3,143 research outputs found

    Gauging hadronic systems

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    We present a general method for incorporating the electromagnetic interaction into descriptions of hadronic processes based on four-dimensional scattering integral equations. The method involves the idea of gauging the scattering equations themselves, and results in electromagnetic amplitudes where an external photon is effectively coupled to every part of every strong interaction diagram in the model. Current conservation is therefore implemented in the theoretically correct fashion. To illustrate our gauging procedure we apply it to the three-nucleon problem whose strong interactions are described by standard three-body integral equations. In this way we obtain the expressions needed to calculate all possible electromagnetic processes of the three-nucleon system: the electromagnetic form factors of the three-body bound state, pd->pd gamma, gamma 3He-> pd, gamma 3He-> ppn, etc. As the photon is coupled everywhere in the strong interaction model, a unified description of the NNN-gamma NNN system is obtained. An interesting aspect of our results is the natural appearance of a subtraction term needed to avoid the overcounting of diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, epsf, 1 postscript figure, talk at the 15th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, Netherlands, 22-26 July 1997. To be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Report of Resolutions Committee

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    Your Committee on Resolutions begs to report as follows: Four matters had been submitted up to noon of this day to the Committee for its consideration

    Jesu li humusne kiseline prirodne tvorevine?

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    Alkaline cleavage of soil organic matter was studied by following the changes in absorbance at 250–270 nm, but particularly using differential pulse polarography. The measurement of peak currents obtained by the latter technique allowed to follow changes in concentration of CH3Oand HO-substituted benzaldehydes as well as of α,β-unsaturated ketones with time directly in the suspension of soil. Kinetics of the cleavage of the organic materials from soil and in particular its pH-dependence, were similar to that of cleavage of lignin, but different from those obtained with samples of humic acids. Based on this comparison and on discussion of chemical processes taking place during procedures used for isolation of humic acids from soils and waters, it is strongly indicated that humic acids are man-made macromolecular species rather than natural products.Praćenjem promjena apsorpcije zračenja od 250 do 270 nm i diferencijalnom pulsnom polarografijom proučavano je u alkalnoj otopini cijepanje organske tvari izolirane iz tla. Mjerenje polarografskih vršnih struja omogućuje praćenje promjena koncentracija benzaldehida supstituiranih na CH3O- i HO- skupinama i α,β-nezasićenih ketona u suspenziji zemlje. Kinetika cijepanja organskih tvari izoliranih iz tla, a posebno njena zavisnost o pH, slična je kinetici cijepanja lignina, ali se razlikuje od kinetike cijepanja humusnih kiselina. Na osnovu razlike u kinetici cijepanja, a uzimajući u obzir kemijske procese koji se odvijaju tijekom izolacije humusnih kiselina iz tla i vode, zaključuje se da postoje indikacije da su humusne kiseline umjetno stvoreni polimeri, a ne prirodne tvari

    0++0^{++} Resonances Observed at BES

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    In last 10 years, 0++0^{++} resonances have been observed and studied at BES in many processes, such as J/ψγπ+ππ+πJ/\psi\to\gamma\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-, γπ+π\gamma\pi^+\pi^-, γπ0π0\gamma\pi^0\pi^0, γK+K\gamma K^+K^-, γKSKS\gamma K_SK_S, γωϕ\gamma\omega\phi, ωπ+π\omega\pi^+\pi^-, ωK+K\omega K^+K^-, ϕπ+π\phi\pi^+\pi^-, ϕK+K\phi K^+K^-, ψ(2S)J/ψπ+π\psi(2S)\to J/\psi\pi^+\pi^-, χc0π+πK+K\chi_{c0}\to\pi^+\pi^-K^+K^-, π+ππ+π\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^- etc.. The results on 0++0^{++} resonances observed at BES are reviewed.Comment: Plenary talk at SCADRON70, Lisbon, Feb. 200

    Facies analysis and Reservoir Characterization of the Cambrian Mount Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin: Implications for CO Sequestration and Storage

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    This poster was presented at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual Meeting, from June 7-10, 2009, in Denver, Colorado.Deep saline reservoirs have become a target of increased study with the development of carbon sequestration technologies. In the Illinois Basin, The Upper Cambrian Mt. Simon Formation has been proposed as a potential reservoir for CO2 sequestration. Depth and limited economic interest in the Mt. Simon have left it minimally explored with previous detailed depositional facies analysis only performed at localities outside of the Illinois Basin, where the Mt. Simon is much thinner and closer to the surface. From the analysis of recently acquired and preexisting relatively complete cores and composite cores of the Mt. Simon Formation in addition to basin wide correlation with geophysical well logs, we present a revised model for the deposition of the Mt. Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin region and the resulting implications for a CO2 reservoir. The Mt. Simon Formation is a sub-quartz to quartz arenite that unconformably overlies the crystalline basement of the interior North American craton. Thickness of the Mt. Simon ranges from a few hundred to over 2000 feet thick and structually from 2000 to over 14000 feet below sea level. The upper contact of the Mt. Simon Formation is gradational with the overlying Eau Clair Formation while the lower contact unconformably bounds the crystalline basement. Core analysis has led to the identification of several distinct facies within the Mt. Simon. The lowermost facies is dominated by medium grain to granular eolian sands with distinct interdunal red mudstone. Gradationally above the lowermost facies, tidal indicators become increasingly present with mud drapes and flaser bedding located in isolated units. This transgressive sequence from nonmarine to marine depositional environments correlates with sea level curves for the Upper Cambrian. By increasing our understanding of the Mt. Simon, we can better understand its CO2 reservoir potential

    Machine Learning for Quantum Mechanical Properties of Atoms in Molecules

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    We introduce machine learning models of quantum mechanical observables of atoms in molecules. Instant out-of-sample predictions for proton and carbon nuclear chemical shifts, atomic core level excitations, and forces on atoms reach accuracies on par with density functional theory reference. Locality is exploited within non-linear regression via local atom-centered coordinate systems. The approach is validated on a diverse set of 9k small organic molecules. Linear scaling of computational cost in system size is demonstrated for saturated polymers with up to sub-mesoscale lengths

    NJL with eight quark interactions: Chiral phases at finite T

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    The thermodynamic potential and thermal dependence of low lying mass spectra of scalars and pseudoscalars are evaluated in a generalized Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio model, which incorporates eight-quark interactions. These are necessary to stabilize the scalar effective potential for the light and strange quark flavors, which would be otherwise unbounded from below. In addition it turns out that they are also crucial to i) lower the temperature of the chiral transition, in conformity with lattice calculations, ii) sharpen the temperature interval in which the crossover occurs, iii) or even allow for first order transitions to occur with realistic quark mass values, from certain critical values of the parameters. These are unprecedented results which cannot be obtained within the NJL approaches restricted to quartic and six-quark interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Talk presented at SCADRON 70 Workshop on Scalar Mesons and Related Topics, Lisbon, 11-16 February 200