129 research outputs found

    Consumer preferences for Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) products

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    A study of consumer preferences in Sweden showed that the consumers in general responded very positively to the flavour of Japanese quince in various products. Of the products tested, chaenomeles ice cream was the product liked by most consumers, and on average 80% of the consumers questioned would buy the ice cream if it were available on the market. Chaenomeles lemonade and chaenomeles curd were also very much appreciated. Curd-type preservatives seemed to be unknown for many of the Swedish consumers surveyed. Nevertheless, chaenomeles curd obtained high scores and 83% of women aged 40–60 would buy the product if available on the market. Less appreciated (however with high scores) were jam and yoghurt with the highest buying preferences for 75% for women aged 40–60 and 62% for women aged 20–39. These products could be further developed and thereby appreciated by more consumers

    Urbaniserad hästhållning: stadsnära hästgårdar och planering

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    As the number of inhabitants increases, the cities expand into the former rural landscape. The urbanization causes changes to the functioning of the peri-urban fringe. Land that previously was used for agricultural production is now used for alternative enterprises, as for example horse keeping and recreation. 75 % of all horses (approx. 200 000) are situated in the peri-urban fringe. Horse keeping is not an issue that is easy to neglect, for example in the spatial planning of new housing areas. The planners at municipal level have to struggle with questions as horses being kept too close to homes; this can course allergies and other disturbances. They also have to consider the demand for new places to practise horse riding. The overall aim of this study was to explore the impact of increased horse keeping on the spatial planning of the municipals. For this purpose a questionnaire was sent to 18 municipals in Sweden. As a conclusion: (1) The municipals need common guidelines for spatial planning considering horse keeping. (2) To avoid conflict, the municipals need to inform the horse owner and the landowner of the right of common access. (3) It is also necessary to consider the horses to reach some of the goal of the Swedish official environmental quality policy. (4) Make sure that the cooperation between the municipals and the County Administrative Board is efficient in the aspect of animal protection. Common guidelines are needed and planning questions need to be coordinated. (5) Consider the equine business as a natural part of the business world

    Partner selection for international joint venture operations

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    The Systematics, Reproductive Biology, Biochemistry, and Breeding of Sea Buckthorn—A Review

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    Both the fruit flesh and seeds of sea buckthorn have multiple uses for medicinal and culinary purposes, including the valuable market for supplementary health foods. Bioactive compounds, such as essential amino acids, vitamins B, C, and E, carotenoids, polyphenols, ursolic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, and other active substances, are now being analyzed in detail for their medicinal properties. Domestication with commercial orchards and processing plants is undertaken in many countries, but there is a large need for improved plant material with high yield, tolerance to environmental stress, diseases, and pests, suitability for efficient harvesting methods, and high contents of compounds that have medicinal and/or culinary values. Applied breeding is based mainly on directed crosses between different subspecies of Hippophae rhamnoides. DNA markers have been applied to analyses of systematics and population genetics as well as for the discrimination of cultivars, but very few DNA markers have as yet been developed for use in selection and breeding. Several key genes in important metabolic pathways have, however, been identified, and four genomes have recently been sequenced

    Smaken hos äppelmust

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    Energi med fokus på synergi

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    Energiarbete handlar inte bara om att energieffektivisera byggnaderna utan även om att skapa platser med god energi som gör att vi mår bra och vill vistas där. Vid energi- och miljöarbete där utemiljön är det centrala arbetsmaterialet kan man få fl era synergieffekter. Energi finns överallt. Det handlar inte bara om att gröna tak och väggar kan ha en isolerande funktion, utan på köpet får man mer funktionsanpassade utemiljöer som kan förbättra livsmiljön. Genom att klimatplanera, som innebär att vi på smarta sätt planerar utemiljön och använder oss av träd, buskar, klätterväxter, grönytor, dagvatt en och refl ekterande material kan vi minska behovet av energi egentligen utan att förändra vårt beteende. Däremot behöver vi dessutom ändra vårt beteende för att uppnå en större effekt av klimatplaneringen. Vi behöver bli mer klimatmedvetna och detta kan vi bara bli om vi fortsätter att utbilda oss i tekniker och metoder för planeringen av utemiljön som medger ett både lokalt och globalt tänkande. En tankemodell som utgår från energi effektivisering av en byggnad och som ringar på vattnet också sätter byggnaden i relation till omvärlden, allt från närmiljön till det globala perspektivet, utgör ramen i arbetet. Tankemodellen används i arbetet på fallstudieområdet som är Lunds Tekniska Högskolas campusområde, vars fastighetsägare är Akademiska Hus Syd AB i Lund. Designexempel så som en solavskärmning, en grön vägg och grönt tak samt en läplantering, visar hur utemiljön kan användas i energiarbetet. Att arbeta strategiskt med energi- och miljöarbete kräver en läroprocess och ett engagemang från anställda på Akademiska Hus, men även av studenter och hyresgäster. Det krävs ett gränsöverskridande samarbete. Nyckelord: energi, landskap, klimat, klimatplanering, landskapsarkitektur, designEnergy efficiency must not only be about the buildings, but the surroundings as well. It can involve shadows from trees, green roofs, vegetated facades, planted shelters with trees and shrubs, as well as the use of daylight and handling of storm water locally. All these methods will not only make the building more energy effi cient, but also give synergy effects. For example, vegetated facades do not only have an insulated effect of the building, but will also improve the urban microclimate and contribute to a more pleasant environment as well as reducing the ecological footprint. Energy is not only about the heating and cooling system of the building but also your internal energy, the energy resting with the sense of a place. A healthier habitat for both humans and animals will be created. The basic issue is that we use too much energy and we need to change our behaviour. By planning the use of green structure in an innovative way when making a building more energy effi cient the energy demand can be reduced without changing our behaviour. But we also need to change our behaviour to get a greater effect. To get all the synergy effects in place it is important to understand why we need to think about energy. The idea of how local and global acts influence each other is conceptualized into a model with ripples, where the building is placed in the center and the surrounding world is visualized in the outermost ring. A case study is focused on the Campus area at Lund University, and the possible measures that can be taken by the property owner Akademiska Hus Syd AB. The case study illustrates how the model can be applied in order to put focus on both energy efficiency and the synergy effects that can be generated through holistic thinking. The result of the case study shows that it is possible to use the green structure in order to make the buildings more energy effi cient. The effect will depend on how much you change the micro climate that surrounds the buildings and by engagement of Akademiska Hus, Lund University and the students in the process of positive change. This work illustrates how a cooperative learning process is needed in order to create new thinking and new possibilities. Keywords: energy, landscape, climate, climate planning, landscape architecture, design, bioclimatic architectur

    Fakta om musttillverkning: råvara och råvarukvalitet

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    Äpple är en utmärkt råvara för musttillverkning genom fruktens arom och naturligt behagliga balans mellan socker och syra. Eftersom så många olika faktorer påverkar både äpplets och mustens kvalitet är det nödvändigt att ha god kunskap om såväl råvara som produktionsmetoder för att kunna tillverka kvalitetsprodukter med unika egenskaper. Sortval, årsmån, odlingsplats, odlingsmetoder och mognadsstadium samt lagring bidrar till både fruktens och mustens egenskaper. Val av metod vid juicetillverkning påverkar också juicens kvalitet där tillverkning med eller utan tillsats av enzymer och klarningshjälpmedel har stor betydelse både på upplevd smak, innehåll av fibrer och nyttiga ämnen som t.ex. polyfenoler. Detta faktablad ger en översikt kring äpple som råvara för musttillverkning

    Faasimuutoslämmönvaihtimen soveltuvuus tehoelektroniikkakomponenttien jäähdytykseen

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    The development of power electronics continuously increases their power density and therefore creates challenges for their cooling. Conventional cooling methods, such as heatsinks, are no longer able to cope with the cooling of high heat densities, and therefore, new cooling methods are needed. Two-phase compact thermosyphon (COTHEX) cooling allows the cooling of higher heat densities without having to resort to using pumps. The standard COTHEX technology, however, cannot replace heatsinks due to their structure because it does not match with the cuboid shape of a heatsink. This thesis focuses on designing a thermosyphon concept for power electronics cooling that can replace a heatsink without the need to redesign the products in which they are installed. In this thesis, three thermosyphon based cooling elements were designed, and their structures were optimized to provide as effective cooling as possible with thermal simulation. The thermal performances of the optimized elements and a conventional heatsink of same size were then compared to determine the solution which most effectively transfers heat. The best thermosyphon cooling method was selected, and its features were studied in more detail. The most suitable thermosyphon cooling element substantially improved the cooling of the power electronic device, semiconductor, compared to a conventional heatsink of the same size. The selected thermosyphon construction was able to cool more effectively than the conventional heatsink at higher heat loads, higher surrounding temperatures and with lower air flows. The construction generates lower pressure drop and therefore allows higher air flow rates pass the finned structure of the cooling element. The coolant circulation enables stable heat distribution to the whole area of the baseplate in which the semiconductor is attached. Thus, thermosyphon technology provides heat transfer at the baseplate at a constant temperature, which offers many benefits. For example, even temperature distribution has a positive effect on the aging of semiconductor chips. This thesis developed a new thermosyphon type and analysed its thermal performance. The new thermosyphon gave such positive results that it is highly recommended to replace conventional heatsinks with thermosyphon technology in power electronics cooling.Tehoelektroniikan tehointensiteetti kasvaa jatkuvasti tekniikan kehittyessä mikä luo paineita tehoelektroniikan jäähdytykselle. Nykyisenä jäähdytysteknologiana käytetyt ripajäähdytteiset jäähdytyslevyt eivät enää kykene jäähdyttämään tarpeeksi tehokkaasti tehoelektronisia komponentteja ja siksi tarvitaan uusia jäähdytysmetodeja. Kompaktit faasimuutoslämmönvaihtimet (COTHEX) eli termosifonit mahdollistavat tehokkaamman jäähdytyksen ilman pumppuja. Jo käytössä oleva termosifonitekniikka ei kuitenkaan suoraan sovellu korvaamaan nykyisiä jäähdytyslevyjä, koska niiden muoto eroaa vahvasti suorakulmaisen särmiön muotoisista jäähdytyslevyistä. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan sellainen termosifonikonsepti tehoelektroniikan jäähdyttämiseen, joka voi korvata jäähdytyslevyn ilman että tuotetta, jonka sisälle se on asetettu, pitää muotoilla vahvasti uudelleen. Työhön ideoitiin kolme erilaista termosifonitekniikalla toimivaa jäähdytyselementtiä ja niiden rakenne optimoitiin lämpöteknisesti lämpösimulointiohjelmien avulla. Optimoitujen jäähdytyselementtien ja samankokoisen jäähdytyslevyn jäähdytystehoja verrattiin keskenään, jotta löydettäisiin tehokkain tapa siirtää lämpöä pois tehoelektronisesta komponentista. Paras termosifonitekniikalla toimiva elementti valittiin voittajakonseptiksi ja sen lämmönsiirrollisia piirteitä tutkittiin tarkemmin. Elementti paransi tehoelektronisen komponentin, puolijohdemoduulin, jäähdytystä merkittävästi, kun sitä verrattiin samankokoiseen jäähdytyslevyyn. Valittu termosifonirakenne jäähdytti paremmin niin korkeammissa lämpökuormissa ja ympäristön lämpötiloissa, kuin matalammissa jäähdytysilmamäärissä. Se tuottaa vähemmän vastapainetta ja siten päästää enemmän ilmaa lauhduttimen läpi perinteiseen jäähdytyslevyyn verrattuna. Termosifonin jäähdytysnesteen kierto mahdollistaa tasaisemman lämmön jakautumisen pohjalevyyn, johon puolijohdemoduuli on kiinnitettynä. Siten lämpötilajakauma pohjalevyssä on myös tasaisempi, mikä on todella toivottavaa puolijohteita käytettäessä. Termosifonitekniikan mahdollistama tasaisempi lämpötilajakauma pohjalevyssä esimerkiksi lisää puolijohteen käyttöikää. Tässä tutkimuksessa keksittiin uusi termosifonirakenne ja sen jäähdytyskykyä tutkittiin. Se tuotti merkittäviä parannuksia puolijohteiden lämmönsiirrossa, joten on hyvin suositeltavaa soveltaa lämpösifonitekniikkaa tehoelektroniikan jäähdytyksessä jäähdytyslevyjen korvaamiseksi

    Molotovin-Ribbentropin salaisen sopimuksen salaisuudesta

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    Artikkelin alussa käsitellään presidentti Kyösti Kallion puhetta valtiopäivien avajaisissa syyskuussa 1939. Kirjoittaja toteaa, että sanavalinta oli "vähintäänkin tyylitön" ja yllättävä, koska tuolloin Suomeen oli jo viestitetty tieto Neuvostoliiton ja Saksan välisestä salaisesta lisäpöytäkirjasta. Tämän jälkeen artikkelissa käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti Molotovin-Ribbetropin salaiseen sopimukseen liittyvien tapahtumien ja salaisten tietojen vuotamista. Kirjoittaja toteaa, että "Tämä kirjoitus on laadittu runsaan kymmenen vuoden aikana tuottamieni tutkimuskirjallisuuteen ja arkistolähteisiin perustuvien lehtikirjoituksien ja esitelmien pohjalta. Niissä ei voinut käyttää tarkkoja lähdeviitteitä eikä suuritöiseen uudelleenetsintään ole tässäkään kompilaatiossa ryhdytty. Alan tutkimuskirjallisuus on yleisesti tunnettua ja käytetyt asiakirjalähteet löytyvät Kansallisarkistosta tai Ulkoministeriöstä.

    Review of the Impact of Apple Fruit Ripening, Texture and Chemical Contents on Genetically Determined Susceptibility to Storage Rots

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    Fungal storage rots like blue mould, grey mould, bull's eye rot, bitter rot and brown rot destroy large amounts of the harvested apple crop around the world. Application of fungicides is nowadays severely restricted in many countries and production systems, and these problems are therefore likely to increase. Considerable variation among apple cultivars in resistance/susceptibility has been reported, suggesting that efficient defence mechanisms can be selected for and used in plant breeding. These are, however, likely to vary between pathogens, since some fungi are mainly wound-mediated while others attack through lenticels or by infecting blossoms. Since mature fruits are considerably more susceptible than immature fruits, mechanisms involving fruit-ripening processes are likely to play an important role. Significant associations have been detected between the susceptibility to rots in harvested fruit and various fruit maturation-related traits like ripening time, fruit firmness at harvest and rate of fruit softening during storage, as well as fruit biochemical contents like acidity, sugars and polyphenols. Some sources of resistance to blue mould have been described, but more research is needed on the development of spore inoculation methods that produce reproducible data and can be used for large screenings, especially for lenticel-infecting fungi