3,260 research outputs found

    The mediation of the environmental strategies in hotel financial performance in the context of Creating Shared Value

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    The tourism sector stakeholders in general, and the hotel companies stakeholders in particular, keep demanding more and more intensity the implementation and development of environmental policies that ensure sustainable tourist services, being the national and international large hotel chains the ones that make the biggest efforts in this area. There are numerous studies that value, in an unequal way, the cost and consequences of these environmental sustainability strategies on the performance of companies. For the hotel sector in particular, the scientific literature does not offer convincing enough conclusions in regards to the influence of these strategies on hotels performance. Some authors affirm that the clients are willing to pay higher rates when they recognise a high environmental component in the product. Other studies have concluded that when clients detect the proper implementation of energy saving, waste recycling or low emissions policies, they manifest very positive opinions on social media and online review platforms, notably improving the company’s reputation. In addition, the Creating Shared Value strategies between companies and stakeholders supported by Porter, consider that the redefinition of the companies’ configuration of their chain of value is highly important, including the implementation of environmental policies that involve the whole company. The results obtained grant clarity about the stimulus that entails the application of hotel environmental policies (in a shared value strategy) and the improvement of reputation, in hotel performance.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Analysis of Value Creation in Real Estate.

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    Open Access (https://www.ajhssr.com/)The real estate sector is strategic for the Spanish economy, having experienced significant fluctuations in recent years, including numerous retailer bankruptcies that often generate distrust among shareholders who fear their investments will not be compensated. To obtain relevant information about these companies' ability to create value for their shareholders, we analyzed real estate companies listed on the Spanish stock market. Financial data were processed, and the necessary variables were calculated to conduct an exhaustive analysis of value creation for these companies, following the main theories in the literature. The results indicate that construction and civil engineering companies successfully create value for their shareholders and are thus better equipped to face potential trust crises in times of financial market instability

    Neural Networks for Aircraft Trajectory Prediction: Answering Open Questions About Their Performance

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    The increase in air traffic in the recent years has motivated the development of technologies to monitor air space and warn about possible collisions by predicting the trajectories that will be followed by aircraft. In this field, neural networks have become prominent thanks to their potential to learn to predict maneuvers without providing aspects that are difficult to model such as atmospheric conditions, or detailed aircraft parameters. A variety of models have been proposed; however, these are often tested in very limited setups, leaving many unanswered questions about how they perform in certain conditions, or whether or not their accuracy can be improved by training models for specific trajectories, using additional features, predicting more distant points directly, etc. This may be problematic for researchers or developers of these systems, who have no way of knowing what strategies will yield the best results. We have identified ten open research questions that have not been answered through in-depth testing. This motivated us to carry out a novel experimental study that performs aircraft trajectory prediction with several dozens configuration variants to answer the aforementioned questions by means of a much more complete evaluation. Some of the conclusions of our study stand in contrast with some popular practices in the state of the art, which casts some doubts on the simplicity of their application; for example, differential features are crucial for proper performance but are not mentioned by most studies, while complex, more elaborate models may lead to worse results than simple ones. Other important insights include the benefit from specialized models in more challenging scenarios, the influence of the known trajectory length in said scenarios, the step degradation of predictions when predicting further into the future, or the detrimental effect of adding additional features. These insights should help guide future research about the application of neural networks when it comes to aircraft trajectory prediction and their eventual inclusion in final systems.journal articl

    Las diez claves sobre métricas alternativas

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    Se presenta un resumen de los aspectos más destacados de las métricas alternativas o altmetrics. Más concretamente se desarrollan diez aspectos clave sobre estas métricas, son los siguientes:1. métricas vinculadas a la web 2.0 o web social.2. Múltiples fuentes de información y servicios3. Orientadas al artículo frente a la revista.4. Medidas del impacto social de la investigación.5. No vienen a sustituir vienen a complementar.6. Vinculadas a todo tipo de materiales académicos.7. Medición del impacto en tiempo real.8. Evanescencia e ubicuidad de las métricas.9. Pueden ser fácilmente manipulables.10. Un frente de investigación abierto

    Observational Δν\Delta\nu-ρˉ\bar\rho relation for δ\delta Sct stars using eclipsing binaries and space photometry

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    Delta Scuti (δ\delta Sct) stars are intermediate-mass pulsators, whose intrinsic oscillations have been studied for decades. However, modelling their pulsations remains a real theoretical challenge, thereby even hampering the precise determination of global stellar parameters. In this work, we used space photometry observations of eclipsing binaries with a δ\delta Sct component to obtain reliable physical parameters and oscillation frequencies. Using that information, we derived an observational scaling relation between the stellar mean density and a frequency pattern in the oscillation spectrum. This pattern is analogous to the solar-like large separation but in the low order regime. We also show that this relation is independent of the rotation rate. These findings open the possibility of accurately characterizing this type of pulsator and validate the frequency pattern as a new observable for δ\delta Sct stars.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 pages of appendix, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Estudio sobre la competencia digital de los docentes en las aulas de educación infantil

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    Existen algunas opiniones encontradas en cuanto al papel y la intensidad de uso de tecnologías en las aulas de infantil, generando controversia y posturas diferentes que influyen en la implementación de metodologías activas basadas en el uso de las TIC Sin embargo, nadie parece discutir la necesidad de la formación digital de todos los docentes en esta etapa, por lo que, cabe preguntarse acerca de las competencias digitales que se requieren en la sociedad del conocimiento realizando la siguiente pregunta a los propios docentes: ¿Cuáles son las competencias digitales necesarias para desarrollar con éxito las tareas diarias de tu aula de infantil? Para ello, primero se preguntó a un grupo innovador de docentes de infantil sobre el tipo de tareas y el tiempo dedicado en el uso de TIC a la semana. Después de una validación mediante Método Delphi por ocho expertos en tecnología educativa y formación del profesorado en Educación Infantil, se elaboró un cuestionario definitivo que se pasó en 91 aulas de infantil. Del análisis de resultados surgieron nueve factores y cuatro dimensiones mediante el estudio del índice KMO (índice de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) y la realización del análisis factorial (valor del índice, 0,754). El análisis realizado nos ofreció un coeficiente “alfa de Cronbach” de 0.939, lo que demuestra un alto grado de consistencia interna y nos lleva a asumir que los ítems miden un mismo constructo y están altamente correlacionados entre sí. Los resultados permitieron definir cuáles son las prácticas y las TIC más utilizadas, junto con un listado de competencias digitales más relevantes para la formación inicial y permanente de los docentes de educación infantil. También los resultados del estudio permitieron obtener seis factores relacionados con la creación de contenidos, las explicaciones asociadas a las tareas, evaluación y actas, metodología, comunicación y momento de acogida en el aula.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Efficient Removal of Nonylphenol Isomers from Water by Use of Organo-Hydrotalcites

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    The presence of potent organic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in natural aquifers can have adverse impacts on public health and the environment. 4-nonylphenol, one such EDC, can be efficiently removed from water by adsorption onto a clayey material. In this work, we created an effective sorbent for this purpose by using co-precipitation and subsequent ion-exchange to intercalate the organic anion deoxycholate into a Mg/Al hydrotalcite. Intercalating deoxycholate ions increased the organophilicity of the hydrotalcite surface. The solid was used to adsorb 4-nonylphenol at different pollutant concentrations and temperatures. The adsorption process was subjected to a kinetic study. Based on the results, the EDC was adsorbed by chemisorption. In addition, based on the equilibrium isotherms used for the process, the Freundlich model was the most accurate in reproducing the adsorption of 4-nonylphenol onto deoxycholate-intercalated hydrotalcite

    Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Hydrotalcite–Silica Sphere Composites as Catalysts for Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation Reactions Using Hydrogen Peroxide

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    The development of effective, environmentally friendly catalysts for the Baeyer–Villiger reaction is becoming increasingly important in applied catalysis. In this work, we synthesized a 3D composite consisting of silica spheres coated with Mg/Al hydrotalcite with much better textural properties than its 2D counterparts. In fact, the 3D solid outperformed a 2D-layered hydrotalcite as catalyst in the Baeyer–Villiger reaction of cyclic ketones with H2O2/benzonitrile as oxidant. The 3D catalyst provided excellent conversion and selectivity; it was also readily filtered off the reaction mixture. The proposed reaction mechanism, which involves adsorption of the reactants on the hydrotalcite surface, is consistent with the catalytic activity results

    Relationship between Innovation and the Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Industrial Sector: The Mediating Role of CSR

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in [Economies]. To access the final edited and published work see[https://doi.org/10.3390/economies11030092]This paper analyses the effect of innovation on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mediates this relationship. In order to evaluate our assumptions, a partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was applied to a sample of 769 Spanish SMEs through a telephone survey conducted with company managers. The findings show that innovation and CSR have an impact on performance. Additionally, to these strong direct effects, CSR has a side effect that strengthens the beneficial effects of innovation on performance. Finally, the results demonstrate significant implications for both SME managers and owners, as they help them to develop innovation-related strategies, which will lead to higher organizational performance

    Clinical impact of the methodological quality of fetal doppler standards in the management of fetal growth restriction

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    Esta tesis, que lleva por título “Clinical impact of the methodological quality of fetal Doppler standards in the management of fetal growth Restriction”, es un trabajo realizado en la Universidad de Zaragoza con colaboración de la Universidad de Oxford por lo que opta a la mención internacional. Además, está elaborada según la normativa de la Universidad de Zaragoza como tesis por compendio de publicaciones, con 4 artículos publicados en revistas de elevado factor de impacto.El crecimiento intrauterino restringido (CIR) es una de las enfermedades con mayor repercusión médica, social y económica en obstetricia. Estos fetos pueden interrumpir su crecimiento como consecuencia de una insuficiencia placentaria, apareciendo alteraciones en el Doppler fetal, lo que conlleva un riesgo elevado de resultado perinatal adverso. Para que una herramienta como el Doppler fetal sea fiable, los valores obtenidos deben ser adecuados y reproducibles, la medición del Doppler debe estar estandarizada y así, maximizaremos su potencial en la evaluación del CIR en la práctica clínica. Con este objetivo se desarrolló la primera de las publicaciones que propone un sistema de puntuación objetiva para evaluar imágenes Doppler de la arteria cerebral media (ACM), demostrando que los controles de calidad de imágenes son esenciales, así como el uso de sistemas objetivos que hagan que las imágenes sean reproducibles.Por otro lado, la secuencia de progresión del Doppler fetal ha sido descrita claramente y hay evidencia de que los cambios cualitativos en el Doppler de la arterial umbilical (AU), como la presencia, ausencia o inversión del flujo diastólico, indican un mayor riesgo de muerte fetal. Sin embargo, la asociación entre los cambios semi-cuantitativos en el Doppler de AU y ACM (medidos con el índice de pulsatilidad) y los resultados perinatales y a largo plazo no se han establecido claramente. Como consecuencia, se han publicado multitud de valores de referencia del índice de pulsatilidad del Doppler fetal. Esta falta de evidencia podría explicarse, al menos parcialmente, por la calidad metodología utilizada para establecer estos valores, lo que podría tener importantes implicaciones para la práctica clínica. Con esta hipótesis, en el segundo trabajo se realizó una revisión sistemática de todos los estudios publicados con el objetivo de crear curvas de referencia para la AU, ACM e índice cerebroplacentario (ICP). Tras utilizar una lista de verificación ya validada y evaluar 38 estudios, se llegó a la conclusión de que todos los estudios en los que se basan los valores de referencia que se usan en la práctica clínica tienen numerosos sesgos metodológicos, haciendo que las diferencias entre los valores sean importantes. Además, en el tercer estudio, se comparó todos estos valores demostrando su gran variabilidad y se realizó una simulación clínica en la que se observó que el manejo de un feto con crecimiento intrauterino restringido puede variar en dependencia del valor de referencia que se elija, decidiendo finalizar la gestación o no y produciendo en algunos casos prematuridad iatrogénica y en otros, aumento del riesgo de muerte fetal intrauterina.Finalmente, como solución a todos los problemas planteados y a la falta de estudios de alta calidad metodológica en los que basar nuestras actuaciones médicas, se propone el estudio FETHUS, un estudio de cohortes, longitudinal, multicéntrico, internacional y prospectivo, con el objetivo de crear unos valores de referencia basados en un estudio con alta calidad metodológica que sirvan de referencia universal para el Doppler fetal, unificando así el manejo del feto con crecimiento intrauterino restringido.1. Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Dowswell T. Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in high-risk pregnancies. Vol. 2017, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2017. 2. Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Medley N. Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in normal pregnancy. Vol. 2015, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2015. 3. Fetal Growth Restriction. Practice Bulletin No. 134. American College of Obstetricians & Gyncologists. Obstet Gynecol. 2013;4. Gordijn SJ, Beune IM, Thilaganathan B, Papageorghiou A, Baschat AA, Baker PN, et al. Consensus definition of fetal growth restriction: a Delphi procedure. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2016 Sep [cited 2019 Aug 3];48(3):333–9. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/269096645. RCOG Green-top Guideline, 2nd Edition J 2014. Investigation and Management of the Small for Gestational Age Fetus. R Coll Obstet Gynaecol (RCOG) [Internet]. Available from: http://www.rcog.org.uk/files/rcog-corp/6. Conde-Agudelo A, Villar J, Kennedy SH, Papageorghiou AT. Predictive accuracy of cerebroplacental ratio for adverse perinatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes in suspected fetal growth restriction: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018; 7. Oros D, Figueras F, Cruz-Martinez R, Padilla N, Meler E, Hernandez-Andrade E, et al. Middle versus anterior cerebral artery Doppler for the prediction of perinatal outcome and neonatal neurobehavior in term small-for-gestational-age fetuses with normal umbilical artery Doppler. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2010 Apr [cited 2019 Aug 22];35(4):456–61. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/201781158. DeVore GR. The importance of the cerebroplacental ratio in the evaluation of fetal well-being in SGA and AGA fetuses. Vol. 213, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mosby Inc.; 2015. p. 5–15. 9. Arduini D, Rizzo G. Normal values of Pulsatility Index from fetal vessels: a cross-sectional study on 1556 healthy fetuses. J Perinat Med [Internet]. 1990 [cited 2019 Aug 3];18(3):165–72. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/220086210. Morales-Roselló J, Diaz García-Donato J. Study of fetal femoral and umbilical artery blood flow by Doppler ultrasound throughout pregnancy.11. Figueras F, Gardosi J. Intrauterine growth restriction: New concepts in antenatal surveillance, diagnosis, and management. Vol. 204, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mosby Inc.; 2011. p. 288–300.12. Royston P, Wright EM. How to construct “normal ranges” for fetal variables. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 1998;11(1):30–8.13. Ruiz-Martinez S, Volpe G, Vannuccini S, Cavallaro A, Impey L, Ioannou C. An objective scoring method to evaluate image quality of middle cerebral artery Doppler. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun 27 [cited 2019 Sep 12];1–181. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2995015614. Salomon LJ, Bernard JP, Duyme M, Buvat I, Ville Y. The impact of choice of reference charts and equations on the assessment of fetal biometry. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2005 Jun;25(6):559–65.<br /