28 research outputs found


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    A laboratory investigation of the properties of cement-stabilized pavement base course materials consisting of sand from the river Drava stabilized by hydraulic binder made of cement and fly ash is presented. The goal of the investigation was to determine the influence of several factors on the compressive and indirect tensile strengths. The factors included: a change in the structure of the stabilized mixes, a change in the treatment temperature and the time used in the sample treatment. The hydraulic binder was prepared using different percentages of fly ash in the binder: 0% (control mix), 25%, 50%, and 75%. It was determined that the amount of fly ash strongly influences the strength of the stabilized mixes. Increasing the amount of fly ash in the binder leads to a decrease in the compressive and indirect tensile strengths


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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio provjeriti postoji li prednost desnog uha. odnosno dominantnost lijeve moždane hemisfere za fonemsko procesiranje, mjereno točnošću odgovora i vremenom reakcije. Test se sastojao od parova hrvatskih riječi slučajnim redoslijedom dovedenih na lijevo odnosno desno uho za koje su ispitanici morali odlučiti rimuju li se ili ne. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 55 desnorukih ispitanica. Rezultati su pokazali da se na parove rimovanih riječi brže i točnije odgovara, ali nije nađena prednost desnog uha koja bi upućivala na dominantnost lijeve hemisfere

    Review of European regulations related to road traffic noise

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    Prikazana je europska regulativa vezana za buku od cestovnog prometa kao najvećem izvoru buke od prometa. Razmatrane su metode proračuna razine buke koje se najčešće primjenjuju u Europi. Analizirana je mogućnost primjene razmatranih metoda proračuna u Hrvatskoj, koja svoju regulativu nastoji uskladiti s europskim preporukama. Prikazane su smjernice europske unije vezane za usklađivanje postojećih metoda proračuna razine buke u cilju dobivanja jedinstvene europske metode.European regulations related to road traffic noise, which is the greatest source of traffic noise, are presented. Noise calculation methods most frequently used in European countries are examined. Authors analyze the possibility of using such methods in Croatia where attempts are currently made to harmonize national regulations with European recommendations. European Union guidelines for harmonization of existing noise level calculation methods, issued to foster establisment of an uniform European method, are also presented

    Mitigation measures for traffic noise abatement in urban areas

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    U radu su cjelovito prikazane mjere za smanjenje razine buke od prometa. Navedeni su osnovni uzroci nastajanja povišenih razina buke od cestovnog prometa i prometa prisilno vođenih vozila. Opisane su uobičajene mjere koje se primjenjuju u poslovno-stambenim zonama gradova većine europskih zemalja. Kritički je uspoređena primjena razmatranih mjera u Hrvatskoj, u odnosu na one koje se poduzimaju u zemljama članicama Europske Unije, posebice one koje se odnose na urbane sredine.Traffic noise abatement measures are methodically presented in the paper. Principal causes of high noise levels generated by road traffic and track guided vehicles are depicted. Mitigation measures normally used in office-residential urban areas of most European countries are described. The use of such measures in Croatia is critically compared with those used in European Union member countries and, at that, a special emphasis is placed on urban agglomerations

    Mitigation measures for traffic noise abatement in urban areas

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    U radu su cjelovito prikazane mjere za smanjenje razine buke od prometa. Navedeni su osnovni uzroci nastajanja povišenih razina buke od cestovnog prometa i prometa prisilno vođenih vozila. Opisane su uobičajene mjere koje se primjenjuju u poslovno-stambenim zonama gradova većine europskih zemalja. Kritički je uspoređena primjena razmatranih mjera u Hrvatskoj, u odnosu na one koje se poduzimaju u zemljama članicama Europske Unije, posebice one koje se odnose na urbane sredine.Traffic noise abatement measures are methodically presented in the paper. Principal causes of high noise levels generated by road traffic and track guided vehicles are depicted. Mitigation measures normally used in office-residential urban areas of most European countries are described. The use of such measures in Croatia is critically compared with those used in European Union member countries and, at that, a special emphasis is placed on urban agglomerations

    Prikazi, recenzije, konferencije

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    Uwagi o rzeźbie greckiej i nowych kierunkach jej badań

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    In the paper concerning the new approaches in the study of Greek sculptural production at first the author considers the problem of putting the ancient artefacts with the modern works of art on the same level and the need for the new conceptualisation of them. In the next step she outlines historiography of the Greek sculpture with the particular reference to the study on its stylistic development. Further on the author presents selected, new approaches in the study on Greek sculpture, the ones which are breaking the long tradition of research on them, rooted in the Enlightenment and Hegelian thought and historicism. She focusses on the results of these research which shift the interpretative emphasis from the relation between the image/sculpture and its model to that of the image and its viewer

    Methods used for soil stabilization during construction of transportation facilities

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    U radu je dan kratak pregled konvencionalnih postupaka stabilizacije (vapno, cement) te postupaka u kojima se primjenjuju noviji proizvodi na bazi sintetičkih polimera (primjerice akrilat, polivinil acetat), encimi i biološka sredstva, ionski proizvodi, lignini, smole te ostali tipovi sredstava za stabilizaciju. Također su prikazani rezultati in situ i rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja tla stabiliziranog GeoCretom, jednim od novijih proizvoda dostupnih na hrvatskom tržištu.A brief overview is given of traditional stabilization procedures (lime, cement) and procedures involving the use of new synthetic-polymer based products (such as acrylate, polyvinyl acetate), enzymes and biological products, ionic products, lignins, resins, and other types of stabilization products. Results of in situ and laboratory testing of soil stabilized with GeoCreta, one of the recent products available on Croatian market, are also presented


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    Karakteristike rada obiteljskih liječnika su dostupnost i kontinuitet zdravstvene zaštite, pružanje osnovnih dijagnostičkih usluga, efektivnost i učinkovitost. Pri tom rješavamo oko 80 % zdravstvene problematike te nužno pratimo i evaluiramo svoj rad. naša zdravstvena zaštita je orijentirana prema zajednici s preventivno promotivnim konceptom, a imamo i ulogu "vratara” zdravstvenog sustava što dovodi do uštede sredstava uz veću kvalitetu zdravstvene zaštite. Zbrinjavanje kronične rane potkoljenice zahtijeva uvježbani tim obiteljske medicine. Prije odluke o načinu liječenja potrebno je učiniti gležanjski indeks (ABI), kako bismo saznali radi li se o arterijskom ili venskom podrijetlu ulkusa. od dijagnostičko terapijskih postupaka koji su priznati liječniku obiteljske medicine nalazi ih se svega nekoliko: obrada kronične rane i previjanje, što ni u kojem slučaju ne pokriva ni vremenskim normativom, a ni cijenom, kompleksnost ozbiljnog tretmana rane. Uz dobru edukaciju obiteljskih liječnika potrebno je omogućiti propisivanje elastično kompresijskog kompleta koji je zlatni standard u liječenju potkoljeničnog ulkusa, te adekvatno vrednovati rad tima obiteljske medicine koji takvu terapiju provodi.The attributes of general practitioner’s work are accessibility and continuity of health care, maintaining basic diagnostic procedures, productivity and eficiency. We deal with about 80% of health issues and monitor and evaluate our work as well. our health care is oriented toward community with the primary preventive and promoting concept, and we also have a role of "gatekeeper” in health care system, which leads to signiicant savings with better health care quality. Chronic venous leg ulcer assessment requires a well trained team in general practice. Prior to making decision on the course of treatment, it is essential to do ankle brachial index (ABI) which can help us determine whether the origin of ulcer is arterial or venous. There are only a few diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the acknowledged general practitioner’s domain: assessing chronic wound and folding, which cannot cover the complexity of responsible chronic wound assessment either in time normative or in its price. It is necessary to establish good education of general practitioners and enable prescribing elastic, compressive set, which is the gold standard in chronic wound treatment, as well as appropriately evaluate the general practice team that performs this mode of treatment