106 research outputs found

    Strategy Management Using SWOT Analysis on Patient Satisfaction Rate in Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital

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    Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital is a class A teaching hospital which is a DIY and South Central Java referral hospital. This hospital still has a disadvantage in terms of patient satisfaction, where it has not met the standards set by national standards ≥85% and the target of medium-term hospitals in 2017 is 90% but the achievement of Dr Sardjito General Hospital is 81.66%. Deficiencies in terms of these services can be a weakness and even a threat to Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. Therefore, to analyze these problems using a strategy using the SWOT analysis method. The method used is descriptive. The type of data used secondary data, namely from records or company documentation and scientific publications. Obtained a total FSI score of 3.35 means greater strength than weakness. The total FSE score of 3.65 means that the opportunity was greater than the threat. The strategy that can be used based on the SWOT analysis is strength and opportunit

    Implementasi Program “Santun Lansia” Puskesmas Kabupaten Sleman

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    Background: The elderly courtship program is a manifestation of the concern of the Sleman District Government to the elderly people who need special services because of their old physical structure, where the elderly have the same right to continuously improve their health so that they remain capable and active in the development, productive socially and economically. Method: The type of this research is descriptive by analyzing data of elderly program. The elderly data is obtained from the coverage report of puskesmas services, laws and regulations related to this issue and criteria of elderly mannered programs. Results: the elderly polite program is the government policy of Sleman Regency seen from the program facilities owned to the number of visits of elderly patients who receive health services. The total number of elderly in Sleman regency is 105.955 people. Primary Health Center (Puskesmas) visitors with strata I as many as 9,892 people, 2 Puskesmas with strata II amounted to 62,579. Primary Health Center (Puskesmas) with strata III amounted to 9,192 people and primary health center strata IV not yet exist in Sleman Regency. Conclusion: The elderly decentralized program refers to government policies that are set forth in laws and regulations. Continuous evaluation is required to improve the infrastructure and services of puskesmas in order for the elderly to obtain the same comfort as the general patient

    Analisis manajemen logistik farmasi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Grhasia Yogyakarta

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    Hospital Pharmacy Installation (IFRS) is a hospital unit as a place to carry out drug management activies. Pharmaceutical logistics management is the process of managing hospital pharmaceutical preparations ranging from planning, budgeting, procurement, storage, distribution, recording and reporting well as drug destruction in accordance with standard operating procedures. In the pharmacy installation of Yogyakarta Grhasia Mental Hospital have experienced drug vacancies in pharmaceutical logistics warehouses caused by empty stock of medicines from factories and the e- catalog process which is hampered in the procurement function the delivery or invoice inadequacy. This study aims to determine the management of pharmaceutical logistics in the Grhasia Yogyakarta Mental Hospital pharmaceutical installation. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with a phenomenological approach. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling. The number of informants in this study were 5 informants consisting of the Head of the Pharmacy Installation Section, the Head of the Medical Support Services Division, the Logistics Warehouse Coordinator, and the Pharmacist as the Coordinator of drug abolition. This study uses interview guidelines and observation checklist instruments. Pharmaceutical logistics management in Yogyakarta Grhasia Mental Hospital in the implementation of the management functions of procurement, storage, distribution, recording and reporting have not run optimally in accordance with standard operating procedures. Lack of human resources and inadequate facilities become obstacles in the implementation of pharmaceutical logistics management. Pharmaceutical logistics management in pharmaceutical installation of Yogyakarta Mental Hospital Grhasia has not run optimally in accordance with standard operating procedures. The need for evaluation related to human resources and the availability of existing facilities in hospital pharmaceutical installations

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga: Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun dari Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Home Industri

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menambah pengetahuan serta keterampilan ibu rumah tangga dalam mengolah minyak jelantah yang merupakan limbah menjadi produk yang bermanfaat yaitu sabun. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Capaian yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian adalah kelompok ibu rumah tangga mampu membuat dan mengolah sabun dari minyak jelantah/bekas menjadi aneka bentuk dengan kreasi masing-masing sehingga bernilai ekonomi serta menambah pendapatan rumah tangga

    Determinat factors influenced consumer’s decision: a study in a regional public hospital

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    Nowadays, there are lots of hospitals both managed by the private and public sectors. It is a fact that patients have an excellent opportunity to choose the hospital they want to be treated in, which will lead to higher competition between hospitals. Hospitals must be ready to compete with public and private hospitals. The strategy is carried out as well as possible for the success of the services offered by the hospital. One that can be done is using the 7Ps marketing mix theory (product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process), which aims to increase the number of visits to the hospital. This research is quantitative research, descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The sample size in this study was 110 people, chosen from outpatients in the studied hospital. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with criteria determined by the researcher. The analysis used in this study is multivariate analysis. In this study, it was found that all variables influence consumer decision-making. However, from the seven variables that have been tested, three variables greatly influence consumer decisions partially in using services in the studied hospital. These variables are promotion, process, and physical evidence

    Evaluasi penyimpanan barang non medik di sub bagian rumah tangga RSJ Grhasia DIY

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    The hospital is a health service institution that functions to provide and organize health efforts that are healing and patient recovery. The performance of the goods storage system depends on internal characteristics including, storage capacity, ease of access to the storage location, level of information technology. While external characteristics such as the type of goods, the number of goods, the amount of inventory, and the type of goods flow in and out. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the storage of non-medical goods in the sub-section of the RSJ Grhasia DIY household. The evaluations used are Contex, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) developed by Stufflabeam. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with a Phenomonology design. The technique of taking interview informants is using purposive sampling method with three informants and observing the storage of goods in the warehouse section of the RSJ Grhasia DIY household. Evaluation of the storage of goods in the warehouse of the household section of RSJ Grhasia DIY has not run optimally due to the storage of goods that has not been orderly and neat. Contex's goods storage policy is good as a reference in working. SOP inputs for storing goods are good, human resources are sufficient, funds are good, facilities and infrastructure are not optimal due to the narrow building area. The process of receiving goods has not been optimal due to delays in the delivery of goods and goods that arrive not in accordance with the quantity and specifications. Storage and arrangement of goods is not optimal, due to inadequate warehouse area. Care and care of the goods has been running optimally in accordance with the purpose of storing the goods to be safe and maintained its quality. item inventory taking is going well because the stock card with stock taking is in compliance. Based on the results of the evaluation in the process is not running optimally

    Analisis Pengadaan Logistik Farmasi dengan Metode Konsumsi di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping

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    The consumption method is a method carried out by evaluating the use of past drugs as a basis for determining the estimated needs, then adjusted to the strategic plan of the hospital and hospital pharmacy, so that the final result is a list of drug needs. This study aims to analyze the pharmmaceutical logistics needs of consumption methods at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research with phenomenology approach and the subject of research are 3 people. Data collection uses indepth interviews and observation. Test the validity and credibility of data in this study using triangulation sources and techniques. Based on the results of this study indicate 1) The largest average use was Candesartan 16 mg of 48,398 tablets, 3) Lead time was adjusted for PBF and assessed by score. 4) The amount of safety stock is proportional to the average number of uses per month. 5) The results of the calculation of the total amount of drug needs for the 2020 period with the method of consuming the five types of drugs have more drug needs than the stock in storage so it needs to be added to meet the needs. The results of the calculation of the total amount of drug needs in 2020 with consumption methods that need to be provided for Candesartan 16 mg are 731,078 tablets, Metformin 500 mg are 713.444 tablets, Candesartan 8 mg are 348.804 tablets, Thrihexyphenidyl are 285.138 and Clopidogrel 75 mg are 313.548 tablets

    Proposal Paten_Beemetry sebagai alat deteksi dini pencegahan stunting

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