12 research outputs found

    Economic aspects of pharmacotherapy of servicemen with injury and wound of the brain

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    The fighting in the area of the antiterrorist operation led to a large number of injuries among servicemen who are serving in the east of the country. Injuries and wound of the brain occupy about 35–40% among the total level of injury. and mortality in severe traumatic brain injury is 70%. All this has determined the relevance of the study of medical treatment of servicemen with injury and wound of the brain., Numerous pharmacotherapeutic schemes have been proposed for the treatment of victims with this pathology, aimed at preventing brain hypoxia, improving metabolic processes, normalizing life support functions and intracranial pressure, and the price range of pharmacotherapy of this pathology varies considerably, that’s why the aim of our work is to establish the cost indicators of the main directions of pharmacotherapy of affected servicemen with injury and wound of the brain.The main directions of the pharmacotherapy of injuries and wounds of the brain have been identified as a result of the analysis of the scientific literature and primary medical documentation, which include: normalization of life-supporting functions and brain metabolism; treatment of intracranial hypertension; restoration of microcirculation and cerebral circulation; elimination of excitation and convulsions; antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, blood-resuscitating and symptomatic therapy. Analysis of the dependence of the cost of treatment on the severity of the affected servicemen with injury and wound of the brain showed that the most expensive is the pharmacotherapy of severe injuries and wounds, the average cost of treatment of the affected is 139,98 UAH for 1 patient per day. The average cost of medicines for the treatment of servicemen with injuries and wounds of medium and mild severity was 67,23 and 42,26 UAH per day respectively We analyzed the total costs spent on these directions of pharmacotherapy and found that the greatest cost is characterized by the costs of normalizing brain metabolism, the costs are 1 261,21 UAH per patient, this accounts for 38% of the total cost of medicines. Also, the most expensive directions are antibacterial – 649,27 UAH (19%) and analgesic therapy – 375,90 UAH (11%). The least expenses are expended on anti-inflammatory therapy, the cost of which is 19,96 UAH. Analyzing the daily cost of one day of treatment of affected it was found that the most expensive are the first 7 days of treatment

    Trasformazione di diatesi nella traduzione di testi legali in ucraino e russo: evidenze dall’analisi contrastiva

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    The article deals with the translation of European Union legal texts into Russian and Ukrainian. The translated texts are compared with the source text to trace the translation patterns of English passive constructions. In Ukrainian, there is a tendency to use a diathesis transformation, while in Russian a parallel passive construction is used

    Development of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Obtaining Practical Skills in Repairing and Disassembling Fountain Fittings

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    Представлен опыт разработки тренажёра виртуальной реальности в нефтегазодобывающей отрасли для получения практических навыков работы со сложным и труднодоступным оборудованием. В сфере нефтегазодобычи одним из таких устройств является фонтанная арматура, на основе которой был разработан VR‑тренажёр. В процессе обучения пользователь помещается в виртуальную среду, в которой взаимодействует с компонентами фонтанной арматуры и с инструментами, необходимыми для её обслуживания. В тренажёре реализованы три сценария и 13 этапов ремонта конструктивных компонентов фонтанной арматуры, в статье представлен их краткий обзор. Обучающий тренажёр разработан на базе кросс-платформенной среды разработки «Unity». Система его работы была испытана с помощью очков виртуальной реальности Oculus Quest 2. С помощью технологии фотограмметрии достигнуто соответствие размеров используемых 3D‑моделей габаритам реальной фонтанной арматуры. Пространство виртуальной реальности моделируется панорамой 360 градусов, что дает возможность обучающемуся полноценно ощущать себя в виртуальной среде, ассоциируя её с реальным миром. Применение тренажёров виртуальной реальности имеет высокую экономическую эффективность, способствует повышению эффективности теоретической части обученияThe experience of developing a virtual reality simulator in the oil and gas industry for obtaining practical skills of working with complex and hard-to- reach equipment is presented. In the field of oil and gas production, one of such devices is a fountain armature, on the basis of which a VR simulator was developed. During the training process, the user is placed in a virtual environment in which he interacts with the components of the fountain fittings and with the tools necessary for its maintenance. The simulator implements three scenarios and 13 stages of repair of structural components of fountain fittings, the article provides a brief overview of them. The training simulator is developed on the basis of the cross-platform development environment “Unity”. The system of its operation was tested using Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality glasses. With the help of photogrammetry technology, the dimensions of the 3D models used correspond to the dimensions of real fountain fittings. The virtual reality space is modeled by a 360-degree panorama, which makes it possible for the student to fully feel himself in a virtual environment, associating it with the real world. The use of virtual reality simulators has high economic efficiency, can be used to increase the effectiveness of the theoretical part of trainin

    On the issue of improving the mechanism of state management of unclaimed agricultural land

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    The problem of transferring unclaimed land shares as a form of state management of land resources for targeted use to agricultural producers, actually cultivating farmland, is disclosed. Proposals are formulated to involve unclaimed agricultural land in the economic circulation by ensuring proper procedural notification to peasant farms or corporate agricultural organizations that actually carry out production activities within the boundaries of this administrative region with a proposal to buy out a land plot formed at the expense of unclaimed land shares and transferred by a court decision to municipal property

    Calibration of phase shifters on basis of vector-sum signals

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    Attenuators and phase shifters which are the circuits for amplitude-phase distribution control are key elements of antenna arrays. Dispersion of technology parameters results in deviation of the characteristics of integral circuits from rated values that requires application of the techniques for this effect compensation. In this paper there are considered the methods for development and calibration of the circuits in a basis of vector-sum signals allowing to modify both amplitude and phase of input high-frequency signal. It is proposed the method of calibration on a basis of interpolation of measured dependences of absolute value and phase of transfer factor on controlling voltage. Application of proposed method for calibration of vector phase shifter with operating frequency band 2.8–3.2 GHz fabricated with 0.18 mm CMOS allows to provide mean square deviation of phase error is not greater than 0.9°. At that amount of required measurements is 20 times decreased comparing known approach on a basis of measurement of all amplitude-phase states