4,114 research outputs found

    Connection coefficients for Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials

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    19 pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 33C45, 42C05.MR#: MR1991819 (2004h:33020)Zbl#: Zbl 1033.42027^aLaguerre–Sobolev polynomials are orthogonal with respect to an inner product of the form p,q=0p(x)q(x)xαexdx+λ0p(x)q(x)dμ(x),\langle p,q\rangle=\int_0^{\infty}p(x)q(x)x^{\alpha}e^{-x}\,dx +\lambda\int_0^{\infty}p'(x)q'(x)\,d\mu(x), with α>1, λ>0\alpha>-1,\ \lambda>0, and p,q in P, the linear space of polynomials with real coefficients.For each of these two families of Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials [see attached full-text paper], here we give the explicit expression of the connection coefficients in their expansion as a series of standard Laguerre polynomials. The inverse connection problem of expanding Laguerre polynomials in series of Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials, and the connection problem relating two families of Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials with different parameters, are also considered.This work has been supported by Dirección General de Investigación (MCyT) of Spain under Grant BFM2000-0206-C04-01 and INTAS Project 2000-272. J. Sánchez-Ruiz was also partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía, under the research Grant FQM0207.Publicad

    DNA barcoding of Iberian Peninsula and North Africa Tawny Owls Strix aluco suggests the Strait of Gibraltar as an important barrier for phylogeography

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    Eight subspecies have been proposed within the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) species. However, recent molecular data have challenged this view, encouraging further work in this species complex. Here we reevaluated the taxonomic status between the North-Western African Tawny Owl, S. a. mauritanica, and its closest Iberian Tawny Owl population (from the S. a. sylvatica to S. a. aluco clade) separated by the Strait of Gibraltar. The Tawny Owl is a non-migratory and territorial species, and juvenile dispersal is restricted to a few kilometers around the natal site. This limited dispersal and the barrier imposed by the Strait of Gibraltar predicted a strong differentiation between the two populations. We tested this using DNA barcoding, Bayesian phylogenetic and species delimitation analysis. We found that an 81.1% of variation is due to the intergroups variation. In addition, the inter-intraspecific distances distribution revealed a barcoding gap among the two subspecies. Also, posterior probabilities and the PAB value allowed to reject the hypothesis that observed degree of distinctiveness is due to random coalescence processes. These findings clearly support the Strait of Gibraltar as an isolating barrier for this species. The subspecific status is confirmed and species status is even suggested for S. a. mauritanica.Peer reviewe

    Juicios metacognitivos en la educación médica

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    Metacognition contributes to medical education from different aspects: improve academic performance, contributes to decision making, facilitates the development of clinical skills, helps combat overconfidence and reduces diagnostic errors. This is why it becomes a necessary skill to develop in the training of the student medicine for which strategies such as metacognitive scaffolds are included, deliberate consideration of alternatives, and the reproduction of optimal actions. To understand these contributions for learning medicine, a bibliographic review article was developed, through a process that included searching databases through descriptors in Spanish and English, the selection of articles that will include the relationship of metacognition and the learning of medicine, to arrive at the construction of a text that would account for an understanding of the subject. The above allowed, not just delve into metacognition as a higher order skill in learning, but also guide a discussion that highlights a line of work called metacognitive judgments, which is characterized by focusing on the precision between performance claims on a task and actual performance.En la educación médica, la metacognición incide en diferentes aspectos: mejora el rendimiento académico, contribuye a la toma de decisiones, facilita el desarrollo de habilidades clínicas, permite combatir el exceso de confianza y disminuye errores diagnósticos. Por ello, se constituye en una habilidad necesaria en la formación del médico. En este sentido, el uso de estrategias que promuevan el desarrollo de juicios metacognitivos, es clave en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para profundizar en los aportes de los juicios metacognitivos en el campo de la educación médica, se construye el siguiente artículo producto de una revisión bibliográfica. En él se logra pasar de una dimensión macro de la metacognición (conocimiento o regulación), a una dimensión micro referida a los juicios metacognitivos, evidenciado cómo estos aportan al razonamiento clínico, a la toma de decisiones, a la disminución del error médico y a la seguridad del paciente. El artículo muestra una línea de trabajo denominada juicios metacognitivos, caracterizada por centrarse en la precisión entre las afirmaciones de desempeño en una tarea y el rendimiento real

    Juicios metacognitivos en la educación médica

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    Metacognition contributes to medical education from different aspects: improve academic performance, contributes to decision making, facilitates the development of clinical skills, helps combat overconfidence and reduces diagnostic errors. This is why it becomes a necessary skill to develop in the training of the student medicine for which strategies such as metacognitive scaffolds are included, deliberate consideration of alternatives, and the reproduction of optimal actions. To understand these contributions for learning medicine, a bibliographic review article was developed, through a process that included searching databases through descriptors in Spanish and English, the selection of articles that will include the relationship of metacognition and the learning of medicine, to arrive at the construction of a text that would account for an understanding of the subject. The above allowed, not just delve into metacognition as a higher order skill in learning, but also guide a discussion that highlights a line of work called metacognitive judgments, which is characterized by focusing on the precision between performance claims on a task and actual performance.En la educación médica, la metacognición incide en diferentes aspectos: mejora el rendimiento académico, contribuye a la toma de decisiones, facilita el desarrollo de habilidades clínicas, permite combatir el exceso de confianza y disminuye errores diagnósticos. Por ello, se constituye en una habilidad necesaria en la formación del médico. En este sentido, el uso de estrategias que promuevan el desarrollo de juicios metacognitivos, es clave en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para profundizar en los aportes de los juicios metacognitivos en el campo de la educación médica, se construye el siguiente artículo producto de una revisión bibliográfica. En él se logra pasar de una dimensión macro de la metacognición (conocimiento o regulación), a una dimensión micro referida a los juicios metacognitivos, evidenciado cómo estos aportan al razonamiento clínico, a la toma de decisiones, a la disminución del error médico y a la seguridad del paciente. El artículo muestra una línea de trabajo denominada juicios metacognitivos, caracterizada por centrarse en la precisión entre las afirmaciones de desempeño en una tarea y el rendimiento real

    Genetic and genomic insights into age at natural menopause

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    The age at natural menopause shows great variability. It has been proposed that early age at menopause is a risk factor for osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, whereas later age at menopause is a risk factor for breast cancer. In addition, it is thought that the genetic factors accounting for the genetic variability in age at menopause could also play a role in those diseases, as well as infertility in women. In this minireview we comment on the latest genetics and genomics insights into age at natural menopause


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    El objetivo fue conocer la relación entre el consumo de alcohol, diferentes variables socio-demográficas, el consumo de tabaco y la práctica de ejercicio físico en adultos de tres provincias del sur de España. Una muestra representativa de 3.373 personas de Almería, Granada y Murcia, con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y 96 años, las cuales cumplimentaron el cuestionario “Hábitos físico-deportivos y estilos de vida”, participaron en el presente estudio. Se encontró que el consumo de alcohol estaba muy influido por los distintos miembros de la familia y la pareja. La práctica físico-deportiva en adultos no fue un factor de protección para el consumo de alcohol, ya que fueron las personas que nunca habían realizado ejercicio físico y quienes habían abandonado la práctica físico-deportiva las que menos probabilidad tenían de consumir alcohol de manera habitual o esporádica. No obstante, fueron las personas sedentarias y las que habían abandonado la práctica regular de ejercicio físico las que tenían una mayor probabilidad (hasta el doble de riesgo) de tener un consumo de riesgo y alto riesgo en cuanto a la cantidad de alcohol ingerido. Además, los datos indicaron que el consumo de tabaco sí que era un factor significativamente predisponente para el consumo de alcohol.The aim was to determine the relationship among alcohol use, different socio-demographic variables, tobacco use and physical exercise practice in adults from three provinces of southern of Spain. A representative sample of 3373 participants from Almeria, Granada and Murcia, with ages between 16 and 96 year-old, participated in the present study. They completed the questionnaire “Sport-physical habits and lifestyles”. It was found alcohol use was significantly influenced by various family members’ and the couple’s alcohol habits. The physical and sport practice in adults was not a protective factor for alcohol use, because there were who had never practiced physical exercise and who had abandoned the regular practice of physical exercise which had less probability of drink alcohol regularly or sporadically. However, who had never practiced physical exercise and who had abandoned the regular practice of physical exercise were which showed a high probability (up to twice the risk) to have a risk or a high-risk consumption in terms of the quantity of alcohol drinking. In addition, the data indicated the consumption of tobacco was a significant predisposing factor for the consumption of alcohol.Actividad Física y Deport

    Alcohol consumption among adults in Monterrey: relation to exercise regularly and family

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    Objetivo: determinar la relación entre práctica físico-deportiva y consumo de alcohol en adultos mexicanos en función de una serie de variables sociodemográficas y la influencia de la familia. Material y métodos: 1.008 mexicanos fueron entrevistados mediante cuestionario por rutas aleatorias. Se utilizó una regresión logística multinomial para calcular odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confianza (IC = 95%). Resultados: el consumo de alcohol de alto riesgo alcanza al 12,7% de la población, siendo muy superior el consumo en los hombres respecto a las mujeres. Por edades el consumo es superior entre los 18 y 45 años. A mayor nivel de estudios mayor probabilidad de consumir alcohol frecuentemente y menor de consumirlo en grandes cantidades. No hay una relación clara entre la práctica de ejercicio físico y el consumo de alcohol. Se ha encontrado que los que practican modalidades deportivas colectivas y/o recreacionales presentan un mayor consumo de alcohol. El contexto familiar constituye un factor de riesgo, siendo hermanos y padres los más influyentes. El consumo de tabaco está ligado de forma significativa al consumo de alcohol. Conclusiones: se encuentran diferencias en el consumo de alcohol en cantidad y/o en frecuencia en función del sexo, la edad, el nivel de estudios, el contexto familiar y la práctica de ejercicio físico. Los resultados de este estudio son de gran utilidad, ya que ponen de manifiesto el efecto que la práctica físico-deportiva y el entorno socioafectivo poseen en la adquisición y regulación de conductas saludables o nocivas.Objective: To determine relationship between physical-sport practice and alcohol consumption, based on sociodemographic variables and family influences. Material and methods: 1,008 Mexican adults were interviewed by a random routes questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI = 95%). Results: High risk alcohol use is 12.7%, with a higher percentage in men that in women. Eighteen to forty-five years old is the age range with high probability of alcohol use. High levels of education were relationship with high frequency of alcohol consumption and low amount of consumption. There is not a clear relationship between physical exercise practice and alcohol use. Participants who do collective sports and/or recreational modalities had a high alcohol use. The family context is a risk factor of alcohol consumption. Brothers and father are were the most influential people. About tobacco use, it was found that people who smoke have a high probability of drink alcohol. Conclusions: Sex, age, education level, family context and physical exercise practice determine differences in the quantity and/or frequency of alcohol consumption. The results of this study are useful because it was found that physical-sport practice and socio-affective environment have a relation with acquisition and regulation of health behaviors or harmful.Actividad Física y Deport

    Tobacco consumption in southeastern adult Spanish its relationship with physics-co-sports and family activity

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    Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre práctica físico-deportiva y consumo de tabaco en una muestra representativas de adultos del sureste español en función de una serie de variables sociodemográficas y la influencia de la familia. Material y Métodos. 3263 adultos fueron entrevistados mediante cuestionario por rutas aleatorias. Se utilizó una regresión logística multinomial para calcular odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confianza (IC=95%). Resultados. El consumo de tabaco es mayor en cuanto a porcentaje y/o cantidad en los hombres; en la etapa adulta (entre 31 y 60 años); en personas con hijos a su cargo; con estudios secundarios o universitarios; que han abandonado la práctica físico-deportiva o que realizan deporte en equipo o no competitivo; cuyos familiares fuman; y entre los consumidores de alcohol. El consumo es menor entre aquellos que nunca han realizado ejercicio físico, que lo realizan a intensidad vigorosa y entre los mayores de 60 años. Conclusiones. El tabaquismo y la práctica de actividad física-deportiva son conductas que parecen estar inversamente relacionadas. También se ha detectado una relación directamente proporcional entre la frecuencia y la cantidad de consumo de tabaco y alcohol así como una gran influencia de la familia en el hábito de fumar. Los resultados de este estudio son de gran utilidad a la hora de comprobar el efecto que la práctica físico-deportiva y el entorno socio-afectivo tienen en la adquisición y regulación de conductas saludables o nocivas. Objective. To determine the relationship between sport practice and tobacco consumption in a representative Southeast Spanish adult sample depending on a number of sociodemographic and family influence. Material and Methods. 3263 adults were questionnaire random routes interviewed. Multinomial logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI=95%). Results. Tobacco consumption is higher in percentage and/or amount in men; in adulthood (between 31 and 60 years); in people with dependent children; with secondary and university studies; who have left physical sports practice or who do team sports or not competitive practice; whose family members smoke; and who drink alcohol. The consumption is lower in people who have never done physical exercise; who do a vigorous intensity physical exercise; and who is over 60 years. Conclusions. Smoking and physical sport practice are inverse related behaviors. It was found a directly and proportional relationship between frequency and amount of tobacco and alcohol consumption; family influence a lot in smoke habit. Results of the present research are very useful to check the effect of physical sport and socio-emotional environment on the acquisition and regulation of healthy or unhealthy behaviors.Actividad Física y Deport