188 research outputs found

    Problems of attracting adult populationto implementation of the regulations of the all-russian sports complex "Ready for labor and defense"

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    The article deals with the problem of popularizing the GTO complex among the adult population. According to the plan for the implementation of the All-Russian sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”, from 2018 the standards of the Complex should be met en masse, by all categories of the population, but the question arises, why does the percentage of the adult population involved remain extremely low? The purpose of this study is to identify the main causes of insufficient participation of adults in the implementation of the standards of complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. Based on the analysis of modern publications, statistical materials and regulatory documents, we have identified several reasons for the insufficient participation of adults in the implementation of standards.В статье рассмотрена проблема популяризации комплекса ГТО среди взрослого населения

    Evolution and parameters of dynamic domain structures of the "leading center" type

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    A detailed study of the behavior of ordered, stable dynamic domain structures (DDS) of the "leading center"(CC) type, determination of the quantitative characteristics of these DDSs were carried out [1, 5] on several samples of garnet-ferrite films, for which, according to dynamic domain phase diagrams (PD), there were large amplitude-frequency regions (H0-f) of the existence of this type of DDS. In this work, the dependence of the geometric dimensions of the BVTs (the number of rings and the outer diameter) on the conditions of energy pumping is investigated. The dependence of the number of annular domains (CD) N, "black"and "white", was also established with a change in the amplitude H0 and fixed frequencies f. © 2021 Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ, (18-04-00714, 20-44-660011)Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaUral Federal University, UrFU, (FEUZ-2020-0057)The work was carried out with financial support of Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Russian Federation as part of state task of the Ural Federal University FEUZ-2020-0057RFBR grant № 18-04-00714RFBR – Government of the Sverdlovsk region, grant № 20-44-660011

    Environments of the Four Tryptophans in the Extracellular Domain of Human Tissue Factor: Comparison of Results from Absorption and Fluorescence Difference Spectra of Tryptophan Replacement Mutants with the Crystal Structure of the Wild-Type Protein

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    The local environments of the four tryptophan residues of the extracellular domain of human tissue factor (sTF) were assessed from difference absorption and fluorescence spectra. The difference spectra were derived by subtracting spectra from single Trp-to-Phe or Trp-to-Tyr replacement mutants from the corresponding spectrum of the wild-type protein. Each of the mutants was capable of enhancing the proteolytic activity of factor Vila showing that the mutations did not introduce major structural changes, although the mutants were more susceptible to denaturation by guanidinium chloride. The difference spectra indicate that the Trp residues are buried to different extents within the protein matrix. This evaluation was compared with the x-ray crystal structure of sTF. There is excellent agreement between predictions from the difference spectra and the environments of the Trp residues observed in the x-ray crystal structure, demonstrating that difference absorption and particularly fluorescence spectra derived from functional single-Trp replacement mutants can be used to obtain information about the local environments of individual Trp residues in multi-tryptophan proteins

    Влияние Магнитного Поля На Реологические Свойства Растворов Эфиров Целлюлозы

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    The rheological properties, structure and phase transitions of hydroxypropyl cellulose in ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene glycol solutions and ethylcellulose in dimethylformamide so-lutions are studied using viscometry, the cloud-point method, polarization microscopy, the optical interferometry and a polarization photoelectric apparatus in the temperature range 280-360 K. The temperature-concentration regions of isotropic and anisotropic phases are determined for all sys-tems. The type of boundary curves of phase diagrams is compared with the chemical structure of macromolecules. It is shown that the constant magnetic field (3.6 kOe) leads to the orientation of macromolecules in solutions. The domain structure arising in solutions is fixed after evaporation of a solvent and shown in orientation of strips of the film relief. It was found that the flow curves of all solutions at 298 K in the range of shear rates from 0 to 15 s-1 are typically for the non-Newtonian liquids. It was found that the magnetic field leads to an increase in the viscosity of isotropic solutions and a decrease in the viscosity of anisotropic solutions. Both effects depend on the direction of the magnetic field lines. When the rotor-rotation axis is parallel to the direction of power lines of the magnetic field the change in the viscosity of solutions is greater than that at perpendicular orientation of the rotor-rotation axis and power lines of the magnetic field. The re-sults are discussed using representations about the changes in the macromolecule conformation and in the size and shape of the supramolecular particles in the solutions during flow under a magnetic field with different orientation of the power lines © 2021, ChemChemTech. All Rights Reserved


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    Received: 04.11.2021. Revised: 16.06.2022. Accepted: 16.06.2022. Available online: 22.06.2022.The article deals with the experimental study of the mass transfer of acetic acid from the dispersed phase (butyl acetate) to the continuous phase (water). The experiments were carried out on a laboratory column with single floating drops. The presence of the Marangoni effect during the movement of drops and its influence on the trajectories of movement of drops and the kinetics of mass transfer during extraction are shown. The influence of the Marangoni effect is most clearly observed when the driving force of the process is 0.1...0.2 mol/l

    A kinetic model for magnetostriction of a ferrogel with physical networking

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    Kinetics of magnetostriction of ferrogel with physical networking based on natural polysaccharide guar gum with embedded strontium hexaferrite magnetic particles were studied in the uniform magnetic field 420 mT. An ellipsoidal sample was elongated by 37% along the applied field and contracted by 15% in the transverse direction, while its volume was kept constant. The characteristic time of magnetostriction was 440 s. Dynamic mechanical analysis in an oscillatory mode showed that the deformation of ferrogel is mostly elastic rather than viscous. Its storage modulus was almost constant in a frequency range of 0.1-100 Hz and by at least an order of magnitude larger than the loss modulus. Meanwhile, a developed theoretical model based on the elasto-viscous behaviour of the ferrogel failed to estimate correctly the experimental value of its magnetostriction. Calculated values of the elongation of ferrogel in the field were several orders of magnitude lower than those observed in the experiment for the ferrogel with physical networking. Consistency between the experiment and the theory was achieved using the alternative consideration based on the deformation of a liquid droplet of ferrofluid. The applicability of such an approach was discussed concerning structural relaxation properties of the ferrogel with physical networking. This article is part of the theme issue 'Transport phenomena in complex systems (part 1)'. © 2021 The Author(s).Russian Science Foundation, RSF, (20-12-00031)Data accessibility. This article has no additional data. Authors’ contributions. A.P.S. was involved in experiment management. E.A.M., E.V.R. were involved in measurements. A.Z. was involved in theoretical modelling Competing interests. We have no competing interests. Funding. This work has been done with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project 20-12-00031

    An analysis of trends and determinants of health insurance and healthcare utilisation in the Russian population between 2000 and 2004: the 'inverse care law' in action

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    BACKGROUND: The break-up of the USSR brought considerable disruption to health services in Russia. The uptake of compulsory health insurance rose rapidly after its introduction in 1993. However, by 2000 coverage was still incomplete, especially amongst the disadvantaged. By this time, however, the state health service had become more stable, and the private sector was growing. This paper describes subsequent trends and determinants of healthcare insurance coverage in Russia, and its relationship with health service utilisation, as well as the role of the private sector. METHODS: Data were from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, an annual household panel survey (2000-4) from 38 centres across the Russian Federation. Annual trends in insurance coverage were measured (2000-4). Cross-sectional multivariate analyses of the determinants of health insurance and its relationship with health care utilisation were performed in working-age people (18-59 years) using 2004 data. RESULTS: Between 2000 and 2004, coverage by the compulsory insurance scheme increased from 88% to 94% of adults; however 10% of working-age men remained uninsured. Compulsory health insurance coverage was lower amongst the poor, unemployed, unhealthy and people outside the main cities. The uninsured were less likely to seek medical help for new health problems. 3% of respondents had supplementary (private) insurance, and rising utilisation of private healthcare was greatest amongst the more educated and wealthy. CONCLUSION: Despite high population insurance coverage, a multiply disadvantaged uninsured minority remains, with low utilisation of health services. Universal insurance could therefore increase access, and potentially contribute to reducing avoidable healthcare-related mortality. Meanwhile, the socioeconomically advantaged are turning increasingly to a growing private sector

    Expert Statements on the Standard of Care in Critically Ill Adult Patients With Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.

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    A typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) presents similarly to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and other causes or conditions with thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), such as disseminated intravascular coagulation or sepsis. Similarity in clinical presentation may hinder diagnosis and optimal treatment selection in the urgent setting in the ICU. However, there is currently no consensus on the diagnosis or treatment of aHUS for ICU specialists. This review aims to summarize available data on the diagnosis and treatment strategies of aHUS in the ICU to enhance the understanding of aHUS diagnosis and outcomes in patients managed in the ICU. To this end, a review of the recent literature (January 2009-March 2016) was performed to select the most relevant articles for ICU physicians. Based on the paucity of adult aHUS cases overall and within the ICU, no specific recommendations could be formally graded for the critical care setting. However, we recognize a core set of skills required by intensivists for diagnosing and managing patients with aHUS: recognizing thrombotic microangiopathies, differentiating aHUS from related conditions, recognizing involvement of other organ systems, understanding the pathophysiology of aHUS, knowing the diagnostic workup and relevant outcomes in critically ill patients with aHUS, and knowing the standard of care for patients with aHUS based on available data and guidelines. In conclusion, managing critically ill patients with aHUS requires basic skills that, in the absence of sufficient data from patients treated within the ICU, can be gleaned from an increasingly relevant literature outside the ICU. More data on critically ill patients with aHUS are needed to validate these conclusions within the ICU setting