197 research outputs found

    Embryogenic Callus Induction of Pencil Orchid (Papilionanthe hookeriana Rchb.f.) Through in Vitro Culture

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    Papilionanthe hookeriana Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae), popularly known as ‘Pencil orchid’ in Indonesia, is a perennial ephiphyte orchid, found only at Dendam Tak Sudah Lake in Bengkulu. The aims of this research were to find the best sterilization technique of P. hookeriana explant and to induce maximum formation of embryogenic calli. Rapid multiplication of this orchid was achieved through culture of shoot tips and young leaf segments of mature plants by in vitro cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium enriched with 50 g L-1 banana pulp. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. In the first stage, the explants were sterilized using three compositions of sterilizaton material. In the second stage, the explants were planted on the MS basal medium with addition of five levels of 2,4-Diclhorophenoxy Acetis Acid concentrations, namely 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 mg L-1. The result showed that the best sterilization method to reduce explant contaminant was method 3, in which the explant was washed with detergent, rinsed with flowing water, soaked in 0.1% (v/v) HgCl2 solution for 30 minutes, soaked again in the 10% (v/v) Sodium hypochloride solution for 20 minutes, rinsed three times with sterile water before planted and then soaked in sterile water added 10% (v/v) betadhine before planted on treated medium. This method was able to reduce contamination levels up to 70% from explants cultured for 5 months on MS medium. MS medium added with 1.00 mg L-1 2,4-D produced the highest number of embryogenic calli, and the biggest callus diameter (3.5 cm), characterized by transparent green color and friable callus structure


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    Penggunaan padi gogo varietas unggul saat ini masih sangat rendah,disebabkan karena kurangnya ketersediaan benih dan kurangnya minat penangkar dalam memproduksi benih padi yang unggul. Perakitan varietas memerlukan waktu dan dana yang relatif besar. Pembentukan galur homozigot dapat dipercepat dengan teknik kultur antera yang dapat menghasilkan galur-galur murni dalam satu generasi. Pembentukan tanaman haploid ganda spontan pada kultur antera padi sangat menguntungkan, karena tidak perlu menggandakan tanaman haploid sebagai bahan seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan galur-galur haploid ganda padi gogo yang toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan dan tahan penyakit blas. Bahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah antera tanaman padi hasil persilangan (F1) yang terdiri atas varietas lokal dengan galur-galur terpilih yaitu P1 (Sriwijaya x IR-148+), P2 (Sriwijaya x IR-7858-1), P3 (Bugis x IR-148+), dan P4 (Bugis x IR-7858-1), media induksi kalus (N6), media regenerasi (MS) (mengikuti metode Dewi 2003, Herawati 2008). Kultur antera varietas lokal padi indica/indica menghasilkan respon induksi kalus dan regenerasi tanaman yang rendah, sehingga menghasilkan efisiensi kultur antera yang rendah dalam menghasilkan tanaman hijau. Perlu dilakukan inokulasi antera dalam beberapa tahap sehingga peluang untuk memperoleh planlet dalam jumlah yang cukup untuk bahan seleksi akan lebih besar. Sebagai alternatif dari penelitian ini telah dihasilkan tanaman F3 yang akan terus dieseleksi lebih lanjut hingga F6 hingga siap dievaluasi sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini, yaitu menghasilkan galur-galur harapan yang toleran kekeringan dan tahan blas

    Effect of BAP (6-Benzyl Aminopurine) on In Vitro Shoot Growth of Curcumas

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    Curcuma sp has been widely investigated for its anti-cancer properties. Conventionally, vegetative propagation needs a long time to produce a large number of planting materials, so that it is necessary to find an alternative approach through in vitro propagation.  The effect of BAP on the in vitro shoot formation of ‘temu putih’ and ‘temu putih’ has been investigated in this study. The experiment was a 4x2 factorial with 5 replications arranged in a completely randomized design.  The first factor was the concentration of BAP i.e. 0, 1.5, 3, and 4.5 ppm.  The second factor was the curcuma species consisting of ‘temu putih’ (Curcuma zedoaria Roch.) and ‘temu mangga’ (Curcuma mangga Val.).  Each experimental unit consisted of 2 in vitro bottles, each of which planted with 1 explant bud.  Analysis of variance was conducted on percentage of live explants, shoot height, number of roots, root length, wet weight, percentage of explants that sprouted, percentage of rooted explants and shoot color.  Mean comparison was performed by the Least Significant Difference (LSD).  The results showed that there was no interaction between BAP concentration and genotype on any variable observed.  The shoot growth of ‘temu putih’ was significantly higher than ‘temu mangga’ in vitro.  The best concentration of BAP for the growth of ‘temu putih’ and ‘temu mangga’ shoots was 1.5 ppm

    Tolerance of 20 heirloom rice varieties at seedling stage salinity stressed and their growth in lowland coastal area

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    Coastal area of Bengkulu Province is home of many heirloom rice varieties and play an important role in contributing rice production in the province. However, as the climate change proceeds, a progressive sea water inundation has increased soil salinity mainly in low-lying areas and jeopardizing the sustainability of rice production in coastal regions.  The use of salt-tolerant varieties, therefore, would be a sensible solution to alleviate the adverse effect of soil salinity in respect of maintaining the crop production in the coastal areas. The objective of this study was to examine the salinity tolerance of 20 heirloom rice varieties collected from a coastal area of Bengkulu Province.  Prior to the screening process, lethal concentration 90 (LC90) was determined by assaying the seedlings of ‘Kuning Tinggi’ in a series of nutrient solution containing a different concentration of NaCl (0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000 and 10000 ppm). Using a regression analysis, LC90 was detected at a concentration of 3910 ppm. The screening was performed by exposing the varieties in the nutrient solution culture containing 4000 ppm NaCl and growing them on the tidal swamp. Under nutrient culture evaluation, the symptom of NaCl toxicity was scored and converted to salinity tolerance index. ‘Humbur’, ‘Kuning Tinggi’ and ‘Padang Bakung’ exhibited medium tolerant, while ‘Beram’, ‘Imperata’ and ‘Kuning’ exhibited very sensitive. Further evaluation of the tidal swamp for vegetative and generative performances signified that ‘Humbur’ and ‘Kuning Tinggi’ had medium tolerant to salinity stres

    Population Characteristic and Genetic Relationship on 25 Bengkulu Heirloom Rice Based on Morpgological Traits

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    Bengkulu Province has many local rice germplasms that have adapted to specific areas. The germplasm has certain character advantages so that it is maintained by farmers. The characteristics of each germplasm need to be identified in order to improve the properties of the existing germplasm. This study aimed to determine the performance, to estimate the value of genetic parameters, and to determine the genetic relationship of local rice genotypes collected from four districts in Bengkulu Province. The results showed that the ‘Kuning Sulaowangi’ genotype was the earliest in maturity had the highest number of tillers amongst genotypes. Genotypes which have significantly the highest average component yields were ‘Kunig Air Dingin’ and ‘Impera’.  Traits that have a high heritability estimated value were weight of 100 grains (91.046%) and grain weight per panicle (80.252%). The weight of 100 grains also has the highest genetic variability value. Thus increasing local rice production is possible. Based on the results of the analysis with the similarity coefficient of 55%, the local rice genotypes could be grouped into two groups.  Group I consisted of 9 genotypes namely ‘Kuning Pendek’, ‘Humbur’, ‘Cantik’, ‘Pandak Kelabu’, ‘Cisadane Putih’, ‘Kuning Sulaowangi’, ‘China Abang’, ‘China Putih’ and ‘Impera’. Other genotypes were in Group II.  Trait improvement can be done through hybridization between individuals of different groups. To develope early in maturity and high-yielding varieties can be done through hybridization of the ‘Kunig Sulaowangi’ and ‘Kunig Air Dingin


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    RApD primers selection have to be done in order to identi$ RAPD markels]inkage with CMV resistance on hot pepper (Capsicum sp). The objective of this research was to identifr RAPD markers polymorphic with CMV resisiance through bulk segregant analysis (BSA) approach. Random primers used in this research were 120 primers from six op.ron group., tt "y *.r. oPA, OPC, OPE, OPR OPH an{ OPM- The mapping population was generated from a cross if a'Capstcum annuum resistant genotype (C1024) x a susceptible C frutescens g.noiyp.. The DNA of the most r"lirtunt and susceptible F2 plants were pooled respectively and amplified *itf, tG random primers. The result showed that out of 120 random primers, 25 primers showed polymorphism on resistant versus susceptible pool DNA. They were OPA-7, OPA-13, OPA-15, OPA-20, OPC-4, OPC-s' opc-6, opc-8, opE-l, opE-6;oPE-7,oPE-l2,oPF-14, oPF-6, oPH-3, oPH-s, oPH-10, oPH-12, oPH- 13, OPH-I8, OPM-7, OPM-I8, and OPM-2
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