66 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors in elderly patients

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    To study the age-related characteristics of GISTs development in patients of older age group

    Morphofunctional changes in the tissue of the brain, liver and kidneys of white rats under the influence of selenium nanocomposite encapsulated in the polymer matrix of arabinogalactan

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    Introduction. Due to their high biocompatibility, substances based on nanosized selenium particles, encapsulated in natural or synthetic polymer matrices, are promising materials for the creation of biomedical preparations of diagnostic and therapeutic value. Selenium nanoparticles are successfully used in the diagnosis of various types of cancer. In addition to the diagnostic value, selenium nanoparticles have their own prophylactic and oncological effect. This paper presents the results of a study of the toxicity of the Se nanocomposite encapsulated in the polymer matrix of arabinogalactan (SeAG). The emergence and development of the pathological process in the tissue of the brain, liver and kidneys during subacute administration of this nanocomposite was studied.Materials and methods. Twenty white outbred male rats weighing 200–220 g were used in the work. Animals were orally administered a solution of the selenium nanocomposite at a dose of 500 μg per kilogram of animal body weight for 10 days. Then, using the methods of histological analysis, the severity of the biological response of the organism to the introduction of this nanocomposite was assessed. An analysis of the state of the tissue of the liver, kidneys and the sensorimotor cortex of the brain was carried out.Results. With the intragastric administration of this drug, there is stasis of blood in the portal tracts, a pronounced macrophage reaction and diapedesis of leukocytes in the liver tissue. There is a decrease in the number of normal neurons per unit area, a decrease in the number of astroglia cells and an increase in the number of  degeneratively altered neurons in the tissue of the sensorimotor cortex. There is also an increase in connective tissue in the cortex of the kidney, with the formation of fibrosis and a decrease in the area of the Shumlyansky – Bowman capsule.Conclusion. The effect of the investigated nanocomposite is characterized by the development of a pronounced pathological process in the central nervous and hepatorenal systems of the body

    From experimental biomodeling to personalized medicine

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    This article presents the results of experimental studies of adverse effects of environmental and occupational exposures on the morphofunctional state of the central nervous system in offspring rats. The results of this study show that newborn offspring of rats exposed to vinyl chloride and mercuric chloride lagged behind the controls in sensory-motor development. There was violated the whole structure of behavior in adult offspring characterized by reduces motor and exploratory activity, increased anxiety in rats. There was abnormal impulse conduction in the neuromuscular apparatus of the hind legs of albino rats and morphological changes in the structure of nervous tissue. Developmental disorders in the offspring may be associated with the processes of accumulation, influence on the genetic apparatus of cells or mediated by epigenetic mechanisms of CNS disorders. A comparative study of the behavioral and cognitive effects of toluene, cerebral bioelectrical activity in rats with a normal embryogenesis and background prenatal hypoxia has been found that toluene neurotoxicity are more pronounced in adult rats exposed to chronic prenatal hypoxia. The results suggest a possible decrease in the sensitivity of neurons to the action of neurotoxicants because of prenatal hypoxic damage. The significance of experimental modeling is to develop approaches to personalized medicine, because knowledge of the previous prenatal pathology or neurointoxication of parents allow study of individual measures of prevention, treatment, and decisions about employment of the younger generation


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    The article presents the results of the study of psychological status, centra! and peripheral nervous systems, neuromuscular apparatus in patients with vibration-induced, disease and sensorineural deafness of occupational genesis. The dynamics of forming of changes in these systems with the increase of vibration and. noise doses in the experiment on laboratory animals is showed. The results allowed, to supplement and. extend, the ideas about the conception of «sensory conflict»

    Functional Sensory-Motor Performance Following Long Term Space Flight: The First Results of "Field Test" Experiment

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    The effect that extended-duration space flights may have on human space travelers, including exploration missions, is widely discussed at the present time. Specifically, there is an increasing amount of evidence showing that the physical capacity of cosmonauts is significantly reduced after long-duration space flights. It is evident that the most impaired functions are those that rely on gravity, particularly up right posture and gait. Because of the sensorimotor disturbances manifested in the neurology of the posture and gait space flight and postflight changes may also be observed in debilitating motion sickness. While the severity of particular symptoms varies, disturbances in spatial orientation and alterations in the accuracy of voluntary movements are persistently observed after long-duration space flights. At this time most of the currently available data are primarily descriptive and not yet suitable for predicting operational impacts of most sensorimotor decrements observed upon landing on planetary surfaces or asteroids. In particular there are no existing data on the recovery dynamics or functionality of neurological, cardiovascular or muscle performance making it difficult to model or simulate the cosmonauts' activity after landing and develop the appropriate countermeasure that will ensure the rapid and safe recovery of crewmembers immediately after landing in what could be hostile environments. However and as a starting position, the videos we have acquired during recent data collection following the long duration flights of cosmonauts and astronauts walking and performing other tasks shortly after return from space flight speak volumes about their level of deconditioning. A joint Russian-American team has developed a new study specifically to address the changes in crewmembers performance and the recovery of performance with the intent of filling the missing data gaps. The first (pilot) phase of this study includes recording body kinematics and quantifying the coordination and timing of relatively simple basic movements - transition from seated and prone positions to standing, walking, stepping over obstacles, tandem walking, muscle compliance, as well as characteristics of postural sway and orthostatic tolerance. Testing for changes in these parameters have been initiated in the medical tent at the landing site. The first set of experiments showed that during the first hour after landing, cosmonauts and astronauts were able to execute (although slower and with more effort than preflight) simple movements such as egress from a seated or prone position and also to remain standing for 3.5 minutes without exhibiting pronounced cardiovascular changes. More challenging tests, however, demonstrated a prominent reduction in coordination - the obstacle task, for example, was performed at much slower speed and with a marked overestimation of the obstacle height and tandem walking was greatly degraded suggesting significant changes in proprioception, brainstem and vestibular function. There is some speculation that the neural changes, either from the bottom-up or top down may be long lasting; requiring compensatory responses that will modify or mask the adverse responses we have observed. Furthermore, these compensatory responses may actually be beneficial, helping achieve a more rapid adaptation to both weightlessness and a return to earth


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    The materials of the long-studies among the employees working in the aircraft industry, of both the patients with occupational diseases and the practically healthy persons are discussed in the paper. Using the method of the biological feedback for the vibration-induced disease prevention has been grounded. The preliminary results of the experimental studies using the animals are presented in this paper

    Анализ многолетнего опыта изучения инактивированных культуральных вакцин для профилактики f клещевого энцефалита отечественного и зарубежного производства по показателю качества -специфическая активность (иммуногенность)

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    The analysis of the use of the method for the evaluation of specific (immunogenic) activity of vaccines for preventing tick-borne encephalitis (TBE vaccines) against protective dilution (PD50) and the minimum immunizing dose (MID50) has been performed. The method was standardized and submitted to the regulatory documents for TBE vaccines authorized in the Russian Federation. When analyzing the results of the study of specific (immunogenic) activity of TBE vaccines (107 TBE vaccine batches by different manufacturers have been studied) it was confirmed that the choice of real lethal dose (RLD50) indicator of TBE virus (test strain «Absettarov») in the range of 100-3000 LD50, the reasonability of using BALB /c cell-line mice, the effectiveness of the national method of determining immunogenicity in terms of MlD50 for TBE vaccines authorized in the Russian Federation. The reasonability of using immunogenicity reference standard for TBE-OSO 42-28-48 to assess the reproducibility of the experiments, and the homogeneity of laboratory animals in terms of quality. Methods for determining TBE vaccine immunogenicity («specific activity (immunogenicity)» in terms of PD50 and MID50 is applicable both for Russian commercial TBE vaccines and for FSME-Immun vaccine, manufactured by «Baxter Vaccine AG», Austria.Проведен анализ применения метода оценки специфической (иммуногенной) активности современных вакцин клещевого энцефалита (вакцины КЭ) по протективному разведению (ПР50) и минимальной иммунизирующей дозе (МИД50). Метод стандартизован и внесен в нормативные документы на зарегистрированные в Российской Федерации вакцины КЭ. При анализе результатов изучения специфической (иммуногенной) активности вакцин КЭ (исследовано 107 серий вакцин КЭ различных производителей) подтверждены: выбор показателя реальной летальной дозы (РЛД50) вируса КЭ (тест-штамм «Абсеттаров») в пределах 100-3000 ЛД50, целесообразность применения линейных мышей BALB/с, эффективность применения отечественного метода определения иммуногенности по показателю МИД50 для вакцин КЭ, зарегистрированных в Российской Федерации. Подтверждена целесообразность применения стандартного образца иммуногенности вакцины КЭ - ОСО 42-28-48 для оценки сходимости результатов постановки экспериментов и однородности лабораторных животных по качеству. Метод определения иммуногенности вакцин КЭ (показатель качества «Специфическая активность (иммуногенность)» по показателям ПР50 и МИД50 применим как для российских коммерческих вакцин КЭ, так и для вакцины ФСМЕ-Иммун, производства компании «Бакстер вакцины АГ», Австрия

    Initial Sensorimotor and Cardiovascular Data Acquired from Soyuz Landings: Establishing a Functional Performance Recovery Time Constant

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    INTRODUCTION Testing of crew responses following long-duration flights has not been previously possible until a minimum of more than 24 hours after landing. As a result, it has not been possible to determine the trend of the early recovery process, nor has it been possible to accurately assess the full impact of the decrements associated with long-duration flight. To overcome these limitations, both the Russian and U.S. programs have implemented joint testing at the Soyuz landing site. This International Space Station research effort has been identified as the functional Field Test, and represents data collect on NASA, Russian, European Space Agency, and Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency crews. RESEARCH The primary goal of this research is to determine functional abilities associated with long-duration space flight crews beginning as soon after landing as possible on the day of landing (typically within 1 to 1.5 hours). This goal has both sensorimotor and cardiovascular elements. To date, a total of 15 subjects have participated in a 'pilot' version of the full 'field test'. The full version of the 'field test' will assess functional sensorimotor measurements included hand/eye coordination, standing from a seated position (sit-to-stand), walking normally without falling, measurement of dynamic visual acuity, discriminating different forces generated with the hands (both strength and ability to judge just noticeable differences of force), standing from a prone position, coordinated walking involving tandem heel-to-toe placement (tested with eyes both closed and open), walking normally while avoiding obstacles of differing heights, and determining postural ataxia while standing (measurement of quiet stance). Sensorimotor performance has been obtained using video records, and data from body worn inertial sensors. The cardiovascular portion of the investigation has measured blood pressure and heart rate during a timed stand test in conjunction with postural ataxia testing (quiet stance sway) as well as cardiovascular responses during sensorimotor testing on all of the above measures. We have also collected motion sickness data associated with each of the postflight tests. When possible rudimentary cerebellar assessment was undertaken. In addition to the immediate post-landing collection of data, postflight data has been acquired twice more within 24 hours after landing and measurements continue until sensorimotor and cardiovascular responses have returned to preflight normative values (approximately 60 days postflight). SUMMARY The level of functional deficit observed in the crew tested to date is more severe than expected, clearly triggered by the acquisition of gravity loads immediately after landing when the demands for crew intervention in response to emergency operations will be greatest. Measureable performance parameters such as ability to perform a seat egress, recover from a fall or the ability to see clearly when walking, and related physiologic data (orthostatic responses) are required to provide an evidence base for characterizing programmatic risks and the degree of variability among crewmembers for exploration missions where the crew will be unassisted after landing. Overall, these early functional and related physiologic measurements will allow the estimation of nonlinear sensorimotor and cardiovascular recovery trends that have not been previously captured