56 research outputs found

    The influence of Incentives on Work Achivement of agents in Takapul Keluarga Insurance at Riau Agrncy Reoresentative Office of Pekanbaru City (Indonesia)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the influence of incentives on the work performance of agents in Takaful “Keluarga” Insurance at Riau Agency Representative office of Pekanbaru city. The sampling technique used was saturating sampling, while the data collection technique used was questionnaires. To analyze the data, it was used quantitative descriptive method. In analyzing the quantitative data, simple linear regression analysis was used in which the calculation process using SPSS for windows version 17.0. The results of this study found that the relationship between incentives and the work achievement of agents has a strong relationship, it is known from the value of correlation coefficient of 85%. Meanwhile, the partial test results showed that there is a significant influence of incentives on work performance of the agents, it is known from a significant level of 8,232. Then, there is a considerable contribution of incentives to work achievement of the agents, it is known from the value of the coefficient of determination of 71.2%. In general, it can be concluded that there is the influence of incentives on work achievement of agents in Takaful Keluarga Insurance at Riau Agency Representative Office in Pekanbaru city

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    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established in 1967. It is a large economic block in Asia. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the goal of regional economic integration of ASEAN countries by 2015, as stated by the heads of the ASEAN governments back in 2007 at the 13th Singapore Summit. To this end of year 2015, the AEC envisages to transform ASEAN into a region with “free movement of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor”. ASEAN Comprising of 10 countries and the region boasts a population of over 600 million. Among several numbers of universities in ASEAN countries that produce graduates every year, some placed in top ranking in the world. The implementation of AEC will impact on jobs opportunity for the graduates in all over ASEAN countries. Competition and challenging to find good jobs among graduated student is one of the issues because of skilled people being free to work in all ASEAN countries. Challenging and opportunity for Indonesian graduates is focused in this paper, as well as several suggestion and solution in order to get good jobs in overseas countries. High competition for all of graduate student in ASEAN countries make home university prepare the entire student that should be ready with challenging by preparing extra skill and key point to every students

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    Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Guru Sekolah Kebangsaan Kebun Sireh Pulau Pinang

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    Human resource plays important role and the most dominant factors in organization. Employee performance can be measured by various indicators, one of which is job satisfaction. This research employs descriptive approach with collected primary and secondary data in describing the effect of carrier development and culture organization on teacher performance through job satisfaction. The population of this research include all teacher are 46 respondent. Data analysis technique use path analysis. The result of this research found that carrier development through job satisfaction indirectly has positive influence or significance toward teacher performance. Besides that, organizational culture through job satisfaction indirectly also has positive influence or significance toward teacher performance. Keywords: Carrier Development,Organizational Culture,Performance,Job Satisfaction, Path Analysi

    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

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    Kehadiran buku ini dapat menjadi referensi baik dikalangan Perguruan Tinggi maupun Praktisi mudah-mudahan dapat menambah khazanah kepustakaan khususnya dikalangan perguruan tinggi pada mata kuliah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

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    Manajemen Perbankan Syariah

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    Buku ini disusun dengan beberapa pertimbangan dianataranya bahwa buku lembaga keuangan syariah menjadi rujukan baik dikalangan perguruan tinggi maupun praktisi Mudah-mudahan dengan terbitnya buku ini dapat menambah jumlah rujukan yang ada dan dapat bermanfaat khususnya dikalangan Universitas dan STAIN terutama dalam menambah khazanah kepustakaan dalam Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum (MKDU) dan Mata Kuliah Keahlian (MKK)bagi Prodi Ekonomi Syaria

    Dokument Peer Review

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