14 research outputs found

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    In the process of mastery learning, there are many things that should be considered in order the designed activities can be run successfully. They are; 1) the specific teaching objectives and the selecting materials that are relevant and appropriate to the learning activity; 2) the teaching and learning approach that allows each individual can learn; 3) giving and the use of feedback and remedial; 4) setting standards for students’ mastery before proceeding to the next learning process; and 5) assessing learning achievement based on Benchmark Reference Assessment and not on Norm Reference Assessment


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    Education is a process of activities toward a goal because a job without a clear purpose will cause a lack of determination in the process. Especially in the educational process that is aimed at the life of the psychology of learners who are still at the stage of development, then the goal is the most important factor in the educational process. Therefore with a clear purpose, the subject matter and methods used, got the pattern and the contents and the potentialities that are in line with the ideals contained in the purpose of education. The purpose of Islamic education contains in it a certain values in accordance with the views of Islam itself which must be realized through a process that is directed and consistent by using various physical and nonphysical facilities that are equal to its values


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    Teachers are professions that require special expertise. This profession cannot be practiced by every human being. People who are good at talking in certain fields, can not be called a teacher. To become a teacher requires special conditions. Being a professional teacher must truly master the ins and outs of education and teaching complemented by a variety of other sciences. This is what needs to be fostered and developed through a certain period of education or pre-service education


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    The results of the moral development of the students of class XI of the Darul Aman Gombara Islamic Boarding School in Makassar are quite good. This is based on a questionnaire distributed and interviews with several teachers, not found any students who have committed acts that violate the norms of behavior / morals. Behavior of students of class XI Darul Aman Gombara Makassar Islamic Boarding School which obtained the highest score was 87 and the lowest score was 67. The average value obtained from 30 students was 78.3. So it can be concluded that the behavior of students of class XI Darul Islamic Boarding School safe in Gombara Makassar is included in both categories. The relationship between moral development and the behavior of students in class XI Darul Aman Gombara Islamic Boarding School Makassar, namely the level of relationship is classified as very strong. In the correlation coefficient table and the t test results obtained rtable is 0.99> 0.361, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This can be concluded that there is a correlation or the relationship between moral development with the behavior of students of class XI Darul Aman Gombara Islamic Boarding School in Makassar, with a very strong correlation level


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of the juz 30 memorization program at MTs Negeri 1 Makassar City, describe the learning outcomes of students in the Qur'an hadith subject, and analyze the effect of implementing the juz 30 memorization program on student learning outcomes in al- Qur'an hadith at MTs Negeri 1 Makassar City. This research is a quantitative research with ex post facto method. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of the juz 30 memorization program, there were 2 people who were in the high category with a percentage of 7.5%, 37 people who were in the medium category with a percentage of 90%, and 1 person who was in the low category with a percentage of 2.5 %. 2) the learning outcomes of students in the Qur'an hadith subject, there are 2 people who are in the high category with a percentage of 7.5%, 32 people are in the medium category with a percentage of 77.5% and 6 people are in the low category with percentage of 15%. 3) the effect of the implementation of the juz 30 memorization program on student learning outcomes in the Qur'an hadith subject at MTs Negeri 1 Makassar City obtained Tcount > Ttable data, namely 5.027 > 2.028 and sig. 0.003 <0.05 then HI is accepted. So it can be concluded that the implementation of the juz 30 memorization program has an effect on student learning outcomes in the Qur'an hadith subject at MTs Negeri 1 Makassar City. The implications of this study are: 1) the juz 30 memorization program is an important factor in student learning outcomes. 2) in an effort to improve learning outcomes, make habits starting from yourself, 3) school principals and teachers always improve their performance so that even during a pandemic, students can still maximize their learning and not reduce their intellectual quality and learning outcomes


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    This study aims to describe the application of education management in the implementation of PPDB activities. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to describe the implementation of PPDB with a zoning system policy at SMAN 9 Jeneponto which is a superior school before the implementation of the zoning policy. The data sources used are primary data (words/actions from informants, namely school principals, PPDB committee, parents of students and students) and secondary data (PPDB data, photos and other related school documents). Data was collected by interview and documentation using research instruments, namely interview guidelines and document studies. The data collected was then analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. To ensure the truth of the data that has been collected, the researchers tested the validity of the data by extending observations, increasing persistence in careful and continuous observation, using reference materials and conducting member checks. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of PPDB is carried out based on the function of education management which consists of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. This can be seen from the process of PPDB activities that are structured and carried out systematically so that PPDB activities run well and obstacles that occur are overcome by carrying out coordination in accordance with the functions and duties of each PPDB committee. The implication of this research is that schools need to carry out socialization because there are still many parents of students who still consider SMAN 9 Jeneponto to be a superior school that can produce quality graduates even though the zoning policy has been in place for four years which has eliminated the title of favorite school.


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    This journal discusses "The Effectiveness of the Implementation of the BTQ Program on Increasing Reading and Writing Proficiency in the Qur'an in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar". The problems discussed in this thesis are 1. How is the Implementation of the BTQ Program to Improve Reading and Writing Al-Qur'an Proficiency in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education 2. How is the Effectiveness of the BTQ Program to Increasing Al-Qur'an Reading Proficiency in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education. This type of research is Quantitative where the data is in the form of numbers and uses statistical analysis. The population in this study were all Semester III students Batch 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar, totaling 194 people. While the sample is 15% of the 30 students with the sampling technique using Random Sampling. Based on the results of collecting and processing data using descriptive statistical analysis, the authors can conclude that the implementation of the BTQ Program in improving Al-Qur'an reading and writing skills in Semester III Students Class of 2020 majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Alauddin Makassar is considered very effective because in practice it is in accordance with the established rules as stated by the respondent. The results of the analysis of inferential statistical testing, namely the t test, obtained the results of the hypothesis test that t_0 = 1.071 and t_table = 2.048. t_0<t_table (1.071 <2.048) then H_o is rejected H_I is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant influence. The implementation of the BTQ program is very effective on the reading and writing ability of the Qur'an of students majoring in Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar. The implications for this research are that based on the results of the research, the authors think that it is necessary to maintain and support the implementation of the BTQ program at UIN Alauddin Makassar. &nbsp


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    This article aims to apply the managerial competence of school principals in improving teacher performance at SMP Negeri 18 Makassar. The research was conducted using field research through a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used observation and interviews. The data in this study were obtained from several sources, such as school principals, vice principals, teachers, and student representatives. Data processing and analysis techniques use the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The technique for testing the validity of the data uses triangulation. The results of this study indicate that school principals have implemented their managerial competencies in managing schools and various components within them, including coaching teachers in order to improve their performance. There are supporting factors in carrying out its role as a manager, such as the suitability between the duties of teachers and employees with their respective fields, a conducive environment, adequate facilities and infrastructure, and the support of the school community through the establishment of good communication relations. However, there are also some teachers who have not mastered technology such as using laptops even though in this era all groups, including the world of education, have used technology and the level of discipline of teachers who are less aware of their responsibilities at school. The role of the principal in managerial implementation is inseparable from management functions, namely planning, organizing, leadership and supervision as well as guidance through supervision of teachers can provide motivation to work, so that teacher performance can increase.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk penerapan kompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di UPT SPF SMP Negeri 18 Makassar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan field research melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui beberapa sumber, seperti kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru, dan perwakilan peserta didik. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi, baik triangulasi sumber maupun teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah telah menerapkan kompetensi manajerialnya dalam mengelola sekolah dan berbagai komponen di dalamnya, termasuk pembinaan guru dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerjanya. Penerapan kompetensi manajerial kepala sekolah tidak terlepas dari berbagai faktor pendukung, seperti kesesuaian antara tugas guru dan pegawai dengan bidangnya masing-masing, lingkungan yang kondusif, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, serta dukungan warga sekolah melalui terjalinnya hubungan komunikasi yang baik. Akan tetapi, terdapat juga sebagian guru belum menguasai teknologi seperti penggunaan laptop padahal di era sekarang ini semua kalangan termasuk dunia pendidikan sudah menggunakan teknologi serta tingkat kedisiplinan guru yang kurang sadar akan tanggung jawabnya di sekolah. Peran kepala sekolah dalam penerapan manajerial tidak terlepas dari fungsi-fungsi manajemen, yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, kepemimpinan dan pengawasan serta bimbingan melalui supervisi terhadap guru-guru dapat memberikan motivasi kerja, sehingga kinerja guru dapat meningkat

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Teori Belajar Van Hiele pada Siswa Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Pao-pao Kabupaten Gowa

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif berdasarkan penilaian validator dan hasil uji coba yang dilaksanakan. Kevalidan perangkat diukur berdasarkan penilaian hasil validasi para ahli yang memenuhi kriteria kevalidan, yaitu (1) RPP= 3,79, (2) Buku Siswa= 3,75, dan (3) Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)= 3,77 dengan masing-masing validitas isi lebih dari 75% atau V > 75%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga komponen perangkat yang dihasilkan berada pada kategori valid atau inferensia yang dilakukan adalah sahih. Kepraktisan perangkatdiukur berdasarkan lembar pengelolaan pembelajaran yang ditunjukkan dengan terpenuhinya setiap aspek yang berada pada kategori baik dan sangat baik. Keefektifan perangkat ditunjukkan dengan terpenuhinya 3 indikator keefektifan yang ditetapkan, antara lain: (1) Persentase kelulusan klasikal tes hasil belajar lebih dari 85%, (2) Terpenuhinya 7 dari 9 kategori aktivitas siswa, (3) Semua siswa memberikan respon positif sebesar 100% dari tiap aspek yang direspon