29 research outputs found

    The genus Fusicladium (Hyphomycetes) in Poland

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    The paper presents new and historical data on the genus Fusicladium verified on the base of the recently published critical monograph. Fifteen species recorded in Poland under the name Fusicladium and synonymous Pollaccia and Spilocaea are reported; 5 are documented by authors’ materials from Central Poland while the other taxa are supported with literature data only, including three species belonging currently to Fusicladiella and Passalora. Three species, reported here for the first time in Poland: Fusicladium convolvularum Ondřej, F. scribnerianum (Cavara) M. B. Ellis and F. virgaureae Ondřej, are known from a few localities in the world. All the species are provided with the distribution maps and the newly reported ones are illustrated with ink drawings

    Some interesting species of the genus Ascochyta

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    The paper presents eleven species of Ascochyta recently collected in central and southern part of Poland. Two of them, Ascochyta bondarceviana Melnik and Ascochyta equiseti (Desm.) Grove noted in Poland for the first time, are illustrated with microphotographs. In addition, nine other species are newly reported on their host plants species in the country. Short characteristics of the fungi species based on the collected specimens and the distribution maps of all fungi taxa are presented

    The Known, the Unknown, and the Expected: 130 Years of Research on Non-Lichenized Fungi and Fungus-Like Organisms in the Białowieza Primeval Forest, Poland

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    The history of mycological research and current activities in the Polish part of the Białowieza˙ Primeval Forest are presented. The review of literature-derived and unpublished data on species of non-lichenized fungi and protozoan and chromistan fungal analogues indicates a minimum of 3504 species observed in this area. The gaps in the exploration of fungi: unstudied taxa, plant communities, habitats, hosts, and substrates, as well as the limitations of former studies, are discussed. Our estimates show that a total of 8000 fungal species possibly occur in the Białowieza National Park ˙ alone, and more than 10,000 are expected to be found in the Polish part of the Białowieza Primeval ˙ Forest. Despite more than a centennial history of mycological research, the majority of data come from only a few older scientific projects and several more recent citizen-science-related activities, emphasizing the need for a modern, interdisciplinary study on the diversity and ecology of fungi in this area

    First Record of Slime Molds in Biebrza National Park (NE Poland)

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    This paper provides the first recorded data of slime molds in Biebrza National Park (NE Poland). In total, 16 species of myxomycetes belonging to nine genera were observed.The study was carried out as part of the tasks financed from the subsidy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the Department of Algology and Mycology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz

    Preliminary studies of fungi in the Biebrza National Park (NE Poland). Part III. Micromycetes – new data

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    Ecological information concerning 292 fungal taxa is reported as a result of two surverys in the Biebrza National Park. Most data presented come from the 5-day all-fungi inventory of the Polish Mycological Society in 2013, and 47 species were recorded during studies in the Biele Suchowolskie fen in 2008/2009. In total, 27 species of zygomycetes, 232 ascomycetes (including anamorphs) and 27 basidiomycetes (mainly Pucciniales). Additionaly some representatives of fungi-like organisms from Stramenopiles (4 species) and Dictyostelia (2) were identified. Fungal groups included were the same as in the previous survey in 2012: 190 taxa associated with plants, 15 with animals, 8 with fungi and 71 isolated from soil, plant debris and animal excrements. The most numerous were anamorphic ascomycetes (159 species). Nineteen species have not been previously known from Poland and 31 species are rare (1–3 localities). For the Biebrza National Park 197 species (67.5%) are new

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 1436–1477

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    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina, Colletotrichum araujiae on leaves, stems and fruits of Araujia hortorum. Australia, Agaricus pateritonsus on soil, Curvularia fraserae on dying leaf of Bothriochloa insculpta, Curvularia millisiae from yellowing leaf tips of Cyperus aromaticus, Marasmius brunneolorobustus on well-rotted wood, Nigrospora cooperae from necrotic leaf of Heteropogon contortus, Penicillium tealii from the body of a dead spider, Pseudocercospora robertsiorum from leaf spots of Senna tora, Talaromyces atkinsoniae from gills of Marasmius crinis-equi and Zasmidium pearceae from leaf spots of Smilax glyciphylla. Brazil, Preussia bezerrensis from air. Chile, Paraconiothyrium kelleni from the rhizosphere of Fragaria chiloensis subsp. chiloensis f. chiloensis. Finland, Inocybe udicola on soil in mixed forest with Betula pendula, Populus tremula, Picea abies and Alnus incana. France, Myrmecridium normannianum on dead culm of unidentified Poaceae. Germany, Vexillomyces fraxinicola from symptomless stem wood of Fraxinus excelsior. India, Diaporthe limoniae on infected fruit of Limonia acidissima, Didymella naikii on leaves of Cajanus cajan, and Fulvifomes mangroviensis on basal trunk of Aegiceras corniculatum. Indonesia, Penicillium ezekielii from Zea mays kernels. Namibia, Neocamarosporium calicoremae and Neocladosporium calicoremae on stems of Calicorema capitata, and Pleiochaeta adenolobi on symptomatic leaves of Adenolobus pechuelii. Netherlands, Chalara pteridii on stems of Pteridium aquilinum, Neomackenziella juncicola (incl. Neomackenziella gen. nov.) and Sporidesmiella junci from dead culms of Juncus effusus. Pakistan, Inocybe longistipitata on soil in a Quercus forest. Poland, Phytophthora viadrina from rhizosphere soil of Quercus robur, and Septoria krystynae on leaf spots of Viscum album. Portugal (Azores), Acrogenospora stellata on dead wood or bark. South Africa, Phyllactinia greyiae on leaves of Greyia sutherlandii and Punctelia anae on bark of Vachellia karroo. Spain, Anteaglonium lusitanicum on decaying wood of Prunus lusitanica subsp. lusitanica, Hawksworthiomyces riparius from fluvial sediments, Lophiostoma carabassense endophytic in roots of Limbarda crithmoides, and Tuber mohedanoi from calcareus soils. Spain (Canary Islands), Mycena laurisilvae on stumps and woody debris. Sweden, Elaphomyces geminus from soil under Quercus robur. Thailand, Lactifluus chiangraiensis on soil under Pinus merkusii, Lactifluus nakhonphanomensis and Xerocomus sisongkhramensis on soil under Dipterocarpus trees. Ukraine, Valsonectria robiniae on dead twigs of Robinia hispida. USA, Spiralomyces americanus (incl. Spiralomyces gen. nov.) from office air. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes

    The genus Asteromella (Fungi: Ascomycota) in Poland

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    Przegląd krajowych gatunków z rodzaju Fusicladium

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    The paper presents new and historical data on the genus Fusicladiumverified on the base of the recently published critical monograph. Fifteen species recorded in Poland under the name Fusicladium and synonymousPollaccia andSpilocaeaare reported; 5 are documented by authors’ materials from Central Poland while the other taxa are supported with literature data only, including three species belonging currently to Fusicladiella and Passalora. Three species, reported here for the first time in Poland: Fusicladium convolvularum Ondřej, F. scribnerianum (Cavara) M. B. Ellis and F. virgaureae Ondřej, are known from a few localities in the world. All the species are provided with the distribution maps and the newly reported ones are illustrated with ink drawings.Lista stwierdzonych dotąd w Polsce przedstawicieli rodzaju Fusicladium [= Pollaccia, Spilocaea] obejmuje 12 gatunków, z których 3 należą obecnie do Passalora i Fusicladiella. Dane dotyczące 7 gatunków Fusicladium pochodzą wyłącznie ze źródeł publikowanych. Wykaz uzupełniono o 3 gatunki nowe dla kraju: Fusicladium convolvularum, F. scribnerianumi F. virgaureae oraz nowe stanowiska 2 taksonów notowanych uprzednio. Dla wszystkich gatunków sporządzono mapy rozmieszczenia w Polsce, a dla gatunków nowo stwierdzonych również opisy i rysunki struktur morfologicznych