109 research outputs found
Globally, the prevalence of tinea pedis reaches a high enough rate of 10%. This study aims to determine the relationship between garbage collectors in landfill Rawa Kucing Tangerang city with infection of tinea pedis using cross-sectional design. There are 42 people were interviewed and physically and microscopically examined. Secondary data from the Environmental Office of Tangerang City, Rawa Kucing Landfill, and Neglasari Public Health Center were also collected. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression. The results showed that respondents who experienced tinea pedis were 74.9%, poor individual hygiene were 61,9%, the largest group aged 31 - 55 years old (57.1%) and allergy history was about 66.7%. Poor personal hygiene was having tinea pedis 15.6 times, respondents who did not use personal protective equipment (PPE) at work were at risk of 10.3 times, and respondents who had a history of allergy were at risk of 8.5 times. The study suggested that it is necessary to improve routine supervisions by City Health Office concerning labor compliance in maintaining personal hygiene, as well as increasing the role of Puskesmas in improving counseling to maintain personal hygiene in overcoming tinea pedis.
Keywords: Personal hygiene, use of self-protection equipment, tinea pedis
Secara global, prevalensi tinea pedis mencapai angka yang cukup tinggi yaitu 10%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik petugas pemungut sampah di tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA) Rawa Kucing Kota Tangerang dengan tinea pedis dengan disain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 42 orang diwawancarai, diperiksa secara fisik dan mikroskopis. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Tangerang, TPA Rawa Kucing, dan Puskesmas Neglasari Kota Tangerang. Data diuji dengan chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil menunjukkan responden yang mengalami tinea pedis sebesar 74,9%, kebersihan individu yang kurang baik sebesar 61,9%, kelompok umur terbanyak adalah pada umur 31 – 55 tahun sebesar 57,1% dan mempunyai riwayat alergi sebesar 66,7%. Kebersihan individu yang jelek berisiko mempunyai tinea pedis 15,6 kali, responden yang tidak menggunakan APD saat bekerja berisiko 10,3 kali terkena tinea pedis dan responden yang mempunyai riwayat alergi berisiko 8,5 kali kejadian tinea pedis. Peenelitian ini menyarankan peningkatan pengawasan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota mengenai kepatuhan tenaga kerja dalam menjaga kebersihan individu, serta pihak Puskesmas meningkatkan penyuluhan dalam menjaga kebersihan diri dalam mengatasi tinea pedis.
Kata kunci: Kebersihan individu, alat pelindung diri, tinea pedi
Revolusi Kesehatan Ibu Dan Anak (Kia) Dalam Meningkatkan Persalinan Oleh Tenaga Kesehatan Di Fasilitas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kupang
Basic Health Research 2007 shows that Kupang district is one of Regional Health Problems among 154 districts in Indonesia. In 2009 the Provincial Government of NTT launched the Mother and Child Health (MCH) Revolution Movement through Governor Regulation No. 42 in 2009, and followed by declaring Regulation of Head of Kupang District No.16 of 2010 on the Acceleration of MCH. The aim of this study is to describe the MCH achievement and the implementation of MCH Revolution Policy in Kupang District. This is a qualitative research which was conducted in 2012. Of the 25 health centers in Kupang District, there were 6 health center set in clusters. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and document review. Results showed that the MCH Revolution Movement had succeeded in increasing the delivery by health workers, especially in health facilities by involving the community. This increase is relevant to the growing number of health centers, Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) facilities , and midwives in Kupang. The situation was supported by the facts that there were no competition between midwives and TBAs, active cadres who accompanied pregnant women very cooperative TBAs, supportive village regulation, and health centers and village midwives which always ready for delivery. Conclusions, the supporting factors of the MCH Revolution movement are the implementation of rewards and punishments system, community empowerment that has been running well, and also midwives-TBAs partnership
Coronary Heart Disease [CHD] with Obesity in Kebon Kalapa Village, Bogor [Baseline Cohort Study of Non-communicable Diseases Risk Factors]
Background: Obesity has become global pandemic problem in the world as WHO said that it is the largest chronic health problems in adults. Riskesdas 2007 shown that national obesity prevalence in adult based on BMI in 15 years age groups were 10.3%. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors of obesity on CHD i. e socio demography, behavior risk factors and blood test results. Methods: Cross sectional design with a deep analysis on the data evaluation subset of Risk Factors Cohort Study of Non Communicable Diseases research in Kebon Kalapa village, Bogor. The samples took were 1079 respondents CHD patients with obesity. CHD patients were determined based on ECG examination in 2013 and had obesity (BMI > 25 cm and hip ratio > 80 cm on women, and > 90 cm on men). Analysis Chi-square test and logistic regression. Results:The research shows that hypertension gives 1.8 of risk compared to obese CHD respondents with no hypertension with 95% of CI 1.312.53; LDL gives 1.6 of risk compared to respondents with no risk LDL in obese CHD group with 95% CI 1,182,32; HDL give 1.66 higher risk to respondents with risky HDL in obese CHD group with 95% CI 1,232,23 while Triglycerides gives 1.5 risk to obese CHD respondents with 95% CI 1,072,22. Conclusion: People of old ages, females, divorced, housewifes, well educated and high socioeconomic status would have CHD risk. Suggestion: Required further study of obese CHD on the quality of the food intake, especially in fat of the oil used for frying in order to know more detail the types of saturated fatty acids that affect the deterioration of the blood lipid profile
Faktor Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Pjk) Pada Perempuan (Baseline Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko Ptm) (Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease (Chd) in Women [Baseline Cohort Study of Risk Factors for Non Communicable Disease])
Background: Cardiovascular disease was claimed as a leading cause of death in women > 65 years old in Europe. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) was major cause of death in women in the USA, a half of million women dead because of cardiovascular disease every year. Riskesdas 2007 shows that prevalence of cardiovascular disease in women was higher than man based on diagnosis (1.0% versus 0.8%) or diagnosis and symptoms (8.1% versus 6.2%). The aim of this study was to explore determinants risk factors of CHD in women (sociodemography, behavior risk factors, and blood examination). Methods: Cross sectional with in depth analysis The sample took from sub set data of cohort study of non-communicable disease in sub district Kebon Kalapa, Central Bogor in Bogor City by Center of Intervention Technology of Public Health. Dependent variable was CHD in women with independent variables were socio demography factors, behavior risk factors, and biomedical risk factors. Samples were 1042 respondents, women who had CHD. The criteria of CHD based on examination of ECG with abnormal results. Data analysis conducted by Chi square and logistic regression. Result: The result of this study shows that determinant factors of CHD in women were menopause OR = 1.5 (95% CI 1.215–2.081); waist circumstances OR = 1.5 (95% CI 1.147–2.221); and triglyceride level OR = 1 (95% CI 1.010–1.253). Conclusion: The women with menopause and central obesity had high risk on CHD. Recommendation: Health promotion should have done to decrease CHD prevalence
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular (Studi Agen Perubahan di Kecamatan Cicurug, Kabupaten Sukabumi)
Number of hypertension cases in Cicurug, West Java, Health Center of Sukabumi District is 40% reported risk factors which are smoking habit, and clean healthy living behavior (PHBS) amounted 70%. Non communicable diseases control effort which is done by agent of change (AoC) through community empowerment. These activities could be held in collaboration with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Operational research to analyze the implementation of CSR in community empowerment. Community empowerment is conducted in Nyangkowek Village (As Intervention Village) and Purwasari Village (As Control Village), Cicurug District, Sukabumi Regency. It has been selected 20 AoC from each village. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and observations. The AoC triggered has improved the knowledge, attitude and behavior of AoC in the control of NCD, they became promoters in controlling NCD risk factors for themselves, families, and community. Community empowerment through the selection of candidates and triggering AoC is the key to the successful implementation of P2TMBM. AoC as the spearhead in changing the risky behavior of NCD in the community that is coronary heart, hypertension, and obesity. CSR program in Cicurug District is able to develop community empowerment in controlling NCD risk factors. Health Office and Puskesmas are expected to be facilitators in forming AoC. Assistance by CSR is needed in the effort to control smoking behavior, diet and physical activity.
Jumlah kasus hipertensi di Puskesmas Cicurug Kabupaten Sukabumi sebesar 40%, dengan faktor risiko yang terlaporkan kebiasaan merokok, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) sebesar 70%. Pengendalian penyakit tidak menular dilakukan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan pemicuan agen perubahan (agent of change). Tujuan penelitian untuk menerapkan program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengendalian penyakit tidak menular berbasis masyarakat (P2PTM) melalui agen perubahan.Kegiatan tersebut terselenggara atas dukungan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang ada di Kabupaten Sukabumi. Metode penelitian adalah Riset operasional yang dilaksanakan dengan program CSR dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tempat kegiatan di Desa Nyangkowek (intervensi pemicuan P2TMBM,) dan Desa Purwasari (kontrol).Penelitian ini dilakukan di bulan Februari- Oktober2015. Terpilih 20 agen perubahan dari masing-masing desa. Cara pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemicuan pada AOC telah berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku Agent of Change dalam pengendalian penyakit tidak menular serta mereka menjadi promotor dalam pengendalian faktor risiko PTM baik untuk dirinya sendiri, keluarga maupun masyarakat sekitarnya. Pemberdayaaan masyarakat melalui pemicuan, pemilihan calon ‘Agen Perubahan’ serta dukungan CSR merupakan kunci keberhasilan program. Program CSR di Kecamatan Cicurug mampu mengembangkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengendalian faktor risiko PTM. Untuk keberlanjutan program pemberdaayan masyarakat dengan model pemicuan P2TMBM, diharapkan dinas kesehatan dan puskesmas dapat menjadi fasilitator dalam pembentukan ‘Agen Perubahan’ berikutnya, dalam upaya pengendalian perilaku merokok, pola makan dan aktifitas fisik dengan pendampingan oleh CSR
Currently, Indonesian people interest in pilgrimage is higher. The dense number of Umrah pilgrims may be at risk of transmission of the disease especially from endemic areas such as meningitis. Since 2002, the Saudi Arabian government has issued a policy requiring meningitis vaccination in both pilgrims and umrah, but there is still little problem in the provision of MM vaccination for Umrah pilgrims. This paper aims to determine the implementation of meningitis vaccination services for Umrah pilgrims in Indonesia. Data collection was done by indepth interview and focus group discussion to stakeholders related to the implementation of Umrah health service and supported by secondary data. The research was conducted at KKP Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten. Implementation of the Meningococcus ACYW-135 meningitis vaccine should be carried out at the designated Port Health Office (KKP) or Government Hospital, vaccination is done at least 1 month before the scheduled departure time. KKP is an institution that has the authority to issue International Certificate Vaccination (ICV) as a condition of issuance of Umrah visa from Saudi Arabia. But in the field there are many fraudulent ICV publishing done by some irresponsible umrah travels.
Saat ini, minat masyarakat terhadap ibadah umrah semakin tinggi. Padatnya jumlah Jemaah umrah dapat berisiko terjadinya penularan penyakit terutama yang berasal dari daerah endemis seperti meningitis. Sejak tahun 2002, pemerintah Arab Saudi mengeluarkan kebijakan yang Mewajibkan vaksinasi meningitis pada Jemaah haji maupun umrah, namun masih ditemukan adanya sedikit masalah dalam pemberian vaksinasi Meningitis Meningococcus untuk Jemaah umrah. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pelayanan vaksinasi meningitis bagi Jemaah umrah di Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan indepth interview dan focus group discussion kepada stakeholder terkait pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan umrah serta didukung oleh data sekunder. Penelitian dilakukan di KKP bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Banten. Pelaksanaan penyuntikan vaksin Meningitis Meningococcus ACYW-135 wajib dilaksanakan di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) atau Rumah Sakit Pemerintah yang telah ditunjuk, vaksinasi dilakukan minimal 1 bulan sebelum jadwal keberangkatan. KKP merupakan institusi yang mempunyai kewenangan menerbitkan International Certificate Vaccination (ICV) sebagai syarat penerbitan visa umrah dari Arab Saudi. Namun di lapangan banyak ditemukan penerbitan ICV palsu yang dilakukan oleh beberapa travel umrah yang tidak bertanggung jawab
The Effect Of Clustering Technique On Writing Ability And Apprehenshion Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of MAN Model Palangka Raya
The objectives of this study were (a) to measure the effectiveness of using clustering technique on writing ability of the eleventh grade students of MAN Model Palangka Raya; (b) to measure the effectiveness of using clustering technique on writing apprehension of the eleventh grade students of MAN Model Palangka Raya; (c) to measure effectiveness of using clustering technique on writing ability and apprehension of the eleventh grade students of MAN Model Palangka Raya.
In this research, the researcher used quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design. The researcher designed the lesson plan, conducted the treatment, observed the students’ scores by pre-test and post-test. The population of the study werethe eleventh grade students of MAN Model Palangka Raya which consist of232 students. They were class XI IPA1was 36 students, class XI IPA2 was 36 students, class XI IPA3 was 36students, class XI IPA4 was 35 students,class XI Bahasa was 29 students, XI Agama was 28 students and class IPs was 30 students. The researcher took three classes as the samples of this research. The writer choose XI IPA4as Control Group and class XI IPA2 as Experiment Group.
After getting the data analysis using One-Way ANOVA, the result showed that there was signifcant differences among groups after doing the treatment with Fvalue was higher than Ftable (97.829≥ 2.75). Then researcher applied Post Hoc Testto answer the research problems, and the result showed that (a) Experiment Group of writing ability showed the significant value .(0.00 lower ≤ 0.05). It meant that there was significant effect of clustering technique on students writing ability; (b) Experiment Group of writing apprehension showed the significant value (0.01 lower ≤ 0.05). It meant that there was significant effect of clustering technique on students writing apprehension. (c) there is different effect between experiment group using clustering technique on writing ability and apprehension, thetechnique were effective in improving students’ writing ability and apprehension. It was based on the calculation showed that the significant value was higher than alpha (0.18 ≥ 0.05).
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (a) untuk mengukur keefektifan tehnik clustering pada kemampuan menulis siswa pada siswa kelas sebelas di MAN Model Palangka Raya; (b) untuk mengukur keefektifan tehnik clustering pada kecemasan menulis siswa pada siswa kelas sebelas di MAN Model Palangka Raya; (c) untuk mengukur keefektifan tehnik clustering pada kemampuan dan kecemasan dalam menulis siswa pada siswa kelas sebelas di MAN Model Palangka Raya.
Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain quasi-eksperimen didalam penelitian ini. Penulis merancang RPP, memberikan perlakuan, mengamati nilai siswa dengan pre-test dan post-test. Populasi dalampenelitianiniadalahsiswakelassebelas di Man Model Palangka Raya yang berjumlah 232 siswa. Mereka adalah siswa kelas XI di MAN Model Palangka Raya, yang mana kelas XI IPA 1 berjumlah 36 siswa, kelas XI IPA2 berjumlah 36 siswa, kelas IPA3 berjumlah 36 siswa, kelas IPA 4 berjumlah 35 siswa, kelas XI Bahasa berjumlah 29 siswa, kelas XI agama berjumlah 28 siswa dan kelas IPS berjumlah 30 siswa. Penulis mengambil dua kelas sebagai sampel penelitian ini. Peneliti memilih XI IPA4 sebagai kelompok kontrol, kelas XI IPA2 sebagai kelompok ekperimen.
Penulis menggunakan ANOVA satu arah dalam menganalisis data, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang sangat signifikan antar kelompok setelah dilakukannya perlakuan dengan Fhitung lebih tinggi dari Ftabel (97.839 ≥ 3.11). Kemudian peneliti menerapkan Post Hoc Test untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa (a) kemampuan menulis siswa pada kelas experiment menunjukan hasil yang signifikan, dengan nilai signifikan lebih rendah dari alpha (0.00 rendah ≤ 0,05); (b) kecemasan menulis siswa pada kelas eksperiment menunjukan hasil yang signifikan, dengan nilai signifikan lebih rendah dari alpha (0.01 rendah ≤ 0,05); (c) terdapatperbedaan yang signifikan pada kemampuan dan kecemasan siwa dalam menulis menggunakan tehnik clustering. Hal ini didasarkan pada perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikan lebih tinggi dari alpha (0,18 ≥ 0,05)
Prediktor Sindrom Metabolik : Studi Kohor Prospektif Selama Enam Tahun di Bogor, Indonesia
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in the world is between 20-25%, whereas in Indonesia 23.34%, is higher in men (26.2%) than in women (21.4%). SM is predicted to cause a two-fold increase in the risk of heart disease and five-fold in type 2 diabetes mellitus. There are no data on MS incidents in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine MS predictor and hazard rate from predictor factors during the six-years follow up in Bogor city. This study is a sub sample of data “Cohort Study of Non Communicable Disease Risk Factors” in Bogor City conducted in 2017. The sample taken is respondents who meet the criteria of MS in accordance with NCEP/ATP III. A total of 4,215 samples that were MS free at baseline were analyzed. Data were collected by interview, physical measurement and laboratory examination every two years during the six year follow-up (2011-2017). Bivariate analysis was performed to obtain a significant p value, followed by multivariate analysis with cox regression to see the hazard rate (HR). The result is the incidence of MS was 56 person years per 10.000 population, during 6 yeras observation. After adjusting for age, the MS were women with predictor or HR 4.78 (95% CI 1.11 – 20.56) and carbohydrate intake with HR 2.99 (95% CI 1.28 – 6.98). Women was main predictors of MS after controlling carbohydrate intake among people aged 25 years and above.To control of carbohydrate intake among women is a priority of MS control programs in community. Predictors for the incidence of SM women at risk were 4.78 times compared to men and carbohydrate consumption was 2.99 times.
Prevalensi sindrom metabolik (SM) di dunia antara 20-25%, sedangkan di Indonesia 23,34%, lebih tinggi pada laki-laki (26,2%) dibandingkan pada perempuan (21,4%). SM diprediksi menyebabkan kenaikan dua kali lipat risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan lima kali lipat pada penyakit diabetes melitus tipe 2. Belum ada data insiden SM di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan variabel prediksi responden SM dan mendapatkan hazard rate dari faktor prediktor selama follow up enam tahun di Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini merupakan sub sampel data “Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular” di Kota Bogor yang dilakukan pada tahun 2017. Sampel yang diambil adalah responden yang memenuhi kriteria SM sesuai NCEP/ATP III. Sebanyak 4.215 sampel yang bebas SM saat baseline, dianalisis. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara, pengukuran fisik dan pemeriksaan laboratorium setiap dua tahun selama follow up enam 6 tahun (2011-2017). Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai p yang bermakna, dilanjutkan dengan analisis multivariat dengan regresi cox untuk melihat hazard rate (HR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan insiden SM sebesar 56 per 10.000 penduduk selama enam tahun pengamatan. Setelah di disesuaikan dengan umur maka HR atau prediktor SM adalah perempuan 4,78 (95% CI 1,11 – 20,56) dengan p = 0,03 dan asupan karbohidrat 2,99 (95% CI 1,28 – 6,98) dengan p = 0,01. Wanita dan asupan karbohidrat adalah prediktor untuk SM pada responden berusia 25 tahun ke atas. Kontrol asupan karbohidrat pada wanita merupakan prioritas program pengendalian sindrom metabolik di masyarakat. Prediktor untuk kejadian SM wanita berisiko sebesar 4,78 kali dibanding dengan laki laki dan komsumsi karbohidrat 2,99 kali
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematik dan perolehan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik antara siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik berbasis masalah kontekstual dengan siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran Ekspositori. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Sampel adalah 79 siswa kelas VII yang berasal dari dua kelas pada salah satu SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Lembang. Kelas petama mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik berbasis masalah kontekstual dan kelas kedua mendapatkan pembelajaran Ekspositori. Kedua kelas diberikan pretes dan postes kemampuan representasi matematik dan postes kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematik secara keseluruhan antara siswa yang belajar dengan pendekatan saintifik berbasis masalah konteksual dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran ekspositori; (2) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematik berdasarkan kemampuan awal matematik siswa (tinggi, sedang, rendah) (3) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal matematika siswa terhadap peningkatan kemampuan representasi matematik siswa; (4) terdapat perbedaan perolehan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik secara keseluruhan antara siswa yang belajar dengan pendekatan saintifik berbasis masalah konteksual dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran ekspositori; (5) terdapat perbedaan perolehan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa berdasarkan kemampuan awal matematik siswa (tinggi, sedang, rendah); (6) terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal matematika siswa terhadap perolehan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematik siswa. ---------- This study aims to determine the differences in enhancement mathematic representation and acquisition of mathematic problem solving abilities among students who get scientific approach based on learning with contextual problems with students who get Expository learning. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. Samples were 79 seventh grade students from two classes in one of the Junior High School in District Lembang. First class obtain scientific approach based on learning with contextual problem and the second class get Expository learning. Both of class are given a pre-test and post-test mathematical representations and post-test of mathematical problem solving ability. The results showed that (1) there are differences in the ability of mathematcal representation ability between students who learn the scientific approach problem-based contextual with students who get expository; (2) there are differences in mathematical representation enhancement based on ability of early mathematical students AEM (high, medium, low) (3) there is an interaction between model of learning and AEM in mathematical representation enhancement;(4) there are differences in the acquisition of mathematical problem solving ability between students who learn the scientific approach problem-based contextual with students who get expository; (5) there are differences in the acquisition of mathematical problem solving ability based on ability of early mathematics students EAM (high, medium, low); (6) ) there is an interaction between model of learning and AEM in mathematical problem solving ability acquisition
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada konsep asam basa dalam buku teks kimia SMA kelas XI edisi bilingual dan bahasa Inggris dan memberikan penjelasan sebagai penyelesaian atas miskonsepsi yang terjadi.
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif untuk mengetahui konsep asam basa pada buku teks kimia SMA kelas XI edisi bilingual dan bahasa Inggris yang mengandung miskonsepsi berdasarkan instrumen kebenaran konsep. Sample terdiri dari 2 buku teks kimia edisi bilingual dan 5 buku teks kimia edisi bahasa inggris kelas XI dari pengarang dan penerbit yang berbeda. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah instrumen kebenaran konsep. Instrumen kebenaran konsep digunakan sebagai referensi untuk menganalisis miskonsepsi pada konsep asam basa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya miskonsepsi dan potensi miskonsepsi pada konsep asam basa di buku teks kimia edisi bilingual dan bahasa Inggris seperti (1) miskonsepsi pada teori asam basa Bronsted-Lowry; (2) miskonsepsi pada teori asam basa Arrhenius; (3) miskonsepsi pada kekuatan asam basa; (4) miskonsepsi pada perhitungan pH asam kuat; (5) miskonsepsi pada penulisan reaksi reversibel
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