936 research outputs found

    Disentangling the effect of ICT adoption on SMEs performance: The mediating roles of Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Submitted, Accepted, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in OeconomiA copernicana. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.2022.024Research background: The literature on the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on performance is extensive and shows a significant positive effect. Likewise, the use of ICT to facilitate and report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices implement-ed by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) contributes to improve business performance. Moreover, through innovative activities, firms also obtain competitive advantages that impact positively on their performance, even more so when they are impacted by CSR. For this reason, it is expected that the adoption of ICTs in companies through a CSR-oriented strategy will increase their impact on business performance. Purpose of the article: This article tries to examine how ICT affects SMEs’ performance through CSR and innovation. Methods: We tested our hypotheses using a sample of 2,825 Spanish SMEs and by applying a Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) with a double confirmatory and predictive purpose: to identify the causal relationships between latent variables, and to evaluate the ability of the model to make predictions for individual cases. Findings & value added: The results show that CSR-oriented ICT impacts innovation by changing strategies and business model in companies. Moreover, the implementation of CSR practices gave them competitive advantages to increase their performance. We highlight how innovation gives companies greater capacity to respond to changes in their environment and how innovation positively impacts the link between CSR and performance. Finally, our research makes two significant contributions to the literature by incorporating two sequential mediating effects into the model. On the one hand, the indirect effect of ICT on innovation through CSR. On the other hand, the indirect effect of CSR on SME performance through innovation

    CarD stabilizes mycobacterial open complexes via a two-tiered kinetic mechanism

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    CarD is an essential and global transcriptional regulator in mycobacteria. While its biological role is unclear, CarD functions by interacting directly with RNA polymerase (RNAP) holoenzyme promoter complexes. Here, using a fluorescent reporter of open complex, we quantitate RP(o) formation in real time and show that Mycobacterium tuberculosis CarD has a dramatic effect on the energetics of RNAP bound complexes on the M. tuberculosis rrnAP3 ribosomal RNA promoter. The data reveal that Mycobacterium bovis RNAP exhibits an unstable RP(o) that is stabilized by CarD and suggest that CarD uses a two-tiered, concentration-dependent mechanism by associating with open and closed complexes with different affinities. Specifically, the kinetics of open-complex formation can be explained by a model where, at saturating concentrations of CarD, the rate of bubble collapse is slowed and the rate of opening is accelerated. The kinetics and open-complex stabilities of CarD mutants further clarify the roles played by the key residues W85, K90 and R25 previously shown to affect CarD-dependent gene regulation in vivo. In contrast to M. bovis RNAP, Escherichia coli RNAP efficiently forms RP(o) on rrnAP3, suggesting an important difference between the polymerases themselves and highlighting how transcriptional machinery can vary across bacterial genera

    Disentangling the impact of ICT adoption on SMEs performance: the mediating roles of corporate social responsibility and innovation.

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    Research background: The literature on the effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on performance is extensive and shows a significant positive effect. Likewise, the use of ICT to facilitate and report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices implemented by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) contributes to improve business performance. Moreover, through innovative activities, firms also obtain competitive advantages that impact positively on their performance, even more so when they are impacted by CSR. For this reason, it is expected that the adoption of ICTs in companies through a CSR-oriented strategy will increase their impact on business performance. Purpose of the article: This article tries to examine how ICT affects SMEs? performance through CSR and innovation. Methods: We tested our hypotheses using a sample of 2,825 Spanish SMEs and by applying a Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) with a double confirmatory and predictive purpose: to identify the causal relationships between latent variables, and to evaluate the ability of the model to make predictions for individual cases. Findings & value added: The results show that CSR-oriented ICT impacts innovation by changing strategies and business model in companies. Moreover, the implementation of CSR practices gave them competitive advantages to increase their performance. We highlight how innovation gives companies greater capacity to respond to changes in their environment and how innovation positively impacts the link between CSR and performance. Finally, our research makes two significant contributions to the literature by incorporating two sequential mediating effects into the model. On the one hand, the indirect effect of ICT on innovation through CSR. On the other hand, the indirect effect of CSR on SME performance through innovation

    High-throughput, fluorescent-aptamer-based measurements of steady-state transcription rates for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA polymerase

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    The first step in gene expression is the transcription of DNA sequences into RNA. Regulation at the level of transcription leads to changes in steady-state concentrations of RNA transcripts, affecting the flux of downstream functions and ultimately cellular phenotypes. Changes in transcript levels are routinely followed in cellular contexts via genome-wide sequencing techniques. However, in vitro mechanistic studies of transcription have lagged with respect to throughput. Here, we describe the use of a real-time, fluorescent-aptamer-based method to quantitate steady-state transcription rates of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA polymerase. We present clear controls to show that the assay specifically reports on promoter-dependent, full-length RNA transcription rates that are in good agreement with the kinetics determined by gel-resolved, α-32P NTP incorporation experiments. We illustrate how the time-dependent changes in fluorescence can be used to measure regulatory effects of nucleotide concentrations and identity, RNAP and DNA concentrations, transcription factors, and antibiotics. Our data showcase the ability to easily perform hundreds of parallel steady-state measurements across varying conditions with high precision and reproducibility to facilitate the study of the molecular mechanisms of bacterial transcription

    Molecular dissection of RbpA-mediated regulation of fidaxomicin sensitivity in mycobacteria

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    RNA polymerase (RNAP) binding protein A (RbpA) is essential for mycobacterial viability and regulates transcription initiation by increasing the stability of the RNAP-promoter open complex (R

    Dificultades parentales relacionadas con el efecto de estigma en el ámbito de los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo y estrategias de intervención en familias

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    Introduction: When a child is diagnosed with ASD, his family undergoes a process of adaptation to the new situation that is faced. There are many cases of stigmatization inGeneralized Developmental Disorders (PDD) and the difficulties faced by families. For this reason, their difficulties must be addressed through useful intervention strategies.Objectives: The objective of this study is to study, through a systematic review of the scientific literature, parental difficulties and the effect of stigma in the field of disorders of development, as well as intervention strategies in autism.Methodology: A systematic review of scientific articles has been carried out consulting the databases. The materials have been restricted by publication date (2000/2017) and have been searched with the following descriptors in Spanish and English: stigma and autism, autism and families, therapies in families and autism / Stigma and autism, autism and families, family therapies and autism.Results: The results show that there are certain parental behaviors considered to be at risk for the development and promotion of the psychological difficulties of the children, as well such as difficulties in the family and school environment related to stigmatization of children diagnosed with PDD. Over the years there have been many intervention strategies used to reduce them, being those based on third generation therapies that have reported better results.Conclusion: There is a need to promote techniques of Acceptance Therapy and Commitment in schools of families, as well as further investigation.Introducción: Cuando un niño o niña recibe el diagnóstico de TEA su familia sufre un proceso de adaptación a la nueva situación que se afronta. Son muchos los casos de estigmatización en los Trastornos Generalizados del Desarrollo (TGD) y las dificultades que se les plantean a las familias. Por ello se debe dar respuesta a sus dificultades mediante estrategias de intervención útiles.Objetivos: El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar, mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica, las dificultades parentales y el efecto de estigma en el ámbito de los trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, así como las estrategias de intervención en familias de niños con autismo.Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando las bases de datos. Los materiales han sido restringidos por fecha de publicación (2000/2017) y se han buscado con los siguientes descriptores en español e inglés: estigma y autismo, autismo y familias, terapias en familias y autismo/ Stigma and autism, autism and families, family therapies and autism. Resultados: Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que hay determinadas conductas parentales consideradas de riesgo para el desarrollo y fomento de las dificultades psicológicas de los hijos, así como las dificultades existentes en el ámbito familiar y escolar relacionado con la estigmatización de los niños diagnosticados de TGD. A lo largo de los años han sido muchas las estrategias de intervención empleadas para paliarlas, siendo las basadas en terapias de tercera generación las que han reportado mejores resultados.Conclusión: Surge la necesidad de fomentar técnicas propias de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso en escuelas de familias, así como seguir investigando al respecto

    Propuesta de intervención en familiares de niños con TEA desde ACT para mejorar la convivencia familiar y escolar

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    Introduction: The diagnosis of autism of a child reaches the heart of the family with difficulty and emotions. A stage begins in which a great variety of resources are put in place to make that the development of the person diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is as close as possible to a neurotypical evolution. Objectives: The first objective of this work is to make a bibliographical search of articles that deal with the Programs to deal with the difficulties that parents or families encounter when it comes to educating or coexisting and teaching to live at home and in schools for their children. family, as well as intervention strategies to deal with the obstacles in the families of children diagnosed with ASD. As a second objective, we intend to carry out a proposal of intervention with families of children diagnosed with ASD from the framework of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy based on the results found. Methodology: A systematic review of scientific articles has been carried out consulting the Web of Science, Scopus and INDAGA databases. The materials have been restricted by date of publication (2000/2017) and have been searched in Spanish and English. Abstracts / abstracts have been reviewed and the selected articles have been thoroughly read as well as all articles with relevant empirical and theoretical results for this review. Results: As a result of the systematic search, an intervention has been proposed in families of children diagnosed with ASD under the framework of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Conclusions: It has been proven that there are many lines from which interventions are proposed for families of children diagnosed with ASD, but those based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are the ones that show the greatest benefits in improving the coexistence in the home and the subsequent integration and coexistence of the child in the classroom. Therefore, the proposed intervention proposed is based on this third generation therapy.Introducción: El diagnóstico de autismo de un hijo llega al seno de la familia con dificultad y emociones encontradas. Se inicia una etapa en la que se ponen en marcha gran variedad de recursos para hacer que el desarrollo de la persona diagnosticada con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) se asemeje lo más posible a una evolución neurotípica.Objetivos: El primer objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una búsqueda bibliográfica de artículos que versen sobre los Programas para tratar las dificultades que encuentran los padres o familias a la hora de educar o convivir y enseñar a convivir en casa y en escuelas a sus hijos o familiares, así como estrategias de intervención para tratar los obstáculos existentes en familiares de niños con diagnóstico de TEA. Como segundo objetivo se pretende realizar una propuesta de intervención con familias de niños diagnosticados con TEA desde el marco de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso basada en los resultados encontrados.Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus e INDAGA. Los materiales han sido restringidos por fecha de publicación (2000/2017) y se han buscado en idioma español e inglés. Se han revisado resúmenes/abstracts y se han leído en profundidad los artículos seleccionados así como todos los artículos con resultados empíricos y teóricos de relevancia para esta revisión.Resultados: Como resultado de la búsqueda sistemática se ha propuesto una intervención en familias de niños con diagnóstico de TEA desde el marco de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso.Conclusiones: Se ha comprobado que son muchas las líneas desde las que se proponen intervenciones para familias de niños diagnosticados con TEA, pero son las basadas en Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) las que mayores beneficios reportan en la mejora de la convivencia en casa y la posterior integración y convivencia del niño en el aula. Por ello la propuesta de intervención que se propone está basada en esta terapia de tercera generación

    Effects of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNA polymerase on Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth, rRNA transcription, and virulence

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    CarD is an essential RNA polymerase (RNAP) interacting protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis that stimulates formation of RNAP-promoter open complexes. CarD plays a complex role in M. tuberculosis growth and virulence that is not fully understood. Therefore, to gain further insight into the role of CarD in M. tuberculosis growth and virulence, we determined the effect of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP. Using site-directed mutagenesis guided by crystal structures of CarD bound to RNAP, we identified amino acid substitutions that increase the affinity of CarD for RNAP. Using these substitutions, we show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP increases the stability of the CarD protein in M. tuberculosis. In addition, we show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP increases the growth rate in M. tuberculosis without affecting 16S rRNA levels. We further show that increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP reduces M. tuberculosis virulence in a mouse model of infection despite the improved growth rate in vitro. Our findings suggest that the CarD-RNAP interaction protects CarD from proteolytic degradation in M. tuberculosis, establish that growth rate and rRNA levels can be uncoupled in M. tuberculosis and demonstrate that the strength of the CarD-RNAP interaction has been finely tuned to optimize virulence. IMPORTANCE Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, remains a major global health problem. In order to develop new strategies to battle this pathogen, we must gain a better understanding of the molecular processes involved in its survival and pathogenesis. We have previously identified CarD as an essential transcriptional regulator in mycobacteria. In this study, we detail the effects of increasing the affinity of CarD for RNAP on transcriptional regulation, CarD protein stability, and virulence. These studies expand our understanding of the global transcription regulator CarD, provide insight into how CarD activity is regulated, and broaden our understanding of prokaryotic transcription

    Análisis de diferencias en el uso, conocimiento y actitudes hacia las nuevas tecnologías entre personas con y sin enfermedad mental grave

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    This article compares people with severe mental disorders and people without mental disorders regard to use, knowledge, interest and attitudes towards new information technologies (ICT). In the study participated seven persons with severe mental illness, and seven persons without mental illness. The results show that there are significant intergroup differences in relation to the use, knowledge, interest and attitudes toward new information technologies.En este artículo se comparan personas con y sin enfermedad mental grave respecto al uso, conocimiento, interés y actitudes hacia las nuevas tecnologías de la información (TIC). En el estudio han participado siete personas con enfermedad mental grave y siete sin enfermedad mental. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas intergrupos en relación al uso, conocimiento, interés y actitudes hacia las nuevas tecnologías de la información

    Domains within RbpA serve specific functional roles that regulate the expression of distinct mycobacterial gene subsets

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    The RNA polymerase (RNAP) binding protein A (RbpA) contributes to the formation of stable RNAP-promoter open complexes (R