84 research outputs found

    Females' customer engagement with eco-friendly restaurants in Instagram: the role of past visits.

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the effect on the customer brand engagement (CBE) of followers of an eco-friendly restaurant of their perceptions of the originality of the firm-generated content posted online by the restaurant and the effect of CBE on brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant, paying special attention to the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant. Design/methodology/approach - The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with a sample of 491 female Instagram users who follow the online account of a particular eco-friendly dining establishment. Two group comparisons were conducted to test the moderating effects in relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant and brand advocacy). Findings - Followers' perceptions of the originality of the material posted by the eco-friendly restaurant had a positive influence on CBE which, in turn, affected brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant. Past visits moderated the relationship between CBE and consumer-brand interactions. Practical implications - This study offers restaurants an understanding of how to develop marketing strategies targeted at females on visual-based social networks; it is shown that original posts encourage favourable responses, such as CBE, brand advocacy and behavioural intentions. Managers should organise events and invite their female followers to visit the restaurant. Originality/value - This study adds to the knowledge about customer engagement by explaining how firm-generated content posted on Instagram drives CBE and provides specific suggestions as to how restauranteurs might engage online with their clients. This study goes beyond direct effects and analyses the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant on the relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (visiting intentions and brand advocacy)

    Analysis of key factors influencing SMS usage to participate in television programmes.

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    SMS sent in response to programmes, advertising and television competitions are currently an important source of income for mobile phone operators, television chains and producers. This present work aims to analyse the role of the attitude and individual-media variables which encourage televiewers to use this messaging service to participate in television programmes. The study was carried out on a sample of 205 SMS users. The results show that individual compatibility with the service, the perceived entertainment value of participating in this type of programme and attitude towards use are determinants of SMS use.Mobile; television; compatibility; enjoyment; attitude

    Mobile Advertising Applications: Spanish Teenagers’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Motives of Use

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    La publicidad móvil ha ido captando la atención de los anunciantes en los últimos años convirtiéndose en un sector emergente de la actividad publicitaria actual. Fruto de este interés, y del propio dinamismo del sector, los anunciantes han ido experimentando con numerosas estrategias y herramientas, desde los SMS y MMS hasta el bluetooth o los códigos QR, con el objetivo de ser más eficaces a la hora de desarrollar sus comunicaciones de marketing. Las aplicaciones publicitarias para móviles son la penúltima de las herramientas que el medio pone a disposición de los anunciantes. El exponencial crecimiento en el uso de aplicaciones para móviles por parte de los usuarios parece augurar un buen rendimiento de esta herramienta en su uso publicitario. Sin embargo, expectativas previas no cumplidas en el caso de otras herramientas así como la propia evolución del comportamiento de los consumidores con el medio, sugiere abordar con cautela las expectativas generadas en torno a las aplicaciones publicitarias para móviles. Por tanto, el presente trabajo exploratorio tiene como objetivo principal responder a una serie de cuestiones de investigación que permitan detectar actitudes y percepciones de los consumidores españoles hacia las aplicaciones para móviles en general y hacia las aplicaciones publicitarias para móviles en particular con el fin de evaluar el interés de la herramienta como soporte de las comunicaciones de marketing.Mobile advertising has gained momentum among advertisers during the last years becoming an emergent sector in nowadays advertising practise. As a consequence of this advertisers´ interest – and also the dynamism of the market – advertisers have been experimenting with quiet of strategies and tools – from SMS and MMS to Bluetooth or QR Codes – as a means of achieving a better effectiveness while developing their marketing communications. Mobile advertising applications are one of the last of such tools that advertisers can use within mobile phones. The increasing growth of consumer’s use of mobile applications seems to assure quite a good performance of this advertising tool. Despite this, previous expectations not achieved when using other mobile advertising tools – as well as the evolving role of consumer behaviour within the medium – suggest to be cautious on mobile advertising applications´ effectiveness. This exploratory paper has as a main objective to answer some research questions that allow us to detect Spanish consumers´ attitudes and perceptions of mobile applications in general – as well as mobile advertising applications – to evaluate the interest of such a tool as a means of marketing communications

    Antecedentes y consecuencias del valor utilitarista percibido en las web 2.0 de alojamientos turĂ­sticos

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    Para las empresas del sector turĂ­stico que operan en los nuevos entornos virtuales 2.0, conocer los factores que contribuyen al incremento del valor percibido de sus sitios web es un elemento clave para incrementar su competitividad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los antecedentes del valor percibido de los sitios web 2.0 que ofertan alojamiento turĂ­stico y sus consecuencias en las intenciones de comportamiento del consumidor. Asimismo, se ofrece un conjunto de implicaciones relevantes para los gestores de empresas turĂ­sticas

    Influencia de las motivaciones HedĂłnicas en el valor percibido de las web 2.0 de alojamientos turĂ­sticos

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    Para las empresas del sector turismo que operan en los nuevos entornos virtuales 2.0, conocer los factores que contribuyen al incremento del valor percibido de sus sitios web es un elemento clave para incrementar su competitividad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la influencia de las motivaciones hedĂłnicas de aventura, autoridad, bĂşsqueda de ofertas y detecciĂłn de tendencias en el valor hedĂłnico de los sitios Web 2.0 que ofertan alojamiento turĂ­stico. El contraste de hipĂłtesis se ha realizado a partir de una muestra de 372 individuos con experiencia como compradores de productos turĂ­sticos, utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados del estudio empĂ­rico muestran una influencia directa y significativa de las motivaciones de aventura, autoridad y detecciĂłn de tendencias en el valor hedĂłnico de las web 2.0 de alojamientos turĂ­sticos y ofrecen un conjunto de implicaciones relevantes para los gestores de las empresas turĂ­sticas

    Interacción individuo – tecnología 2.0 como antecedente a los usos y gratificaciones de Facebook, respecto a viajes y destinos turísticos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la interacciĂłn del individuo con la tecnologĂ­a como antecedente de los usos y gratificaciones de Facebook. El modelo de esta investigaciĂłn presenta dos variables de influencia social (identidad social, presencia social) que vinculan la interacciĂłn individuo-tecnologĂ­a 2.0 con las dimensiones de los usos y gratificaciones. La recogida de informaciĂłn se hizo mediante un cuestionario online, con una muestra de 190 participantes ecuatorianos residentes en Europa. Los resultados de este estudio indican que el impacto de la identidad social y la presencia social es mayor en la gratificaciĂłn de bĂşsqueda de formaciĂłn de relaciones en grupos de Facebook.The aim of this paper is to analyze the interaction of the users with technology as antecedent of the uses and gratifications of Facebook. The model of this research presents two variables of social influence (social identity, social presence) linking individual-technology interaction 2.0 with the dimensions of the uses and gratifications. The collection of information was carried out through using a sample of 190 participants Ecuatorians living in Europe. Results show that the impact of social identity and social presence is higher in the gratification of relationships on Facebook

    The influence of negative emotions on brand trust and intention to share cause-related posts: A neuroscientific study

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    Negative user-generated content provides cues that warn other consumers to avoid using a particular product or service. This study explores whether brand feedback can counteract consumer backlash to a given company’s cause-related marketing, with a particular focus on how visual attention can moderate negative emotions. Hypotheses based on the Appraisal-Tendency Framework and commitment-trust theory were tested using neurophysiological tools (eye tracking and facial coding) and self-reported measures. The findings suggest that emotions with similar valence and arousal levels cause differing trust perceptions and consumer behavioral responses (sharing intentions), based on the presence or absence of brand feedback. Brand feedback diminishes customers’ visual attention to negative comments in cause-related marketing posts. Consumers’ visual attention to negative comments on a given brand’s cause-related posts, reduces brand trust and its influence on sharing intentions. The findings contribute to the literature by describing mechanisms through which brand feedback influences brand outcomes

    Impact of cause-related marketing on consumer advocacy and cause participation: a causal model based on self-reports and eye-tracking measures

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    Cause-related marketing improves corporate image and consumer attitudes toward brands. An important research gap is how the visual attention paid to cause-related cues in social media affect consumer attitudes and behaviors. In the present study, we analyze the moderating role of the visual attention paid to Instagram-based, cause-related posts on the impact of consumer perceptions (i.e., corporate image), beliefs (trust), and attitudes (i.e., corporate social responsibility [CSR] support) on behavioral intentions (i.e., cause participation, consumer advocacy, and intention to share posts) for fast-food restaurants. Data for the study were collected in a between-subjects experiment with 123 participants. Visual attention was measured using eye-tracking technology, and consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions through an online survey. The results show that the greater the attention paid to images (amount and duration of fixations) and the more revisits made lead to more positive attitudes and behaviors toward the cause and the company. On the other hand, the more time spent looking at the company's responses to negative user-generated content weakens the relationship between trust and consumer advocacy toward the company. These results can help practitioners design appropriate cause-related marketing strategies in social media

    The effects of mobile advertising alerts and perceived value on continuance intention for branded mobile apps

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    This paper examines consumers’ behaviours towards mobile advertising alerts offered by branded mobile apps in the fashion industry. While consumer-driven factors have attracted much attention, little research has examined the impact of data-driven mobile advertising alerts on consumer continuance intention for branded mobile apps. This paper analyses the combined influence of consumer beliefs, data-driven mobile advertising alerts, and perceived value on mobile advertising acceptance, intention to repurchase, and recommendation behaviour towards branded mobile apps on social media. In total, 340 valid responses from Spanish customers of an online fashion outlet, all social media users, who make their purchases from the company exclusively through its branded mobile application, were analysed to test the hypotheses, using structural equation modelling. The results showed that mobile advertising acceptance, intention to repurchase, and recommendation behaviour are driven by the perceived value of the branded mobile app. Perceived value is determined by the usefulness of the branded mobile app, attitudes towards mobile advertising alerts, and irritation. Mobile advertising content (informativeness and credibility) improves attitudes towards mobile advertising alerts. Ease of use increases perceived usefulness, while perceived control decreases irritation. Managerial implications are provided

    Does social climate influence positive eWom? A study of heavy-users on online communities

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    This paper provides a deeper understanding of the role of social influences on positive eWOM behaviour (PeWOM) of heavy-users of online communities. Drawing on Social Interaction Utility Framework, Group Marketing and Social Learning Theories, we develop and test a research model integrating the interactions between the social climate of a website and Interpersonal Influences in PeWOM. 262 Spanish heavy-users of online communities were selected and the data analysed using partial least squares equation modelling. Overall, the model explains 59% of the variance of PeWOM on online communities. Findings reveal that interaction with other members of the online community (Social Presence) is the main predictor of PeWOM. Social Identity is a mediator between Social Presence and PeWOM. Interpersonal Influence has an important role as a moderator variable; the greater the impact of Interpersonal Influence, the stronger the relationship between Social Presence and PeWOM
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