3,023 research outputs found

    Current control in the competence approach

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    This paper proposes a method of monitoring the knowledge-based test technologies and allows monitoring of formation of partial competencies. The proposed method is illustrated by the example of the course of computer scienceВ работе предлагается методика текущего контроля знаний, основанная на тестовых технологиях и позволяющая осуществлять частичный мониторинг сформированности компетенций. Предлагаемая методика иллюстрируется примером из курса информатик

    Study of the results of use on the academic performance of the first-year students of applied mathematics and computer science

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    The paper discusses the influence of such factors as the results of the Unified State Examination on the academic performance of the first-year students throughout the school year. It uses the technique of grouping students according to their level of performanceВ работе рассматривается вопрос о влиянии такого фактора как результаты единого государственного экзамена на успеваемость студентов-первокурсников в течение всего учебного года. При этом используется методика группировки студентов по уровню их успеваемост

    Observation of time quasicrystal and its transition to superfluid time crystal

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    We report experimental realization of a quantum time quasicrystal, and its transformation to a quantum time crystal. We study Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons, associated with coherent spin precession, created in a flexible trap in superfluid 3^3He-B. Under a periodic drive with an oscillating magnetic field, the coherent spin precession is stabilized at a frequency smaller than that of the drive, demonstrating spontaneous breaking of discrete time translation symmetry. The induced precession frequency is incommensurate with the drive, and hence the obtained state is a time quasicrystal. When the drive is turned off, the self-sustained coherent precession lives a macroscopically-long time, now representing a time crystal with broken symmetry with respect to continuous time translations. Additionally, the magnon condensate manifests spin superfluidity, justifying calling the obtained state a time supersolid or a time super-crystal

    Morphological record of pedogenesis and landscape evolution in the upper quaternary pedosediments within the upper Volga river basin

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    The morphological record of pedogenesis (mostly at a micromorphological scale) and the features of paleosols developed at the northern geographical extremity of the MIS3 paleopedoshpere (including the Bryansk fossil soils) are described. The profiles of the MIS3 paleosols (dark humic gley and peaty gley with the14С-age around 29-50 cal kyr BP) are located within the periglacial zone in the centre of the Russian Plain (56.7°-58.5° N) within the Upper Volga drainage basin. An assemblage of stable micromorphological features of paleosols studied includes the following: 1) ferruginous nodules and other pedofeatures, occasionally fragmented; 2) concentration (separation) of sand grains within certain microzones; 3) inclusions of raw organic matter, often deformed and oriented to different degrees within the matrix. Despite being buried for a long time period and superimposed by the Holocene pedogenetic processes (clay illuviation), the paleosols preserve some features of short-term (101-102 yr) and medium-term (102-103-4 yr) elementary pedogenetic processes (EPP). The short-term EPP include gleying, structure forming and cryogenic processes. The medium-term EPP include humus formation, peat formation and organic matter accumulation. A hypothesis of cryogenic formation of the paleosols studied is substantiated. Only an almost impermeable layer of permafrost could cause water-logging and gleying in these geological and geomorphological conditions

    Study successful development programming courses of the first-year students

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    The paper addresses the issue of training of students of IT-specialty and the impact on the success of training factors such as the results of the Unified State Exam, professional motivation and social and psychological adaptation of the first-year studentsВ работе рассматривается вопрос об обучении программированию студентов ИТ-специальности и влиянии на успешность обучения таких факторов как результаты Единого Государственного Экзамена, профессиональной мотивации и социально-психологической адаптации студентов-первокурснико

    Some New/Old Approaches to QCD

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    This is a talk delivered at the Meeting on Integrable Quantum Field Theories, Villa Olmo and at STRINGS 1992, Rome, September 1992. I discuss some recent attempts to revive two old ideas regarding an analytic approach to QCD-the development of a string representation of the theory and the large N limit of QCD.Comment: 20 page

    Structural and magnetic studies of FE100–xCox nanotubes obtaine by template method

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    Hollow nanostructures based on the Fe100–xCox alloy were synthesized in the pores of polymer template matrices based on PET using the electrochemical deposition method. Morphology, elemental composition, and structural features were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis, and X-ray diffractometry. The study of the internal magnetic texture was carried out using Mossbauer spectroscopy. The dependence of the change in structural and magnetic properties from the atomic content of components in nanotube structure is revealed. It is established that the synthesized nanostructures are hollow Fe100–xCox nanotubes with a body-centered cubic crystal structure. The decrease in the unit cell parameter with increasing cobalt concentration is due to the difference in the radii of Fe (1.227 Å) and Co (1.191 Å) atoms. It is established that a random distribution of magnetic moments directions of Fe atoms is observed for Fe100Co0 nanotubes. And magnetic texture along the nanotube axis is observed for Fe100–xCox nanotubes, with an increase in Co atoms concentration. The average angle between the direction of the magnetic moment of iron atoms and the nanotube axis decreases from v = 54:6° to v = 24:5°. © 2018, Electromagnetics Academy. All rights reserved

    A preliminary factor analytic investigation into the first-order factor structure of the Fifteen Factor Plus (15FQ+) on a sample of Black South African managers

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    The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.zaMoyo, S. & Theron, C. 2011. A preliminary factor analytic investigation into the first-order factor structure of the Fifteen Factor Plus (15FQ+) on a sample of Black South African managers. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 37(1), 1-22, doi: 10.4102/sajip.v37i1.934.Orientation: The Fifteen Factor Questionnaire Plus (15FQ+) is a prominent personality questionnaire that organisations frequently use in personnel selection in South Africa. Research purpose: The primary objective of this study was to undertake a factor analytic investigation of the first-order factor structure of the 15FQ+. Motivation for the study: The construct validity of the 15FQ+, as a measure of personality, is necessary even though it is insufficient to justify its use in personnel selection. Research design, approach and method: The researchers evaluated the fit of the measurement model, which the structure and scoring key of the 15FQ+ implies, in a quantitative study that used an ex post facto correlation design through structural equation modelling. They conducted a secondary data analysis. They selected a sample of 241 Black South African managers from a large 15FQ+ database. Main findings: The researchers found good measurement model fit. The measurement model parameter estimates were worrying. The magnitude of the estimated model parameters suggests that the items generally do not reflect the latent personality dimensions the designers intended them to with a great degree of precision. The items are reasonably noisy measures of the latent variables they represent. Practical/managerial implications: Organisations should use the 15FQ+ carefully on Black South African managers until further local research evidence becomes available. Contribution/value-add: The study is a catalyst to trigger the necessary additional research we need to establish convincingly the psychometric credentials of the 15FQ+ as a valuable assessment tool in South Africa.Publisher's versio