The influence of Incentives on Work Achivement of agents in Takapul Keluarga Insurance at Riau Agrncy Reoresentative Office of Pekanbaru City (Indonesia)


This study was conducted to investigate the influence of incentives on the work performance of agents in Takaful “Keluarga” Insurance at Riau Agency Representative office of Pekanbaru city. The sampling technique used was saturating sampling, while the data collection technique used was questionnaires. To analyze the data, it was used quantitative descriptive method. In analyzing the quantitative data, simple linear regression analysis was used in which the calculation process using SPSS for windows version 17.0. The results of this study found that the relationship between incentives and the work achievement of agents has a strong relationship, it is known from the value of correlation coefficient of 85%. Meanwhile, the partial test results showed that there is a significant influence of incentives on work performance of the agents, it is known from a significant level of 8,232. Then, there is a considerable contribution of incentives to work achievement of the agents, it is known from the value of the coefficient of determination of 71.2%. In general, it can be concluded that there is the influence of incentives on work achievement of agents in Takaful Keluarga Insurance at Riau Agency Representative Office in Pekanbaru city

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