42,976 research outputs found

    XMMPZCAT: A catalogue of photometric redshifts for X-ray sources

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    The third version of the XMM-Newton serendipitous catalogue (3XMM), containing almost half million sources, is now the largest X-ray catalogue. However, its full scientific potential remains untapped due to the lack of distance information (i.e. redshifts) for the majority of its sources. Here we present XMMPZCAT, a catalogue of photometric redshifts (photo-z) for 3XMM sources. We searched for optical counterparts of 3XMM-DR6 sources outside the Galactic plane in the SDSS and Pan-STARRS surveys, with the addition of near- (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) data whenever possible (2MASS, UKIDSS, VISTA-VHS, and AllWISE). We used this photometry data set in combination with a training sample of 5157 X-ray selected sources and the MLZ-TPZ package, a supervised machine learning algorithm based on decision trees and random forests for the calculation of photo-z. We have estimated photo-z for 100,178 X-ray sources, about 50% of the total number of 3XMM sources (205,380) in the XMM-Newton fields selected to build this catalogue (4208 out of 9159). The accuracy of our results highly depends on the available photometric data, with a rate of outliers ranging from 4% for sources with data in the optical+NIR+MIR, up to ∼\sim40% for sources with only optical data. We also addressed the reliability level of our results by studying the shape of the photo-z probability density distributions.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, A&A accepte

    Multiplicative Lidskii's inequalities and optimal perturbations of frames

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    In this paper we study two design problems in frame theory: on the one hand, given a fixed finite frame \cF for \hil\cong\C^d we compute those dual frames \cG of \cF that are optimal perturbations of the canonical dual frame for \cF under certain restrictions on the norms of the elements of \cG. On the other hand, for a fixed finite frame \cF=\{f_j\}_{j\in\In} for \hil we compute those invertible operators VV such that V∗VV^*V is a perturbation of the identity and such that the frame V\cdot \cF=\{V\,f_j\}_{j\in\In} - which is equivalent to \cF - is optimal among such perturbations of \cF. In both cases, optimality is measured with respect to submajorization of the eigenvalues of the frame operators. Hence, our optimal designs are minimizers of a family of convex potentials that include the frame potential and the mean squared error. The key tool for these results is a multiplicative analogue of Lidskii's inequality in terms of log-majorization and a characterization of the case of equality.Comment: 22 page

    Anyonic statistics and large horizon diffeomorphisms for Loop Quantum Gravity Black Holes

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    We investigate the role played by large diffeomorphisms of quantum Isolated Horizons for the statistics of LQG Black Holes by means of their relation to the braid group. To this aim the symmetries of Chern-Simons theory are recapitulated with particular regard to the aforementioned type of diffeomorphisms. For the punctured spherical horizon, these are elements of the mapping class group of S2S^2, which is almost isomorphic to a corresponding braid group on this particular manifold. The mutual exchange of quantum entities in two dimensions is achieved by the braid group, rendering the statistics anyonic. With this we argue that the quantum Isolated Horizon model of LQG based on SU(2)kSU(2)_k-Chern-Simons theory explicitly exhibits non-abelian anyonic statistics. In this way a connection to the theory behind the fractional quantum Hall effect and that of topological quantum computation is established, where non-abelian anyons play a significant role.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, closest to published versio

    Optimal dual frames and frame completions for majorization

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    In this paper we consider two problems in frame theory. On the one hand, given a set of vectors F\mathcal F we describe the spectral and geometrical structure of optimal completions of F\mathcal F by a finite family of vectors with prescribed norms, where optimality is measured with respect to majorization. In particular, these optimal completions are the minimizers of a family of convex functionals that include the mean square error and the Bendetto-Fickus' frame potential. On the other hand, given a fixed frame F\mathcal F we describe explicitly the spectral and geometrical structure of optimal frames G\mathcal G that are in duality with F\mathcal F and such that the Frobenius norms of their analysis operators is bounded from below by a fixed constant. In this case, optimality is measured with respect to submajorization of the frames operators. Our approach relies on the description of the spectral and geometrical structure of matrices that minimize submajorization on sets that are naturally associated with the problems above.Comment: 29 pages, with modifications related with the exposition of the materia

    Feynman-Hellmann theorem for resonances and the quest for QCD exotica

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    The generalization of the Feynman-Hellmann theorem for resonance states in quantum field theory is derived. On the basis of this theorem, a criterion is proposed to study the possible exotic nature of certain hadronic states emerging in QCD. It is shown that this proposal is supported by explicit calculations in Chiral Perturbation Theory and by large-NcN_c arguments. Analyzing recent lattice data on the quark mass dependence in the pseudoscalar, vector meson, baryon octet and baryon decuplet sectors, we conclude that, as expected, these are predominately quark-model states, albeit the corrections are non-negligible.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction development for rapid detection of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus and comparison with other techniques

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    Background: Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is a highly infectious tobamovirus that causes severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops. In Italy, the first ToBRFV outbreak occurred in 2018 in several provinces of the Sicily region. ToBRFV outbreak represents a serious threat for tomato crops in Italy and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods: Molecular and biological characterisation of the Sicilian ToBRFV ToB-SIC01/19 isolate was performed, and a sensitive and specific Real-time RT-PCR TaqMan minor groove binder probe method was developed to detect ToBRFV in infected plants and seeds. Moreover, four different sample preparation procedures (immunocapture, total RNA extraction, direct crude extract and leaf-disk crude extract) were evaluated. Results: The Sicilian isolate ToB-SIC01/19 (6,391 nt) showed a strong sequence identity with the isolates TBRFV-P12-3H and TBRFV-P12-3G from Germany, Tom1-Jo from Jordan and TBRFV-IL from Israel. The ToB-SIC01/19 isolate was successfully transmitted by mechanical inoculations in S. lycopersicum L. and Capsicum annuum L., but no transmission occurred in S. melongena L. The developed real-time RT-PCR, based on the use of a primer set designed on conserved sequences in the open reading frames3, enabled a reliable quantitative detection. This method allowed clear discrimination of ToBRFV from other viruses belonging to the genus Tobamovirus, minimising false-negative results. Using immunocapture and total RNA extraction procedures, the real-time RT-PCR and end-point RT-PCR gave the same comparable results. Using direct crude extracts and leaf-disk crude extracts, the end-point RT-PCR was unable to provide a reliable result. This developed highly specific and sensitive real-time RT-PCR assay will be a particularly valuable tool for early ToBRFV diagnosis, optimising procedures in terms of costs and time

    Sterile neutrino decay and the LSND experiment

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    We propose a new explanation of the intriguing LSND evidence for electron antineutrino appearance in terms of heavy (mostly sterile) neutrino decay via a coupling with a light scalar and light (mostly active) neutrinos. We perform a fit to the LSND data, as well as all relevant null-result experiments, taking into account the distortion of the spectrum due to decay. By requiring a coupling g ~ 10^{-5}, a heavy neutrino mass m_4 ~ 100 keV and a mixing with muon neutrinos |U_{mu 4}|^2 ~ 10^{-2}, we show that this model explains all existing data evading constraints that disfavor standard (3+1) neutrino models.Comment: 3pp. Talk given at 9th International Conference on Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2005), Zaragoza, Spain, 10-14 Sep 200

    An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition

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    The detection of X-ray emission constitutes a reliable and efficient tool for the selection of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), although it may be biased against the most heavily absorbed AGNs. Simple mid-IR broad-band selection criteria identify a large number of luminous and absorbed AGNs, yet again host contamination could lead to non-uniform and incomplete samples. Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) decomposition is able to decouple the emission from the AGN versus that from star-forming regions, revealing weaker AGN components. We aim to identify the obscured AGN population in the VIPERS survey in the CFHTLS W1 field through SED modelling. We construct SEDs for 6,860 sources and identify 160 AGNs at a high confidence level using a Bayesian approach. Using optical spectroscopy, we confirm the nature of ~85% of the AGNs. Our AGN sample is highly complete (~92%) compared to mid-IR colour selected AGNs, including a significant number of galaxy-dominated systems with lower luminosities. In addition to the lack of X-ray emission (80%), the SED fitting results suggest that the majority of the sources are obscured. We use a number of diagnostic criteria in the optical, infrared and X-ray regime to verify these results. Interestingly, only 35% of the most luminous mid-IR selected AGNs have X-ray counterparts suggesting strong absorption. Our work emphasizes the importance of using SED decomposition techniques to select a population of type II AGNs, which may remain undetected by either X-ray or IR colour surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS in May 4, 2020. 18 figures, 3 tables
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