639 research outputs found

    Winter Conditions Influence Biological Responses of Migrating Hummingbirds

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    Conserving biological diversity given ongoing environmental changes requires the knowledge of how organisms respond biologically to these changes; however, we rarely have this information. This data deficiency can be addressed with coordinated monitoring programs that provide field data across temporal and spatial scales and with process-based models, which provide a method for predicting how species, in particular migrating species that face different conditions across their range, will respond to climate change. We evaluate whether environmental conditions in the wintering grounds of broad-tailed hummingbirds influence physiological and behavioral attributes of their migration. To quantify winter ground conditions, we used operative temperature as a proxy for physiological constraint, and precipitation and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as surrogates of resource availability. We measured four biological response variables: molt stage, timing of arrival at stopover sites, body mass, and fat. Consistent with our predictions, we found that birds migrating north were in earlier stages of molt and arrived at stopover sites later when NDVI was low. These results indicate that wintering conditions impact the timing and condition of birds as they migrate north. In addition, our results suggest that biologically informed environmental surrogates provide a valuable tool for predicting how climate variability across years influences the animal populations

    Herbivorous turtle ants obtain essential nutrients from a conserved nitrogen-recycling gut microbiome.

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    Nitrogen acquisition is a major challenge for herbivorous animals, and the repeated origins of herbivory across the ants have raised expectations that nutritional symbionts have shaped their diversification. Direct evidence for N provisioning by internally housed symbionts is rare in animals; among the ants, it has been documented for just one lineage. In this study we dissect functional contributions by bacteria from a conserved, multi-partite gut symbiosis in herbivorous Cephalotes ants through in vivo experiments, metagenomics, and in vitro assays. Gut bacteria recycle urea, and likely uric acid, using recycled N to synthesize essential amino acids that are acquired by hosts in substantial quantities. Specialized core symbionts of 17 studied Cephalotes species encode the pathways directing these activities, and several recycle N in vitro. These findings point to a highly efficient N economy, and a nutritional mutualism preserved for millions of years through the derived behaviors and gut anatomy of Cephalotes ants

    Ground surface subsidence in an afforested peatland fifty years after drainage and planting

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    In the UK, large areas of peatland were drained for forestry in the second half of the 20th century. Ground surface subsidence and diminishing depth (thickness) of the peat layer can indicate compaction of the peat and/or carbon loss, but there are few long-term datasets from afforested UK peatlands. Here we present an unprecedented 50-year time series of surface subsidence from Bad a’Cheo Forest (Caithness, Scotland). This site was initially surveyed for ground level and peat depth in 1966, prior to drainage and plantation, with repeat surveys roughly 20 and 30 years after drainage. We re-surveyed the site 50 years after initial drainage, producing a unique long-term time series to assess change since these historical studies. Significant subsidence has taken place since drainage, with an average reduction of 56.8 cm (or 13 %) in the depth of peat under forest stands. Subsidence of the peat surface was rapid in the initial phase after drainage and planting but has progressively slowed, with relatively little change between the surveys of 1996 and 2016. These results imply carbon loss but do not demonstrate it directly, as compaction of the peat is also probable. The subsidence data demonstrate that drainage followed by afforestation led to a considerable reduction in thickness of the peat layer and show how this evolved through time

    Can discrete time make continuous space look discrete?

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    Van Bendegem has recently offered an argument to the effect that, if time is discrete, then there should exist a correspondence between the motions of massive bodies and a discrete geometry. On this basis, he concludes that, even if space is continuous, it should nonetheless appear discrete. This paper examines the two possible ways of making sense of that correspondence, and shows that in neither case van Bendegem's conclusion logically follows

    Leibniz's Infinitesimals: Their Fictionality, Their Modern Implementations, And Their Foes From Berkeley To Russell And Beyond

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    Many historians of the calculus deny significant continuity between infinitesimal calculus of the 17th century and 20th century developments such as Robinson's theory. Robinson's hyperreals, while providing a consistent theory of infinitesimals, require the resources of modern logic; thus many commentators are comfortable denying a historical continuity. A notable exception is Robinson himself, whose identification with the Leibnizian tradition inspired Lakatos, Laugwitz, and others to consider the history of the infinitesimal in a more favorable light. Inspite of his Leibnizian sympathies, Robinson regards Berkeley's criticisms of the infinitesimal calculus as aptly demonstrating the inconsistency of reasoning with historical infinitesimal magnitudes. We argue that Robinson, among others, overestimates the force of Berkeley's criticisms, by underestimating the mathematical and philosophical resources available to Leibniz. Leibniz's infinitesimals are fictions, not logical fictions, as Ishiguro proposed, but rather pure fictions, like imaginaries, which are not eliminable by some syncategorematic paraphrase. We argue that Leibniz's defense of infinitesimals is more firmly grounded than Berkeley's criticism thereof. We show, moreover, that Leibniz's system for differential calculus was free of logical fallacies. Our argument strengthens the conception of modern infinitesimals as a development of Leibniz's strategy of relating inassignable to assignable quantities by means of his transcendental law of homogeneity.Comment: 69 pages, 3 figure

    Role of nitrogen lewis basicity in boronate affinity chromatography of nucleosides. Anal

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    Urinary modified nucleosides have a potential role as cancer biomarkers, and most of the methods used in their study have utilized low-pressure phenylboronate affinity chromatography materials for the purification of the cisdiol-containing nucleosides. In this study, a boronate HPLC column was surprisingly shown not to trap the nucleosides as would be expected from experience with the classic Affigel 601 resin but showed only partial selectivity toward cis-diol groups while other groups exhibited better retention. In aprotic conditions, trapping of nucleosides was possible; however, the selectivity toward cis-diol-containing compounds was lost with the Lewis basicity of available nitrogens being the main determinant of retention. The experimental findings are compared to and confirmed by DFT calculations. Modified nucleosides are naturally occurring modifications of the "normal" nucleosides. They have various roles within many nucleic acids but are mainly found in transfer RNA. They are excreted from the body via the urine as they cannot be salvaged; moreover, some are toxic when allowed to accumulate. Many past reports have investigated the modified nucleosides as potential cancer biomarkers and indicate considerable promise. [1][2][3][4][5] The methodologies used in these studies are wide ranging; however, since the introduction of boronate affinity chromatography as a ribonucleoside-selective cleanup step, on Affi-Gel 601 (Bio-Rad), utilized by Gehrke et al., 1,2 most research employed this off-line cleanup step process in the analysis. The subsequent identification/quantification of the ribonucleosides was almost exclusively carried out via RPLC-UV methods. More recently, some CE-UV methods have also been developed. [6][7][8][9] The further potential/ demand to obtain unambiguous identification via mass spectrometric detection led to the development of some off-line boronate chromatography GC/MS procedures. 3,5,10 However, the most natural choice for the analysis of the prepurified urinary nucleosides analysis is found in LC-MS. 11 Yet, the development of LC-MS procedures for urinary nucleosides only advanced 12 when electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) became available. Past studies by our group have considered the cleanup samples prior to ESI-MS analysis, 13 the optimization of the detection conditions, 14 comparison of various mass spectrometric methods, 15 and identification of the excreted nucleosides. 16,17 Other groups have taken advantage of mass spectrometry in the study of these compounds

    Author Correction: Herbivorous turtle ants obtain essential nutrients from a conserved nitrogen-recycling gut microbiome.

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    The originally published version of the Supplementary Information file associated with this Article contained an error in Supplementary Figure 3. Panel b was inadvertently replaced with a duplicate of panel a. The error has now been fixed and the corrected version of the Supplementary Information PDF is available to download from the HTML version of the Article

    The Regulation of Sulfur Metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has evolved into a highly successful human pathogen. It deftly subverts the bactericidal mechanisms of alveolar macrophages, ultimately inducing granuloma formation and establishing long-term residence in the host. These hallmarks of Mtb infection are facilitated by the metabolic adaptation of the pathogen to its surrounding environment and the biosynthesis of molecules that mediate its interactions with host immune cells. The sulfate assimilation pathway of Mtb produces a number of sulfur-containing metabolites with important contributions to pathogenesis and survival. This pathway is regulated by diverse environmental cues and regulatory proteins that mediate sulfur transactions in the cell. Here, we discuss the transcriptional and biochemical mechanisms of sulfur metabolism regulation in Mtb and potential small molecule regulators of the sulfate assimilation pathway that are collectively poised to aid this intracellular pathogen in its expert manipulation of the host. From this global analysis, we have identified a subset of sulfur-metabolizing enzymes that are sensitive to multiple regulatory cues and may be strong candidates for therapeutic intervention