331 research outputs found

    Bibliometric analysis of the global scientific production on machine learning applied to different cancer types

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    This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement no. 860627 (CLARIFY Project), from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project PID2019-105142RB-C22, and by FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades under the project P20_00286. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.Cancer disease is one of the main causes of death in the world, with million annual cases in the last decades. The need to find a cure has stimulated the search for efficient treatments and diagnostic procedures. One of the most promising tools that has emerged against cancer in recent years is machine learning (ML), which has raised a huge number of scientific papers published in a relatively short period of time. The present study analyzes global scientific production on ML applied to the most relevant cancer types through various bibliometric indicators. We find that over 30,000 studies have been published so far and observe that cancers with the highest number of published studies using ML (breast, lung, and colon cancer) are those with the highest incidence, being the USA and China the main scientific producers on the subject. Interestingly, the role of China and Japan in stomach cancer is correlated with the number of cases of this cancer type in Asia (78% of the worldwide cases). Knowing the countries and institutions that most study each area can be of great help for improving international collaborations between research groups and countries. Our analysis shows that medical and computer science journals lead the number of publications on the subject and could be useful for researchers in the field. Finally, keyword co-occurrence analysis suggests that ML-cancer research trends are focused not only on the use of ML as an effective diagnostic method, but also for the improvement of radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-based treatments.Horizon 2020 European Union under the Marie Sklodowska Curie 860627Spanish Government PID2019-105142RB-C22FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades P20_00286Universidad de Granada/CBU

    The protection of historical heritage in the township of Válor in La Alpujarra (Granada, Spain)

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    [EN] The local administration has a fundamental role in the historical enhancement and protection as an academic, cultural and tourist resource. In this article, we analyze the partial results of the heritage management of the township of Válor, in La Alpujarra, a region with many Cultural Heritage Sites and protected natural areas that determine the urban planning. The vision that the Town Hall of Válor has of the heritage, as a key element of progress, makes it worthy for study. The local administration is a determining factor in the execution of cultural actions and policies that make the recovery of heritage possible. The acquisition, in the last months, of properties with a high historical and identity significance, reflects its determined bet for the preservation of its cultural legacy. To solve problems such as depopulation, proposals that reinforce their signs of identity, and that seek to generate wealth, through activities such as tourism are conducted.[ES] La administración local tiene un papel fundamental en la tutela del patrimonio histórico y en su puesta en valor como recurso académico, cultural y turístico. En este artículo se analizan los resultados parciales de la gestión del patrimonio del municipio de Válor, en La Alpujarra, una comarca con numerosos Bienes de Interés Cultural y espacios naturales protegidos que determinan los instrumentos de planeamiento urbanístico. La visión que el Ayuntamiento de Válor tiene del patrimonio, como elemento clave de progreso, lo convierte en un municipio modélico para su estudio. La adquisición, en los últimos meses, de inmuebles con una alta significación histórica e identitaria, reflejan su decidida apuesta por la preservación de su legado cultural. De este análisis se desprende que la administración local es determinante en la ejecución de acciones y políticas culturales que posibilitan la recuperación del patrimonio. Propuestas que refuerzan sus señas de identidad, y que buscan generar riqueza, a través de actividades como el turismo, con el objeto de dar respuesta a problemas como la despoblación.Ruiz Álvarez, R.; Sorroche Cuerva, MÁ. (2021). La tutela del patrimonio histórico en el municipio alpujarreño de Válor (Granada, España). Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural. 8(1):33-62. https://doi.org/10.4995/cs.2021.14506OJS336281ALEGRE ÁVILA, J.M. 2015. El patrimonio histórico español: Régimen jurídico de la propiedad histórica. AFDUAM, nº 19, pp. 213-251. Disponible en: http://hdl.handle.net/10486/676285BALLART, J. y TRESSERRAS, J. 2018. Gestión del patrimonio cultural. Barcelona: Ariel.BARRIONUEVO, J.B. 1964. Moros y Cristianos en La Alpujarra. Recopilación. Madrid.BENETE REYES, A. 2015. El Desarrollo Rural Territorial. Las Reservas de Biosfera como oportunidad para el desarrollo sostenible. Cooperativismo y Desarrollo: COODES, Vol. 3, Nº. 1, pp. 84-99. Disponible en: http://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/112BIRRIEL SALCEDO, M.M. y RISQUEZ CUENCA, C. (2016), Patrimonio, turismo y género. Estrategias para integrar la perspectiva de género en el patrimonio histórico. Introducción. PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, Año nº 24, Nº 89, pp. 128-133. Disponible en: http://www.iaph.es/revistaph/index.php/revistaph/article/view/3707 https://doi.org/10.33349/2016.0.3707CANO HILA, J. F., 2009. Apuntes históricos sobre el linaje morisco de los Córdova y Válor. Farua: revista del Centro Virgitano de Estudios Históricos, 12,. 1-48.COLLIN HARGUINDEGUY, L. 2019. La transformación del patrimonio cultural en recurso turístico, Revista Andaluza de Antropología, nº. 16, pp. 21-48. 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Una aproximación desde el Plan Local de Turismo por la calidad de vida 'Bubión Slow'", Turismo, Desarrollo y Buen Vivir. Revista de Investigación de la Ciencia Turística - RICIT, Quito-Ecuador: Universidad de Especialidades turísticas (aceptado, 2020).RUIZ ÁLVAREZ, R., GÓMEZ LIÉBANA, I. y GARCÍA DE PESQUERA BENJUMEA, J. I. (Coord). PANEA BONAFÉ, L. (Dir.). 2018. Ponencias de la Jornada sobre la despoblación de la Alpujarra y el Valle de Lecrín: estado de la cuestión y medidas para corregir la situación actual. Junta de Andalucía. Disponible en: https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/export/drupaljda/despoblacion_alpujarra.pdfSORROCHE CUERVA, M.A. 2001. Los conjuntos rurales y su integración en el paisaje: bases para la consecución de una calidad ambiental. En GARCÍA PAZOS, M. y CIRIZI NARVÁEZ, J.R. (coord.) Las tribulaciones en la tutela del Patrimonio paisajístico y urbano. El Puerto de Santa María: Ayuntamiento, pp. 283-292.SORROCHE CUERVA, M.A. 2004. Paisaje cultural, urbanismo y arquitectura tradicional. Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada, 35, Granada: Universidad de Granada, pp. 209-221. Disponible en: https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/caug/article/view/8916Recursos electrónicos:Ayuntamiento de Válor: www.ayuntamientodevalor.esCentro de Estudios Históricos del Valle de Lecrín y La Alpujarra: www.cehval.esMancomunidad de Municipios de La Alpujarra Granadina: www.alpujarraturistica.co

    Analysis of the evolution of ultra-filtered water quality in a drinking water distribution system by particle size distribution: Influence of pre-ozonation

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    An experimental drinking water distribution system (DWDS) was used to evaluate the evolution of particle size distribution (PSD) and basic quality parameters of ultrafiltered water with or without pre-ozonation. An ultrafiltration (UF) module was set up, associated with a pre-ozonation system (3.7 g O3/m3). The permeate was circulated in the DWDS (300 m; 0.9 m/s) with 0.4 mg/L of chlorine, and the analysis of the PSD was performed using a β-variable mathematical model. A better control of membrane fouling was obtained with preozonation, and PSD was necessary to observe water quality differences between permeates and in the DWDS. A decrease in particle concentration of 1.8 logarithms was obtained with the application of UF membranes, while a decrease of only 1.2 logarithms was obtained with pre-ozonation. The system without pre-ozonation showed a higher efficiency at removing smaller particles (around 2 μm), with the absence of particles larger than 23 μm during both stages. The PSD revealed a worsening of water quality in the DWDS with an increase of particles smaller than 5 μm during the application of UF membranes, while with pre-ozonation, all particle sizes analyzed increased their concentration. Practitioner Points • Pre-ozonation led to a better control of membrane fouling, but a worsening of permeate quality according to particle size distribution. • Pre-ozonation does not improve the turbidity, dissolved organic carbon or UV254 removal capacity of ultrafiltration during drinking water treatment. • Particles size distribution reveals the deterioration of water quality in a drinking water distribution system better than turbidity or DOC. • Ozone prior to ultrafiltration membranes led to a worsening of permeate quality, more significant in the drinking water distribution system.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: CTM2010-18899-TECN

    Territorialidad, economía de la ciudad y estructuración social: El Proyecto Yacyretá y los cambios en el espacio urbano de Posadas. 16H261

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    Hasta el momento se ha recogido información secundaria, se ha referenciado, tomado nota, escaneado y/o fotocopiado a fin de procesar en el siguiente periodo aunque se ha avanzado ya en ese sentido. Al ser información cualitativa su procesamiento es del mismo modo. La información recogida se procesa también con planos en formato GIS (Sistema de Información Geográfico con programa ARCGIS).La información geoprocesada y editada en planos temáticos se entregaran con el informe final. La información recogida y en principio procesada hace referencia al análisis de acciones y proyectos de inversión pública implementada y por implementarse en Posadas y áreas metropolitanas y al balance de pérdidas-reposiciones desde los aspectos económico-físico-territorial. Hasta el presente se han desarrollado los siguientes aspectos:Obras civiles Yayreta en Posadas y su influencia en el desarrollo de la ciudad; Encuesta realizada en la ciudad de Posadas sobre la visión de los ciudadanos respecto a los problemas de la ciudad y las responsabilidades institucionales; Información cualitativa recogida en lo que denominamos el primer cordón o conglomerado urbano, conformado por una heterogeneidad de barrios de NES medio y bajo. Las técnicas utilizadas en este punto fueron tres grupos focalizados; Se trata del procesamiento de una encuesta realizada en barrios de construcción pública en Posadas y Garupa, ambos conforman el gran conglomerado metropolitano de Posadas aunque se trate de dos municipios diferentes; Se analiza allí talleres realizados con población vulnerable de barrios de construcción pública; Se realiza un ensayo que permita una interpretación conceptual del problema abordado

    Rapid Detection and Quantification of Adulterants in Fruit Juices Using Machine Learning Tools and Spectroscopy Data

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    Fruit juice production is one of the most important sectors in the beverage industry, and its adulteration by adding cheaper juices is very common. This study presents a methodology based on the combination of machine learning models and near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of juice-to-juice adulteration. We evaluated 100% squeezed apple, pineapple, and orange juices, which were adulterated with grape juice at different percentages (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%). The spectroscopic data have been combined with different machine learning tools to develop predictive models for the control of the juice quality. The use of non-supervised techniques, specifically model-based clustering, revealed a grouping trend of the samples depending on the type of juice. The use of supervised techniques such as random forest and linear discriminant analysis models has allowed for the detection of the adulterated samples with an accuracy of 98% in the test set. In addition, a Boruta algorithm was applied which selected 89 variables as significant for adulterant quantification, and support vector regression achieved a regression coefficient of 0.989 and a root mean squared error of 1.683 in the test set. These results show the suitability of the machine learning tools combined with spectroscopic data as a screening method for the quality control of fruit juices. In addition, a prototype application has been developed to share the models with other users and facilitate the detection and quantification of adulteration in juices

    FT-IR, Vis spectroscopy, color and multivariate analysis for the control of ageing processes in distinctive Spanish wines

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    During the ageing period, diverse physicochemical changes occur affecting the quality of the final product. For this reason, it is important to study and optimize this step. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and UV–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopic techniques combined with multivariate analysis were used to obtain regression models to correlate both spectroscopic data and chromatic parameters with the ageing level of high quality Sherry wines. Three spectral ranges were obtained that contain the highest variance: two different fingerprint ranges in FT-IR (1100–2000 cm−1 and 2300–2999 cm−1) and one range in the visible region (380–450 nm). The regression model has enabled full differentiation between the seven levels of ageing in the wine explored. A good linear regression fit (R2 above 0.95) was obtained regardless of the ranges used. The results demonstrate that both spectroscopic techniques can be used to optimize the ageing process in a simple and fast way

    A Methodology Based on FT-IR Data Combined with Random Forest Model to Generate Spectralprints for the Characterization of High-Quality Vinegars

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    Sherry wine vinegar is a Spanish gourmet product under Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). Before a vinegar can be labeled as Sherry vinegar, the product must meet certain requirements as established by its PDO, which, in this case, means that it has been produced following the traditional solera and criadera ageing system. The quality of the vinegar is determined by many factors such as the raw material, the acetification process or the aging system. For this reason, mainly producers, but also consumers, would benefit from the employment of effective analytical tools that allow precisely determining the origin and quality of vinegar. In the present study, a total of 48 Sherry vinegar samples manufactured from three different starting wines (Palomino Fino, Moscatel, and Pedro Ximenez wine) were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data were combined with unsupervised exploratory techniques such as hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA), as well as other nonparametric supervised techniques, namely, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), for the characterization of the samples. The HCA and PCA results present a clear grouping trend of the vinegar samples according to their raw materials. SVM in combination with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) successfully classified 100% of the samples, according to the type of wine used for their production. The RF method allowed selecting the most important variables to develop the characteristic fingerprint ("spectralprint") of the vinegar samples according to their starting wine. Furthermore, the RF model reached 100% accuracy for both LOOCV and out-of-bag (OOB) sets.The authors would like to thank the winery Bodegas Paez Morilla S.A. for providing the Sherry vinegar samples and for the interest shown in the results of this study and Programa de Fomento e Impulso de la Actividad de Investigacion y Transferencia de la Universidad de Cadiz for the financial support of this manuscript

    Leisure-time physical activity, sedentary behavior, and risk of breast cancer: Results from the SUN (‘Seguimiento Universidad De Navarra’) project

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    Evidence is still limited on the influence of sedentary lifestyles on breast cancer (BC) risk. Also, prospective information on the combined effects of both sedentariness and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) is scarce. We aimed to assess the association of higher sedentary behavior and LTPA (separately and in combination) with the risk of BC in a middle-aged cohort of university graduates. The SUN Project is a follow-up study initiated in 1999 with recruitment permanently open. Baseline assessments included a validated questionnaire on LTPA and sedentary habits. Subsequently, participants completed biennial follow-up questionnaires. Multivariable adjusted Cox models were used to estimate the hazard ratios (HR) for incident BC according to LTPA, TV-watching, the joint classification of both, and a combined 8-item multidimensional active lifestyle score. We included 10,812 women, with 11.8 years of median follow-up of. Among 115,802 women-years of follow-up, we confirmed 101 incident cases of BC. Women in the highest category of LTPA (>16.5 MET-h/week) showed a significantly lower risk of BC (HR = 0.55; 95% CI: 0.34–0.90) compared to women in the lowest category (≤6 MET/h-week). Women watching >2 h/d of TV sh owed a higher risk (HR = 1.67; 95% CI:1.03–2.72) than those who watched TV 2 h/d may substantially increase BC risk, independently of each other