45 research outputs found

    Off-flavor Production of Cihateup Duck Meat at Different Slaughter Ages

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    This study aims to evaluate the age of off-odor detection to ensure more efficient and economical provision of antioxidants in the production of Cihateup ducks. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 different treatments of slaughter age, i.e. 4, 8 and 12 week. Each treatment consisted of 6 replications and each replication consisted of 13 ducks. The results showed that the percentage of fat content at the age of 12 weeks was higher than the age of 4 and 8 week. High fat-containing meat tends to undergo fat oxidation. High levels of Fe at 12 week of slaughter age cause high levels of myoglobin in duck meat. Fe2+ is a catalyst in the process of fat oxidation. the brightness value (L) is inversely proportional to the value a of Cihateup duck meat. The darker brightness of the meat causes the flesh to be redder due to myoglobin level in duck meat. The percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (ALTJG) is 4- and 12-week slaughter age lower than 8 week of age. The high levels of MDA at 12 week of slaughter age are due to fat oxidation which causes off-odor. Based on the result, the conclusion is that the high fat content, Fe content, color of Cihateup duck meat at 12 weeks of slaughter age caused the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids (ALTJG) to be low due to fat oxidation. Fat oxidation caused high levels of MDA in duck meat (12 weeks of slaughter age) resulting in Off-odors in Cihateup duck meat


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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of maintain method based on small, big and mixed groups hatching weight on performance at the age of six weeks. 122 female Day Old Duck (DOD) were used. The ducks were partitioned based on hatching weight. DOD with more than 42 g was classifi ed as a big group and less or equal to 42 g were classifi ed as small group. Mixed group was taken from those two groups randomly. Feed consumption and conversion, growth and weight of ducks at the age of six weeks were measured. The research used Random Group Analysis. The result showed signifi cant different (P<0,01) of growth and the weight. Feed consumption and conversion of each groups (small, big and mixed) did not showed the differences (P>0,05).Separated maintain method duck based on hatching weight (small and big groups) did not give better performance than mixed group method

    Performa Itik Albino Jantan dan Betina bedasarkan Pengelompokan Bobot Tetas

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    Duck’s hatchery industry produces a diverse weight of Day old Duck’s (DOD) because the hatched eggs have diverse weight. The diverse of DOD weight indicates to cause affect to the performance of ducks. Research was conducted to measure the influenceof hatching weight to performance of Alabio duck’s age 0 to 8 weeks. This research used 47 males and 96 females Alabio duck. Alabio’s DODs were separated based on hatching weight, that is small grade (34.39 ± 1.70), medium grade(38.57 ± 0.91), and large grade(43.12 ± 1.98). All ducks had same treatment and maintenance system. This research used randomized completely design with 2x3 factorials of sex and hatching weight. The observed variables were consumption, average daily gain, weight cuts at 8 weeks, feed conversion, and mortality. From this research, hatching weights didn’t influenced to all performances, however sex can influence to daily gain, body weight at 8th  weeks, and feed conversion. Male ducks have daily gain and body weight at  weeks bigger than female ducks. Male ducks have lower feed conversion than female ducks

    Persentase dan Kualitas Karkas Itik Cihateup-Alabio (CA) pada Umur Pemotongan yang Berbeda

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    Low demand of duck meat is influenced by its quality. Generally, ducks slaughtered at 8 weeks have low carcass quality. Slaughter age is expected to influence carcass quality. Therefore, the study of carcass quality in different slaughter ages (8, 10, and 12 weeks) is needed. This research used 32 males and 18 females cihateup-alabio (CA) ducks. Ducks were grouped by hatching period. The experiment design was randomized block factorial (3x2). Treatments were slaughter age and sex. Traits measured were slaughter weight, percentage of carcass and its parts, physical and sensory quality of duck carcass. The result showed that interaction of slaughter age and sex affect slaughter weight. The higher slaughter age resulted higher breast and abdominal fat percentage, but had smaller thigh percentage. Sex had no effect on carcass percentage and its parts. Higher slaughter age and male sex showed better phisycal carcass quality. Differences in slaughter age and sex had no effect on panelist preference. This research concluded that higher slaughter age produces better carcass percentage and quality

    Temperature of Eggshell, Weight Loss, and Air Sac on Hatched Local Duck Eggs During Incubation

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    The study was conducted to analyze the characteristic of eggs (temperature of eggshell, weight loss, and air sac alteration) at various hatching period of local duck hatched (H) and unhatched (UH) at the final observation, and to find out the effective time for estimating the life of embryo during the end of incubation. A total of 146 eggs were incubated and observed between 1 and 25 days of incubation (DOI). The results of weight loss and air sac change showed a significant difference (P<0,05) between H and UH eggs on 7 to 25 DOI, while the temperature of eggshell was only different on 25 DOI. The average characteristic of H group (temperature of eggshell, weight loss, and air sac alteration) on 25 DOI was recorded 38,46oC, 11,84%, and 51,03%, respectively. It can be concluded that 3 characteristics of eggs influence hatchability of local duck. Weight loss and air sac alteration parameters can be applyed to estimate the hatched eggs between 7 and 25 DOI, but the temperature of eggshell can be administrated after 25 DOI

    Level of Ammonia, Dust, Production Performance, and Egg Quality of Laying Hens on Cage and Litter System in Tropical Area

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    High ambient temperature in tropical during rearing period of laying hens cause high level of stress and low productivity. Stress level of laying hens also influenced by the housing system. In Indonesia, most of rearing system of commercial laying hens were cage system (individual cage). So the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the housing system (cage and litter) toward the quality of air, production performance, and egg quality of laying hens. A number of 36 laying hens, 30 weeks old were used. They were placed at 2 small closed houses (30oC). The first house was designed as cage system and the second as litter system. Each of it sized 2x2 m2, and it was filled 18 laying hens. This study used completely randomized design. Data of production performance was analyzed by t-test. Data of air quality and egg quality were descriptively analyzed. Ammonia and PM2.5 level in cage system were lower than litter system. Production performances of laying hens in cage system were higher, with the value of feed conversion ratio was 2.20, and it was better significant than litter system (2.61). Thick and percentage of eggshell in cage system were lower than litter system. There was no dirty egg in cage system but it was 16.67% in litter system. It can be concluded that the rearing of commercial laying hens at 30oC in cage system produced higher air quality, production performance, and egg quality than litter system

    Performa Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Karkas Mandalung Hasil Hibridisasi antara Entok Jantan (Cairina moschata) dengan Itik Betina (Anas plathyrynchos) (The Growth Performance and Production of Carcass Mandalung, Hybridized from Male Muscovy Ducks (Cairina moschata) and Female Ducks (Anas plathyrynchos))

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    Crossbreeding between species (hybridization) was conducted to obtain higher average value of offspring trait than the parent trait. The aim of this study was to determine the best type of mule duck and to evaluate the heterosis effect appearing on mule duck obtained. The experimental design used was a randomized block design with two levels of treatment and eight groups based on the hatching period. The treatments were the type of mule duck crossed between muscovy duck male with female cihateup duck (EC) and mule duck crossed between male muscovy duck with female alabio duck (EA). The results showed the growth performance and carcass production of EC and EA mule duck were not significantly different, but mule duck EC tended to show better results than mule duck EA. The percentage of heterosis effect produced by EC and EA mule duck in growth performance and carcass production showed advantages over the parent. EC mule duck had a higher level of heterosis than EA mule duck for some trait observed. EC mule duck can be kept as best crossbreed to produce mule duck with good performance and carcass production.Keywords: mule duck, performance, carcass production, heterosi

    Pengaruh Frekuesi Pendinginan yang Berbeda Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Persilangan Cihateup Alabio

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    Increasing of duck rearing as a meat producer requires an increase in duck population to fulfill the demand.  The objective of this research was to analyze the proper chilling frequency to increase duck egg hatchability from cihateup alabio cross breeds.  Chilling frequencies used in this study were once, twice, and three times.  One time chilling was done in the afternoon (12.00-13.00).  Two times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00) and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Three times chilling was done in the morning (06.00-07.00), in the afternoon (12.00-13.00), and in the evening (17.00-18.00).  Materials used in the research were digital thermometer, 491 eggs from Balitnak Ciawi, KMnO4, Na2CO3, 40% formalin, and chlorin.  The result showed a high fertility on duck egg from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds (&gt;75% on average) with 4 : 16 (male : female) sex ratio.  All of the chilling frequencies had no significant effect on egg hatchability from Cihateup Alabio cross breeds

    Sifat Fisik, Kimia, dan Organoleptik Telur Asin Melalui Penggaraman dengan Tekanan dan Konsentrasi Garam yang Berbeda

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    Duck eggsplay a role inmaking salted eggs. This is becausethe duck eggshavea higherfat contentandlowerwater contentthanthose from chicken eggs or another poultry eggs.However, saltiness and grittiness level of salted eggs that were prefered byconsumers are still unknown. So the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemiccal and organoleptic characteristics of salted eggs by salting with pressure level and salt concentration different.180 fresh duck eggswere used. This research used factorial pattern of complete randomize design 3x2. As treatments were pressure levels (0 bar, 1.5 bar, and 3 bar) and salt concentrations (20% and 25%).The parameters that observed included physical characteristic (grittiness level of salted egg yolk), chemical characteristics (contents of water and NaClin eggwhite and yolk), and organoleptic characteristics (general appearance, saltiness and grittiness of salted eggs). Data of physical and chemical characteristics were descriptivelly analyzed, while data of organoleptic characteristics were non-parametric statistically analyzed. The high level of pressure and the salt concentration that used in salting eggs produced salted eggs with the value of grittiness and NaCl content were high, but the value of water content was low. Combination of treatment without pressure (0 bar) with 20% and 25% salt concentrations, and on 1.5 bar pressure level with 20% salt concentration produced the salted egg that more prefered by panelists

    Pengaruh Waktu Dimulainya Pendinginan Selama Penetasan Terhadap Daya Tetas Telur Itik Persilangan Cihateup Alabio

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    Duck eggs have lower hatchability because they have higher risk of embryo mortality due to a longer incubation than chicken eggs. This study was designed to obtain the proper of start cooling during artificial incubation to improve duck eggs hatchability and hatching weight. Eggs of cihateup alabio duck were obtained from Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak) Ciawi. Eggs were collected weekly in 5 different times. Total egg collected was 419 eggs. Incubated eggs were sprayed and cooled for 0.25 h at room temperature for 2 times a day in setter period. This study used randomized block design and 3 treatments of starting cooling time of egg. Observed variables were egg weight, fertility, hatchability, embryo mortality and hatching weight. Cooling eggs at different times during the setter period did not affect to hatchability. Highest hatchability was obtained on Days 17. The start cooling significantly was affected the hatching weight