377 research outputs found

    Role of the different eyes in the visual odometry in the Wolf spider Lycosa tarantula (Araneae, Lycosidae)

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    The wolf spider Lycosa tarantula returns home by means of path integration. Previous studies demonstrated: (i) that the angular component of the outbound run is measured using a polarized-light compass associated with the anterior median eyes; (ii) changes in direction of the substratum are detected by the anterior lateral eyes (ALEs); and (iii) in relation to the linear component of the outbound run, an increase of optic flow, in either the lateral or ventral fields of view, caused spiders to search for the burrow at a point nearer to the goal. However, the role of the secondary eyes [ALEs, posterior lateral eyes (PLEs) and posterior median eyes (PMEs)] in the perception of this optic flow and the importance of them for gauging the distance walked is still unknown. In this study, lateral or ventral gratings of wavelength λ=1 cm were used, with two groups of spiders in each setup: (1) PLEs+PMEs covered and (2) ALEs covered. The largest reduction in the distance walked to return to the burrow was observed with the ventral grating/ALEs covered. These results show the importance of the previously neglected ALEs for the visual behavior of these spiders. The possibility of gathering information for locomotion from the three pairs of secondary eyes in the mushroom bodies is discusse

    Accuracy on parameter recovery, with ordinals data, of structure covariance analysis and partial least squares path modeling

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    ReconocimientoSe compara la precisión en la recuperación de parámetros del Análisis de Estructura de Covarianza (ACOV) y el Modelo de Rutas mediante Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS-PM), en un modelo simple con variables manifiestas simuladas con escala ordinal de cinco puntos. Se utiliza un diseño experimental, manipulando el método de estimación, tamaño muestral, nivel de asimetría y tipo de especificación del modelo. Se valora la media de las diferencias absolutas para el modelo estructural. ACOV presenta estimaciones más precisas que PLS-PM, en distintas condiciones experimentales. Cuando se utiliza un tamaño muestral pequeño, ambas técnicas son igualmente precisas. Se sugiere utilizar ACOV frente a PLS-PM. Se desaconseja fundamentar la elección de PLS-PM frente a ACOV en la utilización de una muestra pequeñaThe accuracy on parameter recovery is compared between Structure Covariance Analysis (ACOV) and Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM), with simulated ordinals data with 5 points, in a simple model. An experimental design is used, controlling the estimation method, sample size, skewness level and model specification. Mean absolute differences are used to assess accuracy for the structural model. ACOV provided more accurate estimates of the structural parameters than PLS-PM in different experimental conditions. With a small sample size, both techniques are equally accurate. Using ACOV against PLS-PM is suggested. PLS choosing ACOV instead based on the use of a small sample size is not recommendedArtículo de investigación. FONDECYT de Iniciación 2013, N° 11130722. Beca Presidente de la República de Chile (2008), de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile (CONICYT

    El endeudamiento de las Comunidades Autónomas: Límites y problemas en el contexto de la crisis económica

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    La persistència de la crisi econòmica a Espanya ha col•locat el dèficit i l’endeutament de les administracions públiques en un lloc central del debat polític i econòmic. En un escenari tan descentralitzat com l’espanyol, tot i reconeixent el protagonisme del deute estatal, una part del creixement del dèficit i de l’endeutament s’explica per les dificultats de les Comunitats autònomes per finançar els serveis que en depenen. L’article descriu les característiques dels desequilibris dels comptes públics de les comunitats en el context de l’Estat espanyol, així com les limitacions normatives en el finançament de les despeses amb deute. Per altra banda, s’ofereixen algunes explicacions d’aquests desequilibris, en bona part, vinculades a la mateixa crisi, tot i que, en opinió dels autors, hi ha altres factors que cal tenir en compte per explicar els desajustos: el pes de les despeses en serveis de benestar bàsics i de forta demanda (sanitat o educació), les polítiques expansives destinades a combatre la crisi en l’etapa inicial, l’existència d’abundants ingressos, considerats com a extraordinaris pels gestors públics (tributs associats al boom immobiliari) i el seu enfonsament amb la crisi, l’endeutament creixent a través d’empreses públiques, i, entre altres causes, l’absència de mecanismes efectius d’exigència de responsabilitats destinats a evitar els excessos de despesa produïts en algunes comunitats.La persistencia de la crisis económica en España ha colocado al déficit y al endeudamiento de las administraciones públicas en un lugar central del debate político y económico. En un escenario tan descentralizado como el español, aún reconociendo el protagonismo de la deuda estatal, una parte del crecimiento del déficit y del endeudamiento se explica por las dificultades de las Comunidades autónomas para financiar los servicios que de ellas dependen. El artículo describe las características de los desequilibrios de las cuentas públicas de las Comunidades en el contexto del Estado español, así como las limitaciones normativas a la financiación de los gastos con deuda. Por otra parte, se ofrecen algunas explicaciones de tales desequilibrios, en buena parte vinculadas a la propia crisis, aunque en opinión de los autores, otros factores deben ser tenidos en cuenta para explicar los desajustes: el peso de los gastos en servicios de bienestar básicos y con fuerte demanda (sanidad o educación), las políticas expansivas destinadas a combatir la crisis en su etapa inicial, la existencia de abundantes ingresos, considerados como extraordinarios por los gestores públicos (tributos asociados al boom inmobiliario) y su hundimiento con la crisis, el creciente endeudamiento a través de empresas públicas, y, entre otras causas, la ausencia de mecanismos efectivos de exigencia de responsabilidades destinados a evitar los excesos de gasto producidos en algunas comunidades.In Spain, as a consequence of the persistence of the economic crisis, the deficit and debt of the public administrations have become a main issue on the current economic and political debates In the case of a highly decentralized scenario, such it is the Spanish one, even if we recognize the principal role of Central Government´s debt, a large part of the increased Autonomous Communities’ deficit and indebtedness is explained by the difficulties they have to face in financing services they have to cover. The paper describes the main characteristics of public accounts’ disequilibria in Spain and the regulatory limits established to make use of public debt. Also, the article offers different explanations of those disequilibria, putting the emphasis on those linked to the crisis: i.e. the increasing weight of basic welfare services covered by the Autonomous Communities (such as public health and as education); as the expansive policies implemented to fight the initial effects of the crisis; as the existence of previous and large “extraordinary” resources coming from the housing sector and its consequent collapse; as growth of the debt of the autonomous-community quangos and as the lack of effective accountability mechanisms addressed to control the expenditures of the autonomous communities

    University students’ academic achievement indicators: grades versus cumulative credits

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento diferencial de dos indicadores de rendimiento académico mediante modelos de regresión lineal multivariante: el indicador tradicional –promedio de calificaciones– y un indicador novedoso –el avance en la carrera– definido como la razón entre los créditos acumulados por el alumno durante cierto período de tiempo y los créditos que teóricamente debió acumular en dicho período de acuerdo con el plan de estudios programado. Se trata de una investigación correlacional, de corte transversal, de variables no manipuladas experimentalmente. Participaron 587 estudiantes matriculados en carreras de Química de la Universidad de la República (UdelaR) durante 2000-2003, con al menos una asignatura aprobada durante el período comprendido entre marzo de 2003 y marzo de 2005. El grupo de participantes fue dividido aleatoriamente en dos muestras: estimación –se construyeron los modelos de regresión lineal incluyendo análisis de interacciones y diagnóstico de anomalías– y validación –los modelos fueron validados mediante contrastes de hipótesis de igualdad de parámetros. Los factores explicativos considerados fueron el rendimiento previo, las metas académicas de los estudiantes, la percepción de su propia capacidad y variables sociodemográficas. Los dos indicadores están notablemente correlacionados entre sí (r=0,615, p<0,001) y ninguno correlaciona significativamente con las metas de resultado (promedio, p=0,612; avance, p=0,358). Los modelos multivariantes fueron satisfactoriamente validados y muestran que los indicadores se ven igualmente afectados por el rendimiento previo, que resultó la variable dominante (promedio, p=0,493, p<0,001; avance, p=0,484, p<0,001). Se diferencian en que el promedio además resulta afectado por la capacidad percibida (p=0,175, p<0,001) y, de manera indirecta, por las metas de aprendizaje (p=0,16, p<0,05, controlando por capacidad percibida). El comportamiento de ambos indicadores es similar, siendo los estudiantes que obtienen las peores calificaciones los más susceptibles de presentar retraso curricular. Hay una dominancia del rendimiento previo como predictor de ambas formas de rendimiento futuroIntroduction. The purpose of this paper is to study the differential function of two academic achievement measurements: the traditional indicator, grades, and a new indicator, career progress, defined as the ratio of cumulative credits earned by students to theoretical credits that should have been earned, over a given period of time, by means of multivariate linear modelling. Method. It is a correlational cross-sectional study, with no manipulation of variables. Participants were 587 students enrolled in Chemistry degree courses at the Universidad de la Republica in 2000-2003 with at least one subject passed in the period March 2003-March 2005. Participants were randomly divided into two samples: Linear models were built on the estimation sample, including interaction analysis and regression diagnostics, and validated on the validation sample, by testing the hypothesis that parameters are the same across samples. Prior achievement, achievement goals, perceived ability and demographic variables were employed as predictors. Results. Both achievement indicators are noticeably correlated (r=0.615, p<0.001) and show no significant correlation with outcome goals (grades, p=0.612; career progress, p=0,358). Multivariate models were satisfactorily validated and suggest that both measurements are equally affected by prior achievement, which proved to be the dominant predictive factor (grades, p=0,493, p<0,001; career progress, p=0,484, p<0,001). Grades are also influenced by perceived ability (p=0,175, p<0,001) and, indirectly, by learning goals (p=0,16, p<0,05, controlling for perceived ability). Discussion. Both indicators perform similarly, suggesting that students low in grades are the most likely to have a slower career progress. Prior achievement is the best predictor of both academic achievement measurement

    Development and validity of the Emotion and Motivation Self-Regulation Questionnaire (EMSR-Q)

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    Subject to file availability and provided the posting includes a prominent statement of the full bibliographical details, a copyright notice in the name of the copyright holder (Cambridge University Press or the sponsoring Society, as appropriate), and a link to the online edition of the journal at Cambridge Journals Online.This study has two objectives, first, to develop and validate the “Emotion and Motivation Self-regulation Questionnaire” (EMSR-Q), and second, to analyze (in the context of the questionnaire validation process) the relationships between self-regulation styles (SRS) rooted in goal orientations, and classroom motivational climate (CMC). A total of 664 Secondary Education students from Madrid (Spain) formed the sample of the study. It was divided randomly in two groups to perform confirmatory factor analysis and to cross-validate the results. Both analyses supported a five first-order factor structure, organized around two second-order factors, “Learning self-regulation style” (LSR) and “Avoidance self-regulation style” (ASR): (χ2/df = 2.71; GFI = .89; IFI = .84; CFI = .84; RMSEA = .07). Hypotheses concerning the relationships between SRS, goal orientations and expectancies are supported by additional correlation and factor analyses. Moreover, several regression analyses supported for the most part of the remaining hypotheses concerning the role of self-regulation styles as predictors of classroom motivational climate (CMC) perception, of change in self-regulation attributed to teacher work, and of students’ satisfaction with this same work. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Measuring subjective resilience despite adversity due to family, peers and teachers

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    The objective of this study is to develop and validate a scale of subjective resilience for students 12–17 years old. Items covered adverse situations due to parents’, peers’ and teachers’ actions. The validation process included the analysis on the generalizability of the factor structure and of relationships of resilience scores with different kinds of protective and vulnerability factors -goal orientations and learning-oriented classroom motivational climate (CMC)-. A total of 471 students answered four questionnaires. Confirmatory factor analyses, reliability analysis and correlation and regression analyses were carried out. Results showed: (a) that factor structure was well defined; (b) that resilience scale had good reliability; (c) that scores correlated as expected with protective-vulnerability factors such as goal orientations and CMC defined by teachers’ teaching-patterns, and (d) that students’ attribution of perceived change in resilience to teachers’ work depended on the degree in which CMC was learning oriented. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.This research was supported by the grant of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, DU 2009-11765 / EDUC

    The prevalence of intraarticular associated lesions after acute acromioclavicular joint injuries is 20%. A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Purpose To synthesise the evidence on the prevalence of associated intraarticular lesions in subjects with acute acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) dislocations. Methods A search in two electronic databases (PUMBMED and EMBASE) was performed from 1985 to 2019. Two independent reviewers selected studies that complied with the following inclusion criteria: (1) the study included data on surgically treated ACJ dislocation grade III–V in the Rockwood classification, (2) the ACJ injuries were acute (the surgery was performed less than 6 weeks after injury), (3) an arthroscopic evaluation of the glenohumeral joint was performed during surgery. The quality of the studies included was assessed using the tool of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results A total of 47 studies with acute ACJ injuries met the initial inclusion criteria. Of these, 21 studies (9 retrospective case series, 9 prospective case series and 3 retrospective cohort studies) presented data on associated intraarticular lesions amenable for use in the meta-analysis. The meta-analysed studies included a total of 860 subjects with acute ACJ dislocations with a male/female ratio of 6.5 and a mean age of 32 years. The meta-analysis showed a prevalence of associated intraarticular lesions in subjects with acute ACJ of 19.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 14.0–26.4%; 21 studies, 860 analysed participants; P = 0.000; I2: 74.5% random-effects model; low risk of bias). Conclusion One in five subjects with surgically treated acute ACJ dislocations will have an associated intraarticular lesion that requires further intervention. The case for a customary arthroscopic evaluation of the joint, even when an open procedure is performed to deal with the ACJ dislocation, is strong.pre-print798 K

    ¿Qué conductas componen el comportamiento sexual? Mapeo del repertorio sexual humano

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    Introduction: For sciences applied to sexual behaviour, research has traditionally reported a wide variety of nonunified pools with a lack of a gold standard classification. Therefore, this work aimed to propose a comprehensive taxonomy. Methods: A broad model was developed under expert criteria using a thematic analysis of the literature. After that, a systematic review was conducted to test and extend it within the given conditions of unification. Results: 36 variables of actions and surrounding context were found and allocated in 5 groups: partner description, combinatory variables, objects associated, paraphilic behaviours and actual behaviours. 650 reports were screened, and 143 were fully assessed. Of them, one was finally selected to add to the previous model. Discussion: A comprehensive taxonomy was brought in, along with a method to expand and retest it if necessary. It is aimed to set a commonly shared framework of repertoires to enable valid comparisons among samples or individualsIntroducción: Para las ciencias del comportamiento sobre la conducta sexual, tradicionalmente, la investigación ha expuesto conjuntos no unificados de repertorios en ausencia de clasificaciones fundamentales. Por ello, este trabajo trata de exponer una propuesta de taxonomía completa y fundamentada. Métodos: Se desarrolló una propuesta de largo alcance bajo criterio de expertos haciendo un análisis temático de la literatura. Después, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática para ponerla a prueba y extenderla. Resultados: Se encontraron 36 variables descriptivas de las acciones y el contexto inmediato, y se situaron en 5 grupos: pareja (descripción), combinatorio, elementos u objetos (asociados), conductas parafílicas y conducta sexual. Se revisaron 650 estudios de los que 143 se evaluaron en profundidad. Sólo un elemento fue incluido al listado final tras la revisión sistemática. Discusión: Se obtuvo una taxonomía general del comportamiento sexual humano. El objetivo de este mapeo es facilitar mejores comparaciones entre muestras o individuos basándose en un criterio de referencia unificadoNo funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript. No funding was received for conducting this study. María Luisa Navarro was granted with grant CB21/13/00077 of CIBER network from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), and also with FIS PI19/01530 by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). The later project is allocated (RIS EPICLIN 11/2020 “Crecer con VIH. Proyecto de estudio longitudinal de las variables psicosociales asociadas al desarrollo vital con infección por VIH en la cohorte CoRISpe”. Carlos Velo was granted with Contrato Predoctoral de Investigación en Salud (PFIS) number PFIS (FI 20/00292) conceded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII

    On the nature of motivational orientations: implications of assessed goals and gender differences for motivational goal theory

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    In a historical revision of the achievement goal construct, Elliot (2005) recognized that there is little consensus on whether the term “goal” in “achievement goal orientations” (GO) is best represented as an “aim”, as an overarching orientation encompassing several “aims”, or as a combination of aims and other processes -self-regulation, etc.-. Elliot pointed also that goal theory research provides evidence for different models of GO. As there were no consensus on these issues, we decided to get evidence about the nature and structure of GO, about the role of gender differences in the configuration of such structure, and about relations between GO, expectancies, volitional processes and achievement. A total of 382 university students from different faculties of two public universities of Madrid (Spain) that voluntarily accepted to fill in a questionnaire that assessed different goals, expectancies and self-regulatory processes participated in the study. Scales reliability, confirmatory factor analyses, multiple-group analyses, and correlation and regression analyses were carried out. Results support the trichotomous model of GO, the consideration of GO as a combination of aims and other psychological processes, showed some gender differences and favour the adoption of a multiple goal perspective for explaining students’ motivationThis research was supported by the grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, SEJ2005-0099

    Attitudes towards Sexual Behaviour: an Exploratory Analysis of a Comprehensive

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    Introduction. A theoretical model of self-oriented cognitive schemata of sexual behaviour (SO-CSSB) was proposed after a previous disambiguation review on the definition and research of sexual attitudes. A quantitative exploration of the proposal may add real-world information regarding the internal structure and the adequacy of the defined factors. Consequently, the present study aims to 1) develop a questionnaire based on the theoretical review and 2) explore the structure of the SO-CSSB model. Method. Following the SO-CSSB principles, a questionnaire was developed and evaluated. An observational cross-sectional online survey was conducted. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a reliability analysis were performed. Results. A study sample, comprised of 188 subjects, was analysed (Age 18–56; M = 25.27; SD = 6.6; 62 male, 33.2%). The EFA yielded 16 factors with eigenvalues above 1, accounting for 67.21% of the variance (KMO = .672, Barlett’s = 3958.7, sig.<.01; item communalities between .44 and .80). Items under .49 were cut off, which included values from .49 to .86. There was no correlation between components over .20, in a range from –.19 to .20. Reliability indexes varied from .46 to .86. Conclusion. A final model of 16 components following the SO-CSSB principles was presented. The analysis revealed certain modifications to the theoretical proposal, and the objective of adding a quantitative frame to empirically specify its factors was achieved. This outcome constitutes a step forward to developing a comprehensive model on sexual beliefs.