13,032 research outputs found

    Microwave-induced thermal escape in Josephson junctions

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    We investigate, by experiments and numerical simulations, thermal activation processes of Josephson tunnel junctions in the presence of microwave radiation. When the applied signal resonates with the Josephson plasma frequency oscillations, the switching current may become multi-valued in a temperature range far exceeding the classical to quantum crossover temperature. Plots of the switching currents traced as a function of the applied signal frequency show very good agreement with the functional forms expected from Josephson plasma frequency dependencies on the bias current. Throughout, numerical simulations of the corresponding thermally driven classical Josephson junction model show very good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    Model of black hole evolution

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    From the postulate that a black hole can be replaced by a boundary on the apparent horizon with suitable boundary conditions, an unconventional scenario for the evolution emerges. Only an insignificant fraction of energy of order (mG)−1(mG)^{-1} is radiated out. The outgoing wave carries a very small part of the quantum mechanical information of the collapsed body, the bulk of the information remaining in the final stable black hole geometry.Comment: 9 pages, harvmac, 3 figures, minor addition

    On the generality of the effect of experiencing prior gains and losses on the Iowa gambling task: A study on young and old adults

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    Prospect Theory predicts that people tend to be more risk seeking if their reference point is perceived as a loss and more risk averse when the reference point is perceived as a gain. In line with this prediction, Franken, Georgieva, Muris and Dijksterhuis (2006) showed that young adults who had a prior experience of monetary gains make more safe choices on subsequent decisions than subjects who had an early experience of losses. There are no experimental studies on how experiencing prior gains and losses differently influences young and older adults on a subsequent decision-making task (the Iowa Gambling Task). Hence, in the current paper, adapting the methodology employed by Franken et al.’s (2006), we intended to test the generality of their effect across the life span. Overall, we found that subjects who experienced prior monetary gains or prior monetary losses did not display significant differences in safe/risky choices on subsequent performance in the Iowa Gambling task. Furthermore, the impact of prior gains and losses on risky/safe card selection did not significantly differ between young and older adults. These results showed that the effect found in the Franken et al.’s study (2006) is limited in its generality

    Complex organic molecules in comets C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) and C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy): detection of ethylene glycol and formamide

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    A spectral survey in the 1 mm wavelength range was undertaken in the long-period comets C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) and C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) using the 30 m telescope of the Institut de radioastronomie millim\'etrique (IRAM) in April and November-December 2013. We report the detection of ethylene glycol (CH2_2OH)2_2 (aGg' conformer) and formamide (NH2_2CHO) in the two comets. The abundances relative to water of ethylene glycol and formamide are 0.2-0.3% and 0.02% in the two comets, similar to the values measured in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp). We also report the detection of HCOOH and CH3_3CHO in comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy), and a search for other complex species (methyl formate, glycolaldehyde).Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Model of black hole evolution

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    From the postulate that a black hole can be replaced by a boundary on the apparent horizon with suitable boundary conditions, an unconventional scenario for the evolution emerges. Only an insignificant fraction of energy of order (mG)−1(mG)^{-1} is radiated out. The outgoing wave carries a very small part of the quantum mechanical information of the collapsed body, the bulk of the information remaining in the final stable black hole geometry.Comment: 9 pages, harvmac, 3 figures, minor addition

    Holographic correlators with multi-particle states

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    We derive the connected tree-level part of 4-point holographic correlators in AdS3 × S3 × M (where M is T4 or K3) involving two multi-trace and two single-trace operators. These connected correlators are obtained by studying a heavy-heavy-light-light correlation function in the formal limit where the heavy operators become light. These results provide a window into higher-point holographic correlators of single-particle operators. We find that the correlators involving multi-trace operators are compactly written in terms of Bloch-Wigner-Ramakrishnan functions — particular linear combinations of higher-order polylogarithm functions. Several consistency checks of the derived expressions are performed in various OPE channels. We also extract the anomalous dimensions and 3-point couplings of the non-BPS double-trace operators of lowest twist at order 1/c and find some positive anomalous dimensions at spin zero and two in the K3 case

    N=1* in 5 dimensions: Dijkgraaf-Vafa meets Polchinski-Strassler

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    One of the powerful techniques to analyze the 5 dimensional Super Yang Mills theory with a massive hypermultiplet (N=1*) is provided by the AdS/CFT correspondence. It predicts that, for certain special values of the hypermultiplet mass, this theory develops nonperturbative branches of the moduli space as well as new light degrees of freedom. We use the higher dimensional generalization of the matrix model/gauge theory correspondence and recover all the prediction of the supergravity analysis. We construct the map between the four dimensional holomorphic superpotential and the five dimensional action and explicitly show that the superpotential is flat along the nonperturbative branches. This is the first instance in which the Dijkgraaf-Vafa method is used to analyze intrinsically higher dimensional phenomena.Comment: 28 pages, Late

    Deterministic single-photon source from a single ion

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    We realize a deterministic single-photon source from one and the same calcium ion interacting with a high-finesse optical cavity. Photons are created in the cavity with efficiency (88 +- 17)%, a tenfold improvement over previous cavity-ion sources. Results of the second-order correlation function are presented, demonstrating a high suppression of two-photon events limited only by background counts. The cavity photon pulse shape is obtained, with good agreement between experiment and simulation. Moreover, theoretical analysis of the temporal evolution of the atomic populations provides relevant information about the dynamics of the process and opens the way to future investigations of a coherent atom-photon interface
