13 research outputs found

    Quality and Yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oil under hydroponic cultivation

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    Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an aromatic plant whose fresh, dried leaves and essential oils are used in the manufacture of medicines, perfumes, food and beverage flavoring. Although worldwide consumption and production is increasing considerably, Mexico intensive cultivation of this species is emerging. From this perspective, this study raises, with the objective of evaluating the production of basil grown in hydroponic greenhouse under an open system using volcanic rock as substrate. D1, D2 and D3 (14, 28 and 71 plants m-2, respectively) and two concentrations Steiner nutrient solution (S1: 100% and S2: 50%) three planting densities were evaluated. A factorial arrangement 3x2 was used with four replicates per treatment. The results show that the highest values ??for plant height were presented with S1 D1 and D2; for fresh and dry weight of the aerial part were the treatments S1 D1, S1 and S2 D1 D2 which threw the higher S1 and D1 values ??greater leaf area was obtained. In the quantification of essential oils 14.03 mg was obtained essential oil, per gram of dry matter, the major component was linalool. The use of hydroponics with an increase in plant density, can generate up to 70.21 ton ha, increasing production by more than 600%, with the economic gains that this represents.Objective: to assess the production of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) grown in a greenhouse under open hydroponic system, using tezontle (volcanic gravel) as substrate. Methodology: three planting densities were evaluated: D1, D2 and D3 (14, 28 and 71 plants m-2, respectively) and two concentrations of Steiner nutrient solution (S1: 100%, and S2: 50%). Results: the highest values for fresh and dry weight of the aerial part, were the treatments S1 D1, S1 D2 and S2 D1. With S1 D1 the largest leaf area was obtained. Dry matter obtained was 14.03 mg g-1 of essential oil. Findings: the use of hydroponics with an increase in sowing density can generate up to 70.21 t ha-1

    Antifungal potential and chemical composition of Tagetes lunulata Ort. essential oil for the control of Trichophyton rubrum Malmsten

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    The essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants are an important resource used to control several health conditions; however, information about their composition and antimicrobial activity is scarce. This study used a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze the composition of the essential oil (EO) of Tagetes lunulata Ort., a Mexican endemic plant, known as wild cempaxúchitl. The major components of the EO include: verbenone (47.17%), α-pinene (10.93%), 1,1,1-Trifluoro-2-hexanone (9.63%), β-caryophyllene (6.10%), germacrene-D (4.99%), L-verbenone (4.89%), and E-tagetone (4.44%). The disk agar diffusion method was used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of T. lunulata against Trichophyton rubrum (athlete's foot). A significant antimicrobial activity was observed with a ≥60% EO concentration. The dilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC): 200 μg ml-1. The T. lunulata EO recorded a strong antimicrobial activity against T. rubrum; therefore, it is a natural alternative for the control of natural antifungals

    Postharvest management of Heliconia psittacorum x H. spathocircinata cv. Tropics

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    Objetive:  Evaluate different techniques to prolong the postharvest life of  Heliconia psittacorum x H. spathocircinata cv. Tropics. Design/methodology/approach: Two experiments were carried out; in the first it was evaluated the effect of five pulse solutions [(T1 = control (water); T2 = Hydraflor® 100 (0.5 g L-1); T3 = Hydraflor® 100 (0.5 g L-1) + sucrose (5% w/v); T4 = salicylic acid (1mM) and T5 = salicylic acid (1mM) + sucrose (5% w / v)] prior to storage at 11 ° C and 85 % RH for 10 d. In the second experiment, a wax coating was applied to the heliconia bracts and then maintain at 13 °C and 84% RH for 10 d; after storage the stems were placed in water or salicylic acid solution (1 mM). The results were analyzed by a completely randomized design, 10 replicates were used per treatment, one stem was one experimental unit. An ANOVA and a means comparison test (Tukey, ?=0.05) were performed with the SAS version 9.4. Results: The anatomy of heliconia stems determines their vase life, since they have wide xylem vessels susceptible to cavitation, for which the absorption of water is limited, also and non-functional stomata in the bracts, which increase the loss of moisture from the tissue. The use of pulse solutions or preservatives has little effect in prolonging the life of heliconia stems. Therefore, the application of wax creates a physical barrier that maintains the turgor of the stems, reduces oxidation, maintaining the bracts quality and increased the total postharvest life for 6 d more than the control stems. Study limitations/implications: No limitations were found in this study Findings/conclusions: The postharvest life of heliconia is conditioned by the loss of turgor and low water absorption, which leads to an early wilting of the inflorescences. The application of pulse solutions or preservatives have little effect in prolonging the life of the vase, so the most suitable technique to preserve the quality of the stems is waxing

    Cinética de crecimiento foliar y desarrollo de brotes en selecciones injertadas de zapote Mamey

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth of vegetative organs in six selections of mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn), grafted of three and four years in the soil's and climatic conditions of Alpoyeca, Guerrero; in order to understand the behavior of trees from Alpoyeca Yucatán, Guerrero, were evaluated: kinetics of leaf growth, total growth of shoot, leaf area index, leaf unit weight and thickness of the leaf. The results showed that mamey's leaves reach their maximum development at 42 days but, at 23 days they have 80% of their total size and can be photosynthetically self-sufficient. The total growth of buds on the 3 year old trees during one year was 62.9 to 72 cm, and the period of highest growth was from June to September, while in the 4-year old trees was of 40.7 to 44.1 cm and the period of highest growth from April to August. 'El Regalo' selected in Alpoyeca, Guerrero, presented the highest values of leaf area index, specific leaf weight and thickness of the leaf, while 'Dany 66' from Yucatán had the lowest. The specific weight of the leaf is a variable that changes with the phenology of the plant, which should be evaluated at least three stages to get reliable results.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento de órganos vegetativos en seis selecciones de zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H. E. Moore & Stearn), injertadas de tres y cuatro años en las condiciones edafoclimáticas de Alpoyeca, Guerrero; para conocer el comportamiento de árboles procedentes de Yucatán y Alpoyeca, Guerrero, se evaluaron: cinética del crecimiento foliar, crecimiento total del brote, índice de área foliar, peso específico de la hoja y grosor de la hoja. Los resultados mostraron que las hojas de mamey alcanzan el máximo desarrollo a 42 días, pero a 23 días tienen más de 80% del tamaño total y pueden ser fotosintéticamente autosuficientes. El crecimiento total de brotes durante un año en árboles de 3 años, fue de 62.9 a 72 cm, y el periodo de mayor crecimiento de junio a septiembre, mientras que en los de 4 años, fue de 40.7 a 44.1 cm y el periodo de mayor crecimiento de abril a agosto. 'El Regalo' seleccionado en Alpoyeca, Guerrero; presentó valores mayores en índice de área foliar, peso específico y grosor de la hoja, mientras que en 'Dany 66'de Yucatán fueron los menores. El peso específico de la hoja es una variable que se modifica con la fenología de la planta, por lo que se debe evaluar mí­nimo en tres etapas para tener resultados confiables

    Respuestas de "Antirrhinum majus" (L.) para flor de corte al potencial osmótico de la solución nutritiva en dos estaciones de crecimiento

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    Debido a la limitada información para el cultivo hidropónico de perrito (Antirrhinum majus L.) se requiere de más investigación para el adecuado manejo de esta especie. En el presente estudio se utilizó un material de verano (grupo IV) serie Potomac cv. Rose, para determinar los efectos del potencial osmótico (PO) en la solución nutritiva (-0.036, -0.054, -0.072, -0.090 y -0.108 MPa) sobre la biomasa y calidad comercial en cultivos de invierno y verano. En general, la mayoría de las variables evaluadas: biomasa aérea, vida de florero, días a cosecha, y área foliar, fueron afectadas por el PO y por la estación de crecimiento. La biomasa aérea total fue mayor en el invierno comparado con el verano (20 y 12 g/planta respectivamente), siendo las soluciones con -0.072 y -0.090 MPa, en invierno, y -0.036 MPa en el verano, las que permitieron mayor acumulación de biomasa. Los días a cosecha aumentaron de 25 a 40 días más en invierno que en verano, en tanto que la vida de florero aumentó 5 días. La calidad de la Sociedad de Floristas Americanos (SAF) fue menor en el invierno ya que el tallo no alcanzó el estándar requerido, clasificándose como sofisticada. En verano todos los tratamientos obtuvieron mejor calidad (especial). En general, las plantas crecidas en verano mostraron una tendencia a disminuir la biomasa conforme se hace más negativo el PO de la solución, lo que sugiere que en esta estación se requiere de soluciones nutritivas menos concentradas. En el invierno, la biomasa tendió a aumentar ligeramente al elevarse el PO de -0.036 a -0.072 y -0.090 MPa, sugiriendo que en esta estación las soluciones para el óptimo crecimiento de los perritos debe ser más concentradasDue to the limited information for hydroponic production of snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) more research is required for the proper management of this species. In this study, a summer material (group IV) Potomac series cv. Rose was used to determine the effects of the osmotic potential (OP) in the nutrient solution (-0.036, -0.054, -0.072, -0.090 and -0.108 MPa) on biomass and commercial quality in winter and summer crops. In general, most of the evaluated variables such as biomass, vase life, days to harvest, and leaf area were affected by the PO and the growing season. The total biomass was higher in winter compared to summer (20 and 12 g/plant respectively), solutions with -0.072 and -0.090 MPa, in winter, and -0.036 MPa in the summer, which allowed higher accumulation of biomass. The days to harvest increased from 25-40 days in the winter than in the summer, while increasing vase life 5 days. The quality of the Society of American Florists (SAF) was lower in the winter because the stem did not reach the required standard, being classified as sophisticated. In the summer all got better quality treatments (special). In general, the plants grown in the summer showed a tendency to decrease the biomass as the PO solution got negative; suggesting that at this station requires less concentrated nutrient solutions. In the winter, biomass tended to increase slightly to raise the PO of -0036 to -0072 and -0090 MPa, suggesting that in this season the solutions for the optimal growth of the plants should be more concentrate

    Intercambio de gases y relaciones hídricas durante el retraso de la senescencia foliar de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) por la citocinina bap

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    Se estudió el efecto de la citocinina 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) en el intercambio de gases y relaciones hídricas de Triticum aestivum L. durante el retraso de la senescencia foliar en invernadero. Plántulas de 21 días después de la siembra (DDS) fueron asperjadas con BAP 0,1mM o agua (testigo) cada 3 días por 20 días. El retraso de senescencia foliar en las plantas tratadas con BAP fue monitoreado mediante cuantificación de clorofila y proteína soluble total. El intercambio de gases se estimó mediante conductancia estomática (gs) y tasa de fijación de CO2. Las relaciones hídricas se evaluaron midiendo el potencial de agua total (ΨA) y sus componentes, osmótico (Ψs) y de turgencia (Ψt), cada 5 días por 20 días. Las hojas con BAP mostraron mayor concentración de clorofila y proteína total que el control tras 26 DDS, diferencias que aumentaron con el tiempo y a los 41 DDS fueron 7 veces mayores que el control. La gs registró valores no significativamente diferentes al estado verde pre-senescente. Estas respuestas se asociaron con tasas mayores de fijación de CO2, con concentraciones cercanas a las hojas verdes pre-senescentes (6,2μmol·CO2·m-2·s-1). El ΨA se mantuvo constante bajo BAP y Ψs fue significativamente menor que en los testigos, favoreciendo la retención de solutos en el citoplasma de hojas con retraso de senescencia. El Ψt de las hojas tratadas fue mayor que su respectivo testigo de 31 a 41 DDS. Por tanto, la citocinina BAP promovió el mantenimiento de la tasa de fijación de CO2 y las relaciones hídricas durante el retraso de la senescencia foliar

    Actividad antifúngica de la hierba de tomento [Gnaphalium luteo-album L. (Pseudognaphalium luteo-album (L.) Hilliard & Burtt)] contra Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3

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    Objective: To describe the antifungal activity of propanone, hexane, methylene chloride and methanol extracts of Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 3. Design/methodology/approach: P. luteoalbum individuals were grown from seed and extracts were obtained using propanone, hexane, methylene chloride and methanol from the aerial part of mature plants. The extracts were subjected to antifungal activity tests against F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 3 corresponding to the agar disk diffusion method for mycelium, a microconidia germination test and a Riddell test. It was also carried out a test for toxicity of acetone and dimethyl sulfoxide. Results: None of the extracts of P. luteoalbum showed antifungal activity against F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 3. The acetone an dimethyl sulfoxide were toxic to the fungus from 15%. Limitations on study/implications: The results are restrained to the tested genotypes of P. luteoalbum, their growth environmental conditions and the fungus F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 3. Findings/conclusions: It is not recommended to use any extract of P. luteoalbum to control F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 3. Key words: Jersey cudweed, extracts, disk diffusion test, microconidia germination.Objetivo: Describir la actividad antifúngica de los extractos de P. luteoalbum obtenidos con propanona, hexano, cloruro de metileno y metanol contra Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se cultivaron ejemplares de P. luteoalbum establecidos a partir de semilla y se obtuvieron extractos con propanona, hexano, cloruro de metileno y metanol de la parte aérea de plantas maduras. Los extractos fueron sometidos a pruebas de actividad antifúngica contra F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3 correspondientes al método de difusión de disco en agar para micelio, una prueba de germinación de microconidios y una prueba de Riddell. Tambien se realizó una prueba de toxicidad de los disolventes acetona y dimetilsulfóxido Resultados: Ninguno de los extractos de P. luteoalbum mostró actividad antifúngica contra F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3. La acetona y el dimetil sulfóxido fueron tóxicos para el hongo a una concentración desde 15%. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los resultados obtenidos se limitan a los genotipos probados de P. luteoalbum, así como a sus condiciones ambientales durante su crecimiento y al hongo F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3. Hallazgos/conclusiones: No se recomienda utilizar ningún extracto de P. luteoalbum para controlar a F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici raza 3. Palabras clave: Hierba del tomento, extractos, difusión en agar, germinación de microconidios

    Antiproliferative Effect of <i>Sechium edule</i> (Jacq.) Sw., cv. Madre Negra Extracts on Breast Cancer In Vitro

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    Sechium edule shows a wide biological diversity. Hybrids and varieties of Sechium edule have been created, producing fruits of different shapes, sizes, colors, tastes, and textures. These hybrids and varieties have been used as food and in traditional medicine. In this research, the antiproliferative activity of the Madre Negra™ genotype of Sechium edule var. amarus silvestrys on the MCF7 breast cancer cell line was assessed. Different extracts in hexane, methanol, and dichloromethane were obtained to perform a bio-guided study. The dichloromethane extract showed the largest significant inhibitory activity (p p < 0.05) on MCF7, an even higher activity than the total extract. The active metabolites were identified as flavonoids, tannins, and terpenes, of which cucurbitacins I, B, D, and E stood out. The present paper can be considered as preliminary results of our research work

    Estomas y vigor de naranjo `Valencia´ injertado en portainjertos tolerantes al virus de la tristeza de los cítricos

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    The main problem that citrus growers face is diseases that affect trees. For this reason the use of rootstocks has spread, and the challenge is to obtain the best scion/rootstock interaction. The present work evaluated the scion/rootstock interaction in function of tree height and canopy diameter of ‘Valencia’ orange (Citrus sinensis L.) grafted onto three tolerant VTC root-stocks: ‘Volkamerian’ lemon (Citrus volkameriana Ten. and Pasq.), and the tangerins ‘Cleopatra’ (C. reshni Hort. Ex Tan) and ‘Amblicarpa’ (C. amblycarpa Ochse), from 4 to 9 years old trees. The measurements were done for a period of five years, and during the last year stomatal density and size, and leaf area were evaluated. The plants grafted on ‘Volkamerian’ and ‘Amblicarpa’ had similar plant height and canopy diameter (3.3 m vs. 3.4 m and 3.2 m vs. 3.5 m, respectively). The plants on ‘Cleopatra’ presented the lowest values (2.9 y 2.7 m). There was no difference in stomatal density and length of ‘Valencia’ orange although stomatal width differed. Stomata shape (length/width relationship) was modified; in plants grafted on ‘Volkamerian’ he was rounder (1.14), and on ‘Amblicarpa’ it was more elliptical (1.23). There were no correlations between vegetative variables and stomatal density and size.El principal problema al que se enfrentan los citricultores son las enfermedades que afectan a los árboles, motivo por el cual se ha generalizado la utilización de portainjertos, el ataque de patógenos disminuye el rendimiento y se presenta el reto de encontrar la mejor interacción injerto/portainjerto con la finalidad de optimizar el desarrollo del árbol. Con la medición de variables del desarrollo es posible evaluar el efecto de la interacción. En el presente trabajo se evaluó la interacción injerto/portainjerto en función de la altura de la planta y diámetro del dosel en árboles de naranjo ‘Valencia’ (Citrus sinensis L.) injertados en tres portainjertos tolerantes a VTC: limón ‘Volkameriano’ (Citrus volkameriana Ten. y Pasq.), y mandarinos ‘Cleopatra’ (C. reshni Hort. Ex Tan) y ‘Amblicarpa’ (C. amblycarpa Ochse) de cuatro a nueve años. Se hicieron mediciones anuales por un periodo de cinco años, en el último año también se evaluó la densidad y tamaño de estomas y de la hoja. Las plantas injertadas en ‘Volkameriano’ y ‘Amblicarpa’ presentaron altura de la planta y diámetro del dosel similares (3.3 m vs. 3.4 m y 3.2 m vs. 3.5 m, respectivamente). En ‘Cleopatra’ las variables presentaron valores menores (2.9 m y 2.7 m). No se encontraron diferencias en la densidad y largo de estomas en las hojas de naranjo ‘Valencia’, pero sí en el ancho de estomas. La forma (relación largo/ancho) en los estomas se modificó en las plantas, en ‘Volkameriano’ fueron más redondos (1.14) y en ‘Amblicarpa’ más elípticos (1.23). No existió correlación entre las variables vegetativas con la densidad y tamaño de estomas

    Pharmacokinetics and Biological Activity of Cucurbitacins

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    Cucurbitacins are a class of secondary metabolites initially isolated from the Cucurbitaceae family. They are important for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticancer biological actions. This review addresses pharmacokinetic parameters recently reported, including absorption, metabolism, distribution, and elimination phases of cucurbitacins. It includes recent studies of the molecular mechanisms of the biological activity of the most studied cucurbitacins and some derivatives, especially their anticancer capacity, to propose the integration of the pharmacokinetic profiles of cucurbitacins and the possibilities of their use. The main botanical genera and species of American origin that have been studied, and others whose chemo taxonomy makes them essential sources for the extraction of these metabolites, are summarized