561 research outputs found

    Conceptual aspects of line tensions

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    We analyze two representative systems containing a three-phase-contact line: a liquid lens at a fluid--fluid interface and a liquid drop in contact with a gas phase residing on a solid substrate. We discuss to which extent the decomposition of the grand canonical free energy of such systems into volume, surface, and line contributions is unique in spite of the freedom one has in positioning the Gibbs dividing interfaces. In the case of a lens it is found that the line tension is independent of arbitrary choices of the Gibbs dividing interfaces. In the case of a drop, however, one arrives at two different possible definitions of the line tension. One of them corresponds seamlessly to that applicable to the lens. The line tension defined this way turns out to be independent of choices of the Gibbs dividing interfaces. In the case of the second definition,however, the line tension does depend on the choice of the Gibbs dividing interfaces. We provide equations for the equilibrium contact angles which are form-invariant with respect to notional shifts of dividing interfaces which only change the description of the system. Conceptual consistency requires to introduce additional stiffness constants attributed to the line. We show how these constants transform as a function of the relative displacements of the dividing interfaces. The dependences of the contact angles on lens or drop volumes do not render the line tension alone but a combination of the line tension, the Tolman length, and the stiffness constants of the line.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Capillary pressure of van der Waals liquid nanodrops

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    The dependence of the surface tension on a nanodrop radius is important for the new-phase formation process. It is demonstrated that the famous Tolman formula is not unique and the size-dependence of the surface tension can distinct for different systems. The analysis is based on a relationship between the surface tension and disjoining pressure in nanodrops. It is shown that the van der Waals interactions do not affect the new-phase formation thermodynamics since the effect of the disjoining pressure and size-dependent component of the surface tension cancel each other.Comment: The paper is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of A.I. Rusano

    Development of the 500 kW and 1 MW ORC turbine flow parts

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    There paper presents two types of developed ORC turbines. The silica oil (MDM) is used as the working media. Proposed turbines are developed for electric power in 500 kW and 1 MW. For the designing of that turbines there were only one geometric constraint: the minimum height of the blade – 20 mm. The final 3D calculations of all turbine stages are provided with accounting the real properties of working media. Gasdynamic efficiency of the developed turbine flow parts is adequate for the such type of power machines.Рассмотрены несколько вариантов проточных частей осевых турбин мощностью 500 кВт и 1 МВт для когенерационной установки, использующей в качестве рабочего тела силиконовое масло (MDM). Единственным геометрическим ограничением для проектирования этих турбин было минимальная высота лопатки – 20 мм. Окончательные трехмерные расчеты всех ступеней турбины проведены с учетом реальных свойств рабочего тела на основе модифицированного уравнения состояния Бенедикта-Вебба-Рубина. Газодинамическая эффективность разработанных проточных частей турбин удовлетворяет требованиям, предъявляемым к энергетическим машинам подобного рода.Розглянуто декілька варіантів проточних частин осьових турбін потужністю 50 кВт та 1 МВт для когенераційної установки, що використовує як робоче тіло силіконове масло (MDM). Єдиним геометричним обмеженням для проектування цих турбін було мінімальна висота лопатки – 20 мм. Остаточні тривимірні розрахунки всіх ступенів турбіни проведено з урахуванням реальних властивостей робочого тіла на основі модифікованого рівняння стану Бенедикта-Вебба-Рубіна. Газодинамічна ефективність розроблених проточних частин турбін задовольняє вимоги, що ставляться до енергетичних машин подібного роду

    Inhomogeneous superconductivity induced in a weak ferromagnet

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    Under certain conditions, the order parameter induced by a superconductor (S) in a ferromagnet (F) can be inhomogeneous and oscillating, which results e.g. in the so-called pi-coupling in S/F/S junctions. In principle, the inhomogeneous state can be induced at T_c as function of the F-layer thickness d_F in S/F bilayers and multilayers, which should result in a dip-like characteristic of T_c(d_F). We show the results of measurements on the S/F system Nb/Cu_{1-x}Ni_x, for Ni-concentrations in the range x = 0.5-0.7, where such effects might be expected. We find that the critical thickness for the occurrence of superconductivity is still relatively high, even for these weak ferromagnets. The resulting dip then is intrinsically shallow and difficult to observe, which explains the lack of a clear signature in the T_c(d_F) data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be publishedin Physica C (proceedings of the Second Euroconference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Crete, 2001

    Efficient implementation of finite volume methods in Numerical Relativity

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    Centered finite volume methods are considered in the context of Numerical Relativity. A specific formulation is presented, in which third-order space accuracy is reached by using a piecewise-linear reconstruction. This formulation can be interpreted as an 'adaptive viscosity' modification of centered finite difference algorithms. These points are fully confirmed by 1D black-hole simulations. In the 3D case, evidence is found that the use of a conformal decomposition is a key ingredient for the robustness of black hole numerical codes.Comment: Revised version, 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature in Nb/Permalloy bilayers by controlling the domain state of the ferromagnet

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    In (S/F) hybrids the suppression of superconductivity by the exchange field h_ex of the ferromagnet can be partially lifted when different directions of h_ex are sampled simultaneously by the Cooper pair. In F/S/F trilayer geometries where the magnetization directions of the two F-layers can be controlled separately, this leads to the so-called spin switch. Here we show that domain walls in a single F-layer yield a similar effect. We study the transport properties of Ni_0.8Fe_0.2/Nb bilayers structured in strips of different sizes. For large samples a clear enhancement of superconductivity takes place in the resistive transition, in the very narrow field range (order of 0.5 mT) where the magnetization of the Py layer switches and many domains are present. This effect is absent in microstructured samples. Comparison of domain wall width \delta_w to the temperature dependent superconductor coherence length \xi_S(T) shows that \delta_w ~ \xi_S(T), which means that the Cooper pairs sample a large range of different magnetization directions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Unified description of fission in fusion and spallation reactions

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    We present a statistical-model description of fission, in the framework of compound-nucleus decay, which is found to simultaneously reproduce data from both heavy-ion-induced fusion reactions and proton-induced spallation reactions at around 1 GeV. For the spallation reactions, the initial compound-nucleus population is predicted by the Li\`{e}ge Intranuclear Cascade Model. We are able to reproduce experimental fission probabilities and fission-fragment mass distributions in both reactions types with the same parameter sets. However, no unique parameter set was obtained for the fission probability. The introduction of fission transients can be offset by an increase of the ratio of level-density parameters for the saddle-point and ground-state configurations. Changes to the finite-range fission barriers could be offset by a scaling of the Bohr-Wheeler decay width as predicted by Kramers. The parameter sets presented allow accurate prediction of fission probabilities for excitation energies up to 300 MeV and spins up to 60 \hbar.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Big data analytics for continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and its application to human-in-the-loop (HITL) related aerospace

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    © 2017, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. The man-instrumentation-equipment-vehicle-environment ecosystem is complex in aerospace missions. Health status of the individual has important implications on decision making and performance that should be factored into assessments for probability of success/risk of failure both in offline and real-time models. To date probabilistic models have not considered the dynamic nature of health status. Big Data analytics is enabling new forms of analytics to assess health status in real-time. There is great potential to integrate dynamic health status information with platforms assessing risk and the probability of success for dynamic individualized real-time probabilistic predictive risk assessment. In this research we present an approach utilizing Big Data analytics to enable continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and show its implications for integration with HITL related aerospace mission

    M\"ossbauer, nuclear inelastic scattering and density functional studies on the second metastable state of Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]\cdot2H2O

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    The structure of the light-induced metastable state SII of Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]\cdot2H2O 14 was investigated by transmission M\"ossbauer spectroscopy (TMS) in the temperature range 15 between 85 and 135 K, nuclear inelastic scattering (NIS) at 98 K using synchrotron 16 radiation and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The DFT and TMS results 17 strongly support the view that the NO group in SII takes a side-on molecular orientation 18 and, further, is dynamically displaced from one eclipsed, via a staggered, to a second 19 eclipsed orientation. The population conditions for generating SII are optimal for 20 measurements by TMS, yet they are modest for accumulating NIS spectra. Optimization 21 of population conditions for NIS measurements is discussed and new NIS experiments on 22 SII are proposed

    A Large-Scale FPGA-Based Trigger and Dead-Time Free DAQ System for the Kaos Spectrometer at MAMI

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    The Kaos spectrometer is maintained by the A1 collaboration at the Mainz Microtron MAMI with a focus on the study of (e,e'K^+) coincidence reactions. For its electron-arm two vertical planes of fiber arrays, each comprising approximately 10 000 fibers, are operated close to zero degree scattering angle and in close proximity to the electron beam. A nearly dead-time free DAQ system to acquire timing and tracking information has been installed for this spectrometer arm. The signals of 144 multi-anode photomultipliers are collected by 96-channel front-end boards, digitized by double-threshold discriminators and the signal time is picked up by state-of-the-art F1 time-to-digital converter chips. In order to minimize background rates a sophisticated trigger logic was implemented in newly developed Vuprom modules. The trigger performs noise suppression, signal cluster finding, particle tracking, and coincidence timing, and can be expanded for kinematical matching (e'K^+) coincidences. The full system was designed to process more than 4 000 read-out channels and to cope with the high electron flux in the spectrometer and the high count rate requirement of the detectors. It was successfully in-beam tested at MAMI in 2009.Comment: Contributed to 17th IEEE Real Time Conference (RT10), Lisbon, 24-28 May 201