99 research outputs found


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    This paper reports the findings of a study that examined the relationship between the age of introduction of English as a foreign language in a formal instructional setting and the acquisition of negation in English. Participants were 81 bilingual (Basque/Spanish) students who had begun learning English at different ages but under conditions of equal exposure time to the foreign language. In both production tasks, younger students produced a high percentage of externally negated constructions and unanalysed negative particles, while older students made a better use of the full auxiliary system, including the ability to inflect correctly for number and time reference. These results may be accounted for considering age and cognitive maturity. The results indicate that age is positively related to the acquisition of the difIerent developmental sequences in English

    Polaridad negativa en francés.

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    La mejora del conocimiento de estrategias de lectura en niños: ¿qué revelan los cuestionarios de autoevaluación?

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    In the last 25 years, the topic of learning strategies has attracted a great deal of interest, quite often to analyse the use first (L1) and second language (L2) learners make of these strategies and how they can be helped to improve strategy knowledge. Although it is true that there has been considerable research on strategies, a smaller number of studies have attempted to explore the strategies that learners use in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) contexts, and even fewer when learning a third language (L3). This article seeks to fill that gap by reporting the findings of an intervention study into reading comprehension among young learners of English as an L3 in a multilingual (Spanish-Basque-English) context in the Basque Country. The study involves a pre-test post-test design, using two intact groups of participants who were in their 5th year of primary education (10- 11 years old). One group (n=50) served as the experimental group and the other one as the control group. The experimental group (n=50) received strategic training in reading skills for a period of seven weeks, while the control group did not. Both groups were asked to complete a survey for reading strategies and this was elicited pre- and post-intervention. Findings indicated that those students who were trained strategically in reading reported using an increased number of strategies after the training programme, although those gains were not maintained over time.En los últimos 25 años, el estudio sobre estrategias de aprendizaje ha sido foco de interés en investigación, sobre todo para conocer el uso que los aprendices de una primera (L1) o una segunda lengua (L2) hacen de esas estrategias, y cómo pueden mejorar el conocimiento de las mismas. Aunque la investigación sobre estrategias de aprendizaje ha sido importante, existe un número mucho más reducido de estudios centrados en contextos de Aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua extranjera (AICLE), y todavía menos en el caso de terceras lenguas (L3). Este artículo busca llenar este vacío al analizar los resultados de un entrenamiento estratégico de comprensión lectora con estudiantes jóvenes de inglés como L3 en un contexto multilingüe (español-euskera-inglés) en el País Vasco. Nuestro estudio sigue un diseño de pretest-posttest, con dos grupos de estudiantes de 5º curso de Educación Primaria Obligatoria (EPO) (10- 11 años), un grupo control (n=50) y un grupo experimental (n=50). Para este estudio, el grupo experimental recibió un entrenamiento estratégico en comprensión lectora durante siete semanas. Ambos grupos, control y experimental, completaron un cuestionario de estrategias lectoras antes y después del entrenamiento. Los resultados señalaron que los estudiantes que recibieron el entrenamiento estratégico confirmaron hacer uso de un mayor número de estrategias lectoras tras la intervención, aunque esa tendencia no se mantuvo a lo largo de los dos años de instrucción.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO FFI2012-31811Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del País Vasco IT904-16MINECO/FEDER FFI2015-63715-

    Aprendizaje autónomo en la adquisición de segundas lenguas.

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    Sin resumenAutonomy in second language Iearning has become a priority over the last few decades. Modern lifestyles along with the search for personal objectives when Iearning new languages have rnade necessary individualization in the Iearning process. In the Pubtic University of Navarre, an enriching experience 1-1, Holec, Apprendre ¿1 apprendrc et a~~prentissage héréro-di~-igé, Hachetle, Col. Rechcrclies ci Applicalions/Lc Franyais dans le Monde, 1992, p. 48. flidúcUca, 9, 183-193, Servicio de Publicaciones UCM. Madrid, 199'? l 84 Yolanda Rui2 dc ¿acabe ha: taken place, which tries te answer the needs of each and every student who has been involved in our autonomous-learning programme


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    Strategy instruction is a fundamental part of the language learning curriculum. Several studies (Wenden & Rubin, 1987; O’Malley & Chamot, 1990; Chamot & O’Malley, 1994; Cohen & Macaro, 2007; Chamot, 2008; Cohen, 2011, among others) have shown that the use of learning strategies produces a positive effect on learners’ achievement, although the field has not been without controversy (Rees-Miller, 1993; Dörnyei y Skehan, 2003; Dörnyei, 2005; Manchón, 2008; Macaro, 2006, 2007, 2010). Thus, the  aim of this study is to investigate the effects of a metacognitive reading strategy training in two educational contexts, CLIL and EFL, and reflect on how learners can benefit from this learning approach. Participants (N = 145) came from six intact classes from two different schools in Santander, Cantabria, a community in the north of Spain. One of the schools followed a CLIL methodology and the other did not. The experimental groups in both schools underwent a seven-week metacognitive reading training programme developed by the research team, following the model proposed by Macaro (2001) that focuses on metacognitive awareness. Control groups continued with regular classes. Pre-tests and post-tests were carried out for both control and experimental groups. As hypothesized, results indicate that those students (CLIL and EFL) that followed the strategic training obtained better scores on the metacognitive reading task than their control groups, but with no significant differences between both educational approaches (CLIL and EFL) even though the experimental CLIL group outperform the experimental EFL group. This leads us to the conclusion that this type of training is effective in both educational contexts and highlights the importance of the metacognitive teaching approach to improve reading comprehension in second language classes. La instrucción estratégica es una parte fundamental del currículo de lenguas extranjeras. Varios estudios (Wenden & Rubin, 1987; O’Malley & Chamot, 1990; Chamot & O’Malley, 1994; Cohen & Macaro, 2007; Chamot, 2008; Cohen, 2011, entre otros) han demostrado que el uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje produce un efecto positivo en el éxito de los hablantes aunque este campo no ha estado exento de controversia (Rees-Miller, 1993; Dörnyei y Skehan, 2003; Dörnyei, 2005; Manchón, 2008; Macaro, 2006, 2007, 2010). Este estudio investiga el efecto de un entrenamiento estratégico de lectura en inglés en dos contextos educativos: AICLE (Aprendizaje integrado de contenido y lengua) e ILE (Inglés lengua extranjera) y reflexiona sobre cómo los aprendices de lenguas pueden beneficiarse de esta aproximación didáctica. Los participantes (N = 145) provienen de seis clases de dos colegios de Santander, Cantabria, una comunidad del norte de España. Una de los colegios seguía una  metodología AICLE y, el otro, no. Los grupos experimentales en ambos colegios siguieron un entrenamiento metacognitivo de estrategias de lectura diseñado siguiendo el modelo de Macaro (2001) que se centra en la conciencia metacognitiva. Los grupos controles continuaron con las clases normales. Todos los grupos realizaron pre-tests y post-tests. Los resultados demuestran que aquellos alumnos (AICLE e ILE) que siguieron el entrenamiento estratégico obtuvieron mejores resultados en la prueba metacognitva. Sin embargo, aunque el grupo experimental AICLE superó al grupo experimental ILE, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre ellos lo que nos lleva a concluir que este tipo de entrenamiento es efectivo en ambos contextos educativos y resalta la importancia de la aproximación metacognitiva para la mejora de la comprensión lectora en la clase de lenguas extranjeras.Strategy instruction is a fundamental part of the language learning curriculum. Several studies (Wenden & Rubin, 1987; O’Malley & Chamot, 1990; Chamot & O’Malley, 1994; Cohen & Macaro, 2007; Chamot, 2008; Cohen, 2011, among others) have shown that the use of learning strategies produces a positive effect on learners’ achievement, although the field has not been without controversy (Rees-Miller, 1993; Dörnyei y Skehan, 2003; Dörnyei, 2005; Manchón, 2008; Macaro, 2006, 2007, 2010). Thus, the  aim of this study is to investigate the effects of a metacognitive reading strategy training in two educational contexts, CLIL and EFL, and reflect on how learners can benefit from this learning approach. Participants (N = 145) came from six intact classes from two different schools in Santander, Cantabria, a community in the north of Spain. One of the schools followed a CLIL methodology and the other did not. The experimental groups in both schools underwent a seven-week metacognitive reading training programme developed by the research team, following the model proposed by Macaro (2001) that focuses on metacognitive awareness. Control groups continued with regular classes. Pre-tests and post-tests were carried out for both control and experimental groups. As hypothesized, results indicate that those students (CLIL and EFL) that followed the strategic training obtained better scores on the metacognitive reading task than their control groups, but with no significant differences between both educational approaches (CLIL and EFL) even though the experimental CLIL group outperform the experimental EFL group. This leads us to the conclusion that this type of training is effective in both educational contexts and highlights the importance of the metacognitive teaching approach to improve reading comprehension in second language classes


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    [EN] The aim of the present article is to analyse the influence of the factor "text type" on reading comprehension in French as a Foreign Language, in the light of recent research in Psycholinguistics. Reading is a competence that subjects know in their own language; that is why we study first the influence of text type in French as a mother tongue, to analyse it then as a Foreign Language. We show some conclusions about the actual state of this subject, and also some paths through which, in our opinion, investigation should progress.[ES] El objeto del presente artículo es analizar la incidencia del factor " tipo de texto" en la compresión lectora del Francés Lengua Extranjera, a la luz de las investigaciones recientes más relevantes en Psicolingüística. Siendo la lectura una competencia que los locutores tienen interiorizada en su lengua materna, nos hemos remitido en primer lugar a los estudios más destacados sobre la incidencia de la tipología textual en la lectura en Francés Lengua Materna, para después abordarlo en Francés Lengua Extranjera. Extraemos algunas conclusiones relativas al estado actual de esta cuestión, y también a los ejes por lo que, en nuestra opinión, es necesario progresar en la investigación.Este estudio se enmarca en nuestro Proyecto de Investigación HUM2004-05403/FILO, financiado por el MECRuiz De Zarobe, L. (2008). EL FACTOR "TIPO DE TEXTO" EN LA COMPRENSIÓN LECTORA DEL FRANCÉS LENGUA EXTRANJERA. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 3:105-116. https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2008.694SWORD105116

    Presupuestos lingüísticos para una enseñanza/aprendizaje del "discours rapporté" Francés

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    EI "discours rapporté" 1 es un área de la lengua que resulta problemática en su aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes de la lengua. Ocurre en general en un buen numero de lenguas, pero aquí vamos a referirnos al caso del aprendizaje del francés lengua extranjera . El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear algunos presupuestos de la lingüística de la enunciación para su aplicación a la ensefianza/aprendizaje del "discours rapporté", lo que nos revela una adquisición mas eficaz, y ofrecer algunas propuestas que pueden facilitar su comprensión, su manejo y su dominio por parte del estudiante de francés lengua extranjera

    Polaridad negativa en francés.

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