522 research outputs found

    Konstrak Keterampilan Mengajar Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan konstrak keterampilan mengajar mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Survei. Sampel penelitian diambil melalui teknik proportionale random sampling sebesar 640 mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Terbuka yang mengajar di kelas nyata di sekolah dasar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori (AFK). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konstrak keterampilan mengajar dibentuk oleh perencanaan pembelajaran, mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran, mengelola iklim kelas, mendemonstrasikan penguasaan materi pembelajaran, melakukan asesmen, dan melakukan refleksi. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keenam faktor tersebut secara empiris terbukti akurat, konsisten dan memiliki ketepatan dalam mengukur konstra keterampilan mengajar mahasiswa program PGSD

    Uji Metode Inokulasi Dan Kerapatan Populasi Blood Disease Bacterium Pada Tanaman Pisang

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    . Rustam. 2007. Inoculation Methods and Inoculum Densities Tests of Blood Disease Bacterium on Banana. An experiment was conducted to test of inoculation methods and inoculum densities of blood disease bacterium (BDB) on banana under a glasshouse condition. Inoculation methods of BDB tested were root wounding, root without wounding, corm injection, and control. Inoculum densities of BDB tested were 107, 106, 105, 104, 103 cfu/ml and control. The results showed that corm injection and root wounding were gave similar disease incidence (100%). The incubation phase was faster for corm injection method than root wounding method. Inoculum densities of 104, 105, 106, 107 cfu/ml of BDB could develope disease incidence of 20, 40, 60, and 100% , respectively

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Pekerja Batu Bata Di Desa Mekar Baru Kecamatan Banawa Tengah

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    This study aims to: (1) To determine the income of working people in the brick industry in Mekar Baru, Central Banawa District; and (2) To determine the impact of workers' age, working time period and work experience toward the income the brick workers in the Mekar Baru village, District of Central Banawa. There are 52 people involved in this study as the sample. They are consists of 14 land owners, land processor 48 and 48 workers. The overall sample are chosen by proportionate stratified random sampling. The sampling is devided by dividing the population into homogeneous groups as called strata, and then the samples are taken randomly from each stratum. The approaches of data analysis in this research include income analysis and the Cobb-Douglass production function. The results show that: (1) The average earned income by the brick workers in the Mekar Baru village, Central Banawa District, Donggala regency is merely sufficient to meet the basic needs in their daily life; and (2) all the observed factors have simoultaneously impact on the income of brick workers bricks in the village of Mekar Baru. However, the working time period has partially and significant factor on the brick workers while working time period (X2) and the age of workers (X1) as well as working experience (X3) have not significant impact on the brick workers in the Mekar Baru village, Central Banawa district, Donggala regency

    Analisis Proses Perencanaan Dan Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pada Dinas Pariwisata Dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kota Palu

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    This research is aimed to analyze the process of budget planning and implementation in The Department of Tourism and Creative Economy, Palu City. It is a descriptive qualitative and selects 4 (four) financial managers as its main respondents. The result indicates that the process of budget planning in The Department of Tourism anD, Renja-SKPD, KUA, PPAS, RKA-SKPD, and APBD, which are compiled into a budget implementation document/DPA. However, budget allocation for each program is disproportional and disregards the procurement standard analysis. Moreover, budget implementation has been executed based on the regulation and yet, is not supported by qualified human resources, who have knowledge of financial management. Fund disbursement is often delayed because of waiting for the provision of funds letter/SPD and there is also a delay in money supply process/GU because the financial report is not handed to the treasure on time

    Eufemisme Dalam Ungkapan Tradisional Daerah Melayu Jambi

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    Ungkapan tradisonal daerah Melayu Jambi folklore bagian dari kebudayaan yang tersebar dan diwariskan secara turun-temurun secara tradisional di antara kelompok-kelompok masyarakat dengan verasi yang berbeda-beda, baik dalam bentuk tuturan kata yang disertai dengan perbuatan maupun dengan perilaku atau tindakan saja, misalnya seloko adat, pribahasa, petatah-petitih, cerita rakyat. Penelitian ini betujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk eufemisme dalam ungkapan tradisional daerah Melayu Jambi dan mendeskripsikan makna eufemisme dalam ungkapan tradisional daerah Melayu Jambi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskritif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa data verbal bahasa Melayu Jambi berupa ungkapan tradisonal. Data verbal dikumpul dengan teknik simak cakap, untuk data tulis digunakan teknik catat. Data dianalisis dengan metode padan, yaitu metode analisis data yang alat penentunya di luar bahasa itu, dengan cara menghubung-bandingkan antar unsur yang bersifat ektralingual dengan teknik dasar Pilih Unsur Penentu (PUP) dan teknik lanjutnya Teknik Hubung Banding Samakan (HBS), Hubung Banding Bedakan (HBB). Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa eufemisme dalam ungkapan tradisonal daerah Melayu Jambi berdasarkan pendekatan semantik dalam tataran bentuk kebahasaan berupa kata, frasa, dan klausa. Makna eufemisme dalam ungkapan tradisonal daerah Melayu Jambi digunakan dalam waktu tertentu, tempat dan ruang lingkup tertentu, misalnya dalam konteks: adat, agama, pemerintahan, hubungan antar sesama masayarakat dan memiliki nilai luhur tentang peradapan budaya daerah Melayu Jambi, misalnya: kejujuran, sopan santun, keberanian, ketauladanan, kesehatan, kekeluargaan, keiklasan

    The Legal Effectiveness of Application of E-Tiring (E-Tilang) Methods in Criminal Enforcement of Traffic Violations

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    This research aims to analyze the juridical substance of formulative policies for traffic violations criminal law enforcement using E-Tiring. This research used a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. Based on the discussion, it was concluded that the arrangement of infrastructure or the arrangement of the governance system for handling traffic violations based on technology and the National Police Grand Strategy 2005-2025 policy (Public Trust Building, Partnership Building, and Strive For Excellence) which was strengthened by the 2015-2019 Police Strategic Plan which includes among others: First, the fulfillment of the Alpalkam/Almatsus Polri to support strengthening the main tasks and functions of the National Police. Second, the establishment of a professional, moral, modern and superior Polri posture through changing the mindset and culture set. Third, development of police technology and information systems in a sustainable manner that is integrated through research and scientific studies to support optimal Polri performance. The National Police has made various efforts to improve performance standards in a sustainable manner by rolling out creative breakthroughs and service systems in line with the current National Police Strategic Plan, particularly in the implementation of handling violations through the E-Tiring system

    Interface Friction of Smooth Geomembranes and Ottawa Sand

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    Geomembranes commonly used in civil engineering constructions are mostly in contact with soils. Some constructions failed due to slippage between geomembrane sheets and interfacing soils. This paper aims at presenting the interface strength of various geomembranes and Ottawa sand resulting from tests with the ring shear device. The interface strength is generally governed by the stiffness, the texture of geomembranes and the imposed stress level. It was found that residual friction angles, dresidual, for the interfaces varied from 10.5° to 28.1° or 0.34 to 0.97 in efficiency ratio. The lower value is for a smooth HDPE, the higher value is mobilised by a soft PVC at higher stresses

    Simple singularities of multigerms of curves

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    We classify stably simple reducible curve singularities in complex spaces of any dimension. This extends the same classification of of irreducible curve singularities obtained by V.I.Arnold. The proof is essentially based on the method of complete transversals by J.W.Bruce et al.Comment: 18 page

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad terhadap Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Siswa pada Materi Pecahan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa pada materi pecahan di kelas VII SMPN 2 Subah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experimental Design dengan rancangan penelitian Control Group Only Posttest Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XA sebagai kelas kontrol dan XB sebagai kelas eksperimen. Berdasarkan uji t menggunakan program SPSS 17.0 for windows diperoleh nilai Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.01 < 0.05, yang artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kemampuan koneksi matematis antara siswa yang diberi pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe STAD dan siswa yang diberi pembelajaran menggunakan model konvensional. Berdasarkan perhitungan Effect Size, diperoleh nilai effect size sebesar 0,8 yang artinya model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD memberikan kontribusi sedang terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Kata kunci: Pengaruh, Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis, STAD This research aims to know the influence of STAD cooperative learning model towards the students mathematical connection ability at a fraction of material in class VII SMP 2 Subah. The method used is Quasi Experimental Design with research design Control Group Only Posttest Design. The sample in this research is students of XA as a control class and XB as a experiment class. Based on t-test using SPSS 17.0 for Windows obtained the Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.01 < α = 0.05 which means that there are significant differences between the mathematical connection ability of students who were given a STAD cooperative learning model and students are given learning using conventional model. Based on Size Effect calculation, the value of the effect size is 0.8, which means STAD cooperative learning model to contribute being on the ability of students' mathematical connections