90 research outputs found

    Application of numerical models to evaluate oil spills propagation in the coastal environment of the Black Sea

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    The last decades continuously increasing of the economical activities in the coastal environment of the Black Sea is obviously leading to the enhancement of the pollution risks due to accidental oil spillages. Starting from the fact that most accidents were generated by an inadequate forecast of the wave conditions, the aim of the present work is to develop a methodology based on spectral phase–averaging wave models able to predict the wave propagation in the coastal environment. The wave induced currents that may be a key factor in driving the pollution are also assessed. This implies both the Stokes drift and the wave induced nearshore currents. The surface streaming effect due to the molecular viscosity was also accounted for. In the nearshore, close to the surf zone, the pollution is usually spread along the coast due to the longshore currents. In this connection, the results of a simple but effective model system called ISSM are also presented. As an alternative simulations with the SHORECIRC model system are also performed. Finally, as a case study, the propagation of the pollution towards the Romanian coast generated by a hypothetic accident at the Gloria drilling platform was assessed. Article in English. Skaitinių modelių taikymas vertinant išsiliejusios naftos pasklidimą Juodosios jūros priekrantės zonoje Santrauka. Per pastaruosius dešimtmečius plėtojant pramonę Juodosios jūros priekrantės zonoje, dėl atsitiktinių naftos išsiliejimų padidėjo taršos rizika. Viena iš priežasčių, dėl kurių įvyksta tokios avarijos, yra netikslios bangų būkles prognozės. Darbo tikslas – remiantis spektrinių fazės vidurkių apskaičiavimų modeliais, sukurti metodologiją, kuri leistų numatyti bangų sklidimą priekrantės zonoje. Taip pat įvertinamos bangos sukeltos srovės. Jos gali būti vienas iš pagrindinių veiksnių, turinčių įtakos teršalų sklidimui jūroje. Į skaičiavimus įtraukiama Stokso tėkmė bei bangos sukeltos pakrantės srovės, išreiškiamas paviršiaus srovių efektas pagal molekulinę klampą. Dėl ilgųjų pakrantės srovių prie kranto iš arčiau paviršiaus zonos esančio šaltinio tarša dažniausiai sklinda palei pakrantę, todėl rezultatai pristatomi taikant modeliavimo sistemas ISSM ir SHORECIRC. Modeliuojant remtasi studija, kurioje vertinamas taršos sklidimas ties Rumunijos pakrantės dėl spėjamai įvykusios avarijos Glorijos gręžinio platformoje. Reikšminiai žodžiai: ekologinis įspėjimas, naftos išsiliejimai, bangos, bangos sukeltos srovės, skaitiniai modeliai, Juodoji jūra. Использование численных моделей для оценки распространения разлива нефти в прибрежной зоне Чёрного моря Резюме. Постоянно увеличивающаяся в последние десятилетия экономическая активность в прибрежной зоне Чёрного моря ведёт к большему риску загрязнения из-за случайных разливов нефти. В связи с тем, что большая часть случаев разлива была связана с неадекватным прогнозом волнения, целью настоящей работы было разработать методологию, основанную на спектральных моделях волнения с усреднением фазы, способную предсказывать распространение волн в прибрежной зоне. Было оценено также течение, вызванное волнением, которое может стать решающим фактором в распространении загрязнения. Оно включает в себя стоксовое дрейфовое течение и прибрежное течение. Учтено также поверхностное течение, вызываемое ветром через касательные напряжения. В качестве примера рассмотрено распространение в направлении румынского берега загрязнения, вызванного гипотетической аварией на буровой платформе Глория. Ключевые слова: экологическое предупреждение, разливы нефти, волны, течения, вызываемые волной, численные модели, Чёрное море. First Publish Online: 10 Feb 201

    Eficacitatea tratamentului cu preparate antivirale cu acțiune directă la pacienții cu hepatită virală C cronică

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    Department of Infectious Tropical Diseases and Medical Parasitology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Toma Ciorba Clinical Hospital of Infectious DiseasesIntroduction. Viral hepatitis C (HCV) is a significant global health problem. The risk of developing chronic HCV is up to 80% of patients, of whom 10-20% can develop liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma which can lead to death. Treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) contributes to a sustained virological response (SVR) in 97-99% of cases. Material and methods. The study was conducted on 206 patients with chronic HCV who underwent two generic antiviral agent therapies: group I (103) – Sofosbuvir 400 mg + Ledipasvir 80 mg, whereas group II (103) – Sofosbuvir 400 mg + Daclatasvir 60 mg orally, once a day, for 12 weeks. The assessment of hepatitis C virus RNA and genotype, as well as the degree of hepatic fibrosis by Fibroscan, biochemical and complete blood count (CBC) indices were carried out. Results. The study results showed high efficacy of the generic DAAs treatment in patients with chronic HCV over 12 weeks. The SVR rate made up 90.3% in Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir therapy and 86.4% – in Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir. Similar treatment response was recorded in naive patients and those who previously underwent unsuccessful treatment with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin. The DAAs treatment showed the following minor adverse reactions: asthenia, headache, sleep disorder, and nausea, which did not require treatment discontinuation. Conclusions. The 12-week course of DAAs therapy exhibited high SVR rate in both chronic HCV naive patients and those previously treated with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin.Introducere. Hepatita virală C (HVC) este o maladie cu un impact semnificativ la nivel mondial. Riscul de cronicizare a HVC este de până la 80% dintre pacienții diagnosticați cu această maladie iar 10-20% dintre aceștea dezvoltă ciroza hepatică, carcinomul hepatocelular sau poate surveni decesul. Tratamentul cu preparatele antivirale, cu acțiune directă (PAAD) contribuie la obținerea răspunsului virusologic susținut (RVS) în 97-99% de cazuri morbide. Material și metode. Studiul științific a inclus 206 de pacienţi cu HVC cronică, care au primit două scheme de preparate antivirale generice: I lot (103) – Sofosbuvir, 400 mg + Ledipasvir, 80 mg, însă cei din lotul II (103) – Sofosbuvir, 400 mg + Daclatasvir, 60 mg per os, o dată în zi, timp de 12 săptămâni. Au fost evaluate ARN-VHC, genotipul virusului C, gradul de fibroză hepatică prin Fibroscan, indicii biochimici și hemoleucograma. Rezultate. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat randamentul ridicat al tratamentului cu PAAD, efectuat pe parcursul a 12 săptămâni pacienților cu HVC cronică. Rata RVS a fost de 90,3% – în cazul tratamentului cu Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir și 86,4% – cu Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir. Răspunsul la tratament a fost similar la pacienții naivi și la cei tratați anterior cu Interferon pegilat și Ribavirină – fără succes. Tratamentul antiviral cu PAAD a înregistrat reacții adverse minore: astenie, cefalee, dereglarea somnului, grețuri, care nu au pretins întreruperea tratamentului. Concluzii. Tratamentul cu PAAD, administrat timp de 12 săptămâni, a atins RVS ridicat atât la pacienții cu HVC cronică naivi, cât și cei tratați anterior cu PEG-INF și Ribavirină

    Main requirements for ventilation of different rooms on the ships

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    The ventilation system is vital for the good functionality of the vessels and its purpose is to ensure the requested environmental condition for equipment and people. In addition, the ventilation system is assuring the safety of the vessels by reducing the concentration of the flammable and toxic gases which can escape from the equipment, systems, and storage tanks. Also, in case of fire, the ventilation system must be able to extract the smoke from engine rooms and public atriums spaces in passenger's vessels. The paper is a short over-view of the main requirements and recommendations for ventilation systems of different compartments on the vessel and different types of vessels. The requirements related to the safety of the vessel and people on board are stated in Class and IMO / Administration rules and regulations while the calculation of the air flow needed to remove the heat radiated inside the room is indicated in ISO standards

    Current Therapeutic Approaches from Imidazoline and Opioid Receptors Modulators in Neuroprotection

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    Due to brain plasticity, the nervous system is capable of manifesting behavioral variations, adapted to the influences from both external and internal environment. Multiple neurotransmitters are involved in the mediation of pathological processes at the molecular, cellular, regional, and interregional levels participating in cerebral plasticity, their intervention being responsible for various structural, functional, and behavioral disturbances. The current therapeutic strategies in neuroprotection aim at blocking on different levels, the molecular cascades of the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for neuronal dysfunctions and ultimately for neuronal death. Different agents influencing these neurotransmitters have demonstrated beneficial effects in neurogenesis and neuroprotection, proved in experimental animal models of focal and global ischemic injuries. Serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate, and nitric oxide have been shown to play a significant role in modulating nervous system injuries. The imidazoline system is one of the important systems involved in human brain functioning. Experimental investigations have revealed the cytoprotective effects of imidazoline I2 receptor ligands against neuronal injury induced by hypoxia in experimental animals. The neuroprotective effects were also highlighted for kappa and delta receptors, whose agonists demonstrated the ability to reduce architectural lesions and to recover neuronal functions of animals with experimentally induced brain ischemia


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    Abstract: A map M is a combinatorial representation of a graph embedded on a surface and creates a tessellation on that surface. The map operations are topological transformations of a given map. A computer program, CVNET, was made for generating maps or coverings representing fullerenes/ hyper structures, by map operations. In this paper are presented algorithms for map operations, which analyze the original graph and then generate the new ones. Some examples of generated objects by map operations are illustrated at the end

    Ship design optimization framework

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    This study intends to develop a Computational Fluid Dynamics space exploration frame-work, which creates a bridge between NAPA software and OpenFOAM 9 simulation soft-ware. With the use of Free Form Deformation function implemented in NAPA, iterations of KCS hull were automatically generated by changing the length of the bulb. The newly created versions of the model were further analyzed with numerical investigations to de-termine the ship resistance simulation using RANS equations. The optimization process and the data transfer between the two software packages is monitored by the Dakota op-timization software

    Cranio-cerebral trauma in the newborns

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    Conducător știinţific – Svetlana Hadjiu, dr., conferenţiar universitar Departamentul Pediatrie, Clinica neuropediatrie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP ICŞDOSMC.In this study we assessed the role of craniocerebral trauma and posttraumatic syndromes of the central nervous system development in newborn as a result of laborious birth, breech births and instrumental facility birth. Traumatic brain injuries show a severe clinical picture in the early hours of the onset and distance neurological sequelae that the brake side effect in central nervous system development. Establishment of a cranial trauma algorithm diagnostic in newborn is extremely important to initiate a proper treatment. În acest studiu am apreciat rolul traumatismului craniocerebral și a sindroamelor posttraumatice asupra dezvoltării sistemului nervos central la nou-născuţi (n.n) în rezultatul travaliilor dificile, nașteri facilitate instrumental și nașteri prin prezentaţie pelvină. Leziunile cerebrale posttraumatice denotă un tablou clinic grav în primele ore de la debut și sechele neurologice la distanţă, care au ca efect secundar frânarea în dezvoltare a sistemului nervos central. Stabilirea unui algoritm de diagnostic al traumelor craiocerebrale la nou-născuţi este extrem de important pentru iniţierea tratamentului corect