1,695 research outputs found

    High-frequency collective excitations in molten and glassy Te studied by inelastic neutron scattering

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    7 págs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 61.43.Er, 61.20.Lc, 61.12. qhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.73.094201The spectra of collective excitations of liquid and glassy tellurium have been studied by means of inelastic neutron scattering. Here we report on the dynamics of liquid Te as measured at two different temperatures, just above melting (Tm =723 K) and at ∼1000 K as well as the glass that is studied at room temperature. Estimates for the velocity of propagating excitations for both temperatures have been obtained from the experimental data, and a contrasting behavior is found with respect to anomalies shown by the adiabatic sound velocity measured by ultrasound methods. The origin of such differences is finally discussed. © 2006 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by Grant No. MAT2002- 04178-C04 SpainPeer Reviewe

    Hokupa'a-Gemini Discovery of Two Ultracool Companions to the Young Star HD 130948

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    We report the discovery of two faint ultracool companions to the nearby (d~17.9 pc) young G2V star HD 130948 (HR 5534, HIP 72567) using the Hokupa'a adaptive optics instrument mounted on the Gemini North 8-meter telescope. Both objects have the same common proper motion as the primary star as seen over a 7 month baseline and have near-IR photometric colors that are consistent with an early-L classification. Near-IR spectra taken with the NIRSPEC AO instrument on the Keck II telescope reveal K I lines, FeH, and water bandheads. Based on these spectra, we determine that both objects have spectral type dL2 with an uncertainty of 2 spectral subclasses. The position of the new companions on the H-R diagram in comparison with theoretical models is consistent with the young age of the primary star (<0.8 Gyr) estimated on the basis of X-ray activity, lithium abundance and fast rotation. HD 130948 B and C likely constitute a pair of young contracting brown dwarfs with an orbital period of about 10 years, and will yield dynamical masses for L dwarfs in the near future.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, (13 total pages

    Microscopic dynamics in molten Ni: Experimental scrutiny of embedded-atom-potential simulations

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    11 págs.; 10 figs. ; PACS number s : 66.10. x, 66.20. d, 63.20.LsThe stochastic dynamics in molten nickel is studied by neutron scattering. The quasielastic spectrum shows two distinct components having disparate linewidths. The wave-vector dependence of the narrow component is shown to arise from incoherent scattering at low momentum transfers. In turn, the spectral half-width of the wider component shows a modulation with wave vector characteristic of coherent quasielastic scattering. The analysis of both components provides direct experimental estimates for the self-diffusion coefficient, as well as the effective particle diameter. The experimental data are then used to validate computer simulation results which are derived using an embedded-atom potential. Such results are also employed to explore regions in frequency-wave-vector space not easily amenable to experiment. In addition, simulation results are also compared with data pertaining to the collective motions. Such an exercise reveals the need to develop a further level in the memory function expansion of the coherent dynamic structure factor. The implications of such findings for our current understanding of the dynamics of liquid metals are finally assessed. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Stochastic dynamics in molten potassium explored by polarized quasielastic neutron scattering

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    10 págs.; 8 figs. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 66.10. x, 66.30.Fq, 65.20. wThe coherent Sc (Q,ω) and single-particle Ss (Q,ω) dynamic structure factors which contribute to the low-energy spectrum of molten potassium are separated by means of neutron polarization analysis. The linewidth and amplitude of the single-particle spectra follow an apparent sub-Fickian behavior, with a diffusion coefficient below the value found by macroscopic means. Once this is accounted for, the results are found to conform with predictions made from kinetic theory. Also, the available theoretical recipes to account for the coherent quasielastic intensity are seen to reproduce the experimental observations within a region of momentum transfers located about the location where the static structure factor shows its main peak. From the measured data as well as from computer simulation results which are validated by comparison to measurement, a clear separation of time scales involving rapid rattling motions within the liquid cages from diffusional processes involving collective or single-particle rearrangements is established. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización geoquímica de la esméctica en varias formaciones arcillosas de los flyschs del Campo de Gibraltar (Cádiz, España)

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    The «Jimena clays», «basal series of Aljibe» and «blocky clays» formations are compared from the mineralogical and geochemical analysis. The mineralogy of clays is very similar in all the sequences analyzed and consists of quartz, smectite, illite and kaolinite. Smaller amounts of feldspar, gypsum and chlorite are locally presento In the 2-20 μm and < 2 μm size-fractions smectite is the most abundant mineral. The mineralogical similarity is also manifested on the chemical composition of these materials. Smectite compositions correspond to montmorillonite suggesting, along the trace element content that these smectites are weathearing products of acidic magmatic and sedimentary rocks. The homogeneity of the analyzed sequences indicates an homology in these formations and a great uniformity in the supplies during the Cretaceous-Eocene times.Se comparan desde un punto de vista mineralógico y geoquímico las formaciones definidas como «arcillas de Jimena», «sucesión basal del Aljibe» y «arcillas con bloques». Su mineralogía resulta muy similar: cuarzo, esmectita, ilita y caolinita, junto con pequeñas proporciones de feldespato, yeso y clorita. En las fracciones 2-20 µm y < 2 μm la esmectita es el mineral más abundante. La semejanza mineralógica se pone también de manifiesto en la composición química de estos materiales. La composición de las esmectitas corresponde a montmorillonita y sugiere un origen detrítico para las mismas. El contenido en diversos elementos traza indica que estos materiales son el producto de la meteorización de rocas magmáticas ácidas junto con rocas sedimentarias antiguas. La homogeneidad de las secuencias analizadas indica, asimismo, una homología de todas las formaciones y una gran uniformidad en los aportes durante el intervalo Cretácico-Eoceno, época a la que se atribuye su depósito

    Weak first order transition in the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising antiferromagnet in a magnetic field

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    We perform intensive numerical simulations of the three-dimensional site-diluted Ising antiferromagnet in a magnetic field at high values of the external applied field. Even if data for small lattice sizes are compatible with second-order criticality, the critical behavior of the system shows a crossover from second-order to first-order behavior for large system sizes, where signals of latent heat appear. We propose "apparent" critical exponents for the dependence of some observables with the lattice size for a generic (disordered) first-order phase transition.Comment: Final version, accepted for publicatio

    Diseño metodológico de un sistema de medición del desempeño para la cadena de suministros de astilleros en Colombia

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    The design of a performance measurement system for the Colombian shipyard supply chain is shown in this paper, using a model that integrates the principles of the Balanced Scorecard with the fuzzy sets theory to treat uncertainty associated with selected logistics indicators, enabling better supply chain management.El presente artículo muestra el diseño de un sistema de medición del desempeño para la cadena de suministros de los astilleros colombianos, usando un modelo que integra los principios del Balanced Scorecard con la teoría de conjuntos difusos para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre asociada a los indicadores logísticos seleccionados, posibilitando mejor gestión de dicha cadena

    Comparing metrics at large: harmonic vs quo-harmonic coordinates

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    To compare two space-times on large domains, and in particular the global structure of their manifolds, requires using identical frames of reference and associated coordinate conditions. In this paper we use and compare two classes of time-like congruences and corresponding adapted coordinates: the harmonic and quo-harmonic classes. Besides the intrinsic definition and some of their intrinsic properties and differences we consider with some detail their differences at the level of the linearized approximation of the field equations. The hard part of this paper is an explicit and general determination of the harmonic and quo-harmonic coordinates adapted to the stationary character of three well-know metrics, Schwarzschild's, Curzon's and Kerr's, to order five of their asymptotic expansions. It also contains some relevant remarks on such problems as defining the multipoles of vacuum solutions or matching interior and exterior solutions.Comment: 27 pages, no figure