572 research outputs found

    How flexible are real wages in EU countries? A panel investigation

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    In this paper we estimate the degree of real wage flexibility in 19 EU countries in a wage Phillips curve panel framework. We find evidence for a reaction of wage growth to unemployment and productivity growth. However, due to unemployment persistence, over time the real wage response weakens substantially. Our results suggest that the degree of real wage flexibility tends to be larger in the central and eastern European (CEE) countries than in the euro area; weaker in downturns than during upswings. Moreover, there exists an inflation threshold, below which real wage flexibility seems to decrease. Finally, we find that part of the heterogeneity in real wage flexibility and unemployment might be related to differences in the wage bargaining institutions and more specifically the extent of labour market regulation in different country groups within the EU. JEL Classification: J31, J38, P5bargaining institutions, central and eastern Europe, euro area, panel heterogeneity, real wage flexibility

    Digitization of Literary Heritage in the Bulgarian Libraries: Facing Problems and Challenges

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    Paper deals with the current issues and challenges before digitization of literary heritage in the Bulgarian libraries. Main problems are outlined. Socialization of digitized heritage is commented

    A conversation for the children's lunch in Stolichna municipality

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    Аn interview of the editor of the scientific journal Social Medicine – Assoc. Dr. Petar Tsonov with Dr. Mihail Chukchukov, director for eighteen years of the Children's Nutrition Complex (CDN) (The kitchens in Krasna Polyana and West Park) with the Breast Milk Bank (BMB) (1976 - 1994), and with Dr. Maria Rusinova, 15 years director of CDN with BMB (since 2005 until today). The interview with the experts is in the field of children nutrition for children up to 3 years old, which Sofia Municipality finances and provides through  theComplexes for children's nutrition in the municipalities within the Capital city: Vitosha, Lyulin, West Park, Ilinden, Mladost, Iskar, Sredets, Studentski, Krasno Selo and Slatina

    Bank for breast milk

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    The article presents the purpose and tasks of the human milk banks. A brief historical review of the establishment and the development of a network of human milk banks in Europe and Bulgaria has been made. The activities and the main challenges for the further expansion of the network of human milk banks in Bulgaria are examined

    Magnetorheology of Polymer Systems

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    The results of researches of a magnetic field effect on rheological properties of both paramagnetic, and diamagnetic polymer systems are described. Influence of intensity and the direction of power lines of the magnetic field on the viscosity of magnetic liquids and magnetorheological suspensions is analyzed. Results of theoretical researches of the magnetic field effect on the diamagnetic macromolecule orientation in solutions are discussed. The data on the influence of the magnetic field on rheological parameters of cellulose ether solutions are generalized and analyzed. The rheological parameters are compared with a change of studied system structure under magnetic field. The concentration dependences of viscosity and the sizes of supramolecular particles in solutions are compared. The rheological behavior of systems in a region of phase transitions is considered. Concentration dependences of the viscosity are described by curves with a maximum which concentration corresponds to a phase transition concentration

    Модель системи управління забезпеченням розвитку промислового підприємства

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    На основі використання інструментів математичного аналізу запропоновано підхід до моделювання системи управління забезпеченням розвитку промислового підприємства залежно від нетипових умов (криза на підприємстві, технологічний ривок у галузі), в яких відбувається реалізація обраних заходів із розвитку підприємства. Цей підхід, на відміну від існуючих, дозволяє обрати таку модель системи управління забезпеченням, при якій керування ресурсами за умови їх скорочення або незмінного обсягу уможливлює отримання максимальної від них віддачі

    Спіральна модель життєвого циклу проекту забезпечення розвитку промислових підприємств

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    У статті запропоновано спіральну модель життєвого циклу проекту розвитку, кожна стадія якої ідентифікується за допомогою розробленої системи показників результативності виконаного плану робіт та витрачених ресурсів, що дозволяє в часі визначити необхідність розширення обсягів забезпечення або його скорочення (перехід дивергенції процесів забезпечення проектів розвитку в конвергенцію), яка пояснюється розрахунком доцільності підтримання забезпечення виведених на ринок проектів розвитку

    Diplomacie jako instituce mezinárodní společnosti

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    Koncepce mezinárodní společnosti je spojen s pěti instituce mezinárodní společnosti: rovnováha sil, mezinárodní právo, válka, velmoci a diplomacie. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na studium instituce diplomacie z pohledu autorů Anglické školy. Cílem této práce je zmapovat názory jednotlivých autorů ve vztahu k diplomacii a poté vytvořit typologii pojetí diplomacie v rámci Anglické školy.ObhájenoThe concept of international society is associated with the five institutions of international society: balance of power, international law, war, great power and diplomacy. This thesis is aimed at studying the institution of diplomacy from the point of view of the authors of the English school. The aim of this work is to map the views of individual authors in relation to diplomacy and then to create a typology of the concept of diplomacy within the English school


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    The article deals with the interpretations of Man’s image as being drawn in the unique written document. The latter is a diary of a common peasant woman by the name Maria Petrovna Suslova from the village of Kamgort (Cherdyn’ district of Perm Region). The image of Man that has been created in her Diary is determined by the ancient type of thinking. It permits one to regard oneself as being the constituent part of Nature, thus not dominating in the surrounding world. Man in Suslova’s Diary is an acting creature. The activity of one is manifested in the labour. The latter implies the idea of the joint communal work of the people aimed to the provision of the society’s physical existence, but not creative activity of its separate member. M.P. Suslova’s Man is politically indifferent. The existing system of power in the country is of little interest for him. There are few references to political events in the Diary, besides these events are enumerated there in line with other occurrences, such as personal and everyday ones. On the whole, M.P. Suslova’s Diary is a unique source of various kinds of knowledge, the latter being of great historical and cultural values