23 research outputs found

    The impact of child health status on learning ability and school entrance age

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    A growing number of papers demonstrate that child health/nutritional status is likely to affect learning ability. Provided that both cognitive development and the capacity to respond to educational stimuli also depend on age, parents might rationally choose to postpone school entrance age of unhealthy children in order to increase their probability of success at school. This note explores this channel of influence, through which a child initial health stock affects school entrance age. To this end, a simple theoretical model is presented here in order to offer a rationale for school postponement, and new empirical evidence is provided for supporting the main conclusion. The empirical analysis carried out, which uses data from a Brazilian household survey, shows that improved health has a negative impact on entrance age. In other words, it is shown that healthier children enter the school earlier.Child health status

    Analysis of emerging barriers for e-learning models : an empirical study

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    The diffusion of the e-learning model during the last decade has contributed to solve many problems concerned with education at the workplace. Technological progress has significantly contributed to eliminating most limitations of the traditional education model, through improved access, diffusion of information, and the adaptation to individual needs. However, e-learning is an instrument, which does not ensure the automatic achievement of intended goals. Some studies have demonstrated that the mere conversion of course materials into an e-learning course may reduce motivation and thus, the level of effective learning. In addition, appropriate design of course materials for e-learning programs might not be sufficient to achieve optimal results. In order to maximize the benefits of implementing an e-learning program, it is if fact necessary to take into account organizational issues, such as the existence of incentives, the distribution of time for learning at the workplace, or the management system being used, for example. This paper analyzes some organizational features, which are linked to learning in organizations and might help to better explain success of an e-learning program. In particular, we attempt to assess the impact of both incentives and the assignment of a specific period of time for education to personal satisfaction and the level of learning. To this end, we proposed a specific survey to users of e-learning courses at a consulting company, which includes questions about satisfaction, self-assessed learning and monetary or long-term (career) incentives, among others. The impact of different organizational characteristics on satisfaction and learning has been then estimated by a bivariate ordered probit model, which allows for considering both the nature of dependent variables and the possible correlation between equations. The analysis sheds light on key practical organizational features, which should be taken into account in order to improving results of e-learning programs The main goal of this analysis has been to provide evidences to support policies aimed to increase effectiveness of e-learning models. We have based on the e-learning experience of a consulting company, evaluating the effectiveness of this new model in terms of two variables: learning perceived and level of satisfaction of participants. In order to analyze the determinants of both learning and satisfaction, we collected data from participants of e-learning programs. We found out that self-assessed satisfaction and perceived learning are likely to be affected by the same set of variables. On considering these relationships, and the nature of available data, both a simultaneous bivariate ordered probit model and a simultaneous bivariate probit model have been used in order to assess the impact of different factors on both satisfaction and perceived learning.peer-reviewe

    Potential conflicts in the fight against counterfeit drugs

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    This analysis looks at the best way to deal with the proliferation of fake drugs, and considers the conflict that arises when government agencies aim to reduce the harmful effects of the fake medicine trade while the pharmaceutical firms seek profit maximization. It is demonstrated that the pharmaceutical industry might wish to encourage better law enforcement rather than improved information policies, even when the latter would lead to a greater reduction in the fake drug trade.fake medicine trade

    Social Ties, Network Socioeconomic Diversity and Sporting Event Attendance

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    [Abstrac] Heterogeneous social networks are the source of valued life outcomes, and this heterogeneity is associated with different circumstances and personal attributes. This paper analyses the size and socioeconomic diversity of social networks of people who attend sporting events. The relationship between sports participation and social networks has been widely analysed. However, the role of attending sporting events in the creation of different forms of social capital, specifically networks’ socioeconomic heterogeneity, remains unclear. A better understanding of this issue may help to clarify the social impact of sports participation. Drawing on a unique dataset collected through the administration of a questionnaire to a representative sample of the Spanish population and employing an ad hoc, class-based position generator, we show that attendance to sporting events is associated with social mixing and the creation of networks of people from different occupational classes. Indeed, the size of these effects increases with the frequency of attendance. These results suggest that attending sporting events is associated with bridging social capital and may foster social integration and life opportunities for those who are less advantaged

    Health status and learning capacity: effects on human capital accumulation and economic growth

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    [Abstract] The importance of health improvements for economic growth has been underlined by a growing number of theoretical and empirical papers. This thesis contributes to the literature by analysing a specific mechanism that underlies this relationship, namely the complementarity of child health and learning ability. Health status is a constitutive component of human capital and, in addition, has a significant multiplier effect on its accumulation. Favourable health status affects practically all of the abilities and skills that children are capable of developing positively. As a direct result, school-based human capital investment provides an optimal channel for enhancing economic growth. Conversely, poor physical health constitutes a major constraint, that only serves to exacerbate deprivation. The analysis carried out in this thesis is both empirical and theoretical. Most of the empirical exercises, which explore the relationship between health and education, have required the use of instrumental variable techniques in order to assess the question of endogeneity that arises when considering the two variables simultaneously. Theoretical models rely on the OLG framework, which allows for considering intergenerational linkages and the temporal evolution of the interest variables. Throughout this thesis it is shown that parents tend to be the agents that transmit child health status, i.e. it is parents that are responsible for the investment of child-health human capital. This dynamic is instrumental in dictating both child learning capacity and the level of schooling investments. These findings have been included in a theoretical 7 model in order to explain the possible emergence of multiple equilibria in the temporal evolution of human capital. In addition, the consequences of a particular policy aimed at improving the condition of the poor, namely balanced school meals as a means of ensuring basic alimentation, have been investigated by means of a numerical simulation. If poor health causes poverty traps to emerge, substantial health improvements are needed to escape from the bear-pit of deprivation. In copying some of the processes that led the currently developed countries to escape from the Malthusian poverty trap to the Modern Growth regime, a renewed effort to enhance health conditions is required in order to break the cycle of poverty.[Resumen] La tesis analiza un mecanismo que relaciona la malnutrición y la persistencia de la pobreza en los países en desarrollo. En particular, se demuestra que el estado nutricional afecta a la capacidad de aprendizaje de los niños y por lo tanto, influye en la acumulación de capital humano. Ademås, se establece la existencia de una relación intergeneracional entre estado de salud de los padres y estado de salud de los hijos. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, se desarrolla un modelo de generaciones solapadas con fertilidad endógena que permite explicar la formación de trampas de pobreza. Finalmente, se discute el papel de los avances en åmbito sanitario en la salida del ciclo de pobreza analizada

    AnĂĄlise da prevalĂȘncia de HIV em mulheres grĂĄvidas de Moçambique (2001-2007)

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    Tese de mestrado, Tecnologias de Informação Aplicadas Ă s CiĂȘncias BiolĂłgicas e MĂ©dicas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 2010A VigilĂąncia EpidemiolĂłgica do HIV‐SIDA, permite conhecer diferentes aspectos relacionados Ă  distribuição e Ă  disseminação da infecção pelo HIV. Dados obtidos por estes estudos sĂŁo de fundamental importĂąncia para definir programas de prevenção e controle desta doença. Neste trabalho sĂŁo analisados dados obtidos de 36 Postos Sentinela, distribuĂ­dos por todo o pais, nos anos de 2001, 2002, 2004 e 2007. O objectivo deste trabalho Ă© descrever a variação temporal da progressĂŁo da epidemia do HIV e estimar a evolução espacial da doença atravĂ©s de uma anĂĄlise de tendĂȘncias. Para proceder a anĂĄlise foi necessĂĄrio: filtrar a base de dados, eliminando ruĂ­dos aĂ­ contidos; combinar dados de fontes diferentes numa Ășnica base de dados; seleccionar variĂĄveis de interesse para este trabalho; transformar os dados em formatos apropriados; extrair padrĂ”es de interesse; e por fim usar tĂ©cnicas de visualização, a fim de apresentar o conhecimento extraĂ­do. Os dados mostram uma diversidade regional dos cenĂĄrios da prevalĂȘncia do HIV e suas tendĂȘncias. Enquanto as regiĂ”es Norte e Centro apresentam uma tendĂȘncia estacionĂĄria, a regiĂŁo Sul continua registar uma tendĂȘncia de crescimento da epidemia. As tendĂȘncias regionais reproduzem‐se a nĂ­vel provincial, embora algumas provĂ­ncias registem uma aparente diminuição da prevalĂȘncia. As taxas de prevalĂȘncias nas zonas transfronteiriças apresentam uma continuidade com as taxas de prevalĂȘncia em regiĂ”es adjacentes de outros paĂ­ses. Factores regionais e zonas fronteiriças dĂŁo a percepção de contribuir para os altos nĂ­veis de HIV‐SIDA. O aumento do conhecimento e alteração dos comportamentos individuais e sociais sĂŁo essenciais para a prevenção do HIV e subversĂŁo da actual tendĂȘncia de agravamento. Este trabalho desenvolve um modelo de previsĂŁo da seroprevalencia baseado em redes neuronais artificiais que prevĂȘ a redução das taxas de prevalĂȘncia em todo o paĂ­s, excepto os cornos das provĂ­ncias de Niassa e Tete.The Epidemiological Surveillance of HIV / AIDS, provides information about the distribution and dissemination of HIV infection. Data from these studies are fundamental to design programs for disease prevention and control. We reviewed data from 36 sentinel sites distributed all over the country in the years 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2007. The purpose of this study is to describe the temporal variation of the progression of the HIV epidemic and to estimate the spatial evolution of the disease through a trends analysis. To conduct the analysis it was necessary to: filter the database, eliminating noise contained therein; combine data from different sources into one database, select variables of interest for this work, transform the data into appropriate formats, extract patterns of interest, and finally use visualization techniques in order to present the extracted knowledge. The analyzed data shows a diversity of regional scenarios of HIV prevalence and trends. While the North and Center have a stationary trend, the southern region continues to register an epidemic growth. Regional trends are reproduced at the provincial level, although some provinces registering an apparent decrease in prevalence. The prevalence rates in border areas have a continuity with the prevalence rates in adjacent regions of other countries. Frontier areas and regional factors give the perception of contributing to the high levels of HIV‐AIDS. The increase of knowledge and the change of individual and social behavior are essential for HIV prevention and subversion of the current trend of deterioration. In this work was developed a model for the forecast of seroprevalences based on the neuronal networks, which predicts a reduction of the prevalence rates in the country, except the horns of the Niassa and Tete province

    Graduate competencies and employability: the impact of matching firms’ needs and personal attainments

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    [Abstract]:Professional competencies are a key factor in gauging how employable a graduate is. This paper demonstrates that individuals who have best developed the competencies which firms feel to be most important are more likely to be in a position to obtain a job. To this end, we have developed an indicator that measures the proximity between the relative levels of both importance and attainments. Results confirm the feeling among experts that the most relevant competencies in the labour market are predominantly of the systemic type, i.e. transferable personal competencies, to the detriment of more instrumental competencies related to capacities and graduate education. This paper clearly points to the fact that universities must change their traditional focus and make a special effort to help their students to develop those competencies that best foster employabilit

    Inequality and Individuals’ Social Networks: The Other Face of Social Capital

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Social capital is a controversial concept, which is used in economics as a generic form of pro-sociality and a simple means to introduce the social context into mainstream approaches. However, the accepted view underestimates social conflict and does not properly characterise social capital as an asset. When considering these issues, a different face of social capital emerges, one that can be associated with closure and privilege maintenance. This paper studies how access to and the extraction of social network resources depend on the social structure. By analysing data from a survey that included a position and a resource generator, we find that for the case of Spanish society, people endowed with high levels of economic and human capital enjoy improved accessibility and networks with a high prevalence of instrumental relations. There is essential inequality in the endowment of social capital, which augments economic inequality. When inequality is socially embedded, traditional redistributive policies may have limited effectiveness.Funding received from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain (Project CSO2017-86178-R)

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Pt Askes (Persero) Cabang Luwu Di Palopo

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