462 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Onset Estrus Dan Laju Ovulasi Domba Ekor Gemuk (Ovis Aries) Melalui Pengimbasan Cairan Folikel Sapi Increasing Onset Estrus and Ovulation Rate Fat Tail Ewe (Ovis Aries) by Follicular Fluid Induction

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    The objective of this study was to explore response of the fat tail ewe on increasing prolificacy by bovine follicular fluid (bFF) induction. This study was conducted from March 2003 until May 2004 at the Station of Animal Breeding and Forage, Livestock Services, East Java Province, Garahan-Silo, Jember. The measured responses of bFF induction were onset of estrus and ovulation rate. The study was implemented by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments of follicular fluid volume induction, i.e., bFF0.0 ml, bFF3.5 ml, bFF7.0 ml, and bFF10.5 ml. Each treatment was replicated six times. Results of the study indicated that the bFF induction significantly and highly significantly (


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    Abstrak: Masyarakat nelayan di Kampung Sekban, Kabupaten Fakfak, Provinsi Papua Barat menjadi mitra kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PKM). Berdasarkan survei tim PKM, mereka masih memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan keterampilan yang rendah, khususnya kompetensi las SMAW. Secara ekonomi, mereka termasuk dalam kategori kelas bawah. Mereka menangkap ikan di laut untuk kehidupan ekonominya. Pengelasan SMAW sangat bermanfaat dalam memberikan keterampilan tambahan untuk meningkatkan kehidupan ekonomi mereka. Mereka bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari memproduksi meja dari rangka baja, pagar, dan tralis pengaman. PKM ini bertujuan untuk membekali mereka dengan keterampilan las SMAW. Dalam pelatihan tersebut mereka diajarkan tata cara pelaksanaan pekerjaan pengelasan yang sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur; cara memasang ampere yang benar berdasarkan ketebalan bahan, memotong sambungan sudut, mengelas dengan sudut 90 derajat, menggunakan elektroda yang sesuai dengan bahan las dan menggunakan peralatan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dengan benar. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 21 nelayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan penerapan langsung. Kompetensi peserta dinilai berdasarkan jawaban kuesioner. Hasil pembagian kuisioner mitra PKM mendapatkan nilai 89,33% mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan pengelasan secara mandiri, sedangkan hanya 10,67% yang kurang kompeten sehingga kegiatan PKM tersebut dinyatakan berhasil berdasarkan hasil kuisioner tersebut.Abstract: Fishermen community in Sekban Village, Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province were the partner of the public service (PKM) activity. Based on the survey of the PKM team, they still have low educational background and skills, particularly SMAW welding competency. Economically, they are of low-class category. They catch fish in the sea for their economic life. SMAW welding is highly beneficial for providing them with extra skill to improve their economic life. They would be able earn from producing tables from steel frames, fences, and safety trails. The PKM was aimed to equip them with SMAW welding skills. In the training they were taught the procedure of performing welding jobs that comply with standard operational procedures; how to apply the correct amper based on material thickness, cut corner joints, weld to make 90-degree angles, use electrodes that accorded to the welding material and proper use of Occupational Health and Safety kits. The training was attended by 21 fishermen. The results of the distribution of questionnaires from PKM partners scored 89.33% able to carry out welding work independently, while only 10.67% were less competent so that the PKM activities were declared successful based on the results of the questionnaire

    Komparasi Capital Asset Pricing Model Versus Arbitrage Pricing Theory Model Atas Volatilitas Return Saham

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    Investing in the stock market is one option for investors. Investment in ordinary shares was classified as longterminvestments to be able to provide added value and the risk for fixed income. This study focused on thedifference of APTM versus CAPM, and it also focused on the sensitivity of the APTM on the stock returns. Thisstudy was based on the assumption that: there were differences in sectoral stock return volatility, volatility ofmarket risk factors, and macroeconomic risks affecting sectoral differences in the sensitivity of stock returns;there were differences in the results of testing the validity, robustness unconditional CAPM and APTMmultifactorial; and time-varying volatility referring to the phenomena of structural breaks and asymmetriceffect. The method of analysis used nested models with panel data. Data were analyzed by using secondary datafrom 2005-2012. The results of this study concluded that: there was no different sensitivity of stock returnsacross sectors, but there was different insensitivity between systematic risk factors, CAPM and APTM multifactorthat showed the inconsistency of the sectoral shares, but the proven model of unconditional CAPM wasvalid; the difference of factor risk premiums was as a result of the structural break, the financial crisis period of2008 within the period 2005-2012


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    Abstrak: Perawatan dan perbaikan merupakan suatu usaha untuk memelihara keawetan dan kesempurnaan dari suatu mesin, dimana mesin tersebut harus selalu dalam keadaan baik dan siap pakai khususnya pada mesin tempel yang telah di miliki oleh nelayan Fakfak Tengah. Johnson merupakan alat yang di gunakan nelayan untuk dijadikan sebagai kendaraan laut. Alat ini terbuat dari serat fiber dan resin ditambah dengan kayu atau pipa paralon yang dijadikan sebagai rangka-dalamnya. Kabupaten Fakfak, khususnya daerah Fakfak Tengah, dipilih oleh ketua PKM karena sebagian besar nelayan di daerah tersebut telah mempunyai sebuah kelompok yang bernama Kelompok Nelayan Fakfak Tengah.Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini adalah membangun kemampuan masyarakat nelayan untuk secara mandiri melakukan perawatan tune-up pada mesin tempel, yang mencakup penggantian busi, pelumasan luar dan dalam mesin, pembongkaran karburator juga penyetelan udara dan bahan bakar pada karburator agar putaran mesin dapat idle atau langsam. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 21 orang nelayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan aplikasi langsung dibawah arahan tim PKM. Setelah kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan kemampuan peserta dinilai berdasarkan jawaban mereka terhadap kuesioner. Hasilnya, sebagian besar peserta, 89,33%, mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut secara mandiri Sementara itu, hanya 10,67% yang belum mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut secara mandiri. Keywords: Maintenance and repair is an effort to maintain the durability and perfection of a machine which must always be in good condition and ready to use, especially for outboard engines that are already owned by Central-Fakfak fishermen. They use Johnson boat as transport tools in the sea. The boat is made from fiber and resin coupled with wood or paralon pipes which are used as the inner frame. Fakfak District, especially Central Fakfak area, was chosen by the head of the PKM (community service) because most of the fishermen in the area already have a group called the Central Fakfak Fishermen's Group. The aim of this PKM activity was to build the ability of fishermen-communities to independently carry out tune-up maintenance on outboard engines, which includes replacing spark plugs, lubricating the outside and inside of the engine, disassembling the carburetor as well as adjusting the air and fuel in the carburetor so that the engine speed can be idle or slow down. This activity was attended by 21 fishermen. The methods used were lectures and direct application under the direction of the PKM team. After the service activities were carried out, the participants' abilities were assessed based on their answers to the questionnaire. As a result, most of the participants, 89.33%, were able to carry out the work independently. Meanwhile, only 10.67% were unable to carry out the work independently. 

    Kelayakan USAhatani Jagung Hibrida di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Feasibility Study of Hybrid Maize Farming in Muna District Southeast Sulawesi Province. Maize harvest area in 2015 in Muna District was 13,159 ha with the production by 32,007 tonnes and the productivity by 2.43 t/ha. This maize productivity is still considered low, due to the results of the study AIAT Southeast Sulawesi on 2014, wich able to obtain productivity by 5 tonnes of dry seed/ha. To increase the production of maize, advocacy anddissemination of technological innovations maize using hybrid varieties had been carried out. A research was applied to investigate the production of maize as well as the income of the farmers. Research was conducted using a structured interview with questionair to 30 maize hybrids farmers and 30 local maize farmers in the Wakobalu Agung Village,Kabangka Sub District, and Bente Village, Kabawo Sub District, Muna District in October to December 2015. The results showed that based on t test, the productivity of hybrid maize was significantly higher than the local variety, so the hybrid maize planting could increase of maize productivity. Hybrid farmers applied urea and NPK while the local maize growers did not use inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizer was applied both by hybrid maize and local maize group, yet dose of both groups respectively was varied. Hybrid maize farming with Bima 19 URI variety and local maize was feasible, each B/C 1.07 and 1.17. However the productivity and farmers' income of the hybrid maize was higher than the local maize. The productivity of the hybrid maize by Bima 19 URI was 4,744 kg dry grain/ha and thefarmers' income was IDR8,596,000. The productivity of the local maize was 1,404 kg dry grain/ha as well as farmers' income was IRD4,666,000

    حكم قبول خطبة الفاسق في الفقه الإسلامي وأثره في الحياة الزوجية

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    إن هذا البحث يتكلم في مسألة الزواج وهي عن حكم قبول خطبة الفاسق في الفقه الإسلامي وأثره في الحياة الزوجية وهو يدور على المشكلتين الرئيسيتين، وهما:1) ما حكم قبول خطبة الفاسق؟، و 2) ما أثر قبول خطبة الفاسق في الحياة الزوجية؟ وقد سلك الباحث في كتابة هذا البحث مسلك الدراسة المكتبية على مرحلتين في إعداده. أما المرحلة الأولى فهي جمع المواد المتعلقة به من كتب العلماء والمقالات والأوراق العلمية التي تكلمت في الموضوع. وأما المرحلة الثانية فهي تنظيم المواد بطريقة نقل الكلام وترتيبه بعد المطالعة والاستقراء في مناسبته بموضوع البحث.ونتيجة البحث هي: 1) أن حكم قبول خطبة الفاسق متعلق بمدى فسق الخاطب؛ الأول: جواز قبول خطبة الفاسق إذا كان فسقه لا يخرجه عن دائرة الإسلام، والثاني: تحريم قبول خطبة الفاسق إذا كان فسقه يخرجه عن دائرة الإسلام. 2) أن الفسق له أثر سيئ في الحياة الزوجية وأنه قد يسبب شقاء الحياة بين الزوجين بل قد يؤدي إلى تفريق الزوجين.الكلمة الأساسية: القبول، الخطبة، الفاسق، الحياة الزوجية. Penelitian ini berbicara tentang masalah perkawinan, yaitu tentang putusan tentang menerima pertunangan pernikahan dalam yurisprudensi Islam dan dampaknya terhadap kehidupan pernikahan, yang berkisar pada dua masalah utama, yaitu: 1) Apa hukum tentang menerima pinangan seorang fasiq, dan 2) Apa dampak dari menerima pinangan seorang fasiq dalam kehidupan berumahtangga. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil jalur penelitian pustaka dalam dua tahap pada penyusunannya. Tahap pertama adalah mengumpulkan data-data terkait dari buku-buku karya para ulama, artikel dan makalah ilmiah yang berbicara tentang masalah ini. Tahap kedua adalah menyusun data-data yang ada dengan cara menyalin dan mengaturnya setelah membaca dan meneliti kesesuaiannya dengan subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) Hukum tentang menerima pinangan seorang fasiq tergantung pada sejauh mana kefasiqan sang peminang; yang pertama: diperbolehkannya menerima pinangan seorang fasiq jika kefasiqannya tidak membawanya keluar dari lingkaran Islam, dan yang kedua: Diharamkan menerima pinangan seorang fasiq jika kefasiqannya membawanya keluar dari lingkaran Islam. 2) Kefasiqan memiliki dampak buruk pada kehidupan berumahtangga dan dapat menyebabkan kesengsaraan dalam hidup di antara pasangan suami-istri dan bahkan dapat menyebabkan perceraian antara pasangan suami-istri.Kata Kunci: Penerimaan, Pinangan, Fasiq, Kehidupan Berumahtangga

    Managerial Performance-Based Education and Training in South Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study to analysis the effect of training service toward performance of managerial, to analysis the effect of training service toward organization governance, and analysis indirect effect the training service through performance of managerial toward organization governance on BPSDM South Sulawesi Province. The research applied on BPSDM South Sulawesi Province with population as amount 583 employees and samples as amount 237 respondent through Slovin formulation. Data from questioner to analysis with path analysis. The result of research with path analysis obtained: the first, implementation of training service have effected toward organization governance in BPSDM. The second, the practice performance of managerial not yet to support the implementation of training service in effect toward organization governance in BPSDM. The result of test showed that the training service have positive and significant toward organization governance. That meaning the implementation of training service, so can to increase the organization governance. better of implementation the training service so the organization governance in BPSDM South Sulawesi Province more increase it

    Respon Masyarakat Dalam Mengembangkan USAha Peternakan Sapi Di Sulawesi Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana respon masyarakat dalam mengembangkan USAha peternakan sapi dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Parigi-Moutong Kabupaten Donggala dan Kota Palu selama 8 (delapan) bulan, terhitung mulai 1 April sampai 30 November 2008. Penelitian ini mengunakan Metode deskriptif dan eksploratif terhadap masyarakat peternak sapi dan masyarakat yang bukan berstatus sebagai peternak. Metode ini dilakukan dalam pengumpulan data untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat respon masyarakat dalam beternak sapi. Gambaran respons masyarakat berusaha ternak sapi potong, secara keseluruhan masih rendah, terbukti dari sistem pemeliharaan terutama pada masyarakat lokal. Berdasarkan skala USAha, kondisi peternak dan tujuan pemeliharaan sapi yang dilakukan oleh peternak, masih sangat sulit untuk ditingkatkan sebagai USAha utama dan atau penerapan USAha agribisnis sapi potong