212 research outputs found

    Building Integrated Vegetation Systems and their Sustainability Aspects; A Literature Review

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    Abstract:There is a growing need of sustainable building development all over the world. It aims to decrease the adverse effects to the environment due to urbanization and escalating population growth. Since the building construction is considered as one of the main concerns, the priority was given to mitigate the negative impact to the environment. Therefore, incorporating sustainable elements and techniques to the buildings to regain the land loss due to construction activities in cities is currently practicing. Adding various vegetation types through different approaches, to obtain the expected results of better living condition around the building is called as building integrated vegetation systems (BIV). Vertical gardening systems, vertical farms, constructed green roofs and roof farms can be stated as main categories of BIV systems. However, there is a paucity of published critical reviews on such systems and therefore, this study is an attempt to review the overall sustainability aspects of BIV systems including environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability. This study consists with a critical review of 114 research publications from relevant journals and online scientific databases. Finally, the identified sustainability aspects of each BIV systems were analyzed to select the best option in terms of greening a building which can be recommended for the implementations in future. Mainly, the importance of moving towards the sustainable solution which meets the food needs through BIV is finally discussed. Finally, it can be concluded that by incorporating green architecture with smart agriculture, we can expect green, healthy and productive cities which fulfill the main requirements of sustainable cities. Though there are many challenges to overcome, maintaining good management practices will give better output. Out of the 114 literature selected for this study, only 8 research papers were discussed about the drawbacks and the limitations of the BIV systems which is still having paucity of information. Keywords: Building Integrated Vegetation systems, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainabilit

    The Role of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) on the Talent Attraction: A Conceptual Framework

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    AbstractTalent Management is found to significantly impact the organizational competitive performance and thus, has received increased research and practitioners’ attention over the past two decades. The shortage of talent has pushed the corporates to a war for talent which focuses on attracting, engaging and retaining the right talent over competitors. The strategies of attracting the right talent therefore have become the vital first step in Talent Management. The existing literature suggests Corporate Social Performance (CSP) to facilitate attracting the right talent. However, the literature emphasizes the need for context specific research to identify factors influencing talent attraction. Meantime, if and how CSP assists talent attraction in Sri Lankan context has received very limited attention.Against this backdrop, this paper focuses on understanding the role of CSP on talent attraction in the Sri Lankan context. The paper aims to develop a conceptual framework which will bring meaningful insights to investigate the relationships between organizations’ CSP, and their ability to attract the right talent. Drawing from the literature the paper first identifies different factors influencing talent attraction, the dimensions of CSP and the level of impact CSP has had on talent attraction in other contexts. Second, the conceptual framework is presented. Third, the paper suggests an experimental design which can be used in empirical studies along with recommendations for future research.Keywords: Corporate Social Performance, (CSP), Talent Attraction, Talent Managemen


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    Non-Performing Loans (NPL) is a significant phenomenon especially in the State Banks of Sri Lanka. This is a typical feature in the majority of the banks in Asian countries. NPL arise based on several reasons. Among them, this study examines the significance of the institutional factors on Non-Performing loans. The population comprised of loan borrowers from State banks in Sri Lanka. Sample comprised 102 loan borrowers selected through random sampling from selected state banks in Western Province that borrowed loans during 2013-2018.. Data was collected through a questionnaire based on 08 variables identified through literature review and analyzed using independent sample t tests. Results show except management efficiency all other variables influenced on NPL. Policies should formulate to mitigate the effects of influential variables.&nbsp

    Nanoengineering concrete for sustainable built environment: a review

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    The construction industry is a major consumer of material and energy sources in the world. Among all the materials used in construction, concrete, which is the most widely used, can have a significant impact. Meanwhile, nanotechnology is one of the most influential technologies in this century and it has significantly impacted the construction sector. Better understanding and engineering cementitious materials at nanometer scale can result in novel construction materials which are more strong and durable than conventional materials. Engineering concrete at the nano meter scale includes the incorporation of nano sized particles into concrete at suitable proportions and methods. Nano Silica is one such nano material which has shown to enhance the overall performance of concrete. Incorporation of nano Silica at smaller volume fractions has shown to result in higher compressive and flexural strengths at early ages, improved hydration characteristics and reduced porosity and water absorption when compared with conventional cementitious materials. The impacts of other nano materials such as CNTs, nano TiO2, nano Al2O3 and nano TiO2 on concrete are also promising. While nano materials acts as fillers and provide nucleation sites for cement hydration, nano SiO2 also acts as a pozzolanic material, increasing the amount of stiff CSH within the hydrated cement paste, resulting an improved microstructure. Nanomaterials can also pave the path to reduce the cement content in concrete than in conventional mixes while maintaining same strength characteristics, which will lead into the production of a „greener‟ concrete. Numerical models of the composite material validated with experimental results can be used to come up with optimum nano material contents and performance. This paper reviews the efforts, current status and effects of nano modification of cementitious materials and numerically modelling strength properties. These innovative materials will be of high performance and less energy consuming, which will lead towards sustainable construction practices

    Novel Docosahexaenoic Acid Ester of Phloridzin Inhibits Proliferation and Triggers Apoptosis in an In Vitro Model of Skin Cancer

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    Skin cancer is among the most common cancer types accompanied by rapidly increasing incidence rates, thus making the development of more efficient therapeutic approaches a necessity. Recent studies have revealed the potential role of decosahexaenoic acid ester of phloridzin (PZDHA) in suppressing proliferation of liver, breast, and blood cancer cell lines. In the present study, we investigated the cytotoxic potential of PZDHA in an in vitro model of skin cancer consisting of melanoma (A375), epidermoid carcinoma (A431), and non-tumorigenic (HaCaT) cell lines. Decosahexaenoic acid ester of phloridzin led to increased cytotoxicity in all cell lines as revealed by cell viability assays. However, growth inhibition and induction of both apoptosis and necrosis was more evident in melanoma (A375) and epidermoid carcinoma (A431) cells, whereas non-tumorigenic keratinocytes (HaCaT) appeared to be more resistant as detected by flow cytometry. More specifically, PZDHA-induced cell cycle growth arrest at the G2/M phase in A375 and A431 cells in contrast to HaCaT cells, which were growth arrested at the G0/G1 phase. Elevated intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species ROS was detected in all cell lines. Overall, our findings support the potential of PZDHA as a novel therapeutic means against human skin cancer

    Postoperative Throat Complications after Tracheal Intubation

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    Background: A prospective study was carried out to determine the incidence of sore throat after endotracheal intubation and the associated causative factors. Methods: Two hundred patients aged 18-77 years who had surgery over sixteen months were studied. Sizes 7mm - 8.0mm internal diameter (I.D) portex endotracheal tubes with cuff were used for females while sizes 8.5mm - 9.0mm I.D were used for males. A standardized form was used to collect patients' details, types of surgery, technique of airway maintenance and number of attempts at intubation. The use of nasogastric tubes, throat pack, duration of intubation and status of the anaesthetists were also noted. The presence of sore throat and other throat complications were determined within 24 - 36 hours after surgery. Results: One hundred twenty six (63%) patients experienced throat complications. The incidence of sore throat was similar in both males and females. There was no statistically significant difference P=1.0000, odd ratio = 1.035, 95% CI: 0.5064 - 2.115. There was no statistical difference between the group whose tubes were lubricated and the one without tube lubrication. P = 0.5296, odds ratio - 1.255; 95% CI: 0.6702 - 2.351. There was statistically significant difference between the incidence of throat complications in throat related surgery and non- throat related surgery. P=0.0001., odds ratio-9.771, 95% CI: 3.065-31.148. Multiple attempts at intubation did not contribute to the development of sore throat. Duration of intubation greater than 60 minutes contributed to a higher incidence of throat complications and it was considered statistically significant. Conclusion: Routine endotracheal intubation can result in trauma and pathological changes, which could lead to postoperative throat symptoms. There is need to further evaluate if the use of smaller sized endotracheal tubes could reduce the incidence of throat complicationsFond: Une \ue9tude \ue9ventuelle a \ue9t\ue9 effectu\ue9e pour d\ue9terminer l'incidence de l'angine apr\ue8s l'intubation endotrach\ue9ale et les facteurs causatifs associ\ue9s. M\ue9thodes: Deux cents malades \ue2g\ue9s de 18-77 ans qui ont eu la chirurgie pendant une p\ue9riode de seize mois ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tudi\ue9s. Des tailles des tubes endotrach\ue9aux de portex du diam\ue8tre interne (D.I) de 7mm \u96 8,0mm avec la manchette ont \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9s pour des femelles tandis que des tailles D.I de 8,5mm - de 9,0mm ont \ue9t\ue9 employ\ue9es pour des m\ue2les. Une forme normalis\ue9e a \ue9t\ue9 employ\ue9e pour rassembler les d\ue9tails de malades, les types de chirurgie, la technique de l'entretien de voie a\ue9rienne et le nombre de tentatives d'intubation. L'utilisation des tubes gastriques, l'enveloppement de pharynx, la dur\ue9e de l'intubation et le statut des anesth\ue9sies ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9galement not\ue9s. La pr\ue9sence de l'angine et d'autres complications pharyng\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 d\ue9termin\ue9es dans un d\ue9lai de 24 - 36 heures apr\ue8s chirurgie. R\ue9sultats: 126 (63%) malades ont eu des complications pharyng\ue9es. L'incidence de l'angine \ue9tait semblable dans des m\ue2les et des femelles. Il n'y avait aucune diff\ue9rence statistiquement significative P=1,0000, rapport des cotes = 1,035, 95% CI : 0,5064 \u96 2,115. Il n'y avait aucune diff\ue9rence statistique entre le groupe dont les tubes ont \ue9t\ue9 lubrifi\ue9s et celui sans lubrification de tube. P = 0,5296, rapport des cotes \u96 1,255 ;95% CI : 0,6702 - 2.351. Il y avait de diff\ue9rence statistiquement significative entre l'incidence des complications de pharynx dans les chirurgie pharyng\ue9es et non-pharyng\ue9es. P=0.0001., rapport des cotes \u969,771,95%CI : 3,065-31,148. Les tentatives multiples d'intubation n'ont pas contribu\ue9 au d\ue9veloppement de l'angine. La dur\ue9e d'intubation pus grande que 60minutes a contribu\ue9 \ue0 une incidence plus \ue9lev\ue9e des complications pharyng\ue9es et on l'a consid\ue9r\ue9 statistiquement significatif. Conclusion: L'intubation endotrach\ue9ale courante peut avoir comme cons\ue9quence le trauma et les changements pathologiques, qui pourraient mener aux sympt\uf4mes pharyng\ue9s postop\ue9ratoires. Il y a le besoin d'\ue9valuer de plus si l'utilisation de plus petits tubes endotrach\ue9aux pourrait r\ue9duire l'incidence des complications pharyng\ue9es

    Application of nanomaterials in the sustainable built Environment

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    Nanotechnology is widely regarded as one of the twenty-first century’s key technologies, and its economic importance is sharply on the rise. In the construction industry, nanomaterials has potentials that are already usable today, especially the functional characteristics such as increased tensile strength, self-cleaning capacity, fire resistance, and additives based on nano materials make common materials lighter, more permeable, and more resistant to wear. Nonomaterial are also considered extremely useful for roofs and facades in the built environment. They also expand design possibilities for interior and exterior rooms and spaces. Nano–insulating materials open up new possibilities for ecologically oriented sustainable infrastructure development. It has been demonstrated that nanotechnology has invented products with many unique characteristics which could significantly provide solutions current construction issues and may change the requirement and organization of construction process. This paper examines and documents applicable nanotechnology based products that can improve the sustainable development and overall competitiveness of the construction industr

    Sodium doping and trapped ion mobility spectrometry improve lipid detection for novel MALDI-MSI analysis of oats

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    Oat (Avena sativa L.) is an important cereal grain with a unique nutritional profile including a high proportion of lipids. Understanding lipid composition and distribution in oats is valuable for plant, food and nutritional research, and can be achieved using MALDI mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). However, this approach presents several challenges for sample preparation (hardness of grains) and analysis (isobaric and isomeric properties of lipids). Here, oat sections were successfully mounted onto gelatin-coated indium tin oxide slides with minimal tearing. Poor detection of triacylglycerols was resolved by applying sodium chloride during mounting, increasing signal intensity. In combination with trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS), lipid identification significantly improved, and we report the separation of several isobaric and isomeric lipids with visualisation of their “true” spatial distributions. This study describes a novel MALDI-TIMS-MSI analytical technique for oat lipids, which may be used to improve the discovery of biomarkers for grain quality.Wai C.D. Lau, Leigh Donnellan, Matthew Briggs, Thusitha Rupasinghe, John C. Harris, Julie E. Hayes, Peter Hoffman

    Muscle p70S6K phosphorylation in response to soy and dairy rich meals in middle aged men with metabolic syndrome: a randomised crossover trial

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    The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway is the primary regulator of muscle protein synthesis. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by central obesity and insulin resistance; little is known about how MetS affects the sensitivity of the mTOR pathway to feeding
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