78 research outputs found

    Study of Microbial Load in Water Samples from Hydraulic Fracturing Adjacent Streams

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    Hydraulic Fracturing, also known as “fracking,” is an oil and gas extraction method in which a mix of water, sand, and chemicals are shot at high pressures into subterranean areas. This process has the potential to not only damage landscapes and impact wildlife, but also to pollute groundwater and surface water, as well as streams. Water collected near fracking sites may show the effects of hydraulic fracturing on microbial communities, and examination of bacterial growth can possibly give indication of habitat degradation or the effect of inorganic compounds introduced by the hydraulic fracturing process. Samples collected by a Jude Lab collaborator from Juniata College, near fracking sites in Northern Pennsylvania from 2015-2016, will be cultured on R2A agar plates and set at room temperature before observation and imaging. The lack of, or presence of, violacein-producing organisms as well as other clear and pigmented colonies will be observed. It is expected that certain strains may produce more violacein than others based on past data collected by Jude Labs, and have more or less bacterial load. The Juniata samples and their previous data and platings will be compared with the plated water samples

    Evaluation Of Elementary Principals In New York State

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    PURPOSE; The purpose of this study was to review the literature related to evaluation of elementary school principals, to identify current practices, and to develop a model which would include evaluation areas of responsibility, the nature of elementary principal responsibilities and competencies, the procedure for evaluating elementary school principal functions, and how such evaluations should be utilized

    Building Engineering Feasibility Study: Herreshoff Marine Museum

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    Our design team was supplied with a dozen architectural designs from the students of the Roger Williams University Architectural School. After discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each our team was able to narrow our choices down to one base design to conduct our feasibility and structural integrity analysis. Currently, the structural integrity of the proposed building addition has been examined by determining the wind and the snow loads, the green roof requirements, and the column and beam loads. The feasibility of the chosen design was assessed by researching Bristol zoning regulations and developing a path through the required zoning variances, which will help in the construction phase

    The neuropsychology of borderline personality disorder: a meta-analysis and review

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    Psychiatry Research, 137(3): pp. 191-202.The neuropsychological profile of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is unclear. Past investigations have produced seemingly inconsistent results of precisely what neuropsychological deficits characterize the patient with BPD. A meta-analysis of 10 studies was conducted comparing BPD and healthy comparison groups on select neuropsychological measures comprising six domains of functioning: attention, cognitive flexibility, learning and memory, planning, speeded processing, and visuospatial abilities. BPD participants performed more poorly than controls across all neuropsychological domains, with mean effect sizes (Cohen’s d) ranging from -.29 for cognitive flexibility to -1.43 for planning. The results suggest that persons with BPD perform more poorly than healthy comparison groups in multiple neurocognitive domains and that these deficits may be more strongly lateralized to the right hemisphere. Although neuropsychological testing appears to be sensitive to the neurocognitive deficits of BPD, the clinical utility of these results is limited. Implications of these findings for future neurocognitive investigations of BPD are discussed

    HVAC System Analysis and Energy Audit: The Providence Athenaeum

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    To evaluate the impact of potential modifications to the HVAC system the Historical Value Adding Consultants developed a building energy model. The building energy model was constructed using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that utilizes typical meteorological year (TMY) data to determine the average energy usage of the Athenaeum for a typical year. The model has been validated against actual energy usage and is used to identify and quantify energy savings resulting from design alternatives

    A problem-solving task specialized for functional neuroimaging: Validation of the Scarborough adaptation of the Tower of London (S-TOL) using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Problem-solving is an executive function subserved by a network of neural structures of which the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is central. Whereas several studies have evaluated the role of the DLPFC in problem-solving, few standardized tasks have been developed specifically for use with functional neuroimaging. The current study adapted a measure with established validity for the assessment of problem-solving abilities to design a test more suitable for functional neuroimaging protocols. The Scarborough adaptation of the Tower of London (S-TOL) was administered to 38 healthy adults while hemodynamic oxygenation of the PFC was measured using 16-channel continuous-wave functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Compared to a baseline condition, problems that required two or three steps to achieve a goal configuration were associated with higher activation in the left DLPFC and deactivation in the medial PFC. Individuals scoring higher in trait deliberation showed consistently higher activation in the left DLPFC regardless of task difficulty, whereas individuals lower in this trait displayed less activation when solving simple problems. Based on these results, the S-TOL may serve as a standardized task to evaluate problem-solving abilities in functional neuroimaging studies

    Multi-risk governance for natural hazards in Naples and Guadeloupe

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    Technical and institutional capacities are strongly related and must be jointly developed to guarantee effective natural risk governance. Indeed, the available technical solutions and decision support tools influence the development of institutional frameworks and disaster policies. This paper analyses technical and institutional capacities, by providing a comparative evaluation of governance systems in Italy and France. The focus is on two case studies: Naples and Guadeloupe. Both areas are exposed to multiple hazards, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods, tsunamis, fires, cyclones, and marine inundations Cascade and conjoint effects such as seismic swarms triggered by volcanic activity have also been taken into account. The research design is based on a documentary analysis of laws and policy documents informed by semi-structured interviews and focus groups with stakeholders at the local level. This leads to the identification of three sets of governance characteristics that cover the key issues of: (1) stakeholders and governance level; (2) decision support tools and mitigation measures; and (3) stakeholder cooperation and communication. The results provide an overview of the similarities and differences as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the governance systems across risks. Both case studies have developed adequate decision support tools for most of the hazards of concern. Warning systems, and the assessment of hazards and exposure are the main strengths. While technical/scientific capacities are very well developed, the main weaknesses involve the interagency communication and cooperation, and the use and dissemination of scientific knowledge when developing policies and practices. The consequences for multi-risk governance are outlined in the discussion

    Modeling Relations Between Event-Related Potential Factors and Broader Versus Narrower Dimensions of Externalizing Psychopathology

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    The organization of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) model provides unique opportunities to evaluate whether neural risk measures operate as indicators of broader latent liabilities (e.g., externalizing proneness) or narrower expressions (e.g., antisociality and alcohol abuse). Following this approach, the current study recruited a sample of 182 participants (54% female) who completed measures of externalizing psychopathology (also internalizing) and associated traits. Participants also completed three tasks (Flanker-No Threat, Flanker-Threat, and Go/No-Go tasks) with event-related potential (ERP) measurement. Three variants of two research domain criteria (RDoC)-based neurophysiological indicators—P3 and error-related negativity (ERN)—were extracted from these tasks and used to model two latent ERP factors. Scores on these two ERP factors independently predicted externalizing factor scores when accounting for their covariance with sex—suggesting distinct neural processes contributing to the broad externalizing factor. No predictive relation with the broad internalizing factor was found for either ERP factor. Analyses at the finer-grained level revealed no unique predictive relations of either ERP factor with any specific externalizing symptom variable when accounting for the broad externalizing factor, indicating that ERN and P3 index general liability for problems in this spectrum. Overall, this study provides new insights about neural processes in externalizing psychopathology at broader and narrower levels of the HiTOP hierarchy

    Reduced Levels of Vasopressin and Reduced Behavioral Modulation of Oxytocin in Psychotic Disorders

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    Oxytocin (OT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) exert robust influence on social affiliation and specific cognitive processes in healthy individuals. Abnormalities in these neuroendocrine systems have been observed in psychotic disorders, but their relation to impairments in behavioral domains that these endocrines modulate is not well understood. We compared abnormalities of OT and AVP serum concentrations in probands with schizophrenia (n = 57), schizoaffective disorder (n = 34), and psychotic bipolar disorder (n = 75); their first-degree relatives without a history of psychosis (n = 61, 43, 91, respectively); and healthy controls (n = 66) and examined their association with emotion processing and cognition. AVP levels were lower in schizophrenia (P = .002) and bipolar probands (P = .03) and in relatives of schizophrenia probands (P = .002) compared with controls. OT levels did not differ between groups. Familiality estimates were robust for OT (h 2 = 0.79, P = 3.97e−15) and AVP (h 2 = 0.78, P = 3.93e−11). Higher levels of OT were associated with better emotion recognition (β = 0.40, P < .001) and general neuropsychological function (β = 0.26, P = .04) in healthy controls as expected but not in any proband or relative group. In schizophrenia, higher OT levels were related to greater positive symptom severity. The dissociation of OT levels and behavioral function in all proband and relative groups suggests that risk and illness factors associated with psychotic disorders are not related to reduced OT levels but to a disruption in the ability of physiological levels of OT to modulate social cognition and neuropsychological function. Decreased AVP levels may be a marker of biological vulnerability in schizophrenia because alterations were seen in probands and relatives, and familiality was high

    Sirtuin Deacetylases as Therapeutic Targets in the Nervous System

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