12 research outputs found

    Power distribution and the results of interregional crisis: distant powers, uncertain balances

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    International Relations theory has paid bare attention to the dynamics of results of crisis between powers operating in different regions. Existing literature shows that when a power is predominant in a region, major war is less likely to take place in that specific region. However, it is not clear whether the rule of predominant stability applies to situations where a major crisis arises between a local power and a geographically distant power. This project argues that two variables, Local Distribution of Power and Dyadic interregional Distribution of Power, determine the Result of Major interregional Crisis (war onset or peaceful resolution). Local Distribution of Power refers to distribution of power among local players and takes on two values: preponderance and non-preponderance. Dyadic interregional Distribution of Power refers to the power balance between the local power and the geographically outside power that confront each other in a major interregional crisis. It takes on three values: outside superiority, local-outside balance and local superiority. A large N analysis is used to test the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. And three longitudinal case studies are used to reveal the causal mechanism between the Dyadic interregional Distribution of Power and the Result of Major interregional Crisis. It is observed that when a major interregional crisis breaks out, a predominant local power distribution and power superiority of the outside power is more likely to end up in war, while a predominant local power distribution and a balanced dyadic interregional power distribution is more likely to lead to peaceful resolution of the crisis. In the former case, the complacent outside power tend to refuse to make concessions, while the local power, dominated by determination, opportunism and perceptions of local advantage, tends to opt for war. Other local players are also motivated to rely on the outside power to challenge the local power, which might entangle the outside power into war. In the latter case, the outside power, given its disadvantage of locality, tend to be cautious and refuse to be entangled by third parties into conflict, while the local power, being confident and aware of the high cost of a war, tend to be assertive but cautious, which contributes to peaceful resolution of the crisis

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    Cross-Domain Personalized Learning Resources Recommendation Method

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    According to cross-domain personalized learning resources recommendation, a new personalized learning resources recommendation method is presented in this paper. Firstly, the cross-domain learning resources recommendation model is given. Then, a method of personalized information extraction from web logs is designed by making use of mixed interest measure which is presented in this paper. Finally, a learning resources recommendation algorithm based on transfer learning technology is presented. A time function and the weight constraint of wrong classified samples can be added to the classic TrAdaBoost algorithm. Through the time function, the importance of samples date can be distinguished. The weight constraint can be used to avoid the samples having too big or too small weight. So the Accuracy and the efficiency of algorithm are improved. Experiments on the real world dataset show that the proposed method could improve the quality and efficiency of learning resources recommendation services effectively

    Differences in resting-state brain networks and gray matter between APOE ε2 and APOE ε4 carriers in non-dementia elderly

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    BackgroundApolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2 and APOE ε4 are the most distinct alleles among the three APOE alleles, both structurally and functionally. However, differences in cognition, brain function, and brain structure between the two alleles have not been comprehensively reported in the literature, especially in non-demented elderly individuals.MethodsA neuropsychological test battery was used to evaluate the differences in cognitive performance in five cognitive domains. Independent component analysis (ICA) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) were used separately to analyze resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) data and the structure MRI data between the two groups. Finally, correlations between differential brain regions and neuropsychological tests were calculated.ResultsAPOE ε2 carriers had better cognitive performance in general cognitive, memory, attention, and executive function than APOE ε4 carriers (all p < 0.05). In ICA analyses of rs-fMRI data, the difference in the resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) between two groups is shown in 7 brain networks. In addition, VBM analyses of the T1-weighted image revealed that APOE ε2 carriers had a larger thalamus and right postcentral gyrus volume and a smaller bilateral putamen volume than APOE ε4 carriers. Finally, differences in brain function and structure may be might be the reason that APOE ε2 carriers are better than APOE ε4 carriers in cognitive performance.ConclusionThese findings suggest that there are significant differences in brain function and structure between APOE ε2 carriers and APOE ε4 carriers, and these significant differences are closely related to their cognitive performance

    Tailoring the degradation rate of magnesium-lithium alloy with alloying elements of gadolinium and nickel

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    To explore lightweight degradable materials that are more suitable for fracturing ball, Mg-8Li-4Gd-xNi (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 wt%) alloys for fracturing ball in petroleum extraction were prepared by vacuum induction melting. The features and formation of long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) doped with gadolinium (Gd) and nickel (Ni) were characterized. And the relationship between the degradation rate of alloys and the structure of LPSO in duplex Mg-Li alloys is investigated. The results show that network 24 R LPSO phase and punctate GdNi3 phase are formed with the addition of Gd and Ni. With the increase of Ni content, the shape of LPSO changes from intermittent network to continuous network and turns into an intermittent network again. The Mg-8Li-4Gd-1.5Ni alloy shows a significant increment in weight loss rate compared with the Mg-8Li-4Gd alloy by 75 times. Atomic force microscope (AFM) results show that the addition of Ni increases the potential difference between the second phase and the β-Li phase from 220 mV to 504 mV. It is difficult for forming LPSO due to higher fault energy when the atomic ratio of Gd to Ni is lower than 4:3, which promotes the LPSO to intermittent network. LPSO and GdNi3 provide higher potentials as cathodes in corrosion, forming a loose and porous corrosion product layer in the alloy. With the increase of Ni content, micro-galvanic corrosion effect is increased which results in a significantly higher corrosion rate of the alloy