a keyword, described by Anna Wierzbicka, and a stereotype or concept, described by the ethnolinguistic school of Lublin. The difference, however, is that that the description of concepts is aimed at reflecting the folk or nationwide worldview and human view, while culturemes are used to identify a specific community, show the specificity of a certain region and its values. The example of the description of one cultureme (the manor) is used to provide the complicated structure of dialect narrative, its stylistic values, types of a narrator, and subjective way of perceiving and assessing the reality.W artykule zostały przedstawione podstawowe założenia historii mówionej, mającej już swoje osiągnięcia w nauce polskiej i litewskiej, zostały też ukazane powiązania tej dyscypliny naukowej z etnolingwistyką i dialektologią. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na sposoby wykorzystania tekstu gwarowego w badaniach nad językiem i kulturą. Ukazano jego skomplikowaną strukturę, walory stylistyczne, różne typy narracji, zawarte w tekście sposoby postrzegania i oceniania rzeczywistości

    Leksikografiniai šaltiniai lietuvių kalbos pasaulėvaizdžio tyrimuose

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    The article examines the use of dictionaries in the language worldview research. It raises questions about the limitations of the “lexicographic worldview“, presents researchers’ doubts about the objectivity and scientificity of this type of research, and provides arguments in favor of the research. The second part of the article introduces and discusses the procedure of lexicographic analysis in more detail. Examining the image of the MOTHER concept reflected in Lithuanian lexicography, the thought is put forward that the reliability of such an analysis is guaranteed by its complexity. At the same time, it is emphasized that analysis of the concept should in no way be based solely on lexicographic sources, drawing conclusions about the structure of the concept on the basis of only a few examples, possibly accidentally included in the dictionary. An important role in the reconstruction of the concept is played by the stability of the distinguished features, their regular repetition in various texts, the constancy of the lexemes / phrases / phrasemes conveying these features, and their persistence in speech.Straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti metodiką, kurios pagrindu atliekama kalbos pasaulėvaizdžio rekonstrukcija pasitelkiant sisteminius duomenis (leksikografinius šaltinius). Siekiant šio tikslo pradžioje pristatomas lietuvių žodynų korpusas, aptariamos jų ypatybės, tarpusavio sąsajos, keliami klausimai dėl „leksikografinio pasaulėvaizdžio“ ribotumo, apžvelgiamos mokslininkų abejonės dėl šio tipo tyrimų objektyvumo ir moksliškumo bei pateikiama argumentų, pagrindžiančių tokių tyrimų prasmę. Antroje straipsnio dalyje pristatoma ir išsamiau aptariama leksikografinės analizės procedūra ir jos pagrindu mėginama parodyti, kokių duomenų gaunama iš žodynų. Nagrinėjant MOTINOS koncepto vaizdą, atspindėtą leksikografijoje, teigiama, kad leksikografiniai šaltiniai yra labai svarbūs koncepto rekonstrukcijai, o tokios analizės patikimumą garantuoja jos kompleksiškumas. Lietuvių žodynų korpusas yra aiškiai nukreiptas į liaudiškumą ir istoriškumą, todėl konceptų rekonstrukcijoje neišvengiamai atsiranda panchroninis aspektas

    Lietuviškas MOTINOS paveikslas remiantis anketinių apklausų duomenimis

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    The article performs the analysis of the concept of mother through the cognitive questionnaire methodology developed by Jerzy Bartmiński, pioneer of Polish ethnolinguistics. According to the methodology only one open question is asked to respondents: „What do you think is the essence of the true X?“ The modifier „true“ included in the question directs respondents’ attention specifically to subjective imaginations, rather than to the actual (objectively) existing typical object. Mentioning the „essence“ directs focus to the most important rather than subordinate features.During the study, the students of Vilnius University were questioned – Philology, Philosophy, History, Law, Economics and Business Administration, Medical, Physics, International Relations and Science, Mathematics and Informatics Bachelors and Masters, as well as students from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Antanas Gustaitis’ Aviation Institute. A total of 100 questionnaires were selected for the study: 48 questionnaires of Science dysciplines (male – 18, female – 30) and 52 questionnaires of the Humanities dysciplines (male – 20, female – 32).As the results of the analysis show, the „true mother“ is characterised in particular by psychosocial and social aspects, less often by mental, biological, household aspects. The least often the mother is characterised by physical, ethnic, religious, ethical and ideological aspects. The most common were descriptions such as: Raises, educates (S); 77, 9.2 %; Loves (A); 70, 8.4 %; Cares about (A); 65, 7.8 %; Sacrifises (A); 38, 4.5 %; Gives birth (G); 28/3.3 %; Childbirth (alone) does not constitute the presence of the mother (G); 26/3.1 %. According to the students’ opinion, it can be said that the maternity still remains a value, and its core consists of a public duty of a mother to bring up a virtuous and worthy citizen. Quite a private link between a mother and a child, which manifests in a provision of warmth and love to one another, remains important, a purely humane relationship is highly valued. Human attention does not deviate completely into sociality, his own hapiness and the happiness of his closest people is important to him.Šeima, žmonių tarpusavio santykiai iki šiol pasaulyje tebėra viena iš esminių vertybių. Nepaprastai svarbus yra ir motinos vaidmuo visuomenėje: ji yra šeimos ramstis, atlieka įvairias socialines funkcijas, siekia realizuotis ne tik šeimoje. Motinai būdingų savybių ir jos atliekamų visuomeninių funkcijų suvokimas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ypač aktualus. Siekiant atskleisti stereotipinius motinos bruožus buvo atliktas studentų nuomonės tyrimas. Jo pagrindą sudarė studentų užpildytos kognityvinės anketos, kuriose jaunuoliai (-ės) samprotavo apie tai, ką reiškia motina, su kuo ji asocijuojasi, kokie bruožai jai būdingi, kokį vaidmenį ji turi vaidinti vaiko gyvenime. Apibendrinant tyrimo rezultatus, galima teigti, kad motinystės institucija iki šiol tebėra vertybė, o jos branduolį sudaro motinai priskiriama visuomeninė pareiga išauklėti dorą ir garbingą pilietį. Svarbus išlieka ir privatus ryšys tarp motinos ir vaiko, grindžiamas meile ir supratingumu


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    The problem of invasive plant species is becoming more popular all over the world. The peculiarities of alien plant species is also growing in Latvia every year. Invasive species are the serious problem for natural ecosystem and species protection, in traditional landscape visual conservation as well it shows noticeable economical reducing in farming. Existing flora and its structure was as appearing in approximately 10 000-15 000 years after the last examining. It is still developing, quantitative and qualitative plant changes continue to grow in flora. That has an influence on natural narrowing, distribution and species changes. In Latvia, as well in such city as Daugavpils, such questions as alien plant growing were examined only in some fragments. An alien plant growing was analyzed. The following facts are found the biggest plant concentration is noticed in dry and sunny places well near the artificial plant areas

    Jerzy Bartmiński (1939 09 19 — 2022 02 07)

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    2022 02 07 one of the most famous linguists in the world, founder of Polish cognitive ethnolinguistics, Slavist, semanticist, axiologist and textologist Jerzy Bartmińskis, author of 12 books and more than 900 articles, editor-in-chief of the journal "Etnolingwistyka", author of the dictionary Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych, editor of the axiological dictionary Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów. He actively collaborated with Lithuanian scientists who use the methods proposed by him to study the linguistic picture of the world.2022 02 07 į amžinybę iškeliavęs vienas iškiliausių pasaulio kalbotyrininkų, lenkų kognityvinės etnolingvistikos pradininkas, slavistas, semantikas, aksiologas ir tekstologas Jerzy Bartmińskis buvo 12 knygų (tarp kurių ir pakartotinių leidimų sulaukusių Językowe podstawy obrazu świata bei Stereotypy mieszkają w języku) ir daugiau kaip 900 straipsnių autorius, žurnalo „Etnolingwistyka“ vyriausiasis redaktorius, lenkų etnolingvistinės minties ramstį ir kanoną sudarančių liaudies simbolių ir stereotipų žodyno Słownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych bei slavų ir jų kaimynų aksiologinio leksikono Leksykon aksjologiczny Słowian i ich sąsiadów redaktorius. Kalbinio pasaulio vaizdo tyrinėjimai, taikant kognityvinės etnolingvistikos metodiką, pasiekė ir Lietuvą, o profesoriaus Jerzy Bartmińskio pavardė šiandien minima šalia tokių vardų kaip Janas Karlovičius, Vladimiras Toporovas, Nikita Tolstojus, svariai prisidėjusių prie etnolingvistinės minties plėtojimo mūsų šalyje. Lituanistų darbuose metodologija vystosi sekant jau anksčiau pagrįsta ir išbandyta linkme — nuo tautosakos ir tarmių tyrinėjimų iki kultūrinių konceptų aprašymo


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    Analysis Of Invasive Flora In Cemetery Territories Of The City Of Daugavpils

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    Alien species are reaching different areas, including also cemeteries. Inventory of invasive flora of cemeteries of the city of Daugavpils actually is the first such type of work to such level of detail on the Latvian scale. Field studies were conducted in 10 cemeteries of the city of Daugavpils. The obtained results are indicative of a comparatively high proportion of invasive plant species in the cemeteries. 49 invasive alien species were found. In the cemetery areas these are spreading mainly from greeneries, but there are also such taxa, which have accidentally reached the cemeteries. The most frequent plant in the Daugavpils cemeteries is Spiraea chamaedryfolia. Taking into account the trends of migration, sex-age structure of population, climate change, availability of exotic and new ornamental plants, it is most likely that the number of invasive species will grow in the future