38 research outputs found


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    The production of biofuels is like the development of a new, promising economic sector in Latvia. The production and introduction of biofuels is a factor promoting the development of Latvia's rural areas, which allows the acquisition of abandoned agricultural land, improves soil fertility, creates additional income and new jobs for farmers, promotes investment in rural development and the establishment of new production companies. Biofuels are one way of reducing environmental pollution from road transport. To rebuild the car to run on bioethanol fuel E85, it is necessary to reprogram the engine control unit. Specifically, overwriting the information on the EPROM chip. In five years (2016ā€“2020), the consumption of biofuels in transport has increased 4.4 times more due to changes in legislation - an increase in the minimum blend of biofuels


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    Project of the logistic cart allows the number of companies to develop the efficiency and productivity of their work following the tendencies and development of the global technologies. Using such logistic carts in industrial warehouses and in distributions centres enable entrepreneurs to save money and other resources that they otherwise need to spend on many employees that do their work manually. Such logistic carts would be beneficial for producers and shops that have a great variety of products and raw materials in warehouses. Such product in Europe has great attention and has good sales but in Latvia we donā€™t have any companies that produce logistic carts so the geographical position of the country allows to expand the markets in Russia and other Baltic countries, as logistic carts there are not widely used and produced


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    The article clarifies that for the young people of the Zoom generation who have grown up in the age of the Internet, have unlimited access to any information and since childhood have been using digital technologies, classical higher education cannot provide everyone with necessary competencies and soft-skills by traditional methods. The study has defined that gamification is the introduction of computer games into educational activities, adding game elements to increase visualization, motivation training and, accordingly, the level of mastery of theoretical material, i.e. feedback with a student. It has been proved that gamification helps identify a leader and determine the level of training of an education seeker on this or that question (subject); unite students with a common language literary idea and direct all their efforts to its disclosure and representation; reduce the level of conflicts, andƂĀ  increase effectiveness of the educational process. The following components of the gamified process (user; accumulated points; game levels; ranking of participants; badges), forms (competitive, victorious and aesthetic) and services for introducing gamification into the education system (Alice, Scratch, Studio Code; CodeSchool; MotionMathGames; Mathematics; Spongelab; Kahoot!; Zombie-BasedLearning; MinecraftEdu; World of Classcraft (WoC); WildInternetWoods) have been characterized. The prerequisites for the implementation of the gamification method, to which the level of theoretical training of students, educational content, motivation of students of higher education to perform certain tasks, a level development of mental processes (thinking, perception, memory, attention, imagination and etc.) have been analyzed. The system of tasks, a quality control of which is organized by using games developed with the help of online Wordwall service has been developed and presented. The effectiveness of the implementation of the gamification method into the process of training of future teachers of the Ukrainian and English languages, which convincingly is represented by the diagram has been proved.Ƃ

    Effects of thermal insulation on thermal comfort in low-income tropical housing

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    This paper evaluates the effects of thermal insulation on thermal comfort in low-income tropical housing in Uganda. Dynamic thermal simulations are conducted to assess the effects of wall, roof and floor insulation strategies. 96 combination scenarios are simulated for various geometries, insulation and construction methods. Adaptive approach is used to evaluate the conditions within the case study buildings. The results indicate that external wall insulation improves thermal comfort in all conditions whereas internal wall and floor insulation may deteriorate the conditions. Roof insulation is the most effective strategy to reduce the risk of overheating. Due to the effectiveness of roof insulation and marginal improvements of external wall insulation, especially for brick walls, wall insulation may be disregarded when used in conjunction with roof insulation

    Assessment of solar shading strategies in low-income tropical housing: the case of Uganda

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    Developing countries in tropical and subtropical areas will be the worst hit by climate change. Very little research has been done to assess the impact of climate change on thermal comfort in low-income housing in these regions. The effects of solar shading strategies and solar absorptance properties of walls and roofs on thermal comfort in Ugandan low-income housing are studied in this paper. Various shading strategies including curtains, roof and window overhangs, veranda and trees as well as effects of painting on solar heat gain and thermal comfort are modelled using EnergyPlus software. An adaptive approach for naturally ventilated buildings defined by the European Committee for Standardization standard BS EN 15251:2007 is used to assess the conditions. According to the results, solar shading is less effective in meeting thermal comfort requirements and it should be used in conjunction with other strategies to achieve desirable results. White painting, in contrast, significantly improved the conditions and significantly reduced the risk of overheating. Solar shading proved to be effective during the hottest periods of the year, reducing the risk of extreme overheating by up to 52%

    Assessment of drinking water's chemical composition in the potentially contaminated and degradated territories of Baltinava's district

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    Ievērojamas vides problēmas ir dzeramā Å«dens kvalitāte un potenciāli piesārņotas, degradētas teritorijas. MaÄ£istra darbā novērtēts dzeramā Å«dens Ä·Ä«miskais sastāvs un potenciāli piesārņotās, degradētas teritorijas Baltinavas novadā, to iespējamais kaitējums videi. Tika veikts vizuālais novērtējums un teritoriju apsekojums, pēc kura tika izstrādāta tabula, kas iepazÄ«stina ar potenciāli piesārņotajām un degradētajām teritorijā. Tālākie pētÄ«jumi iekļāva 50 dzeramā Å«dens paraugu analÄ«zes. IegÅ«tie pētÄ«jumu rezultāti parādÄ«ja, ka potenciāli piesārņotās un degradētās teritorijas rada ietekmi uz vidi Baltinavas novadā. Pēc iedzÄ«votāju aptaujas tika noskaidrots, ka novada iedzÄ«votājiem nav informācijas par augstākminētajām teritorijām novadā. Dzeramā Å«dens kvalitāte kalpo, kā indikators konkrētas vietas vides stāvokļa noteikÅ”anai.Significant environmental issues are quality of drinking water and potentially contaminated territories. Master's thesis evaluated the chemical composition of drinking water and potentially contaminated, degraded areas in Baltinava district, and its potential harm to the environment. One of study methods was visual assessment and site survey, which is shown in table that introduces to the potentially contaminated and degraded sites. Further study included drinking water chemical analysis of 50 samples. The obtained results showed that the potentially contaminated and degraded areas leave impact on environment in Baltinavas district. Population survey showed that residents of the district are not aware of the above mentioned areas. Drinking water chemical quality serves as an indicator for a particular site environmental status

    Potentially Contaminated Sites Management in Baltinavas District

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    Viena no vides problēmām ir potenciāli piesārņotas vietas. Bakalaura darbā novērtētas potenciāli piesārņotās teritorijas Baltinavas pagastā un to iespējamais kaitējums videi. Tika veikts vizuālais novērtējums un teritoriju apsekojums, pēc kura tika izstrādāta tabula, kas iepazÄ«stina ar potenciāli piesārņotajām un degradētajām teritorijā. Minētās teritorijas tika novērtētas pēc Ministru Kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 483 ā€Piesārņoto un potenciāli piesārņoto vietu apzināŔanas un reÄ£istrācijas kārtÄ«baā€. Novērtējuma rezultātā tika noskaidrotas teritorijas, kas varētu bÅ«t bÄ«stamas un potenciāli piesārņotas. Tālākie pētÄ«jumi iekļāva Å«dens un augsnes paraugu analÄ«zes. IegÅ«tie analīžu rezultāti parādÄ«ja, ka potenciāli piesārņotās un degradētās teritorijas rada ietekmi uz vidi Baltinavas pagastā. Pēc iedzÄ«votāju aptaujas tika noskaidrots, ka pagasta iedzÄ«votājiem nav informācijas par augstākminētajām teritorijām pagastā.One of the environmental problems is potentially contaminated sites. In Bachelor Thesis, potentially contaminated sites of Baltinavaā€™s district are ranked and their potential damage to the environment. Visual assessment and site survey was made, after which table was designed presents the potentially contaminated and degraded sites. These areas were estimated by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.. 483 "Contaminated and potentially contaminated sites identification and registration procedures." The evaluation showed that territoriesā€™, which could be dangerous and potentially contaminated. Further studies have included water and soil sample analysis. Analytical results showed that the potentially contaminated and degraded sites have impacts on the environment in Baltinava district. After the population surveys it was found that the district population has no information about the above sites in their district

    Conversation in Theoretical and Methodical Training System for Future Teachers: A Case of the Ukrainian Language

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    This article analyzes the different scientistsā€™ perspective on the classification of teaching methods in pedagogy and linguodidactic. Conversation is one of the active methods of teaching that forms a coherent system in combination with other methods. It also has a wide range of usage (in the process of acquiring new knowledge, repetition and generalization of the studied material and etc.). Types of conversations as examined in this paper include: heuristic, reproductive, generalized, control and corrective, analytic and synthetic. This paper also presents the purpose, structure and methods of implementation. It is worth mentioning that the methods of discussion and debate are also similar to the methods of conversation. The effectiveness of these methods, in the process of theoretical and methodical training of future teachers of the Ukrainian language has been proven in the system of integrative study in normative disciplines of linguistic and psycho-pedagogical cycles


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    Ruskulis, L. V. Traditional studying methods in the system of theoretical and methodological preparation of the future ukrainian language teachers / L. V. Ruskulis // Nowoczesna edukacja: filozofia, innowacyja, doświadczenie. ā€“ ÅĆ³dÅŗ : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Umiejętności, 2016. ā€“ Nr 4 (8). ā€“ Š”. 48 -52.In the article are analyzed the classifications of methods. The study is constructed on systematization and reasoning of classification by the way of interaction between teacher and pupils, which consists of conversation, work with course book, problem learning, observation of speech, linguistic experiment, exercises. The author emphasizes the necessity to introduce the method of conversation, based on checking the level of student imbibition, control and selfcontrol; points out consideration of the method of using the textbook as an implementation of self-work; finds out the value problem-based learning method, whose purpose is student intensifying; define the essence and advantages of the observation method and facts that activates student mental and search activity, learns to see specific language features; emphasizes the importance of exercises that are designed to form a long term language skills at all levels, to prevent mistakes, to develop communicative competence