1,010 research outputs found

    Computing Permutation Encodings

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    We consider some encodings of permutations of the first N natural numbers, discuss some relations among them and how one can be computed from others. We show a short proof of an existing efficient algorithm for one encoding, and present two new efficient algorithms for encoding permutations. One of these algorithms is constructed as the inverse of an existing algorithm for decoding, making it the first efficient permutation encoding algorithm obtained that way

    Implementation Of Input Tax Prepopulated Data And Vat E-Spt In Increasing Value Added Tax Reporting Agency Tax Registered At Kpp Pratama Bulukumba

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    Prepopulated Input Tax Data and Electronic Notification Letters (e-SPT) The PNN period is one part of the modernization process of Tax administration, so that taxpayers have the convenience of fulfilling and completing their obligations, so that the fulfillment of their tax obligations can be completed easily in their implementation, and the aim is to create an orderly and transparent tax administration. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of prepopulated input tax data and e-SPT Period of VAT in increasing the value added tax reporting of corporate taxpayers. The method used in this research is descriptive research type. To obtain the necessary data, the authors carried out data collection activities for 2018-2021, by interviewing Mr. Dwi Bagas Widianto as the System Administrator or the Data Quality Assurance Section. The results of this study indicate that the application of prepopulated tax data and e-SPT for the VAT period is very effective and efficient at KPP Pratama Bulukumba, it can be seen from the increase in Value Added Tax reporting and the use of the Prepopulated data system and e-SPT for the VAT period which is increasing every year. It is hoped that the Directorate General of Taxes and their regional offices should be able to improve their performance, including by providing counseling about the importance of paying taxes on time, and providing the best services, especially for taxpayers


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    ABSTRAK Penggunaan masker telah menjadi kewajiban dan gaya hidup baru bagi masyarakat menyebabkan peningkatan limbah masker. Tempat sampah masker didominasi oleh tempat sampah konvensional yakni  pengguna harus membuka dan menutup penutup tempat sampah tersebut dengan menggunakan tangan atau pijakan kaki dan dapat menjadi ancaman sumber penularan baru COVID-19. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan tempat sampah pintar untuk limbah masker menggunakan sensor dan motor servo berbasis Arduini Uno. Sensor yang digunakan adalah sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 sebagai pendeteksi jarak dan pengukur volume sampah limbah masker medis. Motor servo befungsi membuka dan menutup tempat sampah dan dikontrol oleh Arduino Uno secara otomatis. Hasil kalibrasi sensot ultasonik HC-SR04 yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan persaman linier dan nilai R2= 0.9986. Hal ini menunjukkan sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 dapat diaplikasikan dalam pengembangan tempat sampah pintar. Kata kunci: Arduino Uno, Motor Servo, Sensor Ultrasonik, Tempat Sampah Pintar ABSTRACT The use of masks has become a requirement and a new lifestyle for the community has led to an increase in mask waste. The trash bin for masks waste are dominated by conventional trash bin, where users have to open and close the lid of the trash bin by using hands or footrests and this can pose a threat to a new source of COVID-19 transmission. In this study, a smart trash bin for mask waste was developed using an Arduino Uno-based sensor and servo motor. The sensor used is the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 as a distance sensor and measuring the volume of medical mask waste. The servo motor used to open and close the trash bin and is controlled by Arduino Uno automatically. The results of the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 calibration that have been carried out produce a linear equation and the value of R2 = 0.9986. This shows that the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 can be applied in the development of smart trash bins. Keywords: Ardunino Uno, Servo Motor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Smart Tras

    Analisis Molecular Docking Senyawa Garcinia Mangostana L Sebagai Kandidat Anti SARS-CoV-2

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dari senyawa-senyawa alami Garcinia mangostana L. atau kulit manggis sebagai kandidat anti-SARS-CoV-2 dengan menghambat main protease (MPro) COVID-19. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode molecular docking dengan program Autodock Vina dan di-visualisasi-kan dengan program Discovery Studio. Kemampuan inhibitor dinilai berdasarkan energi bebas ikatan (ΔG), Konstanta inhibisi (Ki), kompleks ligan-reseptor dan ikatan hidrogen. Validasi dilakukan dengan re-docking ligan alami X77 terhadap protein target (6W63) dengan hasil RMSD 1.082 Å. Simulasi docking dari 3 ligan uji diperoleh 1 senyawa dengan afinitas terbaik yang menghasilkan ΔG = -7.8 kcal/mol dan Ki = 1,91 µM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diantara ligan uji senyawa beta-mangostin paling berpotensi sebagai kandidat anti-SARS-CoV-2 dengan afinitas terbaik

    Study of the Impact of Establishing a Special Economic Zone Policy for Sorong, Southwest Papua

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the Sorong Special Economic Zone Policy in Southwest Papua. The research approach used in this study is a library research, where data is gathered from various library sources such as books, journals, online platforms, and other relevant resources. The data analysis process involves data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification. The study reveals that the Sorong Special Economic Zone is the first of its kind in Papua, covering an area of 523.7 hectares, strategically located on international trade routes in the Asia-Pacific and Australia. The policy aims to attract investments totaling IDR 32.2 trillion and create job opportunities for 15,024 workers by the year 2025. The Sorong Special Economic Zone offers various investment opportunities, categorized into three main zones: logistics, industrial, and export processing. As a recommendation, the study suggests efforts to actively involve local human resources in the development of the Sorong Special Economic Zone. Rather than being mere spectators, the study proposes the establishment of a national-scale Job Training Center in the Sorong area to enhance the skills and knowledge of local human resources across all industrial sectors in Southwest Papua. This approach can contribute to the growth of qualified and competent human resources in the region. To ensure the success of the Sorong Special Economic Zone, the study emphasizes the importance of active engagement and preparation of the local community. This preparation includes enhancing their knowledge, skills, and understanding of economic institutions, which can lead to more qualified and capable human resources in the future. Keywords: policy, special economic zone, Soron

    Value Added Tax (Vat) Restitution Process For Construction Services At The Tax Consultant Office

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    The value of tax value of the tax payment of tax payments by the Company's contact, the taxpayer not only has the right to pay taxes but also have the right to revisit tax payments that have been experiencing excess. The purpose of this study is to know and evaluate the value of the value of tax value (VAT) on construction services at the Tax Consultant Office in Makassar. This study was done at the Office of the Massaniga Cost column for the sample using the customer data which is a taxpayer for construction activities. Techniques in this study using applied qualitative techniques. The research data obtained the author through field research both by observation and interview and supported by the acquisition of documents from the research place. The results showed that evaluation of the value-added tax restitution for the construction of existing Office of the Massaniga PE-companion tax consultant, successfully effectively

    Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Terhadap Karakteristik Briket Berbasis Sekam Padi dan Tempurung Kelapa

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    This study aims to determine the influence of particle size on characteristics of rice husk based briquettes and coconut shells which include water content, ash content, volatile matter content and calorific value. The basic material of rice husk was carbonized at 400oC for 30 minutes and coconut shell at 500 oC for 2 hours. The size of the particles of rice husk charcoal namely 200 mesh and coconut shell charcoal varied with sizes of 100 mesh, 200 mesh, and 300 mesh. Briquettes are synthesized by comparing rice husk charcoal and coconut shell charcoal 1: 3 (5 g : 15 g) which are printed with pressing pressure "99,8726115 kPa"   and dried using an oven at 70 oC for 6 hours 49 minutes. The test results for each variation of briquettes particle size of 200 mesh rice husk charcoal and 100 mesh coconut shell charcoal, 200 mesh rice husk charcoal and coconut shell charcoal 200 mesh, and 200 mesh rice husk charcoal and 300 mesh coconut shell charcoal were obtained for water content of 1.02%, 1.06% and 0.87%, ash content 42.96%, 42.23% and 41.79%, volatile matter content of 19.87%, 19.05% and 23 , 06%, and heating values of 4362.1 kal / g, 4399.7 kal / g and 4310 kal / g

    Stimulation of child's sexual imitation behavior through Neurolinguistic programming

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    This study aims to determine the forms of child sexual imitation behavior, influencing factors and the role of parents and teachers in addressing the sexual imitation of children. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using direct observation and interview methods as research data sources. The results of this study indicate that children engage in sexual imitation in the form of sexual movements. This behavior is caused by errors in parenting. Parenting is too permissive so that it does not allow the child to sleep alone as a result the child sees his parents having sexual relations and imitates them when playing or studying at school. In dealing with these behaviors, a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) approach can be used where parents play a role in training the independence of children by (1) creating a pleasant atmosphere for children (2) giving positive suggestions through fairy tales. While in school teachers provide positive education and suggestions through learning programs in schools by integrating sexual education into the appropriate learning themes


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    Essentially education includes the pricples of gender equity biased gender in education results on unobtionable of educational goals. For that reason it is required an equal education where the curriculum of the institution integrates gender within its subject and lectures. One of education goal is how to realize fair society, by not discriminate one sex. But the reality exist discrimination at education that necessitate several effort to solve it, on of it is by formulating curriculum that have gender perspective. Curriculum is a development of vision and mission of educational institution that want to realize education goal. Gender curriculum is based on an assumption that woman and man are equal in education, and have equal opportunity to get education. In its application, gender curriculum can be formulated implicitly (hidden curriculum), or explicitly (overt curriculum). However, to explain gender problems we recommend explicit way